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Old 03-09-2009, 08:15 PM   #376  
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Congrats, I went in for WI today and was down 1.5 lbs which is a total of 9.5 for me 17 days on program. I was so close to signing the 10lb board- .5 away, when I go in on Friday I will sign that board. I don't know if I mentioned this before but I had to start taking Internal Cleanser cause constipation is really starting to affect me. I missed this weekend and today was hurting so bad-I took 2 tonight as suggested by my counselor. Has anyone else had this problem?

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Old 03-10-2009, 10:37 AM   #377  
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Welcome to all the new members on the board! This is an amazing place to come to every day. I get so much out of this website, I don't know if I could continue with this struggle without reading and seeing what everyone else is dealing with. Thanks to everyone who shares their wisdom and insight and thanks to all who all are awesome!!

Originally Posted by alexasmama View Post

I notice that when I used to work, I would drink water all day long- I taught so I couldn't eat (which was a good thing) so I sipped on a water bottle all day long. Now that I am a SAHM, I try to fill up 3 33oz. bottles each night and try to drink them all during the day. I don't always do well, but I try!

As for me, I'm onto day 3 of having off program days. I am not trying to do poorly, but this weekend I was fighting a cold and could only stomach soup and crackers (yeah for water weight ) and now my 11 month old daughter is sick with strep throat so I was at the doctor/hospital all day today and haven't had a chance to stop and eat. I am going to try hard to get some chicken cooked and put in individual serving bags because I'm pretty sure it is going to be a tough couple of days. Anyone have any advice how to stay OP when you are super busy and don't have any time to breathe?
Hi Alexasmama! I am super busy too, I work two jobs currently so I leave my house at 7:45 am and don't return home until after 9:30 pm almost every weekday. I cook my meals for the week on the weekend and package them so that I have my meals ready to go in the mornings. It is a time saver for me and I stay on plan better that way. The weekends are easier for me because I normally only work early Saturday and home by 3:30 pm and off on Sundays. I had a cold 2 weeks in to program and had canned soup but didn't have crackers....I can't eat just a few, crackers are a weakness for me. It shouldn't hurt you too much, try drinking extra water. Good luck and keep up the good work!

Originally Posted by tmlmommy View Post

I have a harder time getting my water in on the weekends too. I am fine all week. I easily drink 60-70 at work. But on the weekends I don't know what it is, I realize it is dinner time and I haven't even finished my second 20 oz bottle.

I am a bit nervous. I am going in for a WI tomorrow. I haven't cheated, I have been 100% OP and tomorrow is my day 16. It is the first time they are going to take my measurements since before I started the program.

I know I have lost some "inches" because capris that were a bit too snug last summer, I pulled out of the closet this weekend and they fit. They weren't too tight and some a bit loose that I needed my belt. I just don't want to be disappointed, the manager at my center loves to tell people about how she is amazed people come in for their first tape and have lost 11 inches in 14 days. (I have been in the center the few time and it is always the same story). I know I am not going to be even close to that I am just afraid if I don't have a signifcant loss they might think I am not following the program.

I did get a compliment today. My manager doesn't know I am "dieting" and she told me that I looked like I was losing weight especially through my stomach..YEAH!!!
Hi wanttobeskinny! Congrats on the compliment! Get used to it girl, you will be getting lots of those in the months to come!! You are doing great and you will see a big loss in inches, you will be amazed! Keep staying on program....good luck with WI today and let us know!

