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Old 03-13-2009, 12:01 PM   #436  
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I go weigh in tonight, I'll let everyone know how I did. I did cheat and get on my scale at home this morning and according to it I lost a couple more pounds, so I can't wait to go in.
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Old 03-13-2009, 12:38 PM   #437  
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Originally Posted by wanttobeskinny View Post
yay! I went to WI last night and lost 4 lbs in 3 days. I am down 8.5 lbs in 11 days. I am so motivated and ready to stay 100% OP on the weekend.

That's awesome!! It is so motivating to see that scale moving down quick!
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Old 03-13-2009, 12:49 PM   #438  
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Originally Posted by Karen1234 View Post
Hmmmm... I wondered about that and even asked a counselor once b/c I thought I had done something I shouldn't have - anyways she said said the way I had did it was fine but I was still skeptical. Basically, I had 1 egg and 2 oz of hard cheese in the am. That night I was running late at dinner and only had a 3 oz turkey burger (cooked) so I had this with 1 oz hard cheese (again as you said assuming the hard cheese counts for 2), 1 oz cottage cheese to make up for the difference in protein. I just make my max amt of hard cheese 3 oz. per day but I have a feeling you're right - the sheet does say once a day. I've been getting away with it thus far with the weight loss but pretty soon I know it will catch up with me so I will need to change my habits. Oh, and since we're on the subject of cheese - sometimes I take 2 oz. of hard cheese, add 1 oz of cottage cheese (that has the lumps smashed out of it) and microwave for 60-90 seconds until all melted, stir - makes a great cheese sauce over Broccoli at Lunch or Dinner. I love it!

Thanks for the tip!
I'm SO going to try that cheese sauce for lunch sometime. I've basically stopped eating cheese at all for right now. I'm VERY sensitive to the uh, stopping effects of cheese and I almost always forget to take my flax with me when I'm at my BF's on the weekends so it's catching up to me BIG TIME right now. I'm actually going to see if there's something else I can do to help with that.

Also, they said that you know you can have group 2, the red meats, twice a week at dinner right. well if you want you can split that 3 and 3 or 2 and 4 whatever you want since it's a one to one ratio. But, you can still only have it twice a week which REALLY sucks cuz I LOVE steak and have a good seasoning packet for chili and prefer it with that stew meat or ground sirloin.
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Old 03-13-2009, 12:53 PM   #439  
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This is a big step for me. I put my weight on my ticker. I haven't done that before because I NEVER tell anyone my weight. My husband and I have been married for 19 years and I never told him my weight before (even when I wasn't overweight when we got married). I'm trying to do things differently now because the way I dealt with my weight before obviously didn't work. I'm trying to be more open and acknowledge my weight now. I kept telling myself that I would put it on my ticker but was still too embarrassed. I know that's ridiculous because we are all in the same boat here and encouraging each other, but I still couldn't do it. I told myself last week that I would do it when I got into the 160's. I lost 3lbs. at this WI which put me at 169 I've been telling my family and friends now which was a huge step and I've told a few of you along the way. No more secrets!!! I'm also hoping that it will motivate me to keep it off. If everyone knows what I weigh now, they will know if I gain!
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Old 03-13-2009, 01:01 PM   #440  
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Originally Posted by KeepinOnandOn View Post
This is a big step for me. I put my weight on my ticker. I haven't done that before because I NEVER tell anyone my weight. My husband and I have been married for 19 years and I never told him my weight before (even when I wasn't overweight when we got married). I'm trying to do things differently now because the way I dealt with my weight before obviously didn't work. I'm trying to be more open and acknowledge my weight now. I kept telling myself that I would put it on my ticker but was still too embarrassed. I know that's ridiculous because we are all in the same boat here and encouraging each other, but I still couldn't do it. I told myself last week that I would do it when I got into the 160's. I lost 3lbs. at this WI which put me at 169 I've been telling my family and friends now which was a huge step and I've told a few of you along the way. No more secrets!!! I'm also hoping that it will motivate me to keep it off. If everyone knows what I weigh now, they will know if I gain!
you should totally be proud of your accomplishment, 69 lbs is a huge one. If I weighed anything under 200, I would be yelling it out to the world. I have been over 200 lbs for the past 15 yrs. I am so happy for you
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Old 03-13-2009, 01:12 PM   #441  
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congrats keepinon on taking that step - i guess i'm the weird female who doesn't care about weight or age - right now that is but i know some people are way sensitive about it.

