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Old 12-11-2007, 08:19 PM   #541  
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krazykk - Notice that it took me 80lbs to get brave enough to post a before and after You're over a quarter of the way there ... you'll be joining me on those big loss boards soon enough and then you'll wanna show your picture to everyone. My first plateau hit around 30lbs and then another one around 50lbs and another one just hit at 80lbs! The first one is the hardest to get through...after that, you know they're going to come and go soon enough. Mine are normally 3 weeks long...its hard to eat OP when you know you're still gonna be flatlined...but thank GOD they end eventually

Ok...I need one of two things to happen...someone please tell me what page the recipe for deviled eggs can be found on in the cookbook, or post the recipe...please...pretty please, with grape HNS on top?

Last edited by Hvnlymzic; 12-11-2007 at 08:24 PM.
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Old 12-11-2007, 08:28 PM   #542  
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Hvnly- You look terrific! I really like how you posted before and after together - I'm going to see if I can find a "before"...

I WI today and still weigh 147. It's been 3 weeks at this weight. It is really frustrating that when I cheated, I neither lost nor gained, but a couple of weeks ago when I was 100% on plan, I managed to gain 4 lbs!! Makes me wonder how much I would have lost if I hadn't had the pizza and beer... Oh well, I'm back on track today and hoping to be a big FAT loser by next WI.

Welcome back, ShineOn- I've missed you! Parasailing! WOW! Congrats on overcoming your fear to try something new! I hope you'll post a pic or two.

Take care everyone!
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Old 12-11-2007, 08:49 PM   #543  
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Originally Posted by Hvnlymzic View Post
shineon - That was the old me The new me has now been posted!! Click the chick and see my before and after. Welcome back, we've missed you!
Wow Sam - what a difference! You're looking great!
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Old 12-11-2007, 09:07 PM   #544  
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Regarding table salt vs sea salt - Morton's table salt has dextrose in it. Not sure why, but that's why we're supposed to avoid it - anything that ends in -ose is some type of sugar. Sea salt doesn't have that. Neither does kosher salt, which I like to use in cooking.
On the subject of headache remedies, one thing I learned from daily weighing is that ibuprofen makes me retain water. Doesn't stop me from taking it - I'd rather be up a lb or so than suffer through a wicked headache. It's just something to be aware of - I think tylenol has the same effect on some people.
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Old 12-11-2007, 09:11 PM   #545  
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wow sam you look great and are such in inspiration keep up the good work!!!
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Old 12-11-2007, 10:41 PM   #546  
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Sam ~ your pictures are great! I know you feel 100% better and I am so proud of you!

ShineOn ~ glad you are back! Sounds like you had a great time! I leave on December 20 for 4 nights, NOLA to Cozumel. This holiday season has been PACKED with events so I am looking forward to a few days of R&R! We will get back on Christmas Eve...just in time to start the festivities again!

Nan11 ~ Patti told me you are the speaker for the MRC-Auburn, Pep Rally this Thursday and I am going to try to make it...that night is our Sprayberry Christmas party so it will depend on how quick I can get out of the office! Good luck to you, I know you have a great story to share and I need the encouragement!

I'm having a very difficult time....for several WI's I have yo-yoed and it is really getting discouraging!!! When the scales stay the same...I get in a blue mood and then it is easy to slack off on everything....water, food log, pills, weighing now I feel like I'm in a never-ending-cycle! I know it's a but I can't seem to break the cycle!

I got this quote from my center...and I really need to apply it!!!

“The greatest thing you have is the 24 hours in front of you. The past is gone; the future is distant. Today you CAN succeed. Set a goal you can achieve in the next 24 hours.”
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Old 12-11-2007, 11:05 PM   #547  
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ShineOn: I am so glad you are back. I missed you. Your cruise sounds wonderful. You will have to share more about it. It sounds to me like you did a great job. Way to be.

Meemo: Thank you. Your suggestion to drink another glass of water each time you go to the restroom worked great. I got my water in without any stress today.

TeddieBare: Thanks for the muffin recipes. I am so excited to try them.

Goal4Life, Graduate and Namaste: Wow!! 30 is great. I am celebrating for you all.

Desi: Glad to see you back. Sorry to hear about the flu. It was visiting us last week too. No fun.

Moliver: Thanks for the info about detox making you feel bad. I have felt really run down more than a few times since starting. Weather or not that is the reason, the thought of it will make it seem much better and more manageable. Nothing feels as bad when you think it means fat is disappearing.

I don't really have anything to report today. I had to make cookies for school tonight. I made it through unscathed. I may have tasted a finger or two, but didn't have a cookie. Everyday is a new challenge. I need to go wi. I am not really looking forward to it. I am feeling heavy. I don't know why exactly, but just can't shake it. Maybe if I go have a good workout tomorrow I can shake it off.

Have a great night.
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Old 12-12-2007, 12:51 AM   #548  
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Heavnly I just indexed the entire cookbook and there is no recipe for Deviled Eggs in it sorry!
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Old 12-12-2007, 02:06 AM   #549  
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Regarding the deviled eggs, one of the counselors said something to me about mixing the yolk with some dijionaise mustard (it's whipped).
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Old 12-12-2007, 05:23 AM   #550  
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Jandieting, I feel what you are feeling. I have been in the same boat for a week and half, and if feels like forever. I miss pills, don't drink enough water, cheat just a little, and have been at the same weight for 2 weeks. I love the quote they gave you. I think I may put that up on my mirror and at work to remember to take it one day at a time. Also, I was very excited to see you are from Auburn. I graduated from there in '94. It is so neat to think of a MRC pep rally... we sure wouldn't find one of those in Oregon.