Originally Posted by Karen1234 View Post

Hey Everyone! Today is Day 17 for me and I have been 100% on plan and feeling great. I went in for WI today and was down another 2 lbs for a total of 11 lbs down!! I got the sign the 10 lb board and it felt so great ... 10 lbs gone forever - YES!! Next came measurements and I had a really good feeling about this ... I've been noticing alot of changes in my body over the last 2 weeks and have really seen a difference in my clothes already. They fit so much better. I wore a pair of shorts today that were very snug on me last year and they filt extremely well - almost loose! Anyways, the WLC took the measurements and just kept saying "Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, You really did good" .... 39.5" gone! Wow!!! I was so psyched, trust me, nothing could go wrong after that start today. That has really motivated me to keep sticking with it. The consultant warned me not to get discouraged if the WL goes down soon as I've been on a steady lose since starting but I hope to counteract this by starting an exercise plan so I can start seeing those lbs drop away like nothing. Hopefully, this will keep the momentum going. I am so thankful I found this forum b/c this is what led me to try MRC. Thanks ladies for all you say and do everyday to make this site a great place to visit. I hope you are all seeing great success today too.
Hi Karen! OMG! Congrats on the huge inch loss! That is really awesome! When I had my 2 week measure I was only down 8 inches so you are off to a great start! You should be extremely proud of the success you have had so far. Keep it up, you are doing great! Good luck and keep posting, we love to read about your success!

Originally Posted by Jennifer73 View Post

Congrats, I went in for WI today and was down 1.5 lbs which is a total of 9.5 for me 17 days on program. I was so close to signing the 10lb board- .5 away, when I go in on Friday I will sign that board. I don't know if I mentioned this before but I had to start taking Internal Cleanser cause constipation is really starting to affect me. I missed this weekend and today was hurting so bad-I took 2 tonight as suggested by my counselor. Has anyone else had this problem?

Hi Jennifer! I am so happy for you, you are doing great girl!! You will sign that 10 lb board this week, I know you will! I too have constipation issues. The center increased my flax to 9 a day and I only eat apples & strawberries at lunch to help with fiber. I try not to eat too much cheese but I still have issues. I haven't tried the Internal cleanser, I have used laxatives and/or suppositories at least once every 2 weeks and they help alot. You would think that eating healthy and drinking so much water would do the trick! Good luck girlfriend, I will keep my fingers crossed that you get that .5 off this week! Keep us posted! You are doing awesome!

As for me...I am going in for WI in a couple of hours. I think I am down a couple more lbs, according to my home scale. Getting close to 20 lbs lost! I feel great and I get a compliment at least every other day from friends and co workers, what a motivator to keep going! I have been struggling for about 3 weeks, only lost 2 lbs so I made a big change this weekend. I started going to the gym. I walked on treadmill on Saturday for 40 minutes and I went back on Sunday for 30 more minutes. I did about 15 minutes of exercise last night before going to bed. I am so frustrated with the slow loss but I hope this is enough to make the scale start moving. I only have 4 more weeks left on my contract and I still need to lose 13 lbs, I told center I wanted to weigh 160 but my personal number is 155. Wish me luck, I hope to have lost at least 2 today. I will come back and post my results later...
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Old 03-10-2009, 11:17 AM   #378  
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Good morning everyone, I went for WI yesterday and lost 2 more lbs. I was expecting more, but 2 is a good number, considering I did not have a 100% weekend. Also I have increased my water intake alot, and my center said that my fat cells are full of water so I weigh more, but should see a dramatic loss next week, I sure hope so.
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Old 03-10-2009, 12:14 PM   #379  
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Thanks NewMe, I appreciate that. It must be good to know you are only 13 lbs away from goal, that is awesome! I can't wait to hear how you do today, good luck! Karen
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Old 03-10-2009, 12:17 PM   #380  
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2 lbs is awesome, you're doing great. You'll see great results from the water intake so keep plugging on!

