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Old 09-29-2009, 06:12 PM   #181  
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Hi there...I just finished my first week and lost 6 lbs. I'm really happy. It wasn't an easy week, but so worth it. I, too, am wondering if anybody knows of any gum that is allowed. Good luck to you all!
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Old 09-29-2009, 06:28 PM   #182  
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i recommend stride it's the least in carbs, and sugar out there (that I have found at least)
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Old 09-29-2009, 06:37 PM   #183  
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Originally Posted by Gink View Post
Unlinke you guys I am having a rough time with this I do really well during the day and then from about 4-7pm is my rough time. I get so hungry that my mind goes "I don't care what I eat - I'm just hungry."

I dunno, I hate to bring everyone down but I'm having a really hard time right now. I've cheated pretty much every night the last week. It's discouraging for obvious reasons but I'm also feeling guilty about the cost too - this is not a cheap program. The good news is I haven't gained but I clearly haven't lost either.

This is definately a no cheat program or else you definately won't lose fat you will just burn the carbs you ate- it takes 3 days to get your pancreas restarted we were trained if some1 can't follow it to a T they are not ready - you should definately save your money till you can do it all the way. If your ready jump on board and JUST DO IT you will be thrilled with the results I promise
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Old 09-29-2009, 06:41 PM   #184  
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Originally Posted by mjv View Post
she is my coach and she is great!!!!! and she knows what she is talking about.... she has help me alot and always been there for me.. love ys sunkissed lol
I'm excited to see you today - this girl needs an applaud (and new clothes hers are way too BIG for her now) Yipee
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Old 09-29-2009, 06:46 PM   #185  
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Originally Posted by torchlaker View Post
Great ideas, Valkyrie. I definitely will do that in October. If this trip hadn't been such a last minute thing, or if I had had a car, I know I would have done better. I weigh in tomorrow, so we will see. This will be the end of my 3rd week, so I was hoping some of the nausea, energy and other problems might be ending.

I am really having some problems with nausea. Could be the detox pills doc put me on.....(altho I was having it before)...or I wonder if it could be the supplements? I don't think it is the packets......any ideas? (Sunkissed??)

...and welcome, expert to go to in our group!!

All detox signs only last the first week - as long as you have not cheated that eliminates that, the next thing I would look for is the supplements definately make sure you are taking them with food.
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Old 09-29-2009, 06:49 PM   #186  
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Originally Posted by Annmawy View Post
Good morning !!

I am having a chocolat drink mixted with coffee and reading u all !! ( I love this mixte)

Have all a great day ! dont forget the exercice, and Always continue to smile !! we are soing this for us and we are worth it !!
yum yum .... hey I put the vanilla premix in a bowl in the freezer for 30min then stir throw it in for another 30min and stir then once frozen it tastes just like homemade ice cream- oohohhohh yeah baby thats what i call good stuff!!
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Old 09-29-2009, 06:51 PM   #187  
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Originally Posted by alwe74 View Post
Hi Sunkissed!!!
Hi there- this is great!
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Old 09-29-2009, 07:19 PM   #188  
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Originally Posted by sunkissed21 View Post
i recommend stride it's the least in carbs, and sugar out there (that I have found at least)
I was told no. Because of several things, the chemicals and such and the fact that it will pull you out of ketosis.

If you are going to try it make a note in a journal then when you weigh in if you lost less... try the next week without gum and see if there is a difference.

I journal everything. I to am dying with no gum but I rather lose the weight than stay the way I am.
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Old 09-29-2009, 11:44 PM   #189  
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Originally Posted by Gink View Post
Unlinke you guys I am having a rough time with this I do really well during the day and then from about 4-7pm is my rough time. I get so hungry that my mind goes "I don't care what I eat - I'm just hungry."

