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Old 03-01-2009, 06:50 PM   #271  
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Hi Everyone,

I've been MIA for a few days. I decided to take a diet vacation for a few days. It sounds crazy, but I just needed a break from the structure and all the forbiddend foods.

So I had whatever I felt like, and did over eat. It's interesting that I really didn't enjoy the food as much as I expected and felt pretty gross.

The vacation's over and it's back to program. I am more enthusiastic and am looking forward to following the good old green menu. I feel so much better on it. So the vacation served it's purpose.
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Old 03-01-2009, 09:43 PM   #272  
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Originally Posted by raven59 View Post
Hi Everyone,

I've been MIA for a few days. I decided to take a diet vacation for a few days. It sounds crazy, but I just needed a break from the structure and all the forbiddend foods.

So I had whatever I felt like, and did over eat. It's interesting that I really didn't enjoy the food as much as I expected and felt pretty gross.

The vacation's over and it's back to program. I am more enthusiastic and am looking forward to following the good old green menu. I feel so much better on it. So the vacation served it's purpose.
I think you and I are long lost sisters! I did the same while on vacation this weekend. I stuck with HNS and my breakfast and lunch's were pretty much close to plan but not perfect but I did drink alot of wine in Napa enjoyed an In-N-out burger and fries and a wonderful seafood steak dinner out!

But tomorrow will be hitting it hard once again. I only have a couple of weeks until my latest contract ends and I truly have to say that I'm happy with were I have ended up. Shopping this weekend was successful with a size I didn't think I'd ever see!

I do have to admit my body feels kinda gross right now so I am ready to eat healthy again!

Here's to an OP week ahead of us!
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Old 03-01-2009, 10:17 PM   #273  
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Originally Posted by maintainforlife View Post
Oh Denise...I'm sooooooooooooooo excited and nervous for you!!! You sure have a ton of support with the "maintainers"...I keep reading their become "extra" prepared for when/if ever I get there! Kidding of course!! I love the goal board idea...guess I'll get the 'ol family to sit down and help me make one...I'm sure they have plenty of "goal" ideas for me! Lots of good thoughts and energy to/for you!! xoxoCarrie


Yes, get the family together and make one. I'm actually going to have my son do one with me. I think it's good for everyone to have one!

I went in on Saturday and totally forgot it was the stabilization party! Can you believe it!!! Everyone was all dressed up and ready to celebrate! I ran back home and changed really fast (I was in my sweats at first). It was great and so exciting. You will be there!!!! Thanks for the kind words, and wonderful thoughts/energy! I needed it. I'm fine now!
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Old 03-01-2009, 11:43 PM   #274  
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Congratulations Namaste!! I hope that I will be at stabilization, but we shall see!

Being on the mail order program, i really feel like I miss out on some of the benefits of MRC. I love the idea of a goal board. I been trying to set some other goals in addition to weight loss. I also want to run a 5k, wear size 10 clothes, and exercise 5 days a week. So far I'm having trouble eating OP for more than 2 weeks in a row. I'm gonna keep at it though, because I do feel alot healthier and have better stamina eating on program, than off.
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Old 03-02-2009, 09:56 AM   #275  
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Hi friends .... for those who like the chocolate soy crisps, they are on sale at dietdirect dot com for 7.99 this week.
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Old 03-02-2009, 02:09 PM   #276  
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I was a regular poster here for a number of weeks...when I was doing well on I need a kick in the pants. I have been marginally on plan for the past two months. My weight loss has really slowed and I am frustrated. I have been doing this since August 1st. Luckily I signed up for two more seventeen week sessions that will take me through the end of August.

I need some accountability...someone here want to help?
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Old 03-02-2009, 02:20 PM   #277  
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Originally Posted by dla View Post
I was a regular poster here for a number of weeks...when I was doing well on I need a kick in the pants. I have been marginally on plan for the past two months. My weight loss has really slowed and I am frustrated. I have been doing this since August 1st. Luckily I signed up for two more seventeen week sessions that will take me through the end of August.

I need some accountability...someone here want to help?
Sure thing love. Let's get back to the reason you started.... what got you in the door? Remember how you felt? The motivation to take that step? What was it? Remember how you felt when you hit the first 10lbs lost? How did it feel? What made you want to keep going? What's changed? What do you need to do to get back to that first week? What's in your way?