i was 260 at my heaviest 3 or 4 years ago - did TaeKwonDo for 3 months and lost 20 lbs with that being my ONLY change but my knee took me out of that. i've gone through depressive bouts where i'd lose another 10 or 20 here and there to get down to my 230 and i held that 230 just fine for the last year or so.

i hope when i get down to the 160's that i look as good as you do in that pic because that's as far as i'm going even though the one i hate at the center keeps trying to get me to do more so i can lose more like it's her body or something. she's SCRAWNY and that just pisses me off.
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Old 03-13-2009, 01:22 PM   #442  
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Originally Posted by wanttobeskinny View Post
you should totally be proud of your accomplishment, 69 lbs is a huge one. If I weighed anything under 200, I would be yelling it out to the world. I have been over 200 lbs for the past 15 yrs. I am so happy for you
Originally Posted by ford4life69 View Post
congrats keepinon on taking that step - i guess i'm the weird female who doesn't care about weight or age - right now that is but i know some people are way sensitive about it.

i was 260 at my heaviest 3 or 4 years ago - did TaeKwonDo for 3 months and lost 20 lbs with that being my ONLY change but my knee took me out of that. i've gone through depressive bouts where i'd lose another 10 or 20 here and there to get down to my 230 and i held that 230 just fine for the last year or so.

i hope when i get down to the 160's that i look as good as you do in that pic because that's as far as i'm going even though the one i hate at the center keeps trying to get me to do more so i can lose more like it's her body or something. she's SCRAWNY and that just pisses me off.

Thanks, you guys! Yes, I was thrilled to be under 200 also. I've been in the 200's for the last 12 years myself, my heaviest being 250lbs. at one time, so it does feel great. You'll be there soon!!

The ladies at my center have told me with my tanita numbers that my healthy range would be 166-140 for my height and age or whatever else they figure it with. I'm leaning towards getting into the 150's at this point just because I don't feel quite "there" yet and it would give me alittle cushion to play with. It's a personal decision that only you can come to. Don't let anyone push you into it. If she really gets on your nerves, request one of your favs at your WI's. That way you don't have to deal with her. You need to come away feeling better about yourself, not worse! You're doing great! Keep on keepin on!!
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Old 03-13-2009, 01:44 PM   #443  
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This is a big step for meI put my weight on my tickerI haven't done that before because I NEVER tell anyone my weight. My husband and I have been married for 19 years and I never told him my weight before (even when I wasn't overweight when we got married). I'm trying to do things differently now because the way I dealt with my weight before obviously didn't workI'm trying to be more open and acknowledge my weight now. I kept telling myself that I would put it on my ticker but was still too embarrassed. I know that's ridiculous because we are all in the same boat here and encouraging each otherbut I still couldn't do it. I told myself last week that I would do it when I got into the 160's
Congratulations on this big step. I know how you feel. I haven't told my husband what I weigh since our honeymoon (and that's only because I was skinny). When I joined this board, I initially put up my picture, but I took it off because I was afraid someone I know would see what I weigh (like they can't tell I'm overweight lol). You've lost so much weight and look so beautiful. You're an inspiration to me.
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Old 03-13-2009, 01:52 PM   #444  
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Sorry, everyone;it's painfully obvious that I don't know how to quote on this board. Excuse my ignorance.
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Old 03-13-2009, 02:09 PM   #445  
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Originally Posted by KeepinOnandOn View Post
This is a big step for me. I put my weight on my ticker. I haven't done that before because I NEVER tell anyone my weight. My husband and I have been married for 19 years and I never told him my weight before (even when I wasn't overweight when we got married). I'm trying to do things differently now because the way I dealt with my weight before obviously didn't work. I'm trying to be more open and acknowledge my weight now. I kept telling myself that I would put it on my ticker but was still too embarrassed. I know that's ridiculous because we are all in the same boat here and encouraging each other, but I still couldn't do it. I told myself last week that I would do it when I got into the 160's. I lost 3lbs. at this WI which put me at 169 I've been telling my family and friends now which was a huge step and I've told a few of you along the way. No more secrets!!! I'm also hoping that it will motivate me to keep it off. If everyone knows what I weigh now, they will know if I gain!
I am sooo proud of you and your accomplishments! Your profile pic looks awesome and you give me inspiration!
I never wanted to tell my husband my weight and have never said the number outloud to him, although there are a few friends that I have told, but I have always posted it here...thinking only strangers would see it. Well one day I left my post up on my computer and my husband saw it. I watched him look at the screen. He didn't say anything about it, acted like it was no big deal. I have also said "Ive lost X amt of pounds and I have X amt to go before I am in Onderland" Well it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out just add the X's to to find out what my starting weight is! I just HATE to say that number outloud!
I did my tanita today and my BMI was down 2 points (or is it %?) but my body fat mass was exactly the same....grrrr. BUT she did say it could have been because I went out to dinner last night and the food could have had hidden sodium in it (which I know it did, my normally loose rings were digging into my fingers when I woke up this morning) and I didn't have anything to drink except my HNS before I weighed in at 10:45 this morning. She said dehydration could cause my tanita to read differently.
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Old 03-13-2009, 02:34 PM   #446  
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My Sweet Shannon did you go to your fitting? I need pictures please.... How have you been doing, sticking to plan?
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Old 03-13-2009, 03:02 PM   #447  
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Originally Posted by KeepinOnandOn View Post

