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Old 09-30-2002, 05:48 AM   #196  
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Good morning

DNW - I rarely get in all my water on the weekend. Too much to do to mess with it I guess, but I figure anything is better than nothing.

Tiffany - Your daughter is beautiful, looks like her mom. Hope she had a good time at the dance. I played hairstylist to my niece this weekend, her homecoming dance also. I'm sure it didn't look as good as the salon would have but it saved her mom $50 and she liked it.

The weekend was nice, went to the movies to see Sweet Home Alabama with my daughters, it was a cute movie. It's Monday and I have a busy day at work today, so guess I'd better get moving.

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Old 09-30-2002, 06:52 AM   #197  
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Good Morning.
Damn Oreo's. The orange creme tastes just like the white.

I've read some of the half time of jr.ft.ball. And, I picked up 3's, 5's and 8's...already had 2's

Oldest son broke his thumb at recess catching a football. What dumb luck. Spent all Friday at doctor, xrays, fun stuff.

Today, I have a meeting with the speech teacher at school for my youngest. He's always pronounced things with his own style, it improves daily, but guess the school thinks he needs "evaluated".

Last week was not a good week all around. Ready to move on to a better week.
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Old 09-30-2002, 07:03 AM   #198  
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Tiff, daughter's pics are beautiful. Bittersweet, I can only imagine. Dread DS first dance. But, think it's gonna be different with boys.
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Old 09-30-2002, 08:13 AM   #199  
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Huntress, thank you for the compliments! I only WISH I looked that good. It gets frustrating because she has that typical girl mentality, that she is too fat, too ugly, too many freckles, face is too round, thighs are too jiggly...and the list goes on and on. I hear it ALL the time, a new excuse daily. I blame myself partly, because thinking back, I don't think I have ever put forth the image that I was happy with my body...I was always complaining too. *sigh* And I agree about the water on the weekends! I am moving too fast to stop and drink water, although I should grab one on the run, or order it in the drive through, or grab a bottle when I open the fridge...but I just don't. At least most of the time.

And I am JEALOUS. I was too busy this weekend to get to the movies, but me and the 2 teenage girls want to see Sweet Home Alabama. So you would recommend it??

Tig, sometimes I wish I had boys...maybe things would be a little easier. I guess with girls it is just too easy to identify with EVERY little thing. Every boy issue, every body issue, every friend issue....maybe with boys...some of it would be a little less conencted to myself. But then again, I guess when it's your children it is all connected closely to your heart regardless of sex.

Well, it sure is nice to be here to play this morning! I miss this!
I'll check in after I take the girls to school!
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Old 09-30-2002, 08:18 AM   #200  
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I carry a water bottle in my purse. Drink it in the car, drink it in the makes me thirsty I feel naked if I leave the house w/o it.
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Old 09-30-2002, 08:46 AM   #201  
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Is it Monday already? How'd that happen? Why can't the weekends be 5 days and then work for 2? Now there's a plan.

Rich and I spent Saturday going to Dover Downs and Delaware Park and playing the slots. No I'm not a millionaire, darn it. But we had fun.

As usual, my weekend was pretty much off-program. Every morning I get up and say I'm going to start today. I'm going to watch what I eat. I'm going to drink my water. I'm going to exercise.

Yeah right.

We did spend most of yesterday outside picking the last of the veggies from the garden and taking down all the "summery stuff". All the plant hangers and garden gnomes, etc. are safely tucked into the shed for the winter, etc. Kinda' depressing actually. But it was a beautiful fall day and I got plenty of exercise...

... before we went down the the VFW to watch the Eagles football game, drink beer and eat junk.

OK, fill me in here. I'm a little slow. I know the Halloween challenge is already on but are we starting another "3 points a day" challenge for October?

... and is it really October already!?!?!?

Boss just rolled in. Have to break the bad news....
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Old 09-30-2002, 08:58 AM   #202  
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Jello, good luck telling the boss. What's the worst that could happen? You are the glue of that organization, he needs you. Sure, he will be disappointed, but for crying out loud, he should understand the reason behind it, if he doesn't....and he acts like a baby, I would LOSE it. I would be like, "What kind of MONSTER are you???" You go get him. He'll get over it. Don't worry about it.

As far as the challenge...I think I am up for it. I know now...that I am not disciplined enough YET to have a lot of 3 point days, but I like striving towards them. That in itself is a good thing. Even if I fall short on my water, I have TRIED to get it in, and that was more than I was getting in before. vote is in...let's start another 3 point challenge tomorrow. Oct 1rst through the 31rst.

I'll keep a total again...and I will start a thread today for us to state our goals in the 3 point challenge.

