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Old 08-06-2006, 04:55 PM   #136  
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sue- non scale victory
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Old 08-06-2006, 08:14 PM   #137  
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Deb - Hope all went okay at the fair today and you kept things under control as best you could. Talk about pressure....we'll all be holding our breath waiting for Monday's post!! I know I'm anxious for my scale to break out of the 160s, but at the rate I'm going I don't expect to see that until September 1.

It's almost the start of another new week. I remain inspired and motivated and have all you chicks to thank....Sommer, Cassi, HeatherPP, Evette, D'ann, Lea Ann, Barbara, JulieMarie, Boo, Deb, Katie and many others.

My goal this week is to get my butt to the gym at least 2 days this week and do a PUSH DVD two times. Exercise is still my biggest challenge. I don't need Will Power Dust, I need Will Power HAIL to fall on my head and knock a little sense into me....sitting on my behind in front of a computer is NOT exercise. I need to MOOOOOOOOVEEEEEEEEE.
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Old 08-06-2006, 08:15 PM   #138  
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Hey there, everyone! Hope you had great weekends!

Debbie, we used to do WI threads when I first joined, but there wasn't a whole lot of activity, from what I remember. It can't hurt to start a monthly WI thread, and then if you don't get much participation, you can decide whether or not to continue. Good idea!

Sue, sorry to hear about DD, but glad to hear her fever's down! I know what you mean about people not noticing. I mentioned the other day, people really didn't start complimenting me until I hit 50-60 lbs. But I started a lot heavier than you, so I had further to go. Congrats on the 30 lbs! You'll be less than 250 in no time!

Patty, congrats on the NSVs!!!! Great job!!!!

Lea Ann, you didn't sound gripey! Don't worry! Hope you had a good weekend! I'm with you. With my large bone structure, I tend to carry my weight better than many, which is good; but the flipside is, I wear larger sizes than most people think, and definitely weigh more than people think Not sure what size I'll end up at, but I'm thrilled to be 5 sizes down so far!

Jenni, congrats on the loss!

Deb, I'm shooting for 90 lbs next Friday (the 11th). THanks for the vote of confidence! You are definitely going to hit onederland!!!!!!! Great job!

Lori, glad to hockey jersey situation has worked itself out. Great job!

Kelly, don't be too hard on yourself about the cheat. Just get back on the horse and you'll be fine!

Martha, don't fret going off plan. You'll be back on in no time! To make it 11 wks complete OP is amazing! Good for you!

Sommer, FYI, I'll be in Omaha the week of 8/14 visiting family! Can't wait!
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Old 08-06-2006, 09:58 PM   #139  
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Hope that everyone had an excellent weekend. DH and I relaxed, we will have family visiting us for the next 3 we needed to DO NOTHING.

I will be doing TO tomorrow. It is time for me to get out of this slump I am in. My goal is to be POP till August 18th. It used to be so easy, the first time around to stay POP. I need to get back to that mindset.

Thanks to you all for keeping me motivated!
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Old 08-06-2006, 10:05 PM   #140  
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Kelly- Don't worry about the cheat. Life happens. Just get back on plan and if you have a gain, just drink some hot lemon water and you should be fine in a couple of days.

Martha-Same with you. Like Sommer said, when you have beef and taters in the same meal, it takes longer to break down. Red meat takes a couple of days to go through your system. You'll be rid of it very soon.

Sue- Welcome back. As far as TO, I usually go as basic as it gets. Either grilled chicken or shrimp and veggies. I'll usually have a salad for lunch and heated meat with cooked veggies for dinner.

Patty- WooHoo on getting into a smaller size. It's so inspiring!

Joni- I hear ya on the exercise thing. I am so bad about doing it. I have all the desire in the world, but when it comes right down to it, I find something that is way more important at the time. It's not like I don't have a bowflex or a treadmill or my firm workout thing or that pilates tape or that denise austin tape........get the picture.

I did pretty good at the fair. There is a local BBQ place here that I have been wanting to try. I got a meal in a bowl. Beans on the bottom, pulled bbq pork in the middle and slaw on the top. YUMMY. They did have that yummy fresh homemade huckleberry ice cream there and DH and I split a small scoop. I had 2 bites and let him have the rest. We walked through every building there so I definitely got my walking in for the day. Up a little today, but probably from the sodium. A little hot lemon water and I should be good to go.

I made a yummy dessert today. Very refreshing. I took a container of vanilla yogurt and mixed in some crystal lite lemonade until I liked the taste. Then I crushed up 2 LF graham crackers and added 1T. lite butter to it. Spread that mixture on the bottom and poured the yogurt on the top and stuck it in the freezer. Had half of it and it was 1/2D,1S, 1/2Fat.

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Old 08-07-2006, 08:29 AM   #141  
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Hiya chickies!!! Well, I started TO yesterday - I figured it would be easier to do it at home than at work - so today is TO day#2!! I did okay, I used the oranges, had a slight headache - but I did really well., There were several times where I could see myself getting ready to eat something, but I didn't. My DH actually did it with me - but he didn't quite make it all day. We had some friends over to the pool and well - he decided to have 2 beers - he ended up gaining a pound - but I told him - he drank more beer than water - what did he expect>? I ended up losing 2.5 on the first day - I know alot was water retention, but it was still nice to see either way!!!

I don't have time for alot of personals, hopefully I can catch up later.