Originally Posted by wanttobeskinny View Post
Good morning everyone, I went for WI yesterday and lost 2 more lbs. I was expecting more, but 2 is a good number, considering I did not have a 100% weekend. Also I have increased my water intake alot, and my center said that my fat cells are full of water so I weigh more, but should see a dramatic loss next week, I sure hope so.
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Old 03-10-2009, 12:24 PM   #381  
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Hi Jennifer,
You are not alone - I too suffer from this very badly but I am not willing to give up my cheese - that's my favorite food on this plan. I have increased my fish oil to 4-6 daily, still not working and extremely uncomfortable to go. I have the colon cleanser but have not used it yet - I have no idea how potent it is which is what worries me so if you don't mind me asking, how did the colon cleanser work out?? (sorry to anyone who dislikes this type of discussion but inquiring minds really wanna know before trying). I'm seriously thinking of trying Miralax at night - something's gotta give :0). BTW, keep up the great work, you're doing so good and I know you'll be signing that 10 lb board Friday and dancing to the tunes while you do it! Good Luck!!

Originally Posted by Jennifer73 View Post
Congrats, I went in for WI today and was down 1.5 lbs which is a total of 9.5 for me 17 days on program. I was so close to signing the 10lb board- .5 away, when I go in on Friday I will sign that board. I don't know if I mentioned this before but I had to start taking Internal Cleanser cause constipation is really starting to affect me. I missed this weekend and today was hurting so bad-I took 2 tonight as suggested by my counselor. Has anyone else had this problem?

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Old 03-10-2009, 12:57 PM   #382  
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I have also experienced extreme constipation I thought it was because I was not drinking enough water, but I have been good with it for the past week. I don't know what is going on. Can we take any softeners?
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Old 03-10-2009, 01:21 PM   #383  
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Karen ... I take Miralax every morning. It's not a plan-thing, but this has taken care of my issues.
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Old 03-10-2009, 01:40 PM   #384  
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Originally Posted by wanttobeskinny View Post
You will do great, if you are ready for it. I would not do any of the other protein bars because they are full of carbs. You should look into a protein powder called "Nectar". It has about the same carbs as HNS but a bit more protein and the same amount of calories. IT is about $40 for a lg container and you mix it with water. Be careful with hydroxycut, it has alot of side effects and also high in caffeine, which you should avoid during program.

I just purchased this on the recommendation of another member here -- got the "Fuzzy Navel" flavor and the "Caribbean Cooler" Brand name is Syntrax, product is called Nectar. They are good -- they have 90 calories, 0 carbs, 23 g protein (whey isolate), 0 fat. They have some sucralose (Splenda) in them. I bought mine on vitacost dot com for $25.03 per bottle (2.14 pound bottle) -- 36 servings, so if you drank 3 per day, you would have paid approximately $50 for 24 days use. A great bargain. 1 scoop and you mix with water. The shipping is 4.99 no matter how much you order.

I do have a question though for those of you who use this product -- I'm having a hard time when blending not to get a lot of foam -- is there a trick to this? Thank you for the recommendation.

Another thing .... the ProtiDiet concentrates you buy at dietdirect are identical to the ones at the center -- they are made at the same place, just private-labeled for different types of centers. This is also true of the WonderSlim Crisp N Crunchy Diet Bars -- they are the same. I love the cinnamon ones and always get them there (when they are on sale).
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Old 03-10-2009, 02:02 PM   #385  
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Hi all! Just got back from WI, did not do as good as expected. When I weighed on my home scale this am I was at 169.6, minus clothes of course, but at the center I was at 172.....only a 1 pound loss since last week. Which means I have only lost a total of 3 lbs in 3 1/2 weeks.

I talked to my counselor at length, she recommended that I switch from Phentratrim to the All day weight loss. I was out of Phentratrim anyway, ran out yesterday so I decided to try it. She said I will be signing the 20 lb board on Friday.....from her lips to God's!

I am going to the gym to walk/run on treadmill after I get off work at 9:30 tonight, wish me luck....that will be after working 12 hours today.

Good luck to everyone for your weigh ins this week, I will go back on Friday and hope the scale is still moving in the right direction!

