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Old 01-14-2005, 05:56 PM   #556  
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Hi Carol,

I liked hearing about your workouts. I'm planning a big one for tomorrow. I got really run down by the end of the week - so tomorrow I'm going to start again. I read several articles today about dieting and exercise. One article stated that you have to expect slip ups and it takes time to figure out what healthy eating and living means for you - it's different for everyone.

So tomorrow I'll include a really good workout and some more research on the topic.

breakfast - oatmeal, milk, grapefruit (great! - 300)
lunch - salad with turkey and very small apple (300 - great!)
dinner - pizza and ice cream - a lot! (not great)
Oh well, done for today. We're going to watch a funny movie as a family and relax!
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Old 01-17-2005, 08:44 AM   #557  
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Tiredoffat it looks like its just you and me on this site. Oh well hopefully Julie will come back here too! Meanwhile we will have to try and continue here and support each other. This weekend was quite busy. This weekend I had a few slip ups with pizza for dinner friday nite, saturday out for dinner I had the seafood platter. Which the pizza was good tasting but the platter wasn't worth my slipping up. We had a family birthday yesterday I didn't do to bad there. But today I am going to jump back on track thats the important thing. I have to also get to the gym today at some point and time. I am taking the little ones and great gram to see Shark Tales the $1.50 movies. They will enjoy the old theather and mom used to go there as a kid and she is 83. So that tells yah a bit huh? Anyways I am going to preplan my day. Hope your doing well and enjoying your day off from school. I read a n article on how people should be doing it the old fashion way for dieting as everything else in the end doesn't work there only parttime solutions. So I guess we are on the right track here. Also I am trying to get my fibers in as the help you feel full and have many health benefits.
Its so cold here today! Burr! Counting cals and fibers shooting for 1500 and 30 fibers.
Breakfast = Kashi cereal 140cal. 10 fibers
1 yogurt 100 cal.
Snack= 15 almonds 104 cal 1 fiber
Lunch= salad greens w/ tuna 3oz 105 cal. and raspberry dressing 4fibers in salad 90cal
Snack= 1 apple 80 cal 4 fibers , celery and laughing cow 57 cal 1 f.
Dinner= broccoli soup w cheddar cheese 250 and 8 fibers
healthy grain bread 200 cal. 5 fibers homemade recipe w/ sunflower seeds wh. flour and sesame seeds, cottage cheese etc. new recipe
Snack= 1 frozen fruit bar 200 cal. 1 fiber
Total 1326 calories around and about 32 fibers.
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Old 01-17-2005, 10:49 AM   #558  
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Hi Carol, I appreciate you staying on the site. I respond to another thread too and several people have stopped writing this winter. I think winter is a very challenging time for health. Why? First the temptation to eat all those fat filling warm foods. Second, it's easy to deny the extra pounds when you're wearing several layers. So here we are waging the battle to become healthier human beings. We will be so glad in May if we forge through this tough time - we'll have more energy and be able to wear nice clothes. WE CAN DO IT!!!!!

After a two day slump, I was back on track yesterday. I realized that I really wore myself out with two much exercise and not enough sleep and therefore sought out the food to compensate - all in all a not so good two days. Yesterday I started the day with a great workout - my husband got me there by reminding me that the endorphins created by exercise can really help one during the winter slump months. He was right! I did a slow three-mile jog on the treadmill and then a little strength training on the Kaiser. It felt great and lasted most of the day until late day when I'm very challenged. Instead of just being hungry I drank a healthy smoothy which I think was a much better decision than the Chex mix I munched on the night before.

I'm thinking of joining a Weight Management course at the gym. It starts tonight. One thing I really liked about my reading course was the weekly meeting with all those dedicated teachers. It improved my teaching. I think a weekly meeting with a group of women and men dedicated to healthy living will help me. Also the expertise of the group leader will be helpful too. I'll let you know if I'm able to sign up - there's a few details I need to find out about today.

Carol, how many lbs do you want to lose if you don't mind me asking. I'm currently at 175 (down from 210 in August) and I'd like to get to about 150 so that leaves 25 lbs. I've been at 175 for about two months with no movement due to the challenge of winter and holidays so I'm hoping I'm ready to start again finally. Also Carol what's your main reason for wanting to lose the weight - mine is longevity, health and the ability to wear clothes that I like. I like fashion but have always felt too fat to be fashionable and feminine - something I like to be.

