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Old 12-09-2007, 11:28 PM   #436  
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I have it easy in the meal department. We don't have kids yet, and my husband is at school three nights a week. He still doesn't "get" what he should cook for me just yet (he's the cook in the family) and he's a little frustrated that he can't just whip up some empty-carb dish for us. No more noodles, casseroles, or pizzas. It has been OK, I have him cook a meat, and then I make myself veggies and eat a piece of bread most evenings. Breakfast and lunch are at work 5 days of the week, so that's no big deal. This week I have left over salmon and turkey, so that should work out great

I'm getting a MRC cookbook tomorrow, and I'm excited. I've never done much cooking, but I'm going to give it a go. The first thing I'm going to make is that Buttered Rum Muffin cake. I need vanilla supplement, and we get 1-week free if we buy $50 worth tomorrow, so I'm going to stock up. I've tried a few of the recipes that you guys have posted, and I've loved them. I liked the deviled eggs so much i'm going to make them for our cooking class next saturday for free weeks!
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Old 12-10-2007, 01:26 AM   #437  
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Graduatethin: What great news!!! If that doesn't deserve a glass of wine, I don't know what does.

Noteek 1970: I prepare the same things for both myself and the family. I just add pasta, potato or rice dish for them to add to the mix. My kids are 5 and 3 and I want healthy eating to just be a no brainer for them. I think if they learn it now, it will be easier. I have always fed them a much healthier diet than I ate. My husband and I fed them lean meat and veggies and then ordered pizza after we sent them to bed. So really I am just joining them in their healthy meals now. My husband is supportive, but often has a night time snack of nachos or pizza. I would love for him to jump on the bandwagon, but I realize that I can't make him do it and I can't use him as an excuse not to stay on program.

We had my 3 year olds birthday today. I did pretty well. A few finger licks here and there, but no actual pieces of cake. Still waiting for that ice storm. We escaped last night. It is looking more likely tonight. If no ice I will wi tomorrow and see if I have lost any of the weight I gained last week. I am not overly hopeful since I haven't been perfect and didn't do a great job on water today, but one can always dream.

Is anyone else having a hard time drinking all of the water now that the weather is turning cold? I was drinking a ton while it was warm and seemed to be always thirsty, but now I am forgetting about it. I will have my morning water and the next thing I know it is 2 or 3 in the afternoon and I still have a ton left to drink. I am thinking of setting an alarm for every hour to remind myself to refill my glass and drink another. It may be the only way.

Have a great night and an op day tomorrow. Take care everyone.
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Old 12-10-2007, 05:50 AM   #438  
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Default Saving $$ on Supps

Originally Posted by Lilyannas Mom View Post
I know that there are people out there struggling like I am. I talked with my Center about it on Friday. I told them how hard I am trying but that I always seem like I fail. That the scale stopped moving for me etc etc. The support was amazing. They said that this is the time to use the MRC center for thier support. They said that I could come in everyday if I need to talk. They said that I could weigh in everyday if it would help. That they would do whatever they could to help me. They suggested a book to read, since I like reading. My local store didn't have it so I ordered it online. It is called:

Life is Hard, Food is Easy: The 5-Step Plan to Overcoom Emotional Eating and lose weight on Any Diet

They said that they have all read it and that it is a really inspiring book. How food can be our best friend, but like all things it can hurt us too. I should be getting it this week in the mail. Just thought maybe someone else might be able to use this inspiration.
Hi LilyannasMom - Glad to hear how supportive the center was for you. We go to the same one and I posted last week how I didn't want to go in after some cheats over the weekend because I thought it would be negative - so glad to hear they weren't. I'm going in tomorrow morning - didn't go at all last week. I'm going to look into that book too - sounds good.

