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Old 05-15-2024, 08:07 PM   #181  
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I had a terrible accident today and had to even take a shower to clean up. Body pretty much feels empty now. DH and I have pretty much decided that I need to go strict protein at least for a while. I ate the other half of the sliced cantaloupe and a tomato with my steak. So at this point, I would definitely say fruit is out of my diet now. Also I am thinking of not taking all my supplements either. I will have to take my Lisinopril to protect my kidneys so I can have treatments, but not sure about anything else for now.

Glad you didn't have to go to casino. Hopefully DH will give you time to heal. I think going to the Med Express might be a good idea especially if you still feel the same and have yellow mucus. You may have an infection and need an antibiotic.
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Old 05-16-2024, 09:16 AM   #182  
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Scale is down to 177. I am just playing games with fluid. When I take Lasix the scale goes down, when I dont take it, it goes up. I took it yesterday because I felt I needed it with all the congestion I have. I slept ok. Lots of coughing and blowing my nose. But I feel a lot better today. I won't tell DH though or he will want me to go to the casino. I would like to hold off until next week. If I am contagious which I think I am the whole place will get sick. I think he was contagious and that's how I got sick. I do think we need to go to Walmart. We have a growing list on the counter. If I have a list I rush thru the store in a few minutes.

I have heard some other people get potty issues from fruit. I never did,but I don't eat much fruit. Sometimes there is bacteria on fresh produce that can cause gastric problems. Some of the produce comes from other countries,where they don't have good sanitation conditions. I hope you feel better now!
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Old 05-16-2024, 12:18 PM   #183  
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Carol Sue I'm glad you are feeling a little better and I personally think you need to be careful being out too fast. Not only could you make someone else sick, but you could get worse or relapse.

I'm reading and watching a lot of carnivore info and they talk about how much better they feel because they are not eating plant-based foods of any kind so they are not getting the toxics and pesticides etc in their food. You know one of the big problems for me is that I followed how the cancer people tell you how to eat. Although I ate some sugar, I ate very little because of controlling my FBG as much as possible. I was shocked to read yesterday that in Australia cancer patients are told to eat sugar. They don't tell us to eat it hear, but my team nurse did tell me "it's not true that cancer feeds cancer". I'm not sure that is true. Dr. Berry says if you are eating carnivore and someone comes over and brings a casserole and you realize that it had sugar in it, don't get upset or panic because one meal isn't going to hurt you. Just stay on your carnivore plan going forward.

We found another doctor but couldn't read his name but he is awesome. He also gave us the name of a book by a dietitian who uses carnivore and he recommended it. I went on Amazon to see if they had it and it was a very expensive book but I was able to get it on sale for $4.99 so I grabbed it. Will start reading it today. I want to watch more of his recommendations because he uses food history of how our foods came about especially fruit and veggies and how they have been grown to make them bigger and hybrid. They play with it to make it like it is.

I've also found 2 groups out of many that are for women eating this way and one group is for senior.

I woke up feeling great and ready to get up by 8:30 this morning. FBG was 97, weight 153.8 and BP 118/65 and I have only done this as best as I could figure out 1 day so far. So I am considering starting with carnivore and maybe work toward Ketovoure. Oh, I also like about this new doctor, he mentioned being careful Not to overeat protein because it can cause problems even cause blood sugar to go up. There is another book I want to get that is recommended on my Keto for Cancer group named The Keto Code.

Hope everybody has a great day.
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Old 05-16-2024, 01:32 PM   #184  
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Trish,i'm curious to know the name of the book you got for $4.99 and also the doctor who recommended it. We seem to enjoy similar books and I like getting more information even if it doesn't apply to me. Of course,if this is,something that leads away from eating vegetables I dont think I would get into it because I dont see myself ever believing in that. Meat and vegetables,has always proven to be best for me.
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Old 05-16-2024, 11:02 PM   #185  
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Carol Sue Spent the day reading and looking for the doctor who recommended this book. I've learned a lot today and will use the carnivore long enough to get my body straightened out especially the inflammation that I am experiencing. When I get those things corrected I may move to Keto Voure. The name of the doc is Dr. Robert Cywes and the book is Carnivore for Beginners by Judy Cho.

I've had a very good day and all went well. No issues. Slowly transitioning as recommended I had 2 eggs, 2 sl bacon and a slice of cheese. DH cooked catfish for dinner and we cooked a few sweet potatoes that seems to be allowed on Keto. I was still hungry so ate half chunk of cheddar cheese and a few pork rinds. So I had 3 meals which is more like snacks that I eat just enough to feel comfortable, and I ate within 5 hrs. Dr. Berry says eat till comfortably stuffed, but I like to just eat till satisfied. So I had a good day today and hope to feel even better tomorrow than I did today.
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Old 05-17-2024, 10:03 AM   #186  
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I have heard of dr cywes but not a lot. I have not read much carnivore information because I dont think I would/could ever follow it. There are a lot of carnivores on Twitter and they eat mostly beef and I have never been a big beef eater. I don't like to say never. I hope it helps you get rid of inflammation. It sounds like you are getting a good start. Is DH interested in eating this way,too? My DH could never give up potatoes and he isn't a big meat eater at all.

