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Old 12-10-2007, 05:45 PM   #451  
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Hi everyone! Thanks for being here! Even when I don't post for a while I check in often - if I don't then it takes hours to catch up!! LOL! I went to WI today and lost one pound. I am 6 pounds away from that 70 pound board! I have been cheating often so I am not looking to big losses. I am getting into that rut where I think "this one bite wont hurt me..." UGH! I need to stop thinking that!! Those "one bites" add up!

Donuts WoW! are you ever shrinking!! Congrats!

To all the newbies: Welcome to this journey to a healthier life!

Have a great week everyone!
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Old 12-10-2007, 05:58 PM   #452  
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Originally Posted by dkmd27 View Post
WOW Mindy! Thanks for referring this awesome site! I just ordered the triphala, cortisol support, guggal, coQ10, MSM, MRC-6 kind of for a total of $52.59 -- awesome!! The guggal is only 1/2 the strength of MRC's -- but 90 caps are only 12.64. What a great site -- I will be ordering my regular things here as well. And the shipping was only $6.62 for UPS.

I've been on Meta-Quick for a few days, hoping it will make a difference -- will see today!
No problem, glad I could help! I love iherb, have used them for years, they're super reliable and they always deliver fast...faster than any other internet company I've used (I'm in Oregon and I think they're in CA, so that has something to do w/ it).

Good luck with the Meta-Quick!

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Old 12-10-2007, 06:06 PM   #453  
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Hey Mo (MOliver) I'm here

I'm am a friend of MOliver and it is so nice to find you all. I've been reading about your trials and successes for a couple of days and you all are such an inspiration to each other and to me.

I've been on MRC for about 5 weeks and I didn't do so hot last week. I thankfully have MOliver to keep me up and going!

Good luck to you all and look forward to talking with you!
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Old 12-10-2007, 06:10 PM   #454  
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Good Afternoon ladies!! Well today is my offecial pre conditioning start date i was supposed to start on thursday but spent all weekend in the hospital with mom who got ill so i started today and i have my food class this friday at 11am ..that will be a total of 5 days on the pre conditioning plan do u think i will be able to start the real plan on sat ? I heard i might have to be on pre c for a total of 10 days has anyone heard of this? Also i might try some new supplements right now i am on mrc-6 and the flax (i bought this on my own at walmart) But i find the corti-slim interesting and i was wanting to try this i was also interested on getting feed back on the hoodia..does it really help with appetite? I am so excited that i am finally on board but i am also nervous thinking if this will really work for me, like so many others i feel like i am doomed to be this way forever because of so many attempts in the past! I will do EVERYTHING to make this work i just tend to feel like this when i dont see results fast , but i dont care so much to lose fast this time i know that this is a life change and i dont care how long it takes!! BUT It is just so motivating to hear that it . So ladies with that in mind..can you all tell me how long you all have been on plan and your results so far / it sounds like alot of you have lost more inches what are your befor and after clothes size/how long did it take you to drop your very first pant size?I am so glad i found you all i dont know if i could do this all alone!! THANK YOU ALL
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Old 12-10-2007, 06:10 PM   #455  
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Originally Posted by Moliver View Post
I thought I'd share something I just found....Cortisol Support by 21st Century Health Care and it has almost the exact same ingredients/amounts as MRC's Corti-trim.
Thought I should let you guys know that the only ingredient I saw mising from the Cortisol Support, which is in the Corti-trim product, is Bitter Orange (synephrine), which is the replacement for ephredra/ephedrine after it was banned from weight loss supplements. I'm not sure if this ingredient will be missed or not, so wanted to let you guys know just in case. I'd hate to recommend something and then have it not work for you the same as Corti-trim. From things I've read though, Bitter Orange is not considered very effective anyway, at least not compared to the ephedra/ephedrine. Anyway, hope it works well for those that are trying it out. Please let us know...
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Old 12-10-2007, 06:20 PM   #456  
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MOLIVER- Does the corti-slim make you fill on edge? I mean is it supposed to make you feel full of energy? I let the center know that i was not big on any supplement that had any stimulant because of prior anxiety attacks and they said the only two that might make me feel like this was the all day and the enhancer does anyone care to comment on this ? I was told the cort-trim was supposed to make you feel relaxed is this true?
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Old 12-10-2007, 06:26 PM   #457  
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Hi Alexiah,
I had my consultation on a Monday, started pre-conditioning on Tuesday, went to the food class on Friday and started program on Saturday. In Hillsboro, Oregon, they told us that pre-conditioning was no more than 10 days, but minimum of 3. As for losing a pant size, it took me 3 weeks.
Good luck!
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Old 12-10-2007, 07:51 PM   #458  
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ThinMinney - Hey Girl!! Welcome!! So glad you're here - this site is great! (ThinMinney and I work together and started at MRC together - she keeps me going too).

Alexiah - I started my pre-conditioning on a Monday and went to the program on Friday of the same week. They told me 3-5 days on pre-conditioning when I started. I think they'll let you go to class on Friday, but you can always talk to them about when to start the program. If you were eating reasonbly well before and not addicted to caffeine, they'll probably say 5 days is enough, but if you were eating very poorly and consuming a lot of caffeine, they may recommend or you may want to stay on pre-cond longer. Just my thinking, you'll want to talk to them more about it.

