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Old 02-26-2009, 04:10 PM   #241  
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Welcome Victoria You will suceed in this program if you stick to it. This is my 3rd day on program, but I lost 20 lbs a few years ago.
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Old 02-26-2009, 08:58 PM   #242  
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Originally Posted by vikaz View Post
Hello! My name is Victoria and I am starting tomorrow. I'm really excited to start, as well as to meet all of you, since you have all been where I am! I'm 33, with 3 kids, and...61 pounds to lose! They set my goal date as August 10, so maybe I can be brave enough to wear shorts by then. Anyway, I look forward to meeting all of you.
Welcome Victoria! Enjoy your journey.... it's so worth it and you are going to learn so much about yourself!
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Old 02-26-2009, 08:59 PM   #243  
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Originally Posted by LauraSerendipity View Post
So i just got back from WI, down 3 LBS from Tuesday YAY!!
Anyway, wanted to see if anyone else had heard this, the lady that i met with told me that they recently made the Cappuccino HNS, even tho its listed as a creamy, its now a clear, so you could have that as well as a creamy.
I'm super excited about that!! Now i can have the Cappuccino in the morning and still have my pudding or hot cocoa at night!!!
Has anyone else heard this??
Congrats girl! Great job!
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Old 02-26-2009, 09:45 PM   #244  
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Originally Posted by tmlmommy View Post
Hello everyone.

I am new to the boards. I just wanted to say I have recently joined MRC. I researched online and found this forum and did a lot of reading about others successes and opinions about MRC. I then scheduled a consultation and decided to take the plunge.

I just want to say "Thank you" to all of you guys sharing your situations. This board and reading posts related to the MRC program helped me decide to do it. I had my meeting last Friday and actually started the plan on Monday. I am on the beige menu to love 50 pounds in 17 weeks. I know this isn't going to be easy, so far I am three days in and feel alright. I am not having cravings for cookies or chocolate but I do wish I ate more of the veggies that are my options and the group 3 meats as well. My biggest fear is getting burnt out on too much chicken and falling completely OP.

I know that I have to do this. I didn't really gain weight until after my, now 5year old, was born. I didn't gain a lot of weight during pregnancy roughly 20 pounds was up to 170 and never lost that weight and gained about 10 more pounds a year. I just want to be healthy for my son.

When I was weighed for my consult they said I was 221 with a BMI of 48.2%. That mortified me. So I just wanted to share my story and I think if I can check back in here and just read about all the successes and slipup's others are having that it might make it easier for me.

Welcome! Just remember, if this journey was easy you wouldn't learn anything from it... so pay attention to your heart and your head.... and learn about yourself. And in regards to getting burned out on chicken, etc.... don't. Just mix it up. Use the recipe thread, use the centers suggestions, use the recipe book. If you find a recipe that you like, bring it to the center and bring it to the center (or this thread) and ask for help modifying it.

