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Old 11-19-2007, 03:37 PM   #286  
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I don't care for sweet potatoes much - however, I do like to make them into french fries. Not to holidayish, but good. Slice them into french fry size wedges, spray with Pam and salt and pepper. Roast in a 400 degree oven until they are crispy. Around 30 minutes, depending on how thick the fries are.

Or chunk them up and roast them in a 400 degree oven with a bag of frozen winter mix (cauliflower and broccoli).
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Old 11-19-2007, 03:53 PM   #287  
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You know, I've been hearing alot about his "marshmallow topping" for sweet potatoes, and I actually think it sounds pretty gross. Have you all tried it? I wanted to let you know that i figured out what went wrong with my pumpkin pies...I used the wrong size can of pumpkin! I use a 28 oz can and I was only suppossed to use a 15oz can. I'm going to try to redeem myself tongiht! I love a good challenge:-)
Thanks for the sweet potatoe ideas, I appreciate it. I'll let you know how the pie turns out in the morning. Have a good night!
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Old 11-19-2007, 06:37 PM   #288  
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My DH loves candied sweet potatoes, which have the marshmallow topping.
Basically, you cook the sweet potatoes (steaming works best), then mash them with butter and brown sugar and pumpkin pie spices.
Put into a casserole dish and top with mini marshmallows and a sprinkling of brown sugar. Bake until the marshies are toasted.

Or the quick version is to buy the candied yams in a can, pour into a casserole dish and top with marshmallows. Then bake. However, the fresh taste 1000x better

Last edited by fiberlover; 11-19-2007 at 06:38 PM.
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Old 11-20-2007, 03:56 AM   #289  
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Yay - I found some old friends, and look forward to making some new ones.

For those who don't know me, I was a regular member of Tina's old 1lb thread, but then went and got pregnant!!

Baby is due very soon and I've put on 50 lbs!! So my thoughts are naturally looking ahead to starting to lose it. I'm hoping to drop 20 lbs immediately after birth, with baby, placenta, water etc etc, but that still leaves 30 lbs to get rid of to get back to pre-pg (144), plus the 9 lbs I still had to go to hit goal (135).

So I am very pleased to have found this thread and catch up with my old weight loss buddies again.
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Old 11-20-2007, 08:01 AM   #290  
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Good Morning . . .

Hi and back ROBSIA . . . You must be getting so excited. Hope it has been a relatively easy pregnancy for you. Wow, I bet your older daughter is getting excited, too. GOOD LUCK with the delivery, Chickie. We all have our for you and yours. . . .

I was up way too early this morning -- terrible night last night; just could not sleep -- guess I was thinking about my fun trip to the Periodontist this morning and hoping the roads are in good condition over the top of Mount Thom. We don't have a local Perio, so every six months I have to drive about an hour to get to one in Truro which is the other side of the mountain. Getting there can be tricky at this time of year. Weather is dull and well below the freezing mark again this morning. The highway can be perfectly fine on both sides and a sheet of ice on top. Taking my shopping buddy LouLou with me -- she shops while I suffer -- then we both eat too much and come back home. OMG, my life is so fascinating.

Have a great day . . .

Last edited by meowee; 11-20-2007 at 08:04 AM.
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Old 11-20-2007, 11:33 AM   #291  
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I'm going to be on TV!!!!

A bit ago they filmed a documentary at our local hospital to show what a busy A&E department in a tourist town was like. Now they're back to film another series of what it's like off-season. One of the things they want to do is film a birth (although not the actual gory bits!) Yesterday my midwife gave me the leaflet and I thought 'that'd be cool' and emailed the producer.

Anyway, this morning she rang me, and this afternoon she came to see me and they want to film me. Apparently she hasn't had anyone else respond - I'm really surprised, I thought loads of people would want to be on TV. Although I suppose the person has to be at the right stage of pregnancy as they are filming now.

So they're going to do a bit of background filming, a 'get to know you' session, then film my doc appt next week and then we just have to wait for baby to make an appearance, and I just ring them when I go into labour and they turn up and take it from there.

AND at the end of it all, we get a professionally edited DVD of the whole thing to keep. That'll be SUCH a great keepsake for when baby is older.

Cool or what!!

It won't be like Baby Story or anything like that, it's family viewing so they won't be at the business end at all, I wouldn't be comfortable with that.

Last edited by Robsia; 11-20-2007 at 11:33 AM.
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Old 11-20-2007, 05:42 PM   #292  
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Robsia - good to meet you! What fun to be on TV! I went to school to be a vet tech (not doing that now) and did my internship at Alameda East. That's the vet hospital where ER vets is filmed.
It was a bit awkward in a crowded hospital with a film crew around, I have to say. And they were taking a break from most of the filming while I was there!

Let us know when your show airs!
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Old 11-21-2007, 10:29 AM   #293  
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Hi gang . . .

Wow, ROBSIA . . . what a thrill . . .
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Old 11-21-2007, 03:06 PM   #294  
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Happy day before Turkey Day everyone! Well today has been a crazy day. I weighed in this morning and lost 1.5 I can eat to my hearts content tomorrow-LOL!! My hubby and I are going out tonight to catch up with some old friends who are in town. I'm wondering if any of them will notice my weight loss. It may sound crazy, but I need that affirmation. I hope you all have a good night. I'll check back in tomorrow!
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Old 11-21-2007, 04:02 PM   #295  
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Originally Posted by staffingchick View Post
I weighed in this morning and lost 1.5 pounds....perfect...

Awesome weight loss!!
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Old 11-21-2007, 04:03 PM   #296  
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My weigh in today was great! Down 4.4 pounds!! Wow!!
I had gained a pound last week - which I think was water weight - so lost that plus some. Wish every week could be like this LOL!

Now to keep control tomorrow!
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Old 11-21-2007, 11:30 PM   #297  
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Holy Cow Loril.....4.4 pounds???? That is awesome. That's the kind of week Im shooting for next week. I only need 5 pounds to be at my christmas goal. Good Luck tomorrow. I'm dreading it, but I'm not going to deprive myself. We have all worked so hard, we deserve a little treat:-)
Congrats on the great have motivated me again!! Have a great night.
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Old 11-22-2007, 04:44 AM   #298  
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Happy Thanksgiving to all you US ladies!! Hope you all have a fantastic day and don't eat TOO much.

I am really pleased because over the last four weeks my weight has remained stable. According to all the bumph, I should be putting on a pound a week at this late stage, so for me to remain stable, means I have actually LOST a pound a week, if that makes any sense. So anything I can lose now, means I don;t have to lose later.

With my first, I piled it on in my last month as I was on mat leave and spent the entire month sitting in front of the TV pigging. I have tried so hard to be good this time. I am still 12 lbs over what I should have put on, but 4 weeks ago, I was 16 lbs over what I should have put on.

I've been getting grumblings since Sunday and I keep hoping this is the day, but I am still here, the contractions won't resolve into any kind of pattern.
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Old 11-22-2007, 09:18 AM   #299  
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HAPPY DAY all my US buddies . . .

Even if you can't feel bushy-tailed . . . hope you are really bright-eyed all day . . . extra should help.

Have a great one, gang . . .
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Old 11-23-2007, 09:51 AM   #300  
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Hey everyone!
Made it through Turkey day! I did eat off plan, but didn't eat anything that I didn't know I would be eating.
Certainly not as much as I have eaten in the past, more than usual as of late - but I enjoyed every bite!! No guilt.

Back on track today with a few days to relax! Woohoo!
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