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Old 09-27-2013, 05:00 PM   #121  
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Originally Posted by Coreyle View Post
Hi there. I hope this isn't creepy but I was reading your info and it seems like we have a lot in common. I too am a teacher. I started IP. On the first day back, at first I thought I was nuts, but now I'm so glad I did. I am looking for people to connect with. I am doing this on my own and sometimes it's just nice to be able to chat with someone with a similar experience. Thanks!
Hi there!

Not sure if you meant this for me, but I am guessing so. Welcome! I am glad I started, too, even if it was the first week of school!
Good luck with your progress. Keep us posted on how you're doing.

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Old 09-27-2013, 05:11 PM   #122  
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Default IP is not for me ??

I started August 30th and quickly lost 5 lbs. Then, only 0.6 to 1 lb. each week thereafter. No, I am not a cheater...have been painfully compliant. My goal is to lose 15 post-menopausal pounds that won't budge.

Week 1: coach told me to eat more meat (I ate only about 4 oz at dinner), by adding 4 oz to lunch. Did that.
Week 2: coach told me to stop drinking my daily 3-4 c. green tea. Did that.
Week 3: coach told me my allergy meds must be to blame (seriously??). Suggested that I add 8 oz ham or 4 eggs to daily breakfast. I am high cholesterol already, so not taking that advice. Added 8 oz. Fage 0% plain yogurt instead.

Before IP I ate yogurt and cheese, nuts and legumes, rice, tons of veggies, small portions of meat, plus 1 glass of wine per day. There's carbs, but it's relatively clean eating, yes?

Question: Wouldn't simply giving up entire categories of alcohol, dairy, legumes, fats, sugars and starches alone lead to more weight loss than this?

Do you have any insights about this?
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Old 09-27-2013, 06:03 PM   #123  
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Originally Posted by louielechien View Post
I started August 30th and quickly lost 5 lbs. Then, only 0.6 to 1 lb. each week thereafter. No, I am not a cheater...have been painfully compliant. My goal is to lose 15 post-menopausal pounds that won't budge.
Do you have any insights about this?
Louielechien - it is really hard for a newbie like me to give advice because we are all different and I am new at this.

BUT I think that maybe if you give a few more details, some of the veterans here might have some insight. At what weight did you start? How tall are you? Maybe that will bring some ideas...
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Old 09-27-2013, 06:11 PM   #124  
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Originally Posted by louielechien
Added 8 oz. Fage 0% plain yogurt instead.
I know you said you're not cheating, but from what you posted... you are not following protocol either. Yogurt is NOT on P1, period.

Week 1 you weren't eating the 8oz of meat, only 4oz. Week 2, you were having up to 4 cups of green tea a day (IP allows for 1 cup coffee/tea a day), and now Week 3 you are eating yogurt.

P1 is very precisely laid out. BF = 1 pack, Lunch = 1 pack + 2 cups allowed veggies, Supper = 8oz protein + 2 cups allowed veggies, Snack = 1 pack.

Are you eating restricted packets? IP has allowed for 1 restricted a day. Make sure you are drinking ALL of your recommended water, using your salt, and even taking shots of 1-2tsp of olive oil/grape seed oil a day (not just cooking with it).

Try strictly adhering to protocol and see if that makes any changes.

Last edited by SweetScrumptious; 09-27-2013 at 06:12 PM.
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Old 09-27-2013, 07:43 PM   #125  
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Originally Posted by slownsteady View Post
Good Morning Augusters and All! Weigh In #5 today......Hope to at least reach the -20 mark! Wish me luck!
WHEW! Just made it! Down 1.5 lb today - lower than I'd hoped, but I really was preparing myself for a slowdown soon, so I'm ok with it. The best part is that I can now say I hit the 20 lbs off mark!! Yay! I needed that!

Since I've been 100% OP, I asked my coach if there was anything I could tweak/change to hopefully boost my loss next time. She looked through my food journal and suggested I eat less red meat - more fish and chicken. Check! She also suggested I start adding some activity/exercise at least 3 days per week (I've remained very sedentary) to rev my metabolism. Check!

