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Old 08-03-2006, 10:42 AM   #61  
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Thanks for the encouragement-
Has anyone tried to use the $25 summer coupon for losing 5lbs? It almost seems too good to be true. Is there a catch?
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Old 08-03-2006, 10:44 AM   #62  
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Good Morning girls-
Sorry I havent been present either on plan but life goes on...
Yesteryday I went to my oBgyn and had a bunch of issues to deal with...but their scale said 172 and that kind of made me happy...we all know how dr. scales work! So on my scale says 170 and that is what i am sticking with for now...maybe next week will say 165 then i will be a happy camper...

So much school work and work work to get done! At least i took the day off yesterday to get emotionally stable to come back and DH and I had a wonderful time at the beach and at the pool... We are currently under a marrital vacation ...heheheh ( I LOVE IT!) I sleep at my parents and come home when i feel like it and he does the cleaning and the dishes...My parents live really close to my college so its really convinient when i am getting out of school at almost 11 a night! So it all works out...
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Old 08-03-2006, 12:05 PM   #63  
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Startingover - I've earned three of the coupons, and I used one. The only catch is it's not good for sale prices. So... regular price for bars, etc. But I used mine and got two packs of the jetstart and some pasta twists. I figure I'll use them to try some stuff I wouldn't normally spend the money on.

Rebeca - Love the "marital vacation"! You must be exhausted with school right now. But sometimes I would love to run home to mom, and away from DH, DS and DD!
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Old 08-03-2006, 12:34 PM   #64  
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Ok, chickies, I know I haven't posted here in a few days, so sorry if I am talking old news here.

Stepped on the scale this morning to a nice surprise. Hopefully it will stay for WI tomorrow, and then I will celebrate!!!

HeatherCP- How are the aches doing? Hopefully you are not too sore.

Startingovernow-D'Ann-Patty- to the group!!

Paulakaay- We did a thread a few months ago about the slimdown subs, I brought it back up if you are still interested in the comparisons.

Evette- Sorry to hear about your brother. Hopefully his surgery will fix the problem and he will be fine. Also, bummer about the charges. I would freak if I had that big of a charge, on a debit card no less. I had a $500 charge from a website on one of my credit cards and they called me right away since I hadn't used the card in 6 months. Whew! I hope it all works out for the best for him.

Lea Ann- WTG on breaking into the 150's. You'll stay there this time!! We have a bio life center here to donate plasma, but I am really hard to get blood out of and I am chicken. They usually give me more bruises than I give them blood. My DH on the other hand is AB negative and once the hospitals and blood drive centers find this out they hound him pretty bad to donate blood. They love his blood!! I commend you for donating! It is a good feeling.

Sommer-Welcome back. Glad you had fun at the wedding. Where was it again? I grew up in Colorado Springs.

Sherry- Glad you are enjoying your pool. It has finally cooled down here to a tolerable temp. Maybe it's moving your way!!

Lori- I heard that Schwan's had a sugar free or no sugar added ice cream now. Did you see that?? WOOHOO on the 50 lbs.

Krystal- Major bummer about the power and losing the freezer. Our's iced up once and we lost over 200 lbs. of meat. That hurts! As far as the calories go, you should never go under 1200 calories for more than a couple days at a time. If you do, your body starts to go into starvation mode. Love the puppy avatar BTY. cute cute cute

Joan- Awesome on the loss and the pants!! WTG

Jenni- I hope your headache is better. It will go away in a few days. About 7 years ago I did low carb and I went cold turkey on the sugar and caffeine. I was a monster for about a week. It does get better, I promise. I personally wouldn't waste my time on the powdered lites, you can make some good stuff with them, but if that is all you are taking for your lites, you are going to get bored with them really quick. Just flat out tell them you are not going to do the lites and have them put it in your folder to not ask you again.
Everybody else

All you lurkers and MIA's- Pop in and say hi. Let us know you are still around!!

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Old 08-03-2006, 12:50 PM   #65  
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Hi all--I am happy to report the 150's stuck--I weighed in at 158.4--I just have to be really good and hang on to it! I am pretty sure this is the lowest I have been since May--I was either at .4 or .6 back then. I am praying the exercise is paying off. They didn't say a word about buying weeks so that was a relief. Honestly, how can they make me? I am such a worry wart.

Anyway--hope all is well for the gang today--taking Mik and a friend swimming (indoors--I am a wuss) this afternoon. Check in later today.
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Old 08-03-2006, 12:57 PM   #66  
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Jenni - When I started, I had the caffeine withdrawal headache from ****. It lasted five days, and no amount of advil would take it away. But I stayed strong and stuck to my 2 diet cokes a day, and even though I may have three in a day, it is certainly better than the 6 or 8 I was having. Stay strong and it will get better.
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Old 08-03-2006, 01:58 PM   #67  
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Hey guys, busy day here. Payday always is, LOL. I was holding steady this morning, as usual. I am really hoping for a loss this week. Tonight is DHs company picnic, so I don't have a clue what I will be eating. I will bring my own water so that I do not have to drink pop.

Lea Ann- Great about the decade, now stay on plan come **** or high water, and you will keep it!
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Old 08-03-2006, 02:14 PM   #68  
Let's try this again . .
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Hi-I posted this over in the BOOST thread-but wanted to check in on everyone over here and I'm too lazy to write a new post!-JM

Good morning ladies!

I took my nephew home yesterday so now I can catch up and check in . . . .

