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Old 09-15-2011, 11:50 AM   #331  
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Flora -

I try to plan out my food for the whole week, to make sure I have OP food available all the time. I don't cook everything all at once, but I do cook up a big batch of chicken to eat cold or have in chicken salad or on top of a green salad. I boil 18 eggs at a time (the cartons I get have that many in them) so I always have HB eggs for a snack. I keep a big tub of greek yogurt on hand at all time. And I have a pack of frozen salmon burgers (100% salmon, no breading) in the freezer.

All of that is my basics - in a pinch, I can eat from just those foods for a week, plus of course my oat bran. I will of course vary things up to keep from going crazy but that is my foundation.
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Old 09-15-2011, 12:51 PM   #332  
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I just saw this online and had to share:

Eat an Egg
This nutritional powerhouse does a body good: One egg provides 13 percent of your daily protein requirement and only 4 percent of the average recommended daily calorie count. Plus, it contains a hefty dose of lutein, an antioxidant that protects your eyes from macular degeneration and UV damage. An egg a day may even help prevent Alzheimer's: The yolk is a significant source of choline, a nutrient that reduces inflammation in the brain.

I am excited I may start seeing better on Dukan
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Old 09-15-2011, 04:44 PM   #333  
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I love eggs, I could probably eat 4 or 5 a day if I let myself (between hard boiled, using in a gallette, etc).
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Old 09-16-2011, 05:08 AM   #334  
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Hi Flora and April

I'm hoping to lose 42lbs in total.... nothing has come off this week so far, I gave in and weighed myself this morning....

I forgot to take my oatbran yesterday, I'm kinda bored with the pancakes and putting it in my 0% fat greek yoghurt. It's really nice in the custard but you use cornflour and I know that's restricted *pouts*

I must confess, I'm pretty pants on the walking...I do two hours of line dancing a week but I really should get more active

Do you guys limit yourself to two eggs a day or do you have more?

Thanks for the warm welcome, it's really nice
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Old 09-16-2011, 06:52 AM   #335  
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Morning all.
I just made a galette for lunch. It turned out HUGE and omelette like. Did I do something wrong? It's a lot of food.

I have my oat bran usually in a 0% yoghurt or in ice cream homemade using 0% yoghurt, skimmed milk, 2 egg yolks, vanilla pod and oat bran.

I don't ever have more than the 2 eggs (but sometimes a recipe like the ice cream uses eggs and I might have a bit of that). I wouldn't have more than 2 HB eggs in a day. Not that fond of them!!!!

Let's hope we all have a good and slimming weekend. I'm working tomorrow but will try to take a longer walk on Sunday.
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Old 09-16-2011, 07:40 AM   #336  
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blackbeltblondie: I have more that two eggs a day but only have one egg yolk and many day not even one yolk...only because I am old and heart disease and high chlosterol run in my family so I don't want to have too many yolks.

The egg whites are pure protein and as far as I have read do not effect cholosterol so I have them a lot.

Flora37: Hmmm I don't know my galettes aren't huge - but they aren't small either - I just use the recipe in the book - one egg white, two tbls of oat bran, 2 tbls of Greek Nonfat Yogurt, sweetner and cinnamon.

I have to work on a better schedule for next week...I need to work in more exercise. I seem to have so many commitments that I run out of time each day. As I typed that I thought "make a commitment to yourself".... I know, I know.

Speaking of commitment - I had better get to work.

