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Old 10-03-2013, 08:41 PM   #211  
Started IP 8/22/13
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Good evening, everyone!

I had WI 6 this morning. Down 2 more lbs! And things shifted a bit so I actually lost 3 lbs. of fat! Yay!!

I'm curious -- am I the only one who makes the same dinner every single night? So far I haven't gotten tired of it, and I do enjoy it! I make a stir fry (actually more of a sautee, I guess) with some kind of meat (I do change that up), broccoli, mushrooms, zucchini, celery or bok choy, seasoned with WF Sesame Ginger or Asian dressing. Yum!

Speaking of which, time to go fix dinner!
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Old 10-03-2013, 08:50 PM   #212  
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Originally Posted by Rockabillygirl View Post
Good evening, everyone!

I had WI 6 this morning. Down 2 more lbs! And things shifted a bit so I actually lost 3 lbs. of fat! Yay!!

I'm curious -- am I the only one who makes the same dinner every single night? So far I haven't gotten tired of it, and I do enjoy it! I make a stir fry (actually more of a sautee, I guess) with some kind of meat (I do change that up), broccoli, mushrooms, zucchini, celery or bok choy, seasoned with WF Sesame Ginger or Asian dressing. Yum!

Speaking of which, time to go fix dinner!
Sounds yummy to me!
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Old 10-03-2013, 09:01 PM   #213  
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I'm curious -- am I the only one who makes the same dinner every single night? So far I haven't gotten tired of it, and I do enjoy it! I make a stir fry (actually more of a sautee, I guess) with some kind of meat (I do change that up), broccoli, mushrooms, zucchini, celery or bok choy, seasoned with WF Sesame Ginger or Asian dressing. Yum!
I'm on your team about the same dinner. Pretty reliable steak eater with grilled veggies. My partner is a cattle farmer so I am happy to support his work. Having said that, until IP, I didn't eat a lot of meat because I thought it was bad for my weight and my health.

Now seeing my success, I wonder if I was undernourishing myself as far as protein goes before IP.... not eating enough good quality bio-assimilable protein = weight loss challenge?

Now, I feel satisfied and content after my evening meal. Kind of calm too knowing that I still have a snack to look forward to!

I have read that people who eat the same thing for breakfast everyday are more likely to have weight maintenance success.

I find that the fewer decisions I have to make in the morning, the better. And I am now totally consistent about eating breakfast every morning.

Last edited by Annik; 10-03-2013 at 09:03 PM.
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Old 10-03-2013, 09:03 PM   #214  
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i tend to eat the same things as well. I've found things I enjoy and are easy to make so I just stick with them.
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Old 10-03-2013, 09:04 PM   #215  
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Originally Posted by nolasmurf View Post
i tend to eat the same things as well. I've found things I enjoy and are easy to make so I just stick with them.

Echo! me, too!
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Old 10-03-2013, 09:06 PM   #216  
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Originally Posted by Rockabillygirl View Post
I'm curious -- am I the only one who makes the same dinner every single night? So far I haven't gotten tired of it, and I do enjoy it! I make a stir fry (actually more of a sautee, I guess) with some kind of meat (I do change that up), broccoli, mushrooms, zucchini, celery or bok choy, seasoned with WF Sesame Ginger or Asian dressing. Yum!
M-F Breakfast is the same (sometimes change it up on the weekends)
Lunch is one of 2-3 things
Dinner is usually meat on a BAS (Big A** Salad) because I have most of my veggies earlier in the day.
We are definitely creatures of habit
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Old 10-03-2013, 11:45 PM   #217  
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Hi guys, late night check in for me. Enjoyed catching up with everyone's successes and struggles - you all are an amazing bunch of women and are making this possible for me!

Long days at conference, dinners at night. I am staying 100% OP BUT when I have veggies in restaurants, I'm guessing at 2 cups, doing my best but it's close. Also, timing is suffering, sometimes I'm not making it and it's 4.5 hours between proteins. Since I weigh myself every other day at home, I've been stressed, no scale in my hotel. Long day tomorrow, then fly home late. WI 3 Sat am, and just hoping it's good.
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Old 10-03-2013, 11:56 PM   #218  
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Ugh. I had a terrible day and I didn't feel great either. Light-headed and hungry. Then my DH brings home home-made donuts his Mom made. Seriously. ARGH.

I gotta turn things around. Thank god tomorrow is another day! Goodnite everyone!
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Old 10-04-2013, 03:16 AM   #219  
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Originally Posted by Rockabillygirl View Post
Good evening, everyone!

I had WI 6 this morning. Down 2 more lbs! And things shifted a bit so I actually lost 3 lbs. of fat! Yay!!

I'm curious -- am I the only one who makes the same dinner every single night? So far I haven't gotten tired of it, and I do enjoy it! I make a stir fry (actually more of a sautee, I guess) with some kind of meat (I do change that up), broccoli, mushrooms, zucchini, celery or bok choy, seasoned with WF Sesame Ginger or Asian dressing. Yum!