Anyone heard from Dyan? I know she has a lot on her plate too, and was moving too...just wondered how things were going there. to start the thread.
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Old 09-30-2002, 09:42 AM   #203  
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another 3 pointer sounds good to me. also, will be ready to start weight program next monday. that will give me time to read more and get organized.

i told the chick i'm babysit'n for that i had a meeting with speech teacher today. she showed up anyway. good grief. i turned her away. wish i had the balls to tell her to the face i'm not watching her kid anymore. will call later today with some reason why i can't do DH having to hunt her down to collect my money isn't reason enough.
off to meet w/speech teacher. joy.
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Old 09-30-2002, 10:35 AM   #204  
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Hey all!

Sorry, things got busy here at work and I ended up taking a long weekend on you guys. But I was here in spirit.

Tig - your new couch looks loverly - makes me want to take a nap right now!

Tiffany - your daughter is so.beautiful. It's great to see you motivated and yourself again. Your jobs crack me up - a new one every week. Been there, I guess. One year I actually had 7 different W-4s when it came time to do taxes. On the line that said "profession" I put "Jamaican" - cause I got so many jobs, mon. I was kind of surprised the IRS didn't call but I guess they understood.

Jello - I'm sorry you had baddish news. I'll pray for you. Having been down the road before, you're a little stronger, perhaps, although I'm sure it doesn't feel that way... So I will say what you already know - you will get through this thing. Jello will prevail! :

Semo - WTG on all the energetic remodeling, and having strength to spare for your ailing friend! I wanna be like you when I grow up.

Huntress - Nice to see you back on the prowl. I'd love to be your walking partner, I've got lots of things to complain about.

Dyan - UGH - I hate moving offices. Hang in there.

DNW - Don't let the turkeys (or the hormones!) get you down.

Kayla! Doooode! LOL. I'm glad things are swirling in a more positive way for you. If your sister is just like you she must be awesome!!

Things were gray and ugly yesterday. DH and I turned on all the lights, put on MPR and worked on some things around the house. We glued our broken budget back together and I got in the kitchen and cooked up some warm healthy food. I made a veggie soup for this week because I love to have something simmer and it's too cold to eat carrot sticks for lunch anymore. I also made meatloaf with ground turkey because I wanted the oven on. Don't know if I mentioned before, but I've found meatloaf to be a great candidate for meat-substitution schemes.

I bought a chicken to roast this week and was wondering if anyone has ideas about how to do this more healthily. It's like I want to take the skin off but I'm afraid it would turn out all dry... unless I covered the pot with some sauce around it - wine and onions and maybe an apple... Anyone have ideas? It's not that I eat the skin when it's done, but the fat DOES bake into the meat (so nicely).
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Old 09-30-2002, 10:41 AM   #205  
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Cafe, I will research the chicken thing, but you have to share your meatloaf recipe. I LOVE meatloaf and everyone in this house gags when I mention it. LOL...

Still giggling over the jobs, Mon!
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Old 09-30-2002, 11:03 AM   #206  
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Rumor has it that if you cook a chicken breast side down, all the juices flow into it's uh chest region and it stays moist and tender. I call it a rumor because we all know Jo's skills in the kitchen. I don't know a chicken from a cheeseburger. vs.

OK maybe I'm not that bad but I certainly shouldn't be giving cooking advice. Oh but I would like Cafe's meatloaf recipe. Love the stuff!

Went into boss's office and verified when the french were coming and then told him I wouldn't be here for it. I'm very proud of him, he only paled slightly and I hurried on to explain I had someone lined up to get into the files on my computer if necessary. When he was still hesitant, I told him that if he really needed me, he could call the hospital and have them page my surgeon who will get a message to me while I'm on the operating table.

That shut him up.

Changing the subject, Tiff, your daughter looks so pretty! All grown up? Did you get all weepy? Oh and changing jobs every now and then sounds pretty good to me sometimes. I know it's got to be a bit nerve-wracking but hey you get to meet people!

OK, so tomorrow we start the 3-points-a-day challenge, yes? I'm up for it! Maybe it'll even make me able to post in the Halloween challenge thread without scaring anyone.

Get it? Scaring. Halloween. Get it?

Ah, never mind....

I try so hard ....
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Old 09-30-2002, 11:09 AM   #207  
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Meatloaf rocks! Sandwiches... Mmmm.

My mom's recipe originally called for 1 pound of ground beef and .5 pound of ground pork. I use one of those convenient 1.5 lb packages of ground turkey. Actually, my mom tried this before I did, LOL!