ShinOn, I'm so proud of you! You have given me hope for my upcoming cruise. We will be leaving for 9 days to cruise to Mexico and I am as nervous as can be. I thought about working out on the ship, but not too much, and now realize that I really must do that. Any other little tips for me? Did you stay on your HNS and pills as directed?

Neemo, I shall try you water advice.
sam, I loved seeing your photos, you look fantastic!

As for me, I'm struggling with everything. HUGE chocolate craving!!!!! As MOliver can tell you. I'm just not getting enought water in and I'm not staying dilligent to the program like I was. I haven't had a loss in 2 weeks and I feeling very frustrated. I did start working out though, so I did one thing right this week. My new motto will be one day at a time.

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Old 12-12-2007, 07:56 AM   #551  
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Originally Posted by bomaze View Post
Regarding the deviled eggs, one of the counselors said something to me about mixing the yolk with some dijionaise mustard (it's whipped).
You are correct. You just have to blend the yolks with dijionaise to get the creamy texture. You can add a dash of paprika to the tops after you load the mix back into the eggs also. If you want some sea salt and pepper in the blend, that is fine also. Basically the measurements are to taste.

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Old 12-12-2007, 08:04 AM   #552  
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THINMINNEY and JANT, make yourself some double chocolate pudding HNS, relax, and start your day anew. reevaluate why you wanted to lose the weight in the first place, that is what I do when I start feeling discouraged. Maybe look at some recent pictures of yourself, and help remind you that this is for you and your health. The exercise will definately help. Also, I had my dh put all the 'bad' snacks in a higher cabinet, that I can't really reach (I have to lug out the folding stool to reach). If him or the kiddos want something from there, then he's in charge of that cabinet. I did this in the very beginning, and it has really helped me. Also, I notice the kids are choosing the more 'accessible' healthy options that are within easy reach. So that was a win win idea. I have also taped a 'skinny' picture of me to the fridge, so I see it everytime I go to the fridge. Next to the 'skinny' picture are my first 2 lost measurement inches strings that the center gave me. A real incentive for me to stay op. I can't wait until Friday to add my next inches lost string. Hope this helps!
Just remember, you can do this.

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Old 12-12-2007, 09:13 AM   #553  
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Thanks for the deviled egg recipe! I kinda knew it wasn't in the cookbook as I crawled through it twice yesterday and couldn't find it. I am sick of fried eggs and need something new, so deviled it is

Those of you who are blue and stuck...join the crowd. Someone mentioned not long ago that just the stress of the season (shopping, business, bad weather, kids, decorating, etc etc) can raise your stress level enough that your losses could slow or stall. Fear not'll get back on track. This is my first holiday season with MRC (started in May) and I know I've been stalled for the last two weeks, in fact, I gained. I WI tonight and hope there is a change, but if not, I'm still not gonna stress about it. Here's why...I look back at pictures of last Christmas and think about my lifestyle at this time of year before and I see the MANY healthy changes that I've made since then. Yesterday for example...a snow day from work and I made a conscious effort not to sit longer than 30 minutes without getting up. I worked out (1.25 miles on Gazoo, the Gazelle) and I didn't sit around and eat...Holy Smokes! I never would have thought about any of that last December. The manager of my center gave me a newletter from a different center (on in Denver, I think) and the client of the month there has lost 140lbs on MRC in 16 months. She recently ran a triathalon and the medal that she got at the end had this quote on it: "The woman who starts the race isn't the same woman who finishes the race". Thats my new motto. I have it hanging on my fridge. I change mottos every once in a while as I feel like I change mind patterns (I had the one about overweight being more restrictive than any diet, but I no longer feel restricted). So, lose or gain, it's about the bigger picture. Everyone here has lost some weight and you'll lose more...even if it isn't for a couple weeks. Think about some of the changes you've made...isn't that more important than a couple weeks at a stable weight?
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Old 12-12-2007, 09:45 AM   #554  
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Originally Posted by graduatethin View Post
I braved the storm- yea right, we could have gone to school, not that I am complaining.... and wi---I LOST 4 LBS AND SIGNED THE 30 POUND BOARD!! WHOO HOO! I AM THERE WITH YOU NAMASTE AND GOAL4LIFE!!
Congrats! Great job! I'm soooo happy for you!
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Old 12-12-2007, 09:52 AM   #555  
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Originally Posted by Lilyannas Mom View Post
So, today, even though I am feeling crummy, I decided to go WI on my way to get some yummy peppermint tea. I went in. I have lost 3 more pounds!!! They did my measurements and I am down 15.5 inches!!! YEY! Seeing it on that string makes it so much more real, then looking at it on the scale. 15 pounds seems like a blimp on the radar since I have SO much to lose, but seeing that string made me so happy!!! I just had to share the news! My goal, is by the end of next week to hit that 20 pound board!
GREAT GREAT news!!!! Congrats! And I do agree, seeing the inches in string (or ribbon, or whatever) makes it soooo real! I have a lot to lose also but I take small goals and then it doesn't seem so BIG! Can't wait to hear from you when you sign that 20 lb board!
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