I thought I'd share something I just found. Someone mentioned that Corti-Trim was basically Relacore, so I searched my favorite on-line place for ordering supplements ( and didn't find Relacore, so searched on Magnolia Bark which is the main ingredient in Relacore and Corti-trim and found Cortisol Support by 21st Century Health Care and it has almost the exact same ingredients/amounts as MRC's Corti-trim. The labels looked so similar, I'm wondering if 21st Century Health Care may be the company that manufactures Corti-trim for MRC. Anyway, it's about $10 for 60 caps at iherb (vs $30 at MRC). So I'm definitely switching to the 21st century brand. You may be able to find it at puritanspride too.

Also several years ago, I used to use Triphala and I bought it bulk by the pound and I would make my own capsules with it (very easy to do, you can find capsule making kits on line or maybe in a health food store). Now, as my initial bottle of MRC Triphala is running out, I'm getting ready to go back to buying Triphala bulk again. I've just started searching again and it looks like it's going to run $16 per pound (that will make A LOT of capsules). I'm not sure if I'll make it into capsules though, I've read you can just disolve a teaspoon of it in a glass of water - so may just do that. Not sure how many servings in a pound yet, but I think it should be a substantial savings.

As for the MRC-6, I'm not a believer, but for those that are, I found another very similar product at, Now Foods Cider Vinegar Diet Formula, 180 caps for $6.70 (vs. $35 at MRC).

Take Care,
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Old 12-10-2007, 09:05 AM   #439  
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Originally Posted by TeddieBare View Post
I'm getting a MRC cookbook tomorrow, and I'm excited. I've never done much cooking, but I'm going to give it a go. The first thing I'm going to make is that Buttered Rum Muffin cake. I need vanilla supplement, and we get 1-week free if we buy $50 worth tomorrow, so I'm going to stock up. I've tried a few of the recipes that you guys have posted, and I've loved them. I liked the deviled eggs so much i'm going to make them for our cooking class next saturday for free weeks!
I would love the butter rum muffin cake recipe, I have the cookbook, but don't see it in mine. Would you mind sharing?
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Old 12-10-2007, 09:11 AM   #440  
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I think it was MaryV that said she would sometimes go back to the pre-conditioning menu every so often for a plataeu boost (sorry Mary if it wasn't you) Well, I had been slowing down to a plataeu last week. Friday and Saturday I did a little more stringent version of the pre con menu, but not totally off of my beige menu. Then Sunday I went back to my beige menu totally, and I weighed on my home scale this morning, and am down 3 pounds! I wi at the center on Tuesdays, so I am hoping for the same number there. Thanks for the idea, I do think sometimes our bodies get used to the same food calories etc going into our bodies.

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Old 12-10-2007, 09:50 AM   #441  
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goal4life - another thing you can do if you get stuck is eat some of twice a week protein (steak, salmon, etc). That changes up your calorie intake without getting off plan. I rarely remember to eat red meat when I am supposed to, but I had an awesome steak last night and it reminded me to do that more often

Welcome to the newbies who have recently found us! We're so glad you're here.

I was going to WI a day early tomorrow, but that ice storm that Amy mentioned is likely going to curb that plan for me as well and I'll go whenever I can Good thing we went shopping last night. I even thought about what I'd eat if the power went out...we have extra ice in the freezer for coolers, etc. Its a whole different thought to try to plan ahead for storms when your food choices are different. Happy Monday everyone! Congrats on the great weekends (party survival stories are always great!) and lets have our positive attitudes on for the week ahead.
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Old 12-10-2007, 11:18 AM   #442  
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Hey Everyone!
So I am now on Day 3 and I am really struggling to drink all of this water! I read in here that the supplements don't does anybody have any tips on how they drink all of their water??
Congratulations graduatethin on your son's scholarship. That is awesome!
Hope everyone has a great day!
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Old 12-10-2007, 11:49 AM   #443  
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Goal4LifeOreoParentCristyBean01BahamaDreamzNoteek1970 Congratulations on all of your weigh in successes this week!! Great job!