I dunno, I hate to bring everyone down but I'm having a really hard time right now. I've cheated pretty much every night the last week. It's discouraging for obvious reasons but I'm also feeling guilty about the cost too - this is not a cheap program. The good news is I haven't gained but I clearly haven't lost either.
Hi Gink. I usually get crazy hungry that same time of the day. Sometimes it helps to drink a big glass of water. When I get very specific cravings (salty, crunchy) it usually means I'm not getting enough salt. Another thing that helps is to move my evening snack to late afternoon. Just a few suggestions.
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Old 09-30-2009, 12:40 AM   #190  
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Gink: I still struggle with hunger a worst time is after 7pm. The last 2 nights I tried "distractions." I got up and marched in front of the t.v. set for awhile....I drank water and hot tea....I even put the heating pad on my stomach. I got thru it....tough, tho. But...then...I always snacked at part of that must be emotional for me, too.

I think I remember something Bob Greene once said on an Oprah show...something like "when you feel those hunger pains, that was when the fat-burning was in progress." Don't know if it is true or not...but I like to think it is.

I had to really ready my mind before I did IP because I live alone...would never spend that much money on groceries, and am on a fixed budget. I researched it for a month before I went on it. I never ran across anything negative about IP (maybe they just delete those comments...dunno)...and really wanted to get my health in check, after a year and a half of grieving and letting myself go. I think sunkissed is right....the mind has to be in the right place. Good luck with any decision you make.
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Old 09-30-2009, 12:58 AM   #191  
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Sunkissed....I usually take my supplements (except for 2 Cal-Mags) right after you think I should take them before? I take the last 2 Cal-Mags before I go to bed (not much food in stomach then)...

Wanted to see if my ticker worked.

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Old 09-30-2009, 08:38 AM   #192  
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Hi everyone!
I went for my first official weigh in last nite! Down 9.2lbs! I almost cried when i seen the results of that combined with the inches lost. I usually have to diet for 4-6wks to get those results, and by that time i am frustrated and jumping ship pretty much. Seeing these results only motivates me further not to cheat and to stick to the "plan". I realize i likely wont see this weight loss each time, and i am prepared for that.

The gum - our business here who carries the IP products is carrying a gum called "spry" and say that it is ok'd by the IP program to chew. I picked it up last nite but have yet to try it, but they assure me this particular gum is allowed.

Have a great day everyone!
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Old 09-30-2009, 09:47 AM   #193  
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According to my coach, I should be getting to the end of the roughest part. I already feel better today than yesterday. I have always struggled with low blood sugar, not a diagnosed hypoglycemic, but I've always had to make sure I got enough protein. I have learned that I can tolerate the "hungry" feeling, the growling stomach etc., as long as my blood sugar is stable. I'm at the point where I have to get the weight off, and if I fail at this, then I will never be successful at any diet. When I am tempted by what other people are eating, I just remember that those foods will not be forbidden forever. I will be able to have chicken & cheese enchiladas and garlic bread again. But I will have the discipline by that point to eat moderately. I've lived long enough, (45 years) to be able to realize that 9-10 months is a relatively short time. I was a thin child and teenager, and didn't become overweight until adulthood. But I am now at the point where I've been overweight for more than half of my life. Realizing this is helping me put this intense dieting period in perspective.
Also, as far as cost goes, I may be wrong, but I get the impression that fees are determined by the provider. My provider is a doctor's wife that is providing this service as a good option for her husband's patients. It is possibly the most economical program diet (where you go and pay someone to help you lose weight, as opposed to trying to follow a diet out of a book) that I've ever seen.

I don't know if this helps anyone, but I hope that it does.
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Old 09-30-2009, 11:11 AM   #194  
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Good Morning Everyone ~

Thanks for the suggestions - they really are appreciated. I decided last night that I am going to do this full-force with the light at the end of the tunnel being that, like HarmonyMom said, these foods will not be forbidden forever. Fortunately after my awful week I stayed steady - 6.5 lbs down - and did not gain anything back.