Last edited by Samadhi; 09-16-2011 at 07:41 AM.
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Old 09-16-2011, 08:11 AM   #337  
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re: oat bran, most days I make a porridge out of it. 2 tbs in a bowl with a packet of sweetener plus a LOT of cinnamon. Add some hot water and stir for about a minute and then I add a splash of milk. Quick and easy.

for the gallettes, I use a whole egg (because I'm too lazy to separate them! lol!) and about 1 tbs of yogurt because I like a thinner pancake. I add vanilla and a lot of cinnamon plus some a dash of milk. It is the size of my small sauce pan - maybe 4 inches in diameter? That is my full meal when I have one, so it feels like the right amount of food.
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Old 09-16-2011, 08:16 AM   #338  
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Originally Posted by Samadhi View Post
I have to work on a better schedule for next week...I need to work in more exercise. I seem to have so many commitments that I run out of time each day. As I typed that I thought "make a commitment to yourself".... I know, I know. ;
I just posted to you on another thread about this but I am seeing a HUGE change with the exercise. My losses had started to slow down but adding in the more focused daily activity has turned things around.

I have been doing stuff at home in the evenings - WATP or using the Wii Fit. I used to always work out in the mornings and if I didn't do it then, it wasn't going to happen, but at least for now, I'm finding the evenings work great, and I even look forward to it now! So if the timing is a factor, maybe a different time of the day will work better for you than you think?
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Old 09-16-2011, 05:03 PM   #339  
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Hi everybody....I am new to the Dukan Diet (started today)...and I actually posted these questions on another site...but came back to my "old stomping grounds" -- hopefully, I was able to change the signature (to show my weight GAIN). My true weight is 154 (geez, and I was there on Ideal Protein 2 years ago....)
Here goes.....
1) Can the gallette be made ahead and nuked in the a.m.?
2) I have a BIG problem with constipation I am nervous when Dr.D tells you there is going to be a constipation problem. Any ideas?
3) I am in a big black boot on my left leg...achilles tendon (trying to avoid surgery) walking the 20 min. is out of the question (I am supposed to be resting it....yeah,right!!) Would Yoga be ok? (I never did it but i have DVDs)...any other suggestions??
4) Doc speaks of sucking on ice cubes (huh??). Instead of making his yucky sounding you think I could put Crystal Light into the ice cube trays??
5) I was on the Ideal Protein diet a few years back (yeah, I lost 30# -- put 20# of it back on..). Do you think I could use any of the prodcuts from that diet. It is basically very low carb/lowfat/no taste stuff!! I have a ton of it left!!
6) Does the "coaching" DrD speaks of cost money (live video chats...daily emails, etc.) I was on his website today, but couldn't really figure it out.
7) On Dukan Diet website, it talks about a cheesecake recipe...but I looked everywhere, and couldn't find it. (Going without sweets is my biggest problem...2nd is getting in the water...third, the exercise).
8) I must have read the nonfat dairy it true that we cannot have cheese? (couldn't find any nofat cheese at my little grocery bought cheese sticks)
9) He says pickles are allowed...but they are a veggie. Do I have to wait until the Cruise phase to eat these??

I cannot believe I am starting another lowcarb diet. I lost 50# on Atkins about 7 years ago....gained 30# of it back....went on Ideal Protein...lost the 30#...gained 20# back!! I get SO bored on the lowcarb/hi protein diet...but it seems to be the only one that works for me. (Am I going into this with the wrong!!)
But...this site helped me then (knowing everyone else was on the same diets) -- and I know you will help me now!!

To introduce myself....I am 64 years old...widowed (hubby died in Iraq 3-1/2 years ago)..I have one son (That is him in the Profile picture....if it came thru). Live in Michgan...moved up to my childhood home from Cleveland OH 7 years ago. Culture shock...but I love it!

Great to find this site....
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Old 09-16-2011, 05:46 PM   #340  
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welcome torchlaker!!! I'll try to tackle some of your questions

1) Can the gallette be made ahead and nuked in the a.m.?
yes, I have several friends doing Dukan and a few of them do this. Or you can have porridge from the oat bran instead of a gallette (just add a little hot water and stir for about a minute, you don't even need to cook it! I add cinnamon, sweetener and a dash of milk)

2) I have a BIG problem with constipation I am nervous when Dr.D tells you there is going to be a constipation problem. Any ideas?