Thanks for listening and being here today. I appreciate it. Have a good day! Have fun at the movie - you are so so nice to your family!!!!
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Old 01-17-2005, 08:27 PM   #559  
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Tiredoffat the movie was fun and taking your 83 year old mother and 3 grandkids was a trip. We saw Shark Tales and it was good, the moral of the story was really good for the kids and the color was wonderful throughout the whole thing. All in all it was a good time. Mom was funny though she said oh oh a couple of times and Brooke my 5 yr. old just looked at her. It was pretty fun I must say. At any rate I think we all enjoyed it and what a treat at 2.00 a head.
I am about 5'7 and currently weighed myself at 175 last week. I was a bit displeased but then tried to remember that with exercising sometimes I weigh in higher. My clothes still fit okay. Wear a size 10 in most pants but have broad shoulders and always wear a large or med top. I don't think my size will change much more as I am a bit big boned. My main reason for wanting to lose some wt. or inches is that a year ago or so I felt the need to be healthier. Maybe it was the turning 50 thing? Though I don't feel it and that a good thing nor do I ever want to act it either. I lost about 8lbs. last year doing the south beach diet. I have recently over the holidays put on about 5lbs according to those darn scales. So all in all I would like to lose 10lbs. That is actually not a bad wt. for me. I think for the most part I try and eat healthy. But then there are those days where you eat the wrong things. Lately I haven't been getin out of work until 4:30 or 5 and it makes for a long day. I am going to attempt to get to the gym before work this week 2 times. I am an early riser so if I can plan it right I can exercise in the a.m. and stop making excuses at the end of my days. How tall are you? We seem to have so much in common right down to the wt. except for our ages. And that old saying when your older the wt. doesn't come of so easy I don't know if I want that for an excuse its as bad as PMS. I never used that much either. Let me know what you find out at the gym about the wt. class? I am always ready to learn more info. I have to get back to drinking my water I have slacked off. I agree winter time is tough. But so are we lets do this! Please continue to share your thoughts and ideas and I will do the same. Sometimes when you exercise you do eat more. Your husband was a good support for you thats nice. I did make some good homemade bread today with whole wheat flour and pumpkin and sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, dried cranberries and walnuts. I also made some healthy broccoli soup in the crock pot. Well I am going to eat my frozen fruit bar.
Talk to you on Tues. Keep in touch!
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Old 01-18-2005, 04:59 PM   #560  
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Hi Carol,

Just curious, how old are you? Feel free not to share. I'll be 46 in February. I started my family later so we may not be that much different. It doesn't matter anyways. I've always made better friends with women a bit older than me. I guess I was one of those who they say is born with an old spirit. Age is relative!

I'm 5'6'' so a bit shorter and about 175 now. I'd like to get down to 150 because that's the weight I remember feeling really good at. Most of all I want to increase my athletic ability and have a healthy lifestyle. I want to live a long life and plan to do all I can to make it happen although I realize there's a good deal of fate involved in it.

Your bread sounds delicious and nutritious - yummy! I really like your family stories. You're the grandmother I want to be someday.

The health class started with a one-hour meeting with the leader. She's really smart. She agreed that I started too vigorously with the exercise and that's why I lost it at the end of the week. She made some goals with me which include exercising every other day. I will focus my exercise mainly on a 3 mile jog (not run yet). Then she wants me to add a day of water exercise as that is a good compliment to the other exercises. Also, if possible, she wants me to do some light workouts like home exercise, walking or swimming on the off days as a bonus - no pressure. As far as food she wants me to try to have greater variety of foods and 1800 cals so I don't get too hungry with the exercise. We'll see how this works, but I believe the motivation will come from the weekly meeting and I'll learn a lot which will also help my family. Thanks for asking.

breakfast - two eggs, one wheat toast, one orange 370
lunch - salad with turkey, small apple - 300
snack almonds, dried fruits - 300
snack - pb smoothie - 400
dinner - pasta with stewed tomatoes, cruchy celery and carrots that will bring me up to the 1800.
exercise - 45 min jog/cool down, a little over 3 miles.