I'm going to go ahead and fix my breakfast......eggs and orange - yummy!! NOT!! but oh well - I'm going to do it this time - I'm going all the way girls - HOpefully I will see at least a decent loss!! and get rid of these cravings!!!

As for the discussion about the pants. I don't think I would ever go any lower than a 10 myself. An eight would be a miracle for me with my shape, but you know - I'm fine with a 10 - that makes me happy. Just to be comfortable and consistent!!!

Hope everyone has a great day!!
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Old 08-07-2006, 09:00 AM   #142  
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Good morning chickies! I'm at work this morning, so no time for personals, but I wanted to check in. I did TO Sat and Sun too after my concert on Friday. I WI today at lunch, so I'll post after that. I'm starting the 21 day boost, so if anyone wants to join me, let me know!
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Old 08-07-2006, 09:26 AM   #143  
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Deb - that dessert sounds yummy. I threw out my generic brand low fat graham crackers (they were awful) and need to get some good grahams and I'll be making that dessert for sure. Guess mine will be pink though because I have the pink lemonade...good idea mixing it in the yogurt.

Heather - keep up that great motivation. Hope your DH doesn't do the typical guy thing and wind up losing 5 lbs today.

Cassi - congrats on a successful TO - such weekend discipline.

I'm excited because a friend has committed to doing the Couch to 5K program with me and we've scheduled a 5K run for October 14. I've made a nifty chart to watch my progress and I'm going to do this. It looks sooooo easy on paper ... LOL. For those that don't know about this program, it's outlined at
Oh well, gotta run (literally!!).
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Old 08-07-2006, 09:57 AM   #144  
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Cassi - Congrats on getting the TO over with. I'm kind of dreading today - but I can do it - Hope your WI is very successful!!! Please remind me what the 21 day boost is - I might join you starting tomorrow - I know it was similar to the challenge , but not sure about the diff?

Joni - Thanks Girl. I'm trying...I am going to back off the exercise just a little. I'm not as excited about it and I don't want to get totally burned out - I think 3 days/week will be enough and then on the off days and weekends - I will play in the pool with DD - that should be enough to keep me burning some calories!!!

EDITED to say - NO, I don't think DH will end up losing the 5 lbs. I think he has just decided to try to cut back or just follow the regular plan. If he would just switch his pepsi with water and quit eating MCD #3 combos - he would be okay!!
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Old 08-07-2006, 10:44 AM   #145  
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When you do TO with the oranges, are they replacing the juice?

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Old 08-07-2006, 10:55 AM   #146  
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Heather - My DH is a #2 Wendy's combo guy with Dr. Pepper. Pretty sad when we know their number request. I refuse, though, to get the large size he requests and I'm often tempted to get him the side salad instead of the fries. It really would help him and ME out, since I don't think I'd be too tempted to stick my hand in the bag and grab a handful of lettuce; but it sure is tempting to stick my hand in the bag and grab a hot french fry (just one!)
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Old 08-07-2006, 11:04 AM   #147  
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Morning friends, I am trying to get back into the right mindset, just struggling a little. I am staying pretty well POP, just feeling a little blue. Hopefully TOM will be easy on me and I will be feeling back on top soon.
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Old 08-07-2006, 11:10 AM   #148  
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I am here for my 20 lashings and to be shamed into getting back to OP. Don't know what's wrong with me but I had a POOP weekend (think Pizza Hut and Schlotzsky's in the same weekend--yikes) Anyway--today is a new day. I don't WI until Saturday so I just hope to break even by then.

Morning all--cleaning day--again. My folks are bringing DD home tomorrow then staying for a week to watch them here while I start my new job. Still have a bad attitude about the aide thing--it seems everytime I see one of my bosses they have a new thing they've added to my list of duties--all stuff I KNOW they would never ask an aide without a teaching certificate to do. I certainly don't mind the "teaching" parts of the job but it would be nice to get paid for it.
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Old 08-07-2006, 11:12 AM   #149  
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Yay Erin how neat about being in Omaha! Just yell if you want to get coffee or something!

My birthday night was very good but I'm just going to pretend like the weekend didn't happen and jump back into my weight loss today as if nothing ever happened. I'm not even touching the scale again until later this week. I *feel* bloated. I had a couple of drinks last night which kind of ruins the fact I didn't have cake. It was wine, some very good wine. Positive attitude though. It was my birthday. It won't be here again for another year and no one elses birthday is nearly as interesting as mine so I won't be tempted to splurge like a crazy woman again. The end.

I hope everyone is having a good day. No time for personals, I have a slight headache and a serious need to study for my last Astronomy test which I go to take in an hour.
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Old 08-07-2006, 11:20 AM   #150  
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Sommer - Great attitude, girl! Just get back on the horse!

Lea Ann - I know what you feel like. It sucks when you're overqualified for a job and it feels like they're dumping on you 'cause you're low man on the totem pole. Hopefully paying your dues in this school will pay off! And we're all here for you if you want to vent.

Heather - I got the 21 day boost from the post from Debbie last month. A few others started doing it (see the thread somewhere), but I thin they may have fallen off the wagon. Anyway, here's what the post said:

Days 1 & 2: TO
Days 3 & 4: Regular Program
Days 5-9: Slimdown in place of 1P and 1S
Days 10-11: Regular Program
Days 12-17: Slimdown in place of 1P and 1S
Days 18-19: Regular Program
Days 20-21: TO

(I don't know what button combo I just hit, but it posted this, so I'm editing)
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