So, took the dog for a walk when I got home, and am dusting off my treadmill and plan to get back to using that thing! Dinner - just had 2 fish (cod) tacos for dinner made with Potato Puree tortillas, shredded cabbage, 1/4 c chopped tomato and hot sauce. I'd forgotten how easy it was to make fish using my small George Foreman grill! 5 min start to finish, and perfectly flaky!

So, increased activity and sticking with fish and chicken for now. Hope to see a boost next week! But even if I continue with slower weekly losses, as long as I know I'm doing everything I can, I'll be fine with it. I'll still go to sleep every night dreaming of reaching goal and knowing it WILL be reality!
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Old 09-27-2013, 07:47 PM   #126  
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Try strictly adhering to protocol and see if that makes any changes.
Yes, that's why I am frustrated. I followed as best I could...the first week I mistakenly thought it was UP TO 8 oz of meat, but the coach said No, it must be EXACTLY 8 oz of meat. I adjusted.

The coach said to add in the yogurt--I guess it is a modification or "alternative" protocol they offer if you get stuck. She gave me a preprinted sheet that offers a choice of adding 1 fruit a day or 1 dairy a day...I chose dairy.

First coach told me tea or coffee is OK as long as I added 8 oz of water for each caffeinated beverage, which I did. Last coach told me just stop the tea--green, black, herbal, all off limits.

Started with Bars for Restricted item. Last week coach said replace Bars with Peach-Mango drink to increase the protein. Now: 0 Restricted.

Hadn't heard about shots of olive using my oil quota on salads (?)

Have you ever done Atkins? Atkins Phase 1 gets to ketosis with high protein, but allows dairy as well a similar list of meat/veggies for its Phase 1. I may switch to that since I'm already in a no-carb, no alcohol, no caffeine zone and Atkins doesn't require as much meat guzzling.

I'm 5'7 and started at 156 lbs. Goal = 140 lbs, or BMI around 21. It should be a do-able amount of weight in a 4-6 weeks, but so far it is dropping ever so slow.
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Old 09-27-2013, 09:47 PM   #127  
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Originally Posted by louielechien View Post
Yes, that's why I am frustrated. I followed as best I could...the first week I mistakenly thought it was UP TO 8 oz of meat, but the coach said No, it must be EXACTLY 8 oz of meat. I adjusted.

The coach said to add in the yogurt--I guess it is a modification or "alternative" protocol they offer if you get stuck. She gave me a preprinted sheet that offers a choice of adding 1 fruit a day or 1 dairy a day...I chose dairy.

First coach told me tea or coffee is OK as long as I added 8 oz of water for each caffeinated beverage, which I did. Last coach told me just stop the tea--green, black, herbal, all off limits.

Started with Bars for Restricted item. Last week coach said replace Bars with Peach-Mango drink to increase the protein. Now: 0 Restricted.

Hadn't heard about shots of olive using my oil quota on salads (?)

Have you ever done Atkins? Atkins Phase 1 gets to ketosis with high protein, but allows dairy as well a similar list of meat/veggies for its Phase 1. I may switch to that since I'm already in a no-carb, no alcohol, no caffeine zone and Atkins doesn't require as much meat guzzling.

I'm 5'7 and started at 156 lbs. Goal = 140 lbs, or BMI around 21. It should be a do-able amount of weight in a 4-6 weeks, but so far it is dropping ever so slow.
Are you on. .the alternative protocol? Don't know too much about that but there is another set of guides for those who may some health compromises. That program yields slower losses, and does I believe have things the original protocol does not. No one here on the original is allowed fruit or dairy on P1.

Last edited by 65X65; 09-27-2013 at 09:48 PM.
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Old 09-27-2013, 10:49 PM   #128  
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Yes, just this week switched to "alternative." It's not much different...added 1 serving/day of yogurt, that's the only change.
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Old 09-27-2013, 11:17 PM   #129  
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So I've been relaxing since I got home from work chatting on FB. Made a vanilla drink and stuck it in the freezer to get a bit colder. I forgot it now it's frozen guess I'll be using a spoon!
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Old 09-27-2013, 11:44 PM   #130  
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Originally Posted by louielechien View Post
Yes, just this week switched to "alternative." It's not much different...added 1 serving/day of yogurt, that's the only change.
Dairy does add more carb to the daily total than the standard plan. Also you don't have a lot to lose to get to goal so you probably will need to expect with both of those factors, things could be slower for you. Your coach should have told you that.