Try taking colace and drinking LOTS of water, plus the walking helps

3) I am in a big black boot on my left leg...achilles tendon (trying to avoid surgery) walking the 20 min. is out of the question (I am supposed to be resting it....yeah,right!!) Would Yoga be ok? (I never did it but i have DVDs)...any other suggestions??

oops, didn't see this before I answered the last question. I think it's fine if you get started on the food part and then add in teh walking once you can do that. I only really focused on exercise starting this month after starting Dukan in May.

4) Doc speaks of sucking on ice cubes (huh??). Instead of making his yucky sounding you think I could put Crystal Light into the ice cube trays??

I just drink water. And yes, you can have crystal light.

5) I was on the Ideal Protein diet a few years back (yeah, I lost 30# -- put 20# of it back on..). Do you think I could use any of the prodcuts from that diet. It is basically very low carb/lowfat/no taste stuff!! I have a ton of it left!!

No, not really. You are supposed to avoid processed foods as much as possible. This isn't about "net carbs," it's about sticking with the foods on the list and that's all.

6) Does the "coaching" DrD speaks of cost money (live video chats...daily emails, etc.) I was on his website today, but couldn't really figure it out.

I don't think anyone here on 3fc has signed up for the coaching. I'm sure it's helpful but I think you can also do it based on the book and the support here.

7) On Dukan Diet website, it talks about a cheesecake recipe...but I looked everywhere, and couldn't find it. (Going without sweets is my biggest problem...2nd is getting in the water...third, the exercise).

Can't help there, but if I come across it, I'll post it. I will say that after a couple of weeks, I no longer cared about sweets. I have sugar free jello in my fridge that I haven't touched in weeks.

8) I must have read the nonfat dairy it true that we cannot have cheese? (couldn't find any nofat cheese at my little grocery bought cheese sticks)

You are supposed to only have non-fat dairy, so that means no cheese unless it's non-fat. But you can have "tolerated" foods, which are little treats in very limited quantities and that includes small amounts of low fat cheese.

more about those here

9) He says pickles are allowed...but they are a veggie. Do I have to wait until the Cruise phase to eat these??

I think it's ok to have a small amount even on Attack - I have a couple of ounces of cucumber sometimes on my PP days and don't worry about it.

Good luck, please ask anything else and I'll try to help! (I think I am the Dukan veteran around here at this point! lol!)
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Old 09-17-2011, 12:22 PM   #341  
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April -- thank you so much for your help. I have copied your answers into my file, so that I can refer back to them.

Day one is over....hardest thing for me was not having something to munch on when I am watching t.v., or reading in bed. (Withdrawing from M&Ms in bed is HARD).

Even tho I can't really exercise, I might try Yoga (I have some DVDs...bought them...never used them but watched them last night (does that count? I had bought one called "Yoga for Aches and Pains" (I have fibromyalgia) and it seems doable.

Again, thanks so much for your reply.
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Old 09-17-2011, 05:41 PM   #342  
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glad to help, torchlaker!

The Dukan Diet has been absolutely amazing for me (easy to follow and I'm super pleased with the results) so I am glad to share any info I can that might help someone else to have success on it too!
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Old 09-18-2011, 01:50 PM   #343  
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great week on the scale - down 4.4!!

I have increased exercise a lot (instead of adding up all the time I walk in a day and saying it's 30 minutes, I do at least that much of purposeful exercise, so whatever I walk on top of that is a bonus).

I also ate a lot of eggplant (aubergine for you UK girls!) last week and this week and have lost 7.6 lbs in the last two weeks. Guess what I'll be eating again this week!! lolol!
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Old 09-18-2011, 04:15 PM   #344  
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wow well done april snow..... you are doing amazingly well! Such great motivation! I weigh in tomorrow and have my fingers crossed for 3 more pounds!
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Old 09-18-2011, 11:15 PM   #345  
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thanks Roxie!! and good luck to you tomorrow!
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