Speaking of which, time to go fix dinner!
I make a similar stirfry i dont ever get tired of, chicken, celery, broccoli, bell peppers, bean sprouts and sometimes cauliflower. I also use the wf sesame ginger, but i add a tablespoon garlic chili paste for some spice.
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Old 10-04-2013, 03:21 AM   #220  
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Originally Posted by schenectady View Post
I am so proud of how you have dealt with the unexpected changes to your schedule/life with wise choices. Many of us have used exactly those sorts of changes as an reason to go off whatever program we are on. That is what gets us overweight in the first place - excuses and justifications.

You have rolled with the punches and kept going. Kudos to you and good luck making that Halloween goal. We are very much in the same place (weight, geography, etc). Although I started IP at 270, I was 290 originally and took off the first 20 on my own.

Rather than Halloween, I am looking to the 18th of October as a goal. Our Marine son, whom I have not seen forever, is flying home for Dad's 60th birthday. He was deployed for 6 months and has just returned to his base in Hawaii but put in immediately for leave to come home for a visit. Son #2 will fly in from college for just a day but we will all be here.

THAT will be one of my biggest challenge because it will be a one day party with all my husband's favorite foods (7 different kinds of starches) and my making a Reese's B
Thank you, good luck being around all the good stuff i worry about family get togethers this fall/winter also my down fall is pumpkin anything lol and so many friends/ family are talking about new recipies they are gonna try. I just smile and say please dont offer me any
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Old 10-04-2013, 07:19 AM   #221  
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Originally Posted by schenectady View Post
I am so proud of how you have dealt with the unexpected changes to your schedule/life with wise choices. Many of us have used exactly those sorts of changes as an reason to go off whatever program we are on. That is what gets us overweight in the first place - excuses and justifications.
Boy isn't this the truth!
Excuses, justifications, and dishonesty with ourselves and others is NO GOOD for us physically, mentally, or spiritually (body/mind/spirit connection).

I find those of us who have prepared all three for the "IP ride" do the best. Our thoughts and actions guide our spirit on a daily basis, whether we are alone or with others.

I literally prepared mentally for over a month before starting IP by lurking on this forum and reading all the posts almost a year back so I could learn. All that reading felt fortifying. I felt prepared & like I knew what I was doing. I knew cheating would only be cheating myself so it wasn't an option. Once I had the fortification feeling, I knew my spirit was along for the ride, too. I keep that going by staying positive and sharing it with others who will have it.

Wow, schenectady, look what you brought out of me today! Thanks!

Have a great day everyone. 100% OP no matter what life throws at you. Remember who is in charge. It is NOT the food.
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Old 10-04-2013, 07:54 AM   #222  
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Good Morning Everyone!!

Weigh in #6 later today I'm kind of nervous about it - that's not really the right word - but I have been having this weird feeling that it will be a no/low loss week. I described earlier in the week - feel like I am 'stalled' - but there is no basis for feeling this way because I have stayed 100% OP and don't weigh at home so really have NO idea. Others have said they have had this feeling before, and ended up with a good loss for the week, so we'll see (fingers crossed!)! I am giving myself no option but to stick with it 100% anyway, but sure would be nice to see it on the scale too!

Have a great Friday everyone (can't believe how fast this week has gone!)

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Old 10-04-2013, 08:08 AM   #223  
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Originally Posted by slownsteady View Post
Good Morning Everyone!!

Weigh in #6 later today I'm kind of nervous about it - that's not really the right word - but I have been having this weird feeling that it will be a no/low loss week. I described earlier in the week - feel like I am 'stalled' - but there is no basis for feeling this way because I have stayed 100% OP and don't weigh at home so really have NO idea. Others have said they have had this feeling before, and ended up with a good loss for the week, so we'll see (fingers crossed!)! I am giving myself no option but to stick with it 100% anyway, but sure would be nice to see it on the scale too!

Have a great Friday everyone (can't believe how fast this week has gone!)
No matter what the scale says, YOU are changing. The changes are positive and moving forward. We cannot gauge our success or moods by that fickle inanimate object. We only have control over staying OP. We don't have control over fluctuating water weight.

Walk into that WI confident that you are 100% and this is just one data point in a MUCH bigger picture. Relax & have a great day!
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Old 10-04-2013, 08:28 AM   #224  
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Originally Posted by lisa32989 View Post
Walk into that WI confident that you are 100% and this is just one data point in a MUCH bigger picture.
Good way to approach EVERY weigh in! I do tend to forget these weekly weigh ins really are just a part of the ultimate BIG picture and in and of themselves are merely a dot in a 'connect the dots' picture. Some dots are just closer together than others, but they all contribute to that magical picture in the end!
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Old 10-04-2013, 08:49 AM   #225  
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Originally Posted by slownsteady View Post
Good way to approach EVERY weigh in! I do tend to forget these weekly weigh ins really are just a part of the ultimate BIG picture and in and of themselves are merely a dot in a 'connect the dots' picture. Some dots are just closer together than others, but they all contribute to that magical picture in the end!
I weigh on my wii fit. It makes a graph. All the data points headed down the slope are so fun! The trend line would be DOWN! Even with my stall(s).
Felt thinner yesterday. It is getting close to time to weigh since I'm back on p1.

Every weigh in, big & small, has gotten me almost 100 lbs off. And with patience, I'll get there, too!

Last edited by lisa32989; 10-04-2013 at 09:09 AM.
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