Bigger initial losses are usually associated with someone having a larger amount to lose. (although every one is different and sometimes even those folks don't see quick losses even in the beginning) Thyroid problems, age, activity level and previous diet history also seem to affect how fast people lose. Although, I CAN say, extreme carb sensitivity appears to be a problem most of us who have been successful on this diet share. Even a few extras slow us down. It is all about the glycemic index of what we are eating.

Given that your first few weeks had a few misunderstandings in how you proceeded and your compliance attempts were not 100% , why we're you put on alternate? Was there a health reason? If not, you may want to dialog this with your coach because your initial P 1 days were not according to how the rest of the folks here are complying. Being new on the program ... And not following the standard sheet 100%....and seeing slow start, isn't the same thing as "stuck. Stuck is what some see after a much longer time frame following the protocol. You were just warming up!
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Old 09-28-2013, 06:37 AM   #131  
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Originally Posted by SweetScrumptious View Post
Week 1 you weren't eating the 8oz of meat, only 4oz. Week 2, you were having up to 4 cups of green tea a day (IP allows for 1 cup coffee/tea a day), and now Week 3 you are eating yogurt.
Try strictly adhering to protocol and see if that makes any changes.
My protocol sheet and absolutely nothing I have read on this board says to that "IP allows for 1 cup coffee/tea a day." This is simply not true. The only guidelines is for every cup of coffee or tea you drink, you should add that many ounces of water to your daily intake.
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Old 09-28-2013, 07:55 AM   #132  
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Originally Posted by Princess Peacock View Post
My protocol sheet and absolutely nothing I have read on this board says to that "IP allows for 1 cup coffee/tea a day." This is simply not true. The only guidelines is for every cup of coffee or tea you drink, you should add that many ounces of water to your daily intake.
I agree with that too Sweet...! That seemed like a small thing and not something that would hold a person's losses hostage. Also wondered that there may have been more misinformation given to Louie...but who knows? If Louie does not think something is "off" , then know what to question or ask for clarification...the total picture may be smoke and mirrors. This situation belongs on "another bad coach" thread ...

Louie...You may wnat to see if you can switch to another coach for a few weeks if that is an option...I think many of us on this board feel your coaching has possibly not followed the IP protocol and misled you. Even slightly, with a small amount to lose, will upset how this works.

Best of luck!
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Old 09-28-2013, 08:24 AM   #133  
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Originally Posted by Avalon1957 View Post
Lisa, I am curious about your recent stall. So you are still on phase 1 but not losing? Is that common for a lot of people as you approach goal weight? Have the coaches helped with any additional guidance on breaking through? Just thought you might have some nuggets to share to help other dieters out as we'll all be down to within 10% of goal weight soon.

Personally my goal is 190, but I haven't been below 222 in 20+years. So I wonder if my body will just get to a point that it says, "that's it, you're not going to lose anymore". At that point I might just have to be happy that I got close to goal and then try my darnedest to maintain at that level.
I have seen tall/large frame people lose steadily and never stall. Even their slowdowns were minimal.

Here is another situation where we are all so different but I've definitely seen the shorter girls slow more at the end (guessing this has much to do with BMR)

My stall/slowdown is probably mostly due to health problems. I developed hypothyroid ON IP (many people do temporarily but mine didn't go away). Thyroid out-of-whack sends other hormones & neurotransmitters of-of-whack which slows metabolism. I also have chronic inflammation due to a chronic back condition and was treated with oral steroids back in April. My losses have not been the same since.

I cycled p2, p3 once before & lost about 6 lbs after returning to P1. This was a last-ditch effort plan to help my metabolism (thyroid, coritsol) by giving it carbs for a few weeks. Immediately I slept better and wasn't struggling with being cold all the time, so even tho I don't have tests to confirm, observational data told me I was doing the right thing for my hormones.

I was planning on doing p1 until Halloween and then taking a longer "break" (just from P1, not from IP) until January & get all testing completed in Dec to see how I am recovering (thyroid and cortisol markers). But if this move back to P1 helps me drop more weight, I may cycle through again, rather than test my patience with waiting to get to goal.