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Old 03-02-2009, 03:30 PM   #278  
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Originally Posted by dla View Post
I was a regular poster here for a number of weeks...when I was doing well on I need a kick in the pants. I have been marginally on plan for the past two months. My weight loss has really slowed and I am frustrated. I have been doing this since August 1st. Luckily I signed up for two more seventeen week sessions that will take me through the end of August.

I need some accountability...someone here want to help?
I remember when I started, YOU were very encouraging to me! So, let me give it a shot to encourage you! First, someone on the board (maybe meemo, I am not sure) recommended I buy a book called 100 Days of Weight Loss by Linda Spangle. At first I was thinking "there goes more money on another wt loss book and I had just spent a whopping amt by joining MRC" but I sucked it up and bought the book and bought a journal. I did GREAT journaling the first 25 days. I wrote a lot of deep stuff about "the old me" and how I never want to go back to that. I wrote my reasons for changing, how I saw myself in my new body and my new mind, I really felt like doing this helped make a big change in me. Another thing I did to help motivate me was I would DVR this show on BBC called "You Are What You Eat" and although its not near as inspiring as The Biggest Loser (which I also watch), and everyone speaks with a british accent, but they really show bad food in such a negative disgusting way that I honestly have no desire to eat any of that food. I even DVR the repeats and have the show on in the background while cleaning house, cutting up veggies or whatever! Even though the show teaches overweight people to become vegetarians (or close to it) and they revisit the people after 8 weeks (so you never get to see the end result) for some reason this show does a lot for me! Another thing I do is try on my goal jeans every Monday...they are 2 sizes to small for me but they used to be 5 sizes to small!! I admit, I have gotten a bit lazy with my journaling (always playing catch up for the past 2-3 days), but I still do it! At this point on any other program I would have stopped journaling because I would think "yeah, I know what I am doing, I don't need to do this anymore" and then set myself for failure. I think you need to make sure you are getting into the center twice a week, go to the store today and stock up on MRC friendly foods, cut up all your veggies tonight (that a BIG one for me) and start getting back into the groove! You can do it!
Now---I need encouragement---I have still been 100% to plan, thats not the problem. I am still losing a good avg of weight (4lbs a week) BUT I need to start exercing again! Heres the deal. I BARELY exercised in December when I started, the weight was falling off pretty rapidly without exercise. Then in January I started hitting the gym, doing Wii Fit and really getting into it. The weight loss did slow down a little bit, but still had a good avg going. In Feb I did not exercise at all...not one day (other than I painted two bedrooms and moved furniture one week). I have a horrible (and wonderful) habit. I get my son up at 6am to start all of his medical treatments and get him off to school, then get my younger son up, get him off to school and then I go back to bed to snuggle with my husband for about an hour. I am telling you, that one hour of sleep is like being in a coma. Its comfy, warm, and when I wake up I feel alive! Then I eat breakfast and get started with my day (either go to work in his office or do stuff around the house) I never make the time for working out (although I play on Facebook for about an hour everyday!!!) I just can't get motivated. My weightloss didn't slow down really for Feb and not working out. I keep thinking "If I can lose this fast without working out, why should I work out???" I told myself that TODAY, being a Monday and being the beginning of a new month that I was going to start back up again. I left work early, came home to change, got dressed for the gym AND TOOK A NAP!!!! What is my problem?!?!? Now my younger son is home, his brother comes home in 20 minutes and I keep saying "BONNIE---GO WORK OUT!!!" Also, I am so close to signing 50lb board! only 1.5 pounds away!!!! If thats not a reason to get my butt in the gym, I don't know what is!!! Also, I am less than 20 pounds to being in Onederland!!! I haven't weighed less that 198 (and that was only for a few days while yo-yo dieting and doing Atkins and exercising 2+ hours a day!!) in 8 years!!!
btw, I receieved a letter in the mail from the Bariatric Surgical Group I was concidering when I weighed 266 before I started MRC. The letter stated they were still waiting (since last June) for a reply from my insurance company. They said if I was still interested in having surgery to call them...I tore up that letter and felt good about it. I don't want to ever have to think about having that surgery ever again!
Sorry this post is so long...but I must go get on my sneakers...I gotta leave for the gym in 10 minutes Look---I inspired myself!
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Old 03-02-2009, 05:07 PM   #279  
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Originally Posted by namaste View Post
Sure thing love. Let's get back to the reason you started.... what got you in the door? Remember how you felt? The motivation to take that step? What was it? Remember how you felt when you hit the first 10lbs lost? How did it feel? What made you want to keep going? What's changed? What do you need to do to get back to that first week? What's in your way?