1.5 lb ground turkey
3 slices of bread crumbs (whatever that means! I probably dump in about 3/4 cup)
1 egg
1 cup milk
.5 cup chopped onion
1 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1.25 tsp salt
.25 tsp each of: black pepper, ground mustard, garlic salt, celery salt, sage


The way my mom makes it is to mix all of this (except ketchup) [mush with your fingers for a unique tactile experience] then dump it into a 9x13 pan, making a relatively compact oval-shaped mound in the center of the pan with some space around it. Paint the outside of the meatloaf with about 1/3 c of ketchup and a pastry brush. Toss in the oven at 350 for an hour.

Some of the fat will cook out of the loaf and collect in the pan around it. This is kind of a bonus - looks gross but you just slide a spatula under the loaf and transfer to a plate, leaving the schmutz in the pan. Another advantage of cooking this way is that you have MORE of the crispy ketchup-laden outer layer than if you baked in an actual loaf pan.
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Old 09-30-2002, 11:29 AM   #208  
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Hi All,

I'm here.......trying to catch up on the posts, and will be back ASAP.

Missed you guys!
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Old 09-30-2002, 01:02 PM   #209  
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Since so much has happened while I was gone, I don't have time to respond to everyone. But I too have fallen off the wagon. gained back 2.5 pounds, which is no surprise. With a 5.5 pound lost last week and me not on OP at all for the past 2 weeks, it was bound to happen.

So I am in on everything. Tiff, don't write me off so quickly , I'll be doing Kathy Smith, until the docs tell me I can't. I have no idea when they're gonna do the surgery. Still waiting for them to call. I jusat hate Kaiser . I had another attack last night! I was in tears. I don't know if any of you have ever experienced one, but it's really bad. Your pretty much doubled over formt he pain. It feels somewhat like a gaspain (x's 1000) then add in the worst heartnurn you've ever experienced (x100). It's very intense and they're is really nothing you can do about it. Mine usually last about an hour and it's the longest hour of my life! SO if I don't hear from them today, I will be calling them first thing in the morning. I will go by another book store today to see if I can find the book and I'll be raring to go. We're starting next Monday (10/7) right? I got hand held 's for my b-day. 2, 5 & 8. SO I think I'm set in that department. As far as the challenge starting tomorrow....I so need it! I need to focus.

Friday, my day off, as they moved us. I went and spent money, instead of making it. I so went overboard. spent over $600!! money, we don't have!! But got a great deal on carseats. They had a box of 2 for $90 at Costco. I so envy you, that do not have to deal w/ carseats. My oldest still has to be in a carseat for another 2 1/2 years. I think that 6 is a little exteme, but what cha gonna do?

Saturday, went to a funeral service. A good friends mom passed . It was very emotional. Her mom has been fighting breast cancer, and we knew it was inevitable, but still. She was only 49, and she left behind my friend and her brother. I cried inthe shower, just thinking about how she was never gonna meet her first grandchild. Although she thought of my children as her grandchildren. And how she wasn't gonna be there when her kids got married. I loved that woman. She treated me like one of her own. She would yell at me, just like one of her own . My friend is 33 and mom had her at a really young age. Man......I know, I know.....she's not in pain anymore and she's in a better place, but it's still hard, ya know? We also took Cheye to a birthday party, where they had a petting zoo and pony rides.

Sunday, took Cheye shopping for tights and shoes. She's gonna be Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, so she needed red sequin shoes (Of course!) and her little dog too!! Also she needed shoes for her new dress, to wear on picture day . Then BIL came over to change my brake pads and DH and I did about a gazillion loads of laundry.

I will try to be more active on the board, now that I want back on the wagon. So make room for my fat arse! Yyyeeehhaawww
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Old 09-30-2002, 02:05 PM   #210  
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Hi Everybody! Getting a slow start this Monday.

Tiff, your daughter is a doll. I have two grown sons and they were very easy to raise. Other than the normal things kids get into, they were a breeze. We count our blessings that we were so lucky in not having problems with them. BTW you kids do really learn to appreicate you when they grow up. LOL

My friend should be in the doctor's office in St Louis right about now. Talked with her several times over the weekend and she is in very good spirits and she will call tonight with more info on when the surgery will be. I think that I may take off and go for the surgery. DH wants me to wait until after she is recovering but I would really like to be there just to know that everyting is okay. Again thanks to all for remembering her.

Looking forward to both challenges getting started. I did fair over the weekend with eating but didn't get my lazy behind to do any real exercise.

Let's see....what else.. oh I've cooked chicken in the crock pot but it was with the skin on. You just fold the wings back and put it in the pot and add seasoning and cook on low. You don't have to add any liquid at all.

DNW, after reading your post I realized that I had forgotten to take my HRT this morning. I'm not much of a pill taker and have the hardest time remembering those things. I've been waiting to get a call from our Corp office too because I'm on the internet way too much and I will probably get in trouble for it one of these days.

Well guess I had better scoot and get some real work done.
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