Have a good night Carol!
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Old 01-19-2005, 04:21 PM   #561  
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Tiredoffat WOW is our winter finally here! I left work at 2:30 today as the roads weren't to great and I worked until 6 last night. I have been slipping on going to the gym this winter weather thing I like to get home after work. But I have been up and out alot at work so that is a bit of exercise. I hope to get to the gym on Thurs... I am a young 50. I still don't feel like it thank God . I think its because I am a busy person and don't let much get me down . I want to live life to its fullest and do things not let grass grow under my feet. I had my kids when I was young but don't regret it. Then went to school later in life. I just graduated in 1998 still paying those school loans to prove it. Oh well its never to late I figure to do things. I also think being healthy makes a big difference and want to do what I can to keep up my health. So I do a lot of reading and listening to others on health and diet ideas. I was reflecting back to an old diet book The TFactor Diet. Much of what they say in there is true I think. One thing thats important is that all this fat free and low carb you have to becareful of the added in sugar or sugar alchols. Its much better to eat natural products and count the calories as we have been trying. I think the lady is correct when telling you to eat more like 1800 cals. . Today I ate oatmeal w/ cranberries, little br. sugar and cinn.200
yogurt 100
left over shrimp garlic over fried rice!!!! 500?
dark choc. coverd raisins200
1/2 slice healthy toast w/ mustard and 1oz. chicken 100
Stressful eating today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not good I'd better stop right now before I blow my whole day. 1100 calories oh know its not even close to the end of the day. I need to drink some water!
Dinner a big salad and a bowl of chicken noodle soup thats a plan.
My hubby and daughter both have the flu.
It is quite awful and I hope I miss it completely.
I will ck in with you later on if I get a chance to do some more reading. I need to get motivated. Keep up your good changes and I will try to join you with better efforts than my lunch intake today! No sense in crying over split milk they say. Anyways sometimes when we blow it we tend to just give in for the whole day I am going to attempt to save myself right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 01-19-2005, 04:25 PM   #562  
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Hi Everyone!!

I like the idea of a daily check in, but I noticed this post was started in 8/04? Is that correct?

Can a daily post be done?


Just joined today.

Starting Weight: 225.5
Current Weight: 222

Mini Goal: 199
GOAL: 125-150

I exercised 40 minutes today. ALways been an exerciser. I exercise 4-5 times a week and include strength training.

Have a friend who had gastric surgery and boy it seems like she's sabotaging me left and right whenever we're together. Not sure why. But I resist. I know I should tell her something. But she is SOOOOO SENSITIVE!!!!

Hopefully this time I can reach my first mini goal!!
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Old 01-19-2005, 05:01 PM   #563  
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Hi Carol and Chocolate, good to hear from you. Chocolate all are welcome at this site. I'd love for you to join us. The more ideas and motivation, the better we all do.

Carol, you're right don't sweat it and move on. You've been good at doing that and I'm learning. I agree with you about eating natural foods. I hope you don't get the flu. It's missed us so far and I have my fingers crossed that it will continue to miss us. There's nothing like kids with the flu!

Good eating day so far.
breakfast: oatmeal, 1/4c. milk, orange (300)
lunch: salad, turkey, grated cheese, small orange (300)
big snack/dinner: pasta, diced tomatoes, almonds (650!)
planned after kids go to bed treat: big fruit smoothie (400)
daily total: 1650
no ex today
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Old 01-20-2005, 07:15 AM   #564  
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Hello Chocolate and Tiredoffat,
Glad you joined in on this site the look forward to hearing from you. I have decided to go back to putting down my intake as the day goes on. Then I will add it on here that way I am more likely to add everything that goes in! Just a thought always thinking! I have been reading from a new book I got around christmas. It is called The Best Kept Secrets Of Healthy Cooking. The book is written by a RD and she gives you the whole low down on oils,chesses, nuts, flours and so on......... Her recipes are sounding quite good and I am going to try some this week. I am going to make the Cinnamon Apple Raisin Granola this weekend. It keeps for up to a month. Sandra Woodruff talks about the things ways to replace oil , butter etc. and to use yogurt and other ingredients. I'm going to try making some of her muffins and scones to freeze. Then when I need a quick breakfast or snack it will be there. Oh well I will let you know how they go.
Tireddoffat I did pull it together last night. I only had a small bowl of soup and then ate 1 fudgie only 100 cal. I think when I catch myself over eating I should grab something to read about health etc. and it will help get me motivated to do my best. I know that I can do this and I WILL! Lets go girls and Chocolate your doing great with your exercise. I need to get to the gym today no matter what time it is or the what the weather is. I hope my family gets rid of this flu soon. My daughter Tam was really hit hard with it. My hubby isn't up but I haven't heard him cough yet thats a good sign. I'd rather go to work any day than get that.Well I'm off to work. If you get a chance ck that book out if your interested I am sure you could order it at the library. I am always looking for new things.
Breakfast= 2 poached egg, 1 slice rye dry bread and potatoes 400 cal.
Lunch= Already made it! Chicken breast, 1/2 cup pasta, 1/2 cup peas=
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Old 01-20-2005, 07:48 PM   #565  
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Hi Carol, the book sounds great. I'll put it on my list. Right now I'm reading the Dr. Phil book - I really like it. I've learned a lot about healthy living and reaching your goals. I've been passing on some of the info to my students in fourth grade language related to their behavioral and academic goals.