I knew I could count on you. I first went in the door because I had just gotten out of the hospital with a heart condition. It was imperative that I lose weight to get healthier. That coupled with the fact that I was SICK OF MYSELF. Fear was the original motivation.

What has changed? I feel a lot better and I was able to stop taking one of my blood pressure meds. I look better and can do more.

I need to just focus and worry only about me to get back to the first week. My attitude is in the way!

Originally Posted by BonnieMcC View Post
I remember when I started, YOU were very encouraging to me! So, let me give it a shot to encourage you! First, someone on the board (maybe meemo, I am not sure) recommended I buy a book called 100 Days of Weight Loss by Linda Spangle. At first I was thinking "there goes more money on another wt loss book and I had just spent a whopping amt by joining MRC" but I sucked it up and bought the book and bought a journal. I did GREAT journaling the first 25 days. I wrote a lot of deep stuff about "the old me" and how I never want to go back to that. I wrote my reasons for changing, how I saw myself in my new body and my new mind, I really felt like doing this helped make a big change in me. Another thing I did to help motivate me was I would DVR this show on BBC called "You Are What You Eat" and although its not near as inspiring as The Biggest Loser (which I also watch), and everyone speaks with a british accent, but they really show bad food in such a negative disgusting way that I honestly have no desire to eat any of that food. I even DVR the repeats and have the show on in the background while cleaning house, cutting up veggies or whatever! Even though the show teaches overweight people to become vegetarians (or close to it) and they revisit the people after 8 weeks (so you never get to see the end result) for some reason this show does a lot for me! Another thing I do is try on my goal jeans every Monday...they are 2 sizes to small for me but they used to be 5 sizes to small!! I admit, I have gotten a bit lazy with my journaling (always playing catch up for the past 2-3 days), but I still do it! At this point on any other program I would have stopped journaling because I would think "yeah, I know what I am doing, I don't need to do this anymore" and then set myself for failure. I think you need to make sure you are getting into the center twice a week, go to the store today and stock up on MRC friendly foods, cut up all your veggies tonight (that a BIG one for me) and start getting back into the groove! You can do it!
Now---I need encouragement---I have still been 100% to plan, thats not the problem. I am still losing a good avg of weight (4lbs a week) BUT I need to start exercing again! Heres the deal. I BARELY exercised in December when I started, the weight was falling off pretty rapidly without exercise. Then in January I started hitting the gym, doing Wii Fit and really getting into it. The weight loss did slow down a little bit, but still had a good avg going. In Feb I did not exercise at all...not one day (other than I painted two bedrooms and moved furniture one week). I have a horrible (and wonderful) habit. I get my son up at 6am to start all of his medical treatments and get him off to school, then get my younger son up, get him off to school and then I go back to bed to snuggle with my husband for about an hour. I am telling you, that one hour of sleep is like being in a coma. Its comfy, warm, and when I wake up I feel alive! Then I eat breakfast and get started with my day (either go to work in his office or do stuff around the house) I never make the time for working out (although I play on Facebook for about an hour everyday!!!) I just can't get motivated. My weightloss didn't slow down really for Feb and not working out. I keep thinking "If I can lose this fast without working out, why should I work out???" I told myself that TODAY, being a Monday and being the beginning of a new month that I was going to start back up again. I left work early, came home to change, got dressed for the gym AND TOOK A NAP!!!! What is my problem?!?!? Now my younger son is home, his brother comes home in 20 minutes and I keep saying "BONNIE---GO WORK OUT!!!" Also, I am so close to signing 50lb board! only 1.5 pounds away!!!! If thats not a reason to get my butt in the gym, I don't know what is!!! Also, I am less than 20 pounds to being in Onederland!!! I haven't weighed less that 198 (and that was only for a few days while yo-yo dieting and doing Atkins and exercising 2+ hours a day!!) in 8 years!!!
btw, I receieved a letter in the mail from the Bariatric Surgical Group I was concidering when I weighed 266 before I started MRC. The letter stated they were still waiting (since last June) for a reply from my insurance company. They said if I was still interested in having surgery to call them...I tore up that letter and felt good about it. I don't want to ever have to think about having that surgery ever again!
Sorry this post is so long...but I must go get on my sneakers...I gotta leave for the gym in 10 minutes Look---I inspired myself!
Bonnie...I actually laughed at this. I have also recently taken a nap in workout clothes...get it in gear sister!! I can totally relate. I am now in a competition with one of the counselors at my center. First one to 10 pounds lost wins. The second part of the competition is the person to lose the most weight by March 30th. I am lucky I have a great connection with one of the center's counselors.