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Old 03-10-2009, 03:54 PM   #386  
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Originally Posted by wanttobeskinny View Post
I have also experienced extreme constipation I thought it was because I was not drinking enough water, but I have been good with it for the past week. I don't know what is going on. Can we take any softeners?
I have been having problems "going" since the start of this program..actually I have had problems most of my adult life. I was taking benefiber, but MRC recommended I stop because it had hidden sugars/sodium (which according to the container it didn't) but I had been taking benefiber for a long time and it really wasn't working for me anymore. I bought their Internal Cleanser and after a week I hadn't really noticed anything, I talked to MRC and they said it could take 10-14 days for Internal Cleanser to kick in, but she told me to bump up my Flax Oil (9 a day 1000mg each) because she thought that worked better than the Internal Cleanser. Now I seem to go about every other day so it seems to be working for now.
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Old 03-10-2009, 04:02 PM   #387  
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Well the internal cleanser has worked some for me- it is more like a softener which is good cause I know constipation hurts and pushing is not a good thing! I have learned the hard way, not to be gross, but OUCH! My counselor suggested 3 a day for a few days then 2 then drop to one. I went a tad bit this AM, but I know I need a real good go! I am going to go buy some salad stuff tonight and eat salad for my vegetables for 2 days and hope that helps more!

Congrats to every one on their weight loss, I am happy for us all

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Old 03-10-2009, 04:27 PM   #388  
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Originally Posted by Jennifer73 View Post
Well the internal cleanser has worked some for me- it is more like a softener which is good cause I know constipation hurts and pushing is not a good thing! I have learned the hard way, not to be gross, but OUCH! My counselor suggested 3 a day for a few days then 2 then drop to one. I went a tad bit this AM, but I know I need a real good go! I am going to go buy some salad stuff tonight and eat salad for my vegetables for 2 days and hope that helps more!

Congrats to every one on their weight loss, I am happy for us all

You might want to try dieters tea or there's also one called smooth move and those both help. Because you aren't putting as much food into yourself you won't go on a daily basis!

Good luck!
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Old 03-10-2009, 04:33 PM   #389  
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Originally Posted by NewMe2009 View Post
Hi all! Just got back from WI, did not do as good as expected. When I weighed on my home scale this am I was at 169.6, minus clothes of course, but at the center I was at 172.....only a 1 pound loss since last week. Which means I have only lost a total of 3 lbs in 3 1/2 weeks.

I talked to my counselor at length, she recommended that I switch from Phentratrim to the All day weight loss. I was out of Phentratrim anyway, ran out yesterday so I decided to try it. She said I will be signing the 20 lb board on Friday.....from her lips to God's!

I am going to the gym to walk/run on treadmill after I get off work at 9:30 tonight, wish me luck....that will be after working 12 hours today.

Good luck to everyone for your weigh ins this week, I will go back on Friday and hope the scale is still moving in the right direction!

Congrats on the weight loss! I know that i is frustrating to see the scale moving slower, but at least it is still moving! Hopefully the all day weight loss will help some. I have a feeling you will see a big loss soon. You are probably just at one of those stubborn plateaus and once you break through it, I'm sure it will start coming down soon. Good luck with the exercise tonight! You can do it!
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Old 03-10-2009, 07:03 PM   #390  
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Originally Posted by NewMe2009 View Post
Hi all! Just got back from WI, did not do as good as expected. When I weighed on my home scale this am I was at 169.6, minus clothes of course, but at the center I was at 172.....only a 1 pound loss since last week. Which means I have only lost a total of 3 lbs in 3 1/2 weeks.

I talked to my counselor at length, she recommended that I switch from Phentratrim to the All day weight loss. I was out of Phentratrim anyway, ran out yesterday so I decided to try it. She said I will be signing the 20 lb board on Friday.....from her lips to God's!

I am going to the gym to walk/run on treadmill after I get off work at 9:30 tonight, wish me luck....that will be after working 12 hours today.

Good luck to everyone for your weigh ins this week, I will go back on Friday and hope the scale is still moving in the right direction!

Hang in there!
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