This is a big step for me. I put my weight on my ticker. I haven't done that before because I NEVER tell anyone my weight. My husband and I have been married for 19 years and I never told him my weight before (even when I wasn't overweight when we got married). I'm trying to do things differently now because the way I dealt with my weight before obviously didn't work. I'm trying to be more open and acknowledge my weight now. I kept telling myself that I would put it on my ticker but was still too embarrassed. I know that's ridiculous because we are all in the same boat here and encouraging each other, but I still couldn't do it. I told myself last week that I would do it when I got into the 160's. I lost 3lbs. at this WI which put me at 169 I've been telling my family and friends now which was a huge step and I've told a few of you along the way. No more secrets!!! I'm also hoping that it will motivate me to keep it off. If everyone knows what I weigh now, they will know if I gain!
Wow! 69 lbs is a GREAT accomplishment! You are my inspiration! Your picture is beautiful, I could swear you were in the 140's by looking at how thin your face looks! I am almost in the 160''s and can't wait, I hope to be where you are by next week! Thanks for the motivation and inspiration, you are awesome! I'm very happy for you and wish you continued success!!

Originally Posted by Shelby63 View Post

Sorry, everyone;it's painfully obvious that I don't know how to quote on this board. Excuse my ignorance.
No problem Shelby! Look to the right and you will see "quote" and multi quote", you can hit multi quote several times when you are reading and write to them all in one post. I learned that by reading old posts one day. You are doing great by the way! Keep up the good work!

I went to WI today and was down 1 lb! Still not 20 but getting very close, should be there by next WI! My 10 weeks will be up on 4/2/09 so I will need to lose almost 4 lbs a week to make it, she said my average is 3 lbs. My counselor said not to worry about making my goal by that date because I will continue to lose during stabilization. She said we would do a tanita reading in a couple of weeks to see if I can start stabilization in April. I am really excited! I am getting so close to where I want to be that I can taste it! I am going to continue to push forward, I think my plateau is finally over! and I will try very hard to be as close to goal as possible by the time my contract expires! I am going to continue my workouts and sticking to plan! I hope that everyone has a great weekend and I wish you all success on the scales today and tomorrow! You all are awesome and you inspire me so much, just want to say thank you and sending you all positive thoughts!!

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Old 03-13-2009, 03:10 PM   #448  
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Originally Posted by DKRiley View Post
My Sweet Shannon did you go to your fitting? I need pictures please.... How have you been doing, sticking to plan?

I go next Thursday for the fitting. Yikes! I did lose 2 more pounds this week.
I need to find shoes now. I am so stressed. What was I thinking planning this for May? Plus, I have school, selling my house, moving to his house, my school's fundraiser, and 2 conferences I need to go to. I am crazy!

How have you been? I have missed our daily chats!
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Old 03-13-2009, 04:45 PM   #449  
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Just a quick check in to say HI! I've been on plan but due to other life stresses haven't been online to check in here. I just keep forgetting. I'm down to 127 which is the least I've been at since September of last year. Still another 1.5 to get to my lowest of 125.5 on 9/10/08. I've been eating tilapia, egg whites, bread, broccoli and salad all week. Not fun and no faster weight loss so I'll start back on my "normal" MRC menu tomorrow.

I hope you're all doing well!
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Old 03-13-2009, 05:17 PM   #450  
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Hi all,
Just wanted to check in really fast- I went for WI today, day 21, down 11.5 lbs. I am excited cause now I can say good bye 240s, good bye 230s , really makes me feel good and instead of saying I have 101 to go or 90 I can now say 89, those little steps make a huge difference! I am excited!

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