I think my food issues are a little different than most people's... I'm not a snacker and I don't really get cravings. If I never got hungry then I would be fine, if that makes any sense. My problem is that when I get hungry I get sooooooo hungry that I make poor food choices and then I overeat. I think that's why the afternoon "tough time" for me is so hard. It almost feels like my brain chemistry changes when I get hungry. I can go for almost a whole day following the plan to a "T" but when that hunger kicks in I am ravenous and all my willpower goes out the window. Once that hunger is gone like after dinner, I'm fine again. Like I said, I'm not a snacker or a habit or bored-eater.

Drinking water is one thing I've always been good about. I drink more than a gallon of water a day without even trying. Unfortunately, it does not fill me up like it does for some people - maybe because my body is already used to getting that much water.

I've also tried moving my 3rd protein packet "snack" to before dinner and it helps a little bit. I'm still figuring out which packets I like and which I don't. My favorite so far is the cappuccino drink with cinnamon. Yum I go back in for my weigh-in tomorrow so I plan to pick up some different things than I've already tried. Hopefully that will help keep me on the wagon.

My coach is a good friend of mine who I've known for years. She had always been the same size, a little heavy, and since we worked together I would see her go on a diet for a vacation or something and lose a tiny bit, then gain it back. About a year ago she left the company so I didn't see her quite as regularly. Then, about a month or so ago I got an email from her with her before and after photos and I was floored! She was down more than 70 lbs and wearing a size 6. That's what motivated me to start knowing she and I were a lot alike. She was so successful with the program that they asked her to be local coach.

Anyway, just wanted to share that success story with you since those are always motivating.

Thanks again for the suggestions, if you can think of any others please feel free to share!

ETA: My coach emailed me yesterday saying that the Spa where she works that does the IP program has a product called Jen FE Weight Management Shots (liquid bottled shots - not injections) that are supposed to help with the hunger. Anyone heard of/tried these? I might pick up a couple tomorrow and see if that helps with the afternoon hunger. If any of you have experience with these please let me know!

Last edited by Gink; 09-30-2009 at 11:15 AM.
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Old 09-30-2009, 01:40 PM   #195  
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Originally Posted by torchlaker View Post
Official weigh-in today....I DID lose 3#. It seems that is what I am averaging. So 11-1/2# in 3 weeks....! I will take it....I am in double-digits now!!! Doc wanted me to lose 30#...but I would like 40#.

SandraB...well, I guess you are certainly further NORTH than I am!!! I ordered some of the WF off (Valkyrie's suggestion)...they are the least expensive. I am going to try to add some splenda to the tomato/basil dressing, and see if I like it any better. I just tried the Thousand Island...yuk! Don't know what shipping charges are to Canada from Netrition, tho. I like the BBQ sauce, too....I add a bit of soysauce and worchestershire sauce to it, and it tastes better than A-1.

We talked about the nausea today...they are having me back down from the 2 detox pills they gave me for my "issue" to one. I have to be more faithful with the water.....I personally think it is the supplements. I always seem to get nauseated on any kind of pills. Today is the best I have felt in a week.
Congrats Torchlaker! Sounds like you are doing well. That bbq sauce was an excellent idea, i tried it last nite! And i will definitely be trying that salad dressing.

I am very new to this diet - just starting my second week. So today i had some extra time and read back in these posts. I just want to say sorry about your loss - and hats off to you for going for a goal to make yourself content.

My husband is a sargeant with the RCMP ( i noticed you were a police dispatcher) who was in a life altering, work related accident last winter. I took 5 months off work to be by his side and assist in his recovery. As my husband was not able to be very active as a result of his injuries, I added another ( dont even know how many) few pounds to my already struggling was a rough winter. And although this year my husband is still quite limited, we are doing alot better and have decided to get our lives back....So i am very happy to feel motivated about something again! and reading other peoples posts shows me what a small world we really are!
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