You can do this!
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Old 02-26-2009, 09:48 PM   #245  
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Originally Posted by LauraSerendipity View Post
I had to share a small thing thats a big step towards my progress of re motivation! A coworker is having a really bad day and has a giant sweet tooth. I felt the need to get her some sort of treat, and stopped at a cake shop, there are 5 people working at my office, that includes me. I picked up 4 filled cupcakes and passed them out to everyone at work. I didn't have a bite or anything but it still felt good that everyone else was having an enjoyable treat! I didn't feel left out or anything. That was a huge "mini" goal that i will have to keep thinking about whenever i'm tempted with something else..
That is great! You should feel so proud of yourself!!!!
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Old 02-27-2009, 12:05 AM   #246  
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Hi everyone, I'm new to 3FC, but I've been doing the mail order program with MRC for 5 weeks. I started at 210 and want to go to 155. I'm at 185lbs. I think I'm missing out on the accountability aspect of MRC and some of the additional emotional support that is available from face to face visits. Reading these posts is very helpful and its nice to know that I am not the only one that struggles with going OP on weekends. I also worry sometimes that I am spending all of this money for naught, but so far so good. I think this is going to be an excellent place for support.
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Old 02-27-2009, 11:08 AM   #247  
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Addiction to the scale??
So i'm bummed again, I"ve been following the plan 100% perfect since Tuesday. My Thursday WI I was down 3 LBS according to their scales. I weigh myself every day, and sometimes at night before i go to bed, just to see... Then this morning i get on the scale and am up 1 LB. I have a scale that gives body fat % and Hydration % and the body fat was up a little bit and water down a little bit, which dosen't make sense because i drink at minium a gallon of water every day. I just started working out Sunday, and went Mon, Tues, Wed and Today. I've been swimming because i really enjoy it and it feels like i'm getting an awsome work out, plus i believe swimming burns a ton of calories. Im just bummed about the scale going up after all the effort i've put into it recently! I know that i probabally shouldn't weigh myself every day, and not more than once a day, but its exciting for me to check and see where i'm at.. Its also that TOM so i'm sure that has a lot to do with my weight changes, because i'm usually up 3-4 LBS during that week.. I don't know, I"m upset tho because i understand going up when I was cheating like i was before but i've been so good.. grrr
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Old 02-27-2009, 11:24 AM   #248  
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Originally Posted by lv2ski2004 View Post
What multi Vitamin is everyone taking? I'm trying to use up some in my cabinet to save on cost. They have all been really high end ones until now and now it's the generic brand of the one a day women's multi. Not sure if I should take only 1 a day or take it 3x a day like I have the others?
I've been on a generic brand of something since i started the program, i had a huge bottle and with everything else i was spending money on i figured ( hoped) that the one i had already would do. I'm wondering when I will run out tho it seems like i've had that bottle FOREVER!! I only take one i wonder would would happen if i took one with each meal.....
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Old 02-27-2009, 11:25 AM   #249  
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Originally Posted by sharriannia View Post
Hi everyone, I'm new to 3FC, but I've been doing the mail order program with MRC for 5 weeks. I started at 210 and want to go to 155. I'm at 185lbs. I think I'm missing out on the accountability aspect of MRC and some of the additional emotional support that is available from face to face visits. Reading these posts is very helpful and its nice to know that I am not the only one that struggles with going OP on weekends. I also worry sometimes that I am spending all of this money for naught, but so far so good. I think this is going to be an excellent place for support.
Welcome!! This is a great program, and these posts and the people here are even better than the program you will do great!
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Old 02-27-2009, 12:21 PM   #250  
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Originally Posted by sharriannia View Post
Hi everyone, I'm new to 3FC, but I've been doing the mail order program with MRC for 5 weeks. I started at 210 and want to go to 155. I'm at 185lbs. I think I'm missing out on the accountability aspect of MRC and some of the additional emotional support that is available from face to face visits. Reading these posts is very helpful and its nice to know that I am not the only one that struggles with going OP on weekends. I also worry sometimes that I am spending all of this money for naught, but so far so good. I think this is going to be an excellent place for support.
WOW, you have lost 25 lbs in 5 weeks? That is amazing. I also don't do very well on the weekends. I can stay totally on plan during the day, but dinner time and weekends are the hardest for me. That is why I left the program two years ago. But like the rest of us, I am giving it my best.
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Old 02-27-2009, 12:26 PM   #251  
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Originally Posted by LauraSerendipity View Post
Addiction to the scale??
So i'm bummed again, I"ve been following the plan 100% perfect since Tuesday. My Thursday WI I was down 3 LBS according to their scales. I weigh myself every day, and sometimes at night before i go to bed, just to see... Then this morning i get on the scale and am up 1 LB. I have a scale that gives body fat % and Hydration % and the body fat was up a little bit and water down a little bit, which dosen't make sense because i drink at minium a gallon of water every day. I just started working out Sunday, and went Mon, Tues, Wed and Today. I've been swimming because i really enjoy it and it feels like i'm getting an awsome work out, plus i believe swimming burns a ton of calories. Im just bummed about the scale going up after all the effort i've put into it recently! I know that i probabally shouldn't weigh myself every day, and not more than once a day, but its exciting for me to check and see where i'm at.. Its also that TOM so i'm sure that has a lot to do with my weight changes, because i'm usually up 3-4 LBS during that week.. I don't know, I"m upset tho because i understand going up when I was cheating like i was before but i've been so good.. grrr
Don't sweat it, it's most likely to be water weight due to TOM. Also when you exercise, your body will gain some weight before it released it and you will see a dramatic loss. You are probably down 4 lbs, but it is reflecting 1 lb up due to the 5 lbs you normally go up on the TOM. Hang in there and DONT WEIGH YOURSELF EVERYDAY. It is contraindicated to do that due to the exact same reasons you are feeling right now. You are bummed and you need to avoid it. Continue staying OP 100% and you will see results every week. My friend lost 140 lbs in one year. So I know it works.
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Old 02-27-2009, 01:02 PM   #252  
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I just want to give a little praise to my MRC center here in Bellevue, NE. My contract is up today and I am still 15lbs. from my goal. The consultant I met with today said they aren't going to make me resign to meet my goal. They said I've been perfect with my food sheets and everything so they'll let me just finish it out for free. She said that's our guarantee. I reminded her that I have not been perfect (I ate on Thanksgiving & Christmas & a little on Valentines Day) and she just said that's in the past and you're doing great so we'll let you continue. They also gave my mom 8 free weeks because she has been on the program for almost a year and resigned about 8 weeks ago but has been struggling constantly and going off plan for those last 8 weeks. They are starting her fresh like she just resigned without her having to pay again. I know some people have said that they think their centers are just out for the money but I have to say that the ladies at ours really seem like they care and want you to succeed. I think it's one of the top centers in the country because since I joined in Sept. they have sent people here to train from Texas and Florida.