The MRC Hoodia didn't do anything for me. I was very hungry the first week and moderately hungry the 2nd week of program despite taking their Hoodia, plus it gave me heartburn (I think because of the cayenne in it). I switched to a different brand of Hoodia (Hoodoba) the 2nd week and my hunger gradually went away over a few days. But I don't know if it was because of the Hoodoba or if my stomach finally gave in to the new diet :-) I need to stop taking the Hoodia for a little while to see if it is really doing anything. What really helped when with hunger the first couple weeks was hot tea as well as lots of water, some decaf pop and crystal light.

I think my results are a little slower, but I'm pretty happy with them - I've lost 14 lbs since starting preconditioning Oct 29th (6 weeks) and I've lost 1 size in clothes.
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Old 12-10-2007, 07:54 PM   #459  
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Oh, Alexiah, I'm so glad you're here. No one should ever feel doomed to stay at a weight they don't like (as long as it is an unhealthy weight, I by no means support eating disorders of course). MRC is a successful plan. You will lose weight. The only thing that can keep you from losing on this plan is you not staying on plan. If you ever feel like you don't have enough options, ask ask ask. We'll give you lots of food suggestions...For example tonight, I'm eating Fried Chicken Re-read the previous pages and see what recipes we've discussed here before. Most people that get off plan do it because they feel too restricted (my Hubby for one). I take CT (corti-trim) and have never felt jittery and I've had reactions to stimulants like that before, but I'd check with your doctor before I'd take it if you have panic attacks. I think it took me about a month and a half to lose a pant size...which for me was about 35lbs...but I was stuffed into my pants when I started, so it was probably before that. I'm down at least 3 sizes now and feeling great.
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Old 12-10-2007, 08:02 PM   #460  
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Hey everybody-I'm having a really tough time staying op. Just found out my mom has cancer again and this time they wont operate or do radiation, she's just too sick. I'm going out to see her for a week before Xmas and I know it will be really hard. I know all the will power dust in the world wont help me now-but I will be checking in to hear the great losses from all of you anyway.
Wish me luck...
donuts I know you'll be signing the 100 board before I leave for Shreveport, so Congrats to you now.
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Old 12-10-2007, 08:06 PM   #461  
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Originally Posted by alexiah View Post
MOLIVER- Does the corti-slim make you fill on edge? I mean is it supposed to make you feel full of energy? I let the center know that i was not big on any supplement that had any stimulant because of prior anxiety attacks and they said the only two that might make me feel like this was the all day and the enhancer does anyone care to comment on this ? I was told the cort-trim was supposed to make you feel relaxed is this true?
Alexiah, I'm not really sure. I think Bitter Orange is considered a stimulant, but you may want to do some research on it to find out more. I didn't notice anything when taking the Corti-trim, but I'm not that sensitive to stimulants like ephedra or caffeine. But if you want to avoid it, you could go with the iherb brand (Cortisol Support) which doesn't have the Bitter Orange in it. I was surprised when I saw that the MRC brand had Bitter Orange in it. Maybe what's in it is a low dose. The Magnolia bark in it is the relaxing part. Good luck!

Last edited by Moliver; 12-10-2007 at 08:09 PM.
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Old 12-10-2007, 08:26 PM   #462  
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cargirl - I hope you read this before you go. Sometimes there are more important things in life that staying OP. Being with your family right now ranks right up there at the top. I say, put the plan out mind. Remember to take care of yourself...whatever that means to you. (I had a fiance die of leukemia about 6 years ago) You know yourself whatever you need to do to give yourself time to recharge. I don't know your religious beliefs and I would never force mine on someone else, but I will be praying for you and your family. Cancer is a monster that has taken too many people that I love. You'll be on my mind. Check in with us if you get a chance...our family here goes beyond just weight loss, we are here to support you through whatever, whenever.
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Old 12-10-2007, 09:01 PM   #463  
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Hello everybody! I managed to stumble across this website a couple weeks ago when researching MRC. I have a cousin who has been on the program for about a month and a half and the results have been great. I went in today for my initial visit. I'm doing the pre-conditioning Tues.-Fri. then I am actually starting everything on Sat. I can't wait! With all of the positive feedback and support this website has, I'm sure it will come in quite handy. I want to say great job to everybody that has already achieved so much.
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Old 12-10-2007, 09:06 PM   #464  
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Default Illness

hey all!

I am just wondering if any of you have been more susceptible to illness since you started the program? I called the center and they said that most people don't ever get sick because of all the healthy eating and supplements. Since I started about a month ago, I have been sick 3 times!!! Anyone else have any weirdnesses happening too?

You are doing good!! Keep up the good work. Thanks for the info about iherb. I am going to have to go check it out.

I hope that you all had a great weekend! Talk to you all later!
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Old 12-10-2007, 09:09 PM   #465  
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Default One More Question

Does anyone have a price list of what the supplements cost at MRC?? I don't have one and it might be really helpful to me and others that want to try getting things elsewhere? It would be great for someone to post!

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