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Old 03-07-2009, 09:11 PM   #361  
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I'm bringing Day 6 to a close! I'm going out with my boyfriend tonight, so I'll have to make some good choices. I am feeling very consciencious (sp?) of it all since my pants are too tight.

I DID see a little "bump" up in my weight - 1 lb so I am glad you posted that message, raven59. It helps to have "insider info".

I've gotta get through Day 11 and then I might buy myself some flowers to celebrate!!!! Day 12 is special - I get to start on the 3rd menu -whatever the heck it is called. Then, it is all about sticking with it. I can do this!!!!

This thing, for me, right now is a meal by meal thing. I keep having to ask myself - did I cheat? What did I eat today? To remind myself that I am getting "there" as fast as I can. I put it aside mentally until the next meal or the next time I set aside for exercise. I HAVE to be successful. For me.

I deserve this so much.

I just realized that this is the first time I have ever done this 100% totally for myself - no event coming up, no boyfriend to impress.... just because I want this so bad I can taste it.

You guys are helping me realize that it is right at my fingertips...I CAN do this. Soon, weeks will turn into will keep going....and before I know it, I'll be there.
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Old 03-08-2009, 04:49 AM   #362  
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Originally Posted by lv2ski2004 View Post
I am sooooooooooooo jealous and PROUD OF YOU!!! What a HUGE accomplishment!!! BE PROUD!!!
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Old 03-08-2009, 04:56 AM   #363  
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Originally Posted by KeepinOnandOn View Post
Thanks!! I thought I should change my picture now that my double chin is gone! I'm looking older but at least I'm thinner Losing weight really brings out the wrinkles!

WOW...WHAT A DIFFERENCE!!! I don't know why I've been soooooooo chicken to share my the difference in your face is AMAZING!!! You're doing sooooooooooooo "good"!!!

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Old 03-08-2009, 09:59 AM   #364  
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Well, I made it through my first test. We went to the neighborhood bar to listen to our friend's band and I drank diet coke and water! I know I had the caffeine, but I am still considering it a NSV. I think my Lent resolution has helped me. I gave up sweets and alcohol, mainly to help kickstart this diet again. I did, however, give myself an alcohol pass on St. Pat's Day and I will be ending the alcohol part of Lent on April 4 when I head to Vegas for my bachelorette party. But hey, I usually drank every weekend with my fiance and I was craving/eating sweets like crazy. You can laugh at me if you want to, but I am happy with the "deal" I made. Whatever it takes!

Here is wishing everyone a successful Sunday and an OP week as well!

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Old 03-08-2009, 03:59 PM   #365  
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Just wanted to say welcome to the new members and congrats to every one with their weight loss. I was just reading online about alcohol and carb counts, etc etc. I was amazed at the controversy surrounding this issue. I read one article that said if you are low carb, try drinking, rum vodka or gin with crystal light or diet soda if you have to. I am not promoting it, but I plan on having a drink in 6 weeks on my birthday and I know the beer I was thinking of has too many carbs. Hope every one is having a great weekend!
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Old 03-08-2009, 05:23 PM   #366  
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Hey everyone! Hope everyone's bodies are dealing with the time change better than mine!

As to the ground chicken, I buy mine at a health food store and do use that for a change from turkey! It is very low fat (hardly any) and yummy!

If you are looking for a low carb drink if you are going to a party etc... they do have low calorie, carb Mikes Hard lemonade 90 calories and I can sip on one of those for quite awhile. I hardly drink but once in awhile at a party it's nice to have a choice.

I made it thru my party pretty good. Drank on of my Mikes, ate some shrimp, lots of my spinach strawberry salad, pulled some beef out and 1 small slice of french bread and then had a couple bites of my husband's piece of cake! Not OP But thought it was a success since I didn't touch the rice or pasta and all the chips and dips etc.....

I didn't feel deprived or anything! Was a fun night and we'll see what the scale shows tomorrow I guess. Usually takes me 2 days to register!

Have a great day!
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Old 03-08-2009, 06:47 PM   #367  
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Originally Posted by lv2ski2004 View Post
Hey everyone! Hope everyone's bodies are dealing with the time change better than mine!

As to the ground chicken, I buy mine at a health food store and do use that for a change from turkey! It is very low fat (hardly any) and yummy!