Good eating day. Adding more grains to my diet has made me happier. I was eating very few and the new plan I'm on has me eating several whole wheat grains a day. Interesting. Keep in touch. I'm so happy that you're continuing on this journey with me. Stay away from that flu.

I'm off to the gym tonight as I missed my workout this morning.

breakfast - cereal, milk, orange, coffee (300)
lunch - really great homemade salad with feta - lots of great veggies (250)
snack - smoothie, pb sandwich (healthy natural pb) (700)
dinner - turkey chili with a little cheese, pear (500)
snack - tea - hot, decaf - very tasty and warm!
cals- about 1800 (give or take a bit)
exercise plan - 3 mile jog and maybe a bit of something else - I'd like to workout for an hour, we'll see how I do - I'll let you know in the am.

Have a great night!
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Old 01-21-2005, 06:56 AM   #566  
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Tiredoffat I have continued reading some more healthy info. just picked up the Womans World Mag. all for 1.49. Lots of info. in it about health related subjects. One thing is we should have appox. 3 cups of veggies a day. The grains in your diet help seek out more fiber which is to help keep you full and helps with cravings. Limiting the starchy veggies as they can be eaten but in moderation. I am going to whip up some homemade leek and potatoe soup this weekend. I found a recipe in that book. Also one for pumpkin bread made with whole wheat pastry flour. I switched my milk for cereal to skim. We'll see how that goes. Yesterday my hip was acting up and I lived on Motrin all day. So needless to say I didn't push it by going to the gym. But today I am going and just will attempt to do a little treadmill with out the incline for now and some wts. I have to get there!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I will take my suit and use the sauna it might help my hip. So far so good with not geting the flu. The hubby bearly could walk yesterday and Tam is still out of work from it. One of the day habs shut down due to the fact so many had it. Well I did pretty good with choice making yesterday and went shopping for some good foods. When using cheese have you ever grated it into your chili or salad it seems like you have more? I have just purchased reduced fat Cabot cheeses jalopeno, cheddar and mozz. The book I am reading says the reduced cheeses are good for us but some of the snacks and baked goods which are fat free aren't as they trick us by adding more sugar to make them taste good. The rest of yesterdays intake.
Snack: almonds tamari 170 cal.
Dinner:3 small lean boneless spareribs, salad w/ blue cheese and raspberry dressing, croutons
Snack: fresh strawberries 1cup and 1 scoop of vanilla ice cream, lite whip cream
During the day I had a choc. cappachino powder mixed w/ water
I am going to try to add some more tea in my intake today. I had green lime tea the other day it was good. There are so many to try. I also bought a pkg. with many kinds. I feel like I am on the right path again. Thank you for sticking with me too! Someday we may actually met wouldn't that be fun. Just a thought. Maybe we should in private mail send each other a photo so we can put a face friendship? Oh well have a great day hope your family is all well. By the way very cold here today 3.
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Old 01-21-2005, 05:36 PM   #567  
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Hi Carol,

It's been a crazy day here. The boys are full of energy which is good but at times tiring. My class is 2/3 energetic boys too. So by Friday I'm ready for some real quiet and comfort. We're ordering Thai food tonight. I have a lot of cals left so I'll just eat a reasonable meal and not worry about it.

Thanks for reminding me about shopping for good food. I'll add that to my list for tomorrow. Having good food really helps. Now when I'm discouraged and want to reach for something fat I say to myself, "I might be discouraged about __ but I've really accomplished the weight loss so I'm not going to punish myself by ruining that accomplishment." The self talk seems to help

I'll send a picture sometime in the future - I don't have the tech. expertise to that now and I'm so short on time that I don't have the time to learn it. Perhaps this summer I'll have time to do that. I'm also shy about my appearance too - I'm a regular person, but I do have some hangups related to my appearance - long story, one that the Dr. Phil book really helps me with. My parents really did a number on me with regard to my weight as a young girl. It left some big scars that I'm slowly and successfully working through.