150 is only my "first" goal. I bet I'd be happier at 140 but we'll just have to see. I could also get to 150 and then use exercise/body sculpting to get me closer to how I want to look without losing the last 10 lbs (the whole muscle/fat thing) - hey, if the measurements change, I won't care so much what the scale says!

There are other ways to address true stalls - at least 4 weeks of no movement on scale or measuring tape (but more like 6 for a TRUE stallO such as bootcamp (a coach would guide you for that). When my slowdown/stall problems could be easily blamed on health issues, my coach (who is not a medical professional) really couldn't help. She suggested bootcamp but I knew that would be HARDER on my thyroid, not better.
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Old 09-28-2013, 08:48 AM   #134  
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Originally Posted by louielechien View Post
I started August 30th and quickly lost 5 lbs. Then, only 0.6 to 1 lb. each week thereafter. No, I am not a cheater...have been painfully compliant. My goal is to lose 15 post-menopausal pounds that won't budge.

Week 1: coach told me to eat more meat (I ate only about 4 oz at dinner), by adding 4 oz to lunch. Did that.
Week 2: coach told me to stop drinking my daily 3-4 c. green tea. Did that.
Week 3: coach told me my allergy meds must be to blame (seriously??). Suggested that I add 8 oz ham or 4 eggs to daily breakfast. I am high cholesterol already, so not taking that advice. Added 8 oz. Fage 0% plain yogurt instead.

Before IP I ate yogurt and cheese, nuts and legumes, rice, tons of veggies, small portions of meat, plus 1 glass of wine per day. There's carbs, but it's relatively clean eating, yes?

Question: Wouldn't simply giving up entire categories of alcohol, dairy, legumes, fats, sugars and starches alone lead to more weight loss than this?

Do you have any insights about this?
Originally Posted by louielechien View Post
Yes, that's why I am frustrated. I followed as best I could...the first week I mistakenly thought it was UP TO 8 oz of meat, but the coach said No, it must be EXACTLY 8 oz of meat. I adjusted.

The coach said to add in the yogurt--I guess it is a modification or "alternative" protocol they offer if you get stuck. She gave me a preprinted sheet that offers a choice of adding 1 fruit a day or 1 dairy a day...I chose dairy.

First coach told me tea or coffee is OK as long as I added 8 oz of water for each caffeinated beverage, which I did. Last coach told me just stop the tea--green, black, herbal, all off limits.

Started with Bars for Restricted item. Last week coach said replace Bars with Peach-Mango drink to increase the protein. Now: 0 Restricted.

Hadn't heard about shots of olive using my oil quota on salads (?)

Have you ever done Atkins? Atkins Phase 1 gets to ketosis with high protein, but allows dairy as well a similar list of meat/veggies for its Phase 1. I may switch to that since I'm already in a no-carb, no alcohol, no caffeine zone and Atkins doesn't require as much meat guzzling.

I'm 5'7 and started at 156 lbs. Goal = 140 lbs, or BMI around 21. It should be a do-able amount of weight in a 4-6 weeks, but so far it is dropping ever so slow.
Originally Posted by louielechien View Post
Yes, just this week switched to "alternative." It's not much different...added 1 serving/day of yogurt, that's the only change.

I quoted a lot here to address.
1. If you are making mistakes - not following the protocol due to lack of understanding, it is still a "cheat" although unintentional.

2. wtih 16 lbs to lose, you will not lose as fast as someone with 60, 70, 80 lbs to lose.

3. For some people, even small modifications make a BIG difference so I understand the no caffeine teas. I have NEVER heard someone being told not to have herbal teas containing no decaf.

4. If you are putting the EVOO directly on your salad, you are getting the "shot" of olive oil. Some people have found that just cooking with it causes stalls b/c we don't absorb it all. Use your cooking spray for cooking and put the oil directly on your food.

5. Switching to the alternate protocol would SLOW losses. It is for people with health problems who should not reach ketosis. And only adding yogurt once/day is NOT the alt protocol. It involves adding dairy, fruit, and grain once per day EACH. So, for example, dairy to breakfast, fruit to lunch and grain to dinner. Were you given the protocol sheet for this?