If you are looking for a low carb drink if you are going to a party etc... they do have low calorie, carb Mikes Hard lemonade 90 calories and I can sip on one of those for quite awhile. I hardly drink but once in awhile at a party it's nice to have a choice.

I made it thru my party pretty good. Drank on of my Mikes, ate some shrimp, lots of my spinach strawberry salad, pulled some beef out and 1 small slice of french bread and then had a couple bites of my husband's piece of cake! Not OP But thought it was a success since I didn't touch the rice or pasta and all the chips and dips etc.....

I didn't feel deprived or anything! Was a fun night and we'll see what the scale shows tomorrow I guess. Usually takes me 2 days to register!

Have a great day!
Way to go! I think you did wonderful!!! You made the right choices and you did not eat all the junk such as chips, dips, etc. You should be proud of yourself!! I am happy for you!! Here is to a successful weigh in for you tomorrow

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Old 03-08-2009, 07:35 PM   #368  
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lv2ski: Congratulations!! Sounds like you did an excellent job at the party. Definitely a success in my book.

I did great til last night when my daughter and her boyfriend stopped in for an evening visit. I let my guard down and had a glass of wine and a few carb treats. Really not bad in the grand scheme of things. Unfortunately, today I was definitely in a funk and had a major carb overload at lunch instead of a healthy op meal. Oh well....ya win some ya lose some. I'm still hanging in there and I WILL get to my goal weight. I insist. So no more moping. I'm going to get a great big glass of water right now. Wishing everyone a great week.
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Old 03-08-2009, 07:46 PM   #369  
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Originally Posted by raven59 View Post
lv2ski: Congratulations!! Sounds like you did an excellent job at the party. Definitely a success in my book.

I did great til last night when my daughter and her boyfriend stopped in for an evening visit. I let my guard down and had a glass of wine and a few carb treats. Really not bad in the grand scheme of things. Unfortunately, today I was definitely in a funk and had a major carb overload at lunch instead of a healthy op meal. Oh well....ya win some ya lose some. I'm still hanging in there and I WILL get to my goal weight. I insist. So no more moping. I'm going to get a great big glass of water right now. Wishing everyone a great week.
Thanks and hang in there we will get the hang of this I know we will!! You can do it and will. I am the same way! They wanted me down 10 more lbs before stabilization but I am going to go ahead and start in a couple of weeks! Hoping I can get a few more off before then! Well here's to a great OP night and week!
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Old 03-09-2009, 12:10 PM   #370  
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Good job everyone, I did not have quite a 100% OP weekend but definetely better than what I have had in the past. I did great on breakfasts but lunches we went out and I had a bowl of chili one day and the other a huge salad with fresh fruit and lots of dressing? For dinner I cooked at home and did great with that. I did not have any HNS all weekend long. I guess I knew I wasn't going to be 100% so why waste them?????? I started again this morning and feel great for not having any sweets, even though they were all over. Also did not do great with my water intake. I think I only had like 32 oz all weekend. I usually have 80 oz per day during the week. Has anyone else notice that water intake is better at work than at home?
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Old 03-09-2009, 06:42 PM   #371  
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I notice that when I used to work, I would drink water all day long- I taught so I couldn't eat (which was a good thing) so I sipped on a water bottle all day long. Now that I am a SAHM, I try to fill up 3 33oz. bottles each night and try to drink them all during the day. I don't always do well, but I try!

As for me, I'm onto day 3 of having off program days. I am not trying to do poorly, but this weekend I was fighting a cold and could only stomach soup and crackers (yeah for water weight ) and now my 11 month old daughter is sick with strep throat so I was at the doctor/hospital all day today and haven't had a chance to stop and eat. I am going to try hard to get some chicken cooked and put in individual serving bags because I'm pretty sure it is going to be a tough couple of days. Anyone have any advice how to stay OP when you are super busy and don't have any time to breathe?

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Old 03-09-2009, 07:00 PM   #372  
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~wanttobeskinny~ I have a harder time getting my water in on the weekends too. I am fine all week. I easily drink 60-70 at work. But on the weekends I don't know what it is, I realize it is dinner time and I haven't even finished my second 20 oz bottle.

I am a bit nervous. I am going in for a WI tomorrow. I haven't cheated, I have been 100% OP and tomorrow is my day 16. It is the first time they are going to take my measurements since before I started the program.