So glad to have you here for the check in.

breakfast - cereal/milk
snack - big handful of grapes
lunch - salad with turkey and grated cheese (grated cheese helps to have less)
snack - pear, two dried apricots, decaf tea
dinner - tofu curry vegetable dish, chicken cashew dish (some obviously), brown rice
(I'll skip the fried stuff).

p.s. I did make it to the gym yesterday. Funny, my hip hurt a bit too - perhaps the cold brings it out.

Have a nice Friday night Carol! TGIF!
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Old 01-22-2005, 03:02 PM   #568  
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Me again. Checking in for a little more strength. Something about seeing my food intake in print on this page helps me to stay on track.

breakfast - oatmeal w/milk (200)
lunch - turkey chili with grated cheese, carrots (300)
snack - two health bars (not that healthy) 260, 7 apricots (100), tea
total so far: 860
evening plan - I'm trying a seafood newburgh - healthy kind from Prevention magazine and then I'm planning on enjoying some plain popcorn later tonight if I feel like munching during the movie.

Good workout - 15 min. warm up on eliptical, 3.1 mile run on treadmill at 5.0, five minute cooldown and about 10 mins of stretches.

Hope you're having a good day.
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Old 01-22-2005, 05:35 PM   #569  
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Tiredoffat hello good to catchup with you. Don't worry about the picture thing is was just a little thought and isn't important. Be good to yourself though. I have a close friend whom went through a lot in her childhood and we talk often. I am glad she has felt comfortable to talk about it. She has had to deal with her weight all her life but seems to be doing better with that. We actually had dinner together last night. Anyways watch those health bars the calories are pretty high. I have a hard time picking them out finding one which works for me. I liked the balance choc. mint bar but haven't had it in awhile. I did make it to the gym today before the storm moved in. Wow and did it we are closing lots of activities here in Syr. area. I at least got the workout in. I didn't do my normal as I wanted to ease back in. I took motrin before hand. I did about 20 min. wt/ resistance and 25 min. on the treadmill. I was hungry afterwards though. I didn't really have lunch until 2:00. I made some homemade potatoe, garlic, leek soup. Later on I am making a pizza I will only have veggies on it. Just felt like pizza.
Breakfast: 2 eggs 150, 2 toast grain 150 w/ little canola marg.50 banana 100
Lunch: sour dough bread 2 oops! 140, potatoe soup 200
Snack: homemade gingerbread 150 could of done with out this!
Total: 950 or so in calories so far! My homemade pizza will be my limit for the days intake then its water I GUESS! I will add mushrooms, red pepper, onions and pepper rings. 2 slices should be around 250 calories a piece? Sounds about right!
I will be around the 1500 calorie intake mark. I burned 180 claories on the treadmill today plus what ever on the machines? I am glad I got to the gym. I am going to try and go in the morning this week 2 days. Now that I work a bit later and with the weather and my hip it just wasn't working . I do feel the difference when I DON'T GO! My belly was starting to get firm and now I NEED to start all over again. Ab's it is! We have a machine which is an ab killer and you know when you have been on it. But thats good I think. Take care and let me know about the seafood if its a good one I'd like it. Always trying something new. I have Vegetable Bean Soup I am going to make for Tammy. She is still sick and went to the doctors today. Broncitus and the stomach virus they said. Out to work til Tues. Hubby is slowly getting better. I am trying not to catch any of it.
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Old 01-22-2005, 08:04 PM   #570  
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GOOD MORNING MY s, It is so good to see you all doing so well , exercising, trying really hard to make good and healthy choices, I,m so proud of you CAROL your bread sounds yummy, when you described the ingredients I could almost taste it TIRED, CAROL you both sound like you had some busy times and some fun times while I was away, its good to see you enjoying your life and being GOOD to yourselves, HEY welcome CHOCOLATE, great to hear a new voice on things HEY GIRLS it seems like we lost ROLL along the way hope she comes back, I,ve missed you all , its good to be in touch with people who are on the same wave length and know just what your going through, I,m not going to bore you with the ins and outs of my health I,ll just say I,ve been in and out DOCS happy looks like a success I,ve been good in my eating stuck to mainly vegetables and friut and am down another 2kgs or 5lb, I should be able to get back into exercise in about three weeks and you know what I can,t wait huh how we take things for granted and don,t realize until we can,t do them for awhile, well just a short one for me just dropped in to let you know I,m thinking of all of you and I,ll check in again soon REMEMBER STAY FOCUSED, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK, AND ABOVE ALL ELSE LOVE AND BE KIND TO YOURSELVES TO ALL STAY BLESSED BE , JULIE
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