I've done great the past few days-with the exception of not quite enough water.
But considering all the stuff I've been doing and eating out-I'm quite happy and the scale is still going down.

My NSV-hiking Multnomah Falls! The trail to the top of the falls is 1.2 miles uphill-no breaks. It's 45 degree switchback trails the whole way. Anyway-back in Feb i did it and had to stop at least half a dozen times to rest and catch my breath. I did it the other day without stopping at all. I was pretty stoked. It's always cool to see a measurable gain in fitness level like that.

Besides hiking-we did OMSI and saw Pirates and attending my Neighborhood Nite Out which was a lot of fun. Games and prizes (pinata!) for the kids.

He was really good for me-but he has a lot of energy and is extremely loud. He's also quite violent. He annilhilated the pinata-yelling DIE! DIE! -I could hear him clear across the courtyard.

But he loved Toby -they're best buds now. Toby was quite bummed when he didn't come home with me last nite. Roxie was relieved though-she didn't mind him petting her but I could tell she was worried he'd try to pick her up and cart her around too. She spent the last few days on my bed . . .

Well-I suppose I should get some work done now . . Hmm . . .
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Old 08-03-2006, 02:55 PM   #69  
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Hello Ladies,

I just went to weigh in to end my 2nd week. I lost 1.6 for a total of 10 pounds in two weeks!! I was thrilled, but more excited that I've followed the plan perfectly for two weeks. I guess now the "honeymoon" is over and I'll have to not expect to see those larger loses each time I go. I can get so scale obsessed so I need to follow one of your bits of advice and remember that I can only control what I eat and my exercise.

One of the counselors had a suggestion about the bars. I told her that I felt I was eating too many sweet things - yogurt, fruits, bars. She suggested cutting the bars into about 12 pieces and just snacking on it throughout the day. I'll have to give it a try.

It sounds like ya'll are all doing well on your weight loss and NSV - congrats.

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Old 08-03-2006, 03:12 PM   #70  
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Hiya chickies - Well, it sounds like everyone is getting back on track - well except for me - I've been totally POOP the last few days - I don't know what has gotten into except for the fact - that I'm craving everything....I haven't totally gone crazy - but I'm not doing good either. I broke down yesterday mentally with everything - just concentrating too hard on dieting and exercising that I feel like I'm not even enjoying life itself. I'm so freakin' concentrated on everything I eat and how many caolories I burn and what I weigh. I know - you guys are thinking - don't do that - but I have been and now I think I've burned myself out. I'm going to back up a little and keep working out - but not as intensely all the time -

So needless to say - gals, I need some motivation - support something. I'm really down about this whole thing. The scale shows up a few lbs - and part of that is definitely TOM - but I really need to get back on track......

I've missed you guys and I'm sorry I hadn't posted alot - I've just been biding my time I guess. I was going to attempt to get out of my rut and do TO this past monday and tuesday - but then the microwave here at work was broke and I just didn't have everything I TOM and I didn't figure that was a best way to begin. So I'm thinking of next monday and tuesday - or maybe even the weekend would be easier for me ?? anyway - I know several of you have been through the same thing lately with vacation and having time off any advice would be more than welcomed!!!

I'm back - my sunshine is there b/c I feel better today - but it is still being blocked with a few clouds.

on another note - wow - is is great to see that most of you are doing so well. I noticed some that had kind of plateaued are started to move the right direction. You go girls - some of you are doing so awesome!!!
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Old 08-03-2006, 03:36 PM   #71  
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Heather - Good to see you're back. I know things have been real stressful for you lately, but just keep plugging along and you'll be back to your old sunshine self! We're here for you for support, and a kick in the pants if that's what you think you need.

I think that when we stop posting is when we seem to get into more trouble. It's like this board helps us stay on task. It seems whenever one of us doesn't post for a few days, it usually means we've been POOP. So... here's the deal... and this is for all of us regulars... we need to be called out by each other, or even PM if we're not posting as regularly as we normally do. Maybe this will help.

Anyhoo... hang in there. If you want a TO partner, I may be able to be convinced to join you on Monday.
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Old 08-03-2006, 04:09 PM   #72  
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Okay, we seem to all be needing a little boost. I am going to start a thread to help, lets all get into it and get motivated!
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Old 08-03-2006, 04:22 PM   #73  
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Do you guys remember thebefore and after photo thread? Maybe we should have Aphil sticky it up at the top for motivation too!
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Old 08-03-2006, 04:27 PM   #74  
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Cassi - Thanks dear and I definitely might need a TO companion. I haven't totally decided NOT to do it this weekend, but if I don't - please please join me monday and tuesday....

Kristi - Girl - I'm here. Maybe we can help support each other since we are in the same boat. I do that to - start following on plan and then "something" happens......just enough to throw me off task - just like yesterday....I did good all morning. then went to lunch with DH and got a roast beef on wheat - they served it with chips. I should've ask them to not put them on plate.....but I didn't - they did and I ate every one of them. I know most of it is TOM and just being a "diet rebel" anyway - after that I just broke down - and got back serious today - I've done great so far - and I'm having a spinach, chicken strawberry salad tonight - so I should be good for today - hopefully that will get me back on track...

Katie - Girl yes, I need a boost. and you are so wonderful - you've helped me soo many times - I and everybody else around here appreciate you and all your knowledge!!!
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Old 08-03-2006, 04:28 PM   #75  
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You guys are bringing my sunshine out!!!
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