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Old 10-29-2007, 12:06 PM   #226  
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Hi gang . . . Afraid I'm really down in the dumps . . . "lost" one of my 7.5 month old kittens yesterday. He tried to fight with one too many plastic bags. Such a freaking waste of such a special little life. Today his sisters are wandering the house trying to find him. Guess Heaven needed a Bengal kitten yesterday.
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Old 10-29-2007, 01:40 PM   #227  
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Hey ladies...sorry this is gonna be another fly by. I feel so worn out. I've had a house full since last wednesday and then the party was on friday. I finally feel like I can start inflated again while trying to get some house work accomplished. I barely have any energy left, but I did get my workout over with!

Linda, sorry to hear of your baby kitty. That had to be such a heart sinking moment!
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Old 10-29-2007, 03:04 PM   #228  
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Linda, I am so sorry about your kitten! Kitties are so special.

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Old 10-30-2007, 04:19 AM   #229  
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Default Totally hear ya

Well I dunno if its a plateau or just cant be stuffed but in october 2005 I was 100kg 220 pds and am now 72kg 159 pds. I started on jenny craig that was great but the food got really boring after 8 month so went off it then went back on about 6 months later after getting and maintaining 74kg then went off after two weeks. just kept getting sick of the food. then back on and off. Man just needed a change. and it was getting real costly. Now i want to get back on track
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Old 10-30-2007, 04:30 AM   #230  
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Default yahoo ten posts lol

wahoo have done enough posts to get a weight tracker

Last edited by arawagrl; 10-30-2007 at 04:58 AM.
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Old 10-30-2007, 04:46 AM   #231  
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Old 10-30-2007, 04:50 AM   #232  
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Ok I love shoe and I love pink but I aint that pig anymore
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Old 10-30-2007, 09:06 AM   #233  
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ARAWAGIRL . . . and Good Morning to everybody else, too.

I'm feeling quite a bit brighter this morning -- amazing what a good night's sleep can do for you. The sun is shining, too and that always helps. It is cold though; just above freezing; but no snow yet.

Have a great day gang . . .
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Old 10-30-2007, 09:25 AM   #234  
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Hello everyone, how are you all doing?

My scales are at 235 right now but I ain't sweatin it. We finally got the hubby off to Iraq and I am now back on track. I swear when he comes home in a year I am gonna knock his socks off. I wanna be down to at least a size 10 by then, and I think I can do it. I am a 16 right now so I dont' think I am setting my goals to high, what do all of you think?

Well time for work, I will check back soon.
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Old 10-31-2007, 09:10 AM   #235  
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Good Morning . . .

You can do it ROBBIN . . . We are all cheering for you . . .

Looks like this is going to be one of the best Halloween's (weather-wise) that we've had since I moved to Nova Scotia -- Sun is shining; high is going to be about 10C/50F; and the good weather is predicted to continue through the evening hours.

Best of all -- for me, anyway -- I let the scale out of his corner and he grudgingly rewarded me with a 2 pound loss for the month of October. He's going away again though. I know he'll be constantly trying to get 'under foot' if I leave him out and then we'll only start fighting again. So he's staying hidden until the last Wednesday in November (the 28th).

Hope you all have a very Happy Haunting Day . . .
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Old 10-31-2007, 09:41 AM   #236  
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Congrats on the 2 pounds Linda.
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Old 10-31-2007, 12:08 PM   #237  
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Great job Linda!! Maybe you should give the scale a little treat when you lock him back up!

I had a great weight loss this week as well. Down 3.4 pounds! I was shocked - weighed myself 3 times to make sure. I donated blood yesterday, so I am counting one pound as my missing pint of blood, but the rest of that was a good loss!
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Old 10-31-2007, 04:28 PM   #238  
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Happy Halloween Ladies. I hope you are all having a good day, and avoiding those delicous little treats-LOL! I have to admit that I plan on having a few pieces of chocolate tonight, but I won't go overboard. I am holding steady at 162, and I'm happy with that considering that I haven't been extremely good lately. Linda, I am so happy to hear that your scale was kind to you. I bet it has learned it's lesson, and will be nice from now on! I swear it's like my scale is staring at me everytime I walk in my's evil-LOL!!!! It's nice to know that we share the same struggles. Anyways, I will try to post again tomorrow, and let you know how much damage I did tonight while passing out the candy. Keep up the hard work, and chat soon!!!
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Old 11-01-2007, 09:13 AM   #239  
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I honestly don't know what is up with my body. I have been on track all week and what happened today??????? The scales went up 3 pounds. I am not on a plateau, I am on a crash course of GAINING!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!
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Old 11-01-2007, 10:23 AM   #240  
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Robbin, I had that same thing happen to me a while back. I was freaking out too, and I ended up losing it in a few days. Try to weigh in in the morning at the same time, and don't let this get you down. Stay on track and you will see the results in a big way. I gave in to temptation yesterday and had a mini snickers, milky way, and 3 musketeers bar! It tasted sooooo good. The scales were only up a 1/2 pound this morning, so I was happy with that. I didn't end up getting alot of trick or treaters, so I have a ton of candy left. There's a local place that is buying candy for 2 bucks a pound and donating it to the troops.....what a great idea. That is what I plan to do with all my extra sweets! I hope you all had a great night. Chat soon.

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