If you get a chance,look up dr Shawn Baker on youtube. He is the main person on Twitter promoting Carnivore. I've never actually followed him but many others do.

I slept very well last night and long,Thanks to Benadryl and Tylenol. The Benadryl also helps with my runny nose.

We will probably go to Wal-Mart before the rain starts here. I am afraid to get on the scale because I did not take Lasix. I have to get back on track with eating to lose weight and not depend on fluid pills to get my weight down. Its not true weight loss. Im a mess right now. Very out of control. I wanted to exercise this week but not with these symptoms. I might test for covid today,just for my own knowledge.

Im so glad you are doing so well, Trish. It helps give me incentive.

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Old 05-17-2024, 12:07 PM   #187  
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Im surprised to see the scale at 177 again. I really don't think I took Lasix. When I dont take it I'm usually 180. It would be nice if that were true.

We went to Walmart and spent $100 buying no meat! But needed things like bread milk butter.
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Old 05-17-2024, 01:28 PM   #188  
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I am blessed that my weight stayed at 153.8 today, but the big surprise was that my FBG was 81. That is normal and I've been doing this just a little bit for 2 days. My BP was 12?/66. Can't remember exact top number but still good.

Carol Sue DH will probably end up doing keto. His FBG will be the determining factor for him. I would like for him to get rid of or lower his BG meds. I think the only way to do that is to find the hidden sugars in what he is eating and he may have to eat less starchy carbs. I am the one who brought those things in our house when we married because I was doing Carbohydrate Addict's at the time. He only ate bread on McD CB and rolls when we went to restaurants. He did eat chips everyday but probably a handful. He was thin back then so no reason to change. The bad habit he had was he and his Mother loved chocolate and ate it all the time which was probably why he had the health problems he had. So I think he will easily work on eating a lower carb or semi-keto to get himself healthier.

The main thing I'm doing right now is eating little to no carbs and absolutely no sugar. I do use a little bit of Stevia or sweetener in the Coffee mate in my 2 cs of coffee each day. I probably will switch to H&H it heavy cream when that is gone. I'm trying to get used to unsweetened tea now since I'm transitioning to carnivore slowly. I do use full fat dairy as they recommend. I did hear a woman whose name on YouTube is Steak and Butter girl that if you add melted butter too fast it can give you diarrhea. So will add the fat slowly. However I did see on one of my FB women's group that some women cannot handle a high amount of fat and do fine without eating large amounts. So that is good to know.

I have seen Dr. Shawn Baker's name on YouTube but haven't listened to him/her yet. I will. I saw another Dr. named Caffee that I will check out sometime too. It is good to see how different people are doing this because so many are either getting rid of diseases or improving them. I'm doing this to help get rid of cancer and definitely to get rid of inflammation side effects.

I'm cooking today and need to make a list. I am going to have to throw out some of the food I have that neither of us will be eating and is probably past due date any way. Then make a list of what we will be eating. We are having chicken breast today that I will pan fry and I took out some grass-fed ground beef to cook this evening with garlic, onion and may have to add just a little bit of oil because I found it to dry the last time I used it.

Have a great day everyone.
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Old 05-17-2024, 04:35 PM   #189  
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I'm starting another post because the other one is too long.

Carol Sue Thanks for telling me to check out Dr. Shawn Baker. I have saved the YouTube references of what he has to say about osteoporosis as he has several good videos on it.

I also decided to get Dr. Tan's book titled The Keto Code, I saw on the FB cancer group I'm on and was able to get it free on kindle. I am so glad I got it. She is an oncologist who wrote the book and the first half is about cancer from medical perspective. I'm thankful to learn the treatment medicine I'm on kills the cancer cell by cutting of its blood flow, but does not harm good cells. After 2 yrs treatment they have had some 4 stage patients go into remission. I pray I can continue on this medicine until I go into remission. Second half she will talk about Keto eating along with the treatment. I will definitely let you know what I learn when I get there.

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Old 05-17-2024, 08:46 PM   #190  
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I bought Dr Shawn Bakers book but haven't read it yet. He posts videos on Twitter of him eating meat. He uses this huge knife and it just funny watching him cut up the meat and eat it. Im just not into Carnevour but some day I might but want to read what he has to say. I like meat and enjoy eating it but I don't think I will stop eating other things. In fact,I was craving meat today. But we went to the casino and didn't eat dinner. We did not win at the casino but I went because he had to get it out of his. systsm. He wasn't going to quit. asking.

I can understand your interest and truly hope it goes well for you.

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Old 05-18-2024, 10:58 AM   #191  
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Scale back up to 180 again today. Have to get back down to business.

Im watching the news, seeing the damage caused in Houston from storms. I hope your area is safe. We had storms yesterday but no damage near us.