You bring up a lot of good points...I have stopped journalling and focusing. I just need to "start over".

BTW...I think it is a NSV to be able to tear up the bariatric surgery letter!!
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Old 03-02-2009, 05:12 PM   #280  
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Originally Posted by dla View Post
I knew I could count on you. I first went in the door because I had just gotten out of the hospital with a heart condition. It was imperative that I lose weight to get healthier. That coupled with the fact that I was SICK OF MYSELF. Fear was the original motivation.

What has changed? I feel a lot better and I was able to stop taking one of my blood pressure meds. I look better and can do more.

I need to just focus and worry only about me to get back to the first week. My attitude is in the way!
I've heard that in my behavior mod class actually. They said that once people start feeling better, they lose the motivation that got them in the door to begin with. Things don't hurt like they used to, clothes fit better, they aren't depressed (or as depressed), etc... So, think about even how much better you will feel when you finish what you've started! You've struggled to get to the top of the mountain, and you're almost there! Now, you just have to run on down.... I'm waiting on the other side! So come on! You can do this.
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Old 03-02-2009, 08:03 PM   #281  
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I completely agree with this theory because I have certainly witnessed it in myself - as soon as I lose about 20 lbs or so, I feel a bit better and then find myself cheating etc. That's why I'm with MRC - acountability!! I need to go to some of the classes offered at the center - might pick up some great tips there too :0) I'm on day 10, last WI on day 7 was down another lb for total of 7 lbs. I was disappointed though because I based on home scale I had lost at least 2. Oh well, different time of day, started cycle today so probably the reason. Anyways, It was a little disappointing, I really want to keep the 3-5 lb a week so I can make my goal by August 10th. I am still struggling with the no-salt thing - just seems like food is not very tasty w/o a little sprinkle. I have started to use the sea salt sparingly - something had to give! Tried the Turkey Lasagna recipe - baked last night for today's lunch. It was very watery - The zucchini had alot of water. I am not too fascinated by the creamy tomato supplement but it was do-able and at least something different from chicken and salad! Still looking for Walden farms stuff. My center had a great sale on supplements this week - 5/$50 - wow! Bought lots to stock up. Thanks for all the great advice as always.


Originally Posted by namaste View Post
I've heard that in my behavior mod class actually. They said that once people start feeling better, they lose the motivation that got them in the door to begin with. Things don't hurt like they used to, clothes fit better, they aren't depressed (or as depressed), etc... So, think about even how much better you will feel when you finish what you've started! You've struggled to get to the top of the mountain, and you're almost there! Now, you just have to run on down.... I'm waiting on the other side! So come on! You can do this.