Donuts You are AMAZING!
99 lbs!!!!
I'm gonna be looking for a new signature on the 100 lb board next week! You'll have to draw a donut next to your name or something!
Seriously, congratulations! You're inspirational! And, I've been to the Eagles games and had to experience those seats! I look forward to skinny stadium seats! Enjoy them for me in the meantime cuz' I'm on my way!

Welcome to all of our new friends I look forward to hearing about your successes!

Hvnlymzic Thank you for the MRC6 Flax info, that was very informative!!!

dkmd27 Congratulations to you, for making it through your ladies lunch.....

GraduateThin Big Congrats to you and your son! An academic scholarship for 4 years!!! My gosh! Great job!

Noteek1970 I always feed my family whatever I am eating. I've had no complaints thus far, and everyone is happy!

I weighd in on Friday and was down 1/2 a lb so I am currently at 29 1/2. I offered to go home, remove my sweats, remove my headband, run around the block, etc to get that extra 1/2 lb and sign the 30 lb board but to no avail! The 30 lb board will be mine this week, no problem!

I hope you all have a great day!!!!

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Old 12-10-2007, 11:53 AM   #444  
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HI ladies i had a question for you all that are on the relacore/ do your centers approve it? Do you find that it is the same as the corti trim offered by the center? I was going try it for the first time and buy at the center but if the relacore is cheaper and works the same i might do that it is my 3 rd day i just want to follow plan to the also do you all really believe that the mrc-6 and the corti trim work?
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Old 12-10-2007, 12:12 PM   #445  
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Originally Posted by Moliver View Post
I thought I'd share something I just found.
Mindy, thanks SO much for the info! I'd wondered about a substitute for the MRC-6 but hadn't looked closely - I just ordered that, hoodia (because it was on sale) AND the cortisol support from I'd been considering signing up for another year of maintenance so I could buy from MRC, but it's nice to know I can get it elsewhere! I'll let y'all know if I notice any differences.
It was an ugly weekend, a party where I DIDN'T eat well at all & then felt crappy yesterday. So trying to pound down the water today, I feel SO bloated!
But the good news - at the same party (my husband's work party) last year I was talking to another wife who was about to start on MRC - she did wonderfully, better than me, and is on maintenance now & still doing great. I know I've said it before, but I do know people whole taken it off on MRC but gained it all back - it's like any other weight loss plan, really, in that sense. If you go back to eating the way you did, you'll go back to weighing what you did. At least MRC gives you the tools to keep it off, but it's up to you to use those tools (or figure out your own way to keep it off). The weight doesn't just magically fall off, never to return. You work to get it off, and you have to keep working to keep it off. But it can be done!
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Old 12-10-2007, 12:16 PM   #446  
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Alexiah.. my center approves it, but I don't take either. If you have a thyroid diagnosis, make sure you check with your dr. before taking corti-trim (especially if you are on thyroid medication). I think I remember some MRC members that said this to me. I can only find limited information on the web about MRC 6, so I am not sure if it does what it claims, so I save my money on the supplements/vitamins, that I can find solid claims of effectivness.
I am trying to not have to take so many supplements/extras. I think if you feel good, and you are seeing results that you like, and your body is taking the shape that you think it should from the weightloss, I wouldn't add all of those things. Now, if you need some of the additional supplements for the reasons that they list, then by all means try them out. It won't hurt you to try something, see if you like it, and then if not, don't continue that particular supplement (if you have a weird reaction to 1 when you take a dose, let your center know, they may exchange for another supplement for you). I take the flax of course (I notice if I skip a dose by accident, the next day my skin feels really dry), I take the b6,b12, folic combo pill (I feel that the b vitamins are proven effective-b6 also helps with water retention), and I take a multivitamin recommended by my family doctor. I have tried the liquid minerals, but don't take it all the time, only on days when I feel "off" or sluggish.
I know between all of us on this thread, we have tried all the products, so I am sure someone will be able to help with the effectivness of each.
Keep in mind, though, that daily cardio exercise will give you the same benefits that MRC 6 claims and then a bi weekly light weight training method will keep you nice and firm. My center is great with giving me straightforward answers on the different products, but they do also advise me to utilize the 200 minutes recommended of exercise a week between cardio and muscle strengthening.
Hope I didn't sound preachy, just my opinion on things
I know you will find what works for you.