6. It looks like your coach was suggesting having your biggest meal at breakfast, instead of dinner (the eggs/ham). This is a common diet hack. Not sure how well it really works. I'm guessing differently for different people. I encourage you to do some reading about cholesterol. It is well known that dietary cholesterol intake does NOT increase serum cholesterol. In fact, the most recent research blames CARB INTAKE more than dietary cholesterol for increasing markers for heart disease (c-reactive protein is the inflammation marker the best doctors are now using, rather than cholesterol)

7. Adding yogurt instead INCREASED your carb intake. This is counter-productive on IP. Additionally, fat-free yogurt has MORE carbs than higher fat versions

8. I did Atkins and lost a lot of weight about 10 years ago. Atkins is NOT like IP. It is also pretty meat-heavy but it is also much higher fat. IP works better for me because the guidelines are much clearer.

9. I suggest you pick one plan and stick to it.
From what you reported, you have NOT followed the P1 protocol with strict adherence yet. If slowdowns are due to user error, the diet cannot be blamed. If the plan you choose is IP, stick to the P1 sheet like glue. If it is not on there, don't have it. If it is on there, eat it (example: 1 restricted/day) your coach has you bouncing all around trying different things different weeks, how can you know what works?

10. Weight loss isn't linear. We wont lost 2.1 lbs every week (or whatever number). If you are going to an out-of-date coach who made the 3-5 lbs/week claim, know that was DISCONTINUED BY IDEAL PROTEIN. I guess some coaches never got that memo. Average losses for women are more like 2-3/week. If you average your WL so far, that is exactly where you are falling.

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Old 09-28-2013, 10:22 AM   #135  
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Originally Posted by lisa32989 View Post
I have seen tall/large frame people lose steadily and never stall. Even their slowdowns were minimal. Here is another situation where we are all so different but I've definitely seen the shorter girls slow more at the end (guessing this has much to do with BMR)

My stall/slowdown is probably mostly due to health problems. I developed hypothyroid ON IP (many people do temporarily but mine didn't go away). Thyroid out-of-whack sends other hormones & neurotransmitters of-of-whack which slows metabolism. I also have chronic inflammation due to a chronic back condition and was treated with oral steroids back in April. My losses have not been the same since.

I cycled p2, p3 once before & lost about 6 lbs after returning to P1. This was a last-ditch effort plan to help my metabolism (thyroid, coritsol) by giving it carbs for a few weeks. Immediately I slept better and wasn't struggling with being cold all the time, so even tho I don't have tests to confirm, observational data told me I was doing the right thing for my hormones.

I was planning on doing p1 until Halloween and then taking a longer "break" (just from P1, not from IP) until January & get all testing completed in Dec to see how I am recovering (thyroid and cortisol markers). But if this move back to P1 helps me drop more weight, I may cycle through again, rather than test my patience with waiting to get to goal.

150 is only my "first" goal. I bet I'd be happier at 140 but we'll just have to see. I could also get to 150 and then use exercise/body sculpting to get me closer to how I want to look without losing the last 10 lbs (the whole muscle/fat thing) - hey, if the measurements change, I won't care so much what the scale says!

There are other ways to address true stalls - at least 4 weeks of no movement on scale or measuring tape (but more like 6 for a TRUE stallO such as bootcamp (a coach would guide you for that). When my slowdown/stall problems could be easily blamed on health issues, my coach (who is not a medical professional) really couldn't help. She suggested bootcamp but I knew that would be HARDER on my thyroid, not better.
That's interesting. Yes, I have the advantage of a higher BMR for sure ... currently around 2,033 (estimated) calories per day (occasionally being 6'3" has it's advantages.) I am guessing your BMR is around 1,300 calories per day or thereabouts. So there is a big difference in our burn rates and calorie deficits.

I am also hypothryoid, but mine developed 23 years ago -- and sorry to hear about your back.

Still stalls/plateaus are so frustrating. But I agree with your tact of health first. On the bright side you are down 100 pounds and I am SURE you feel much better than you did at that higher weight. So kudos to you for getting this far!

Last edited by Avalon1957; 09-28-2013 at 10:36 AM.
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