Anyway, I'm really excited to be close to the end. I lost 2.5 at todays WI. I've only been losing about 2-2.5lbs a week now but I know the closer you get to your goal the slower it goes. I'll probably start stabilization at the end of March or beginning of April.

Congrats to everyone who has lost this week and welcome to all the newbies!!
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Old 02-27-2009, 01:22 PM   #253  
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Originally Posted by KeepinOnandOn View Post
I just want to give a little praise to my MRC center here in Bellevue, NE. My contract is up today and I am still 15lbs. from my goal. The consultant I met with today said they aren't going to make me resign to meet my goal. They said I've been perfect with my food sheets and everything so they'll let me just finish it out for free. She said that's our guarantee. I reminded her that I have not been perfect (I ate on Thanksgiving & Christmas & a little on Valentines Day) and she just said that's in the past and you're doing great so we'll let you continue. They also gave my mom 8 free weeks because she has been on the program for almost a year and resigned about 8 weeks ago but has been struggling constantly and going off plan for those last 8 weeks. They are starting her fresh like she just resigned without her having to pay again. I know some people have said that they think their centers are just out for the money but I have to say that the ladies at ours really seem like they care and want you to succeed. I think it's one of the top centers in the country because since I joined in Sept. they have sent people here to train from Texas and Florida.

Anyway, I'm really excited to be close to the end. I lost 2.5 at todays WI. I've only been losing about 2-2.5lbs a week now but I know the closer you get to your goal the slower it goes. I'll probably start stabilization at the end of March or beginning of April.

Congrats to everyone who has lost this week and welcome to all the newbies!!
Kudos to your center and to you! You have come so far and I know you will go ALL THE WAY!
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Old 02-27-2009, 04:20 PM   #254  
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Originally Posted by KeepinOnandOn View Post
I just want to give a little praise to my MRC center here in Bellevue, NE. My contract is up today and I am still 15lbs. from my goal. The consultant I met with today said they aren't going to make me resign to meet my goal. They said I've been perfect with my food sheets and everything so they'll let me just finish it out for free. She said that's our guarantee. I reminded her that I have not been perfect (I ate on Thanksgiving & Christmas & a little on Valentines Day) and she just said that's in the past and you're doing great so we'll let you continue. They also gave my mom 8 free weeks because she has been on the program for almost a year and resigned about 8 weeks ago but has been struggling constantly and going off plan for those last 8 weeks. They are starting her fresh like she just resigned without her having to pay again. I know some people have said that they think their centers are just out for the money but I have to say that the ladies at ours really seem like they care and want you to succeed. I think it's one of the top centers in the country because since I joined in Sept. they have sent people here to train from Texas and Florida.

Anyway, I'm really excited to be close to the end. I lost 2.5 at todays WI. I've only been losing about 2-2.5lbs a week now but I know the closer you get to your goal the slower it goes. I'll probably start stabilization at the end of March or beginning of April.

Congrats to everyone who has lost this week and welcome to all the newbies!!
Same here, I came back after 2 yrs, I quit a month after signing up for 17 weeks so when I signed up again on Monday, they gave me full credit. They gave me until July 15th for free. They also helped me to keep the cost down by telling me to use my own vitamins and my own fish oil. They are also great and very motivating. The manager even gave me her personal cell phone number to call her if I am feeling like going off plan. They rock!
I will go wi on monday and see what the preconditioning has done for me. I did cheat yesterday and had a nonfat latte and ate 1 cup of blueberries instead of 1/2 cup. Do any of you know if you are in Ketosis while preconditioning? I hope not.
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Old 02-27-2009, 06:10 PM   #255  
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Hello! I went through food training today and they wanted me to wait until Monday to start but I want to start tomorrow. They said it would be best to wait because someone would be around to answer my questions if needed. However, I don't think I can wait! I did lose 2 pounds in pre-conditioning. I do have a question, though - what do you guys use as a hard cheese? Thanks in advance, and thanks so much for the support!
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