Last edited by Karen1234; 03-02-2009 at 08:05 PM.
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Old 03-02-2009, 09:51 PM   #282  
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Quick question...Is anyone taking CLA with Tonalin amongst taking all the other supplements? I know it shrinks fat cells and is proven...I took it in the military, but haven't on this diet? Just seeing if it is a-ok to do, since it is not listed on our supplements that we can buy through the center! Thanks and keep up the good work everybody!
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Old 03-02-2009, 09:56 PM   #283  
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First congrats on the great weight loss. I was down in the dumps today, still waiting on my monthly to come, a little late this time ( no biggy, its common with me). I went to work sat there thinking about if I should go weigh in today or not or wait till tomorrow. Well I went in- I told them how I am so constipated- I bought some internal cleanse- they suggested I take 3 tonight before bed and in the morning I should have some relief ( PRAYING ON IT) Anyway... remember Thursday I went up .5 lbs. Well today, I went in and I was down 3 lbs, total so far 6.5 lbs, yes! They calculated my weight loss at 4.6 lbs per week, I have been on the program for 10 days today. I am excited, I feel more motivated. I can honestly say, I felt great when I sat there thinking about it, I am officially less than 100lbs to goal, when I first started I wanted to lose 101 lbs, now guess what?? I have 94.5 lbs to goal, that is awesome!! Just had to share my news
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Old 03-02-2009, 10:05 PM   #284  
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Originally Posted by Karen1234 View Post
I completely agree with this theory because I have certainly witnessed it in myself - as soon as I lose about 20 lbs or so, I feel a bit better and then find myself cheating etc. That's why I'm with MRC - acountability!! I need to go to some of the classes offered at the center - might pick up some great tips there too :0) I'm on day 10, last WI on day 7 was down another lb for total of 7 lbs. I was disappointed though because I based on home scale I had lost at least 2. Oh well, different time of day, started cycle today so probably the reason. Anyways, It was a little disappointing, I really want to keep the 3-5 lb a week so I can make my goal by August 10th. I am still struggling with the no-salt thing - just seems like food is not very tasty w/o a little sprinkle. I have started to use the sea salt sparingly - something had to give! Tried the Turkey Lasagna recipe - baked last night for today's lunch. It was very watery - The zucchini had alot of water. I am not too fascinated by the creamy tomato supplement but it was do-able and at least something different from chicken and salad! Still looking for Walden farms stuff. My center had a great sale on supplements this week - 5/$50 - wow! Bought lots to stock up. Thanks for all the great advice as always.

It's true, isn't it! The desperation isn't there anymore, so we tend to forget quickly... an go back to our old ways; it's important to remember why we walked in the door to begin with and constantly remind ourselves of that. What is it they say "those who don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat it"?

Good job; 7lbs in 10 days... nice. And don't worry about the difference between the center's scale and yours. Try to stick with your weigh ins at the same time though (at least for the center) so that doesn't get too crazy.... like don't weigh in the morning, then evening, etc... I'm always 3-4lbs heavier in the evening.

Have you tried the Mrs Dash seasonings? They have several different kinds and it really helps to spice up your food. As long as my food has flavor (spices), I tend to not miss the salt.

Also, have you tried the recipes in the recipe thread here? Very good ones!!! The taco casserole is my favorite! Also, I like the zucchini lasagna recipe but I just would use the tomato basil mrs dash, and not the tomato supplement... I just spiced the meat up with that (a lot) then the moisture from the zucchini helped to make it more creamy. Then at the end, I put fresh tomatoes on (same with the taco casserole). I've never been a fan of the tomato supplement. I like the chicken supplement sometimes.... but I really try to use the spices I have to duplicate what I'm looking for. For instance, tonight I made ground turkey, and while it was in the pan cooking, I added some water and some of the creole seasoning (from the recipe thread). It just makes it creamier, but not soupy.

Play around, you'll get the hang of it. Oh, and if there is something you like that isn't on plan, bring the recipe to the center (or here) to have them see if they can help modify it for you.

Congrats on almost getting your ticker!!!!
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Old 03-02-2009, 10:08 PM   #285  
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Originally Posted by Jennifer73 View Post
First congrats on the great weight loss. I was down in the dumps today, still waiting on my monthly to come, a little late this time ( no biggy, its common with me). I went to work sat there thinking about if I should go weigh in today or not or wait till tomorrow. Well I went in- I told them how I am so constipated- I bought some internal cleanse- they suggested I take 3 tonight before bed and in the morning I should have some relief ( PRAYING ON IT) Anyway... remember Thursday I went up .5 lbs. Well today, I went in and I was down 3 lbs, total so far 6.5 lbs, yes! They calculated my weight loss at 4.6 lbs per week, I have been on the program for 10 days today. I am excited, I feel more motivated. I can honestly say, I felt great when I sat there thinking about it, I am officially less than 100lbs to goal, when I first started I wanted to lose 101 lbs, now guess what?? I have 94.5 lbs to goal, that is awesome!! Just had to share my news

Well, that's one way to make your day brighter huh?!


And, the triphala (internal cleanser) should work well for you.....

Wonderful news, great job!
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