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Old 12-10-2007, 12:18 PM   #447  
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Originally Posted by SpringfieldAmy View Post
Graduatethin: What great news!!! If that doesn't deserve a glass of wine, I don't know what does.

Noteek 1970: I prepare the same things for both myself and the family. I just add pasta, potato or rice dish for them to add to the mix.
Is anyone else having a hard time drinking all of the water now that the weather is turning cold? I was drinking a ton while it was warm and seemed to be always thirsty, but now I am forgetting about it. I will have my morning water and the next thing I know it is 2 or 3 in the afternoon and I still have a ton left to drink. I am thinking of setting an alarm for every hour to remind myself to refill my glass and drink another. It may be the only way.
Amy - I think your way of feeding your family is the best way to go. What we're eating is really healthy, but our families will need more calories & adding a starchy carb (whole grain if we want to be really healthy for them) and/or some extra fruit for them rounds out their meals. We're all better off eating fewer processed foods & refined carbs!
And water-wise, it's harder for me in the winter as well. One trick I used to use (long ago) was to keep a jug of water by the sink - however much I wanted to drink for the day - and an 8-oz glass. I'd drink a couple of glasses in the morning. Then after that, whenever I'd pee I'd go drink another glass or two. I always seemed to get my water in that way.

Last edited by Meemo; 12-10-2007 at 12:23 PM.
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Old 12-10-2007, 12:35 PM   #448  
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Hello all! I started posting about 10 days ago and then we had an illness in the family and I haven't been able to log on as much. It has taken me two days to catch up on the reading. Everyone is doing so well. Everyone reach around and pat yourself on the back - this is a hard time of year to diet (stay OP), all those temptations everywhere you turn.

My losses have slowed quite a bit - I am at a comfortable weight for my body, but I still have a ways to go. I'll have to be more cautious about extra HNS and more water.

Graduatethin - Congrats to your son on that wonderful scholarship! College costs just keep going up so he has really accomplished something for himself and you.

Islandweighttress - one trick I use for getting more water is to fill a 32 oz bottle and have it in the car for commutes or longer driving trips - I drive about 1/2 hour to work and back and I can finish the bottle each way. I also refuse to eat or drink anything else until I finish 32 oz in the mornings. I am with SpringfieldAmy tho - it was way easier to drink all the water when it was warmer outside.

Moliver - thanks for the info on the Corti-trim. Saving $ at this time of year is important.

TeddieBare - post the Buttered Rum Muffin Cake recipe when you get it ok? Sounds yummy.

Donuts - I can hardly wait to read your next post 100 #s is yours!

Here's to a great week everyone
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Old 12-10-2007, 01:06 PM   #449  
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Meemo..that is a great water idea, I could maybe do that for work also, with an Igloo jug of water..hhmmm? I might have to try that out!

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Old 12-10-2007, 02:27 PM   #450  
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WOW Mindy! Thanks for referring this awesome site! I just ordered the triphala, cortisol support, guggal, coQ10, MSM, MRC-6 kind of for a total of $52.59 -- awesome!! The guggal is only 1/2 the strength of MRC's -- but 90 caps are only 12.64. What a great site -- I will be ordering my regular things here as well. And the shipping was only $6.62 for UPS.

I've been on Meta-Quick for a few days, hoping it will make a difference -- will see today!

Donuts -- I have Eagles season tickets too!! Have had since the inaugural season -- I sold them to a friend this year though. I know what you mean about the seats --- I imagine the 100# board is yours by today!!!!!!! Can't wait to hear and celebrate with you!!

Hvnly -- you're always such a great inspiration -- thank you.

Everyone else -- I continue to be inspired by your successes, struggles, great information and everything else! This site is the best!
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