I know I have lost some "inches" because capris that were a bit too snug last summer, I pulled out of the closet this weekend and they fit. They weren't too tight and some a bit loose that I needed my belt. I just don't want to be disappointed, the manager at my center loves to tell people about how she is amazed people come in for their first tape and have lost 11 inches in 14 days. (I have been in the center the few time and it is always the same story). I know I am not going to be even close to that I am just afraid if I don't have a signifcant loss they might think I am not following the program.

I did get a compliment today. My manager doesn't know I am "dieting" and she told me that I looked like I was losing weight especially through my stomach..YEAH!!!
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Old 03-09-2009, 07:04 PM   #373  
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Hey Everyone! Today is Day 17 for me and I have been 100% on plan and feeling great. I went in for WI today and was down another 2 lbs for a total of 11 lbs down!! I got the sign the 10 lb board and it felt so great ... 10 lbs gone forever - YES!! Next came measurements and I had a really good feeling about this ... I've been noticing alot of changes in my body over the last 2 weeks and have really seen a difference in my clothes already. They fit so much better. I wore a pair of shorts today that were very snug on me last year and they filt extremely well - almost loose! Anyways, the WLC took the measurements and just kept saying "Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, You really did good" .... 39.5" gone! Wow!!! I was so psyched, trust me, nothing could go wrong after that start today. That has really motivated me to keep sticking with it. The consultant warned me not to get discouraged if the WL goes down soon as I've been on a steady lose since starting but I hope to counteract this by starting an exercise plan so I can start seeing those lbs drop away like nothing. Hopefully, this will keep the momentum going. I am so thankful I found this forum b/c this is what led me to try MRC. Thanks ladies for all you say and do everyday to make this site a great place to visit. I hope you are all seeing great success today too.
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Old 03-09-2009, 07:15 PM   #374  
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Originally Posted by Karen1234 View Post
Hey Everyone! Today is Day 17 for me and I have been 100% on plan and feeling great. I went in for WI today and was down another 2 lbs for a total of 11 lbs down!! I got the sign the 10 lb board and it felt so great ... 10 lbs gone forever - YES!! Next came measurements and I had a really good feeling about this ... I've been noticing alot of changes in my body over the last 2 weeks and have really seen a difference in my clothes already. They fit so much better. I wore a pair of shorts today that were very snug on me last year and they filt extremely well - almost loose! Anyways, the WLC took the measurements and just kept saying "Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, You really did good" .... 39.5" gone! Wow!!! I was so psyched, trust me, nothing could go wrong after that start today. That has really motivated me to keep sticking with it. The consultant warned me not to get discouraged if the WL goes down soon as I've been on a steady lose since starting but I hope to counteract this by starting an exercise plan so I can start seeing those lbs drop away like nothing. Hopefully, this will keep the momentum going. I am so thankful I found this forum b/c this is what led me to try MRC. Thanks ladies for all you say and do everyday to make this site a great place to visit. I hope you are all seeing great success today too.
Great job, you should be very proud of yourself. Keep up the good work and before you know it, you will be at your goal weight.
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Old 03-09-2009, 07:17 PM   #375  
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Originally Posted by tmlmommy View Post
~wanttobeskinny~ I have a harder time getting my water in on the weekends too. I am fine all week. I easily drink 60-70 at work. But on the weekends I don't know what it is, I realize it is dinner time and I haven't even finished my second 20 oz bottle.

I am a bit nervous. I am going in for a WI tomorrow. I haven't cheated, I have been 100% OP and tomorrow is my day 16. It is the first time they are going to take my measurements since before I started the program.

I know I have lost some "inches" because capris that were a bit too snug last summer, I pulled out of the closet this weekend and they fit. They weren't too tight and some a bit loose that I needed my belt. I just don't want to be disappointed, the manager at my center loves to tell people about how she is amazed people come in for their first tape and have lost 11 inches in 14 days. (I have been in the center the few time and it is always the same story). I know I am not going to be even close to that I am just afraid if I don't have a signifcant loss they might think I am not following the program.

I did get a compliment today. My manager doesn't know I am "dieting" and she told me that I looked like I was losing weight especially through my stomach..YEAH!!!
I also noticed that my pants fit much better. I notice the muffin top is not as noticeable now. This programs really focuses on inches and I can totally see it. Even if you only lose 5 lbs, you can tell on your clothes. Other plans like WW, you can lose 10 lbs but you don't notice inches and that is very discouraging, Dont you agree?
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