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Old 05-18-2024, 11:39 AM   #192  
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Carol Sue sorry your day at the casino didn't go well, but it is behind you. You know he is got to go at least one time a week and I would pick a day and just work it into my plans for the week. You may not can tell him you do that but it would get rid of the stress that is on you. I read in The Keto Code about how stress causes us to be sick. Of course this is concerning cancer. I can see how all the stress in my life has worked on me all my life. I'm trying to learn how to de-stress my life and sometimes that means learning to change perspective on things. It is like that little prayer I learned when I was in Overeaters Anonymous... "God grant me the courage to accept the things I cannot change, change the things I can't and the wisdom to know the difference". I don't know how you can do it but you know he is going to want to go at least once so I recommend trying to find a way you can do it so it doesn't stress you out.

I haven't seen anything concerning Dr. Baker's books. I did watch some of his videos on osteoporosis and also heard him say don't put the medicine they try to make us take for it because it is poison and it won't work. I had already told my sister the other day that I'm not taking it. I can't take the pills and I am not willing to go through the side effects that are just like I went through when I was on the chemo cocktail they gave me in the beginning. I don't care if it is one time a year. I saw a woman who reversed her osteoperosis doing carnivore and another who was worse than I've ever heard and 2 yrs on carnivore hers improved 12%. I'm 80 yrs old and I'm not going to put my body through that.

I am doing this the best I can right now. I do get hungry because I don't eat big portions and I need to go to the store and will do that Monday. I know a lot of these people eat a lot of food and some do only beef. That would be great if I could do that until I am cancer free and free of the inflammation, but that is too expensive. DH and I are going to clean out the freezer tomorrow to clear out veggies we, especially me won't be eating and they have been in there so long they are freezer burned. He also said if we stop buying all these supplements that we could afford more steaks. We don't eat big steaks and don't eat huge ones. If we get big huge steaks, we cut them in half and share. I like the way Dr. Berry tells you how to get the benefits of carnivore on a budget. There are a lot of canned meats that I like especially for a snack to just take the edge of. I will be following Dr. Berry's and Dr. Westman's guidelines because they say it is okay to them and why.
In fact, I just heard one of them say bacon is not bad for you and not to worry about the nitrates and nitrites because your body makes them and the pharmaceutical companies are working on making a new bp pill from one of them so he said how bad can they be. He said if hot dogs or some of the other foods with them are all you can afford, eat it but try to buy the best quality meat you can afford. As far me, I don't want to eat beef all the time. I like to include fish and pork in my meats. In fact, DH and I are both looking forward to eating some ham with our eggs some days. We both need variety or we will get bored with it. DH can eat things I can't right now. The only thing he needs corrected is his blood sugar.

Don't know how long I will do carnivore but I did read that people on Atkins or low carb do very well when on cancer treatments. From what I read in The Keto Code, I'm sold on the idea that soy is all that good for us especially after menopause. I think that is why oncology people didn't know. Tan just kind of tells what results when people use the soy milk. It seems to help some cancers, but it seems to feed some cancers but I couldn't tell that they know for sure. So as they say when in doubt don't. So I'm back on cow's milk which is not recommended but they do recommend to try dairy full fat and see if you can tolerate it.

Blood work Monday afternoon and overnight guests Tuesday and infusion Friday next week. So I plan to transition to full carnivore Saturday after infusion.

FBG was 91, weight down to 153.2 and bp 126/66. So far so good.

Have a great day.
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Old 05-18-2024, 04:15 PM   #193  
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Trish,I already plan ahead for casino day. I know what days he prefers and work around that. And I can just give him a flat No, but try not to. I would be happy if he just stopped but that's not going to happen. He says we will never go to the far casino so we will see. We never go to WVa anymore and that one was my favorite. Thats really a long ride. He says we will go to the local one from now on. Its only 20 minutes away.

I surprised DH today and cooked dinner. I made pork and sauerkraut, and mashed potatoes. I like sauerkraut over mashed potatoes. I had country ribs for me and boneless chops for DH. Also 2 hot dogs for him. I didn't have any kielbassi. It was easy to make. Not a lot of standing. I saw some NY strip steaks in the freezer so that will be another quick meal.

Dr Shawn Bakers book is The Carnivore Diet and is on Amazon kindle for $9.99. I got it when it was on special way back when it first came out. I don't know if there's anything in it that you don't already know.

I read an article that Dr Soladino does not do carnivore anymore but I didn't read the details. He explained why.

If I had a life threatening illness,like cancer,that could be eliminated by a major diet change I might do it,but I'm not about to be changing my woe . There are foods I prefer and those I won't eat because I dont like them,but for the most part,nothing is completely off limits. Thats just me. Everyone has to make their own decision and I respect yours.

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Old 05-18-2024, 05:20 PM   #194  
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Carol Sue I read some more of The Keto Code and realized she is explaining different ways to eat for different types of cancers that cancer patients are battling. I found a research she wrote about where women had ovarian or cervical cancer who did Keto Diet. They did 70% fat, 25% protein and 5% carbs. I honestly believe that I can do that. It is so much like the Atkins Diet. So I'm going to did that today. I think I can do it with the carnivore rules. I like the guidelines of Dr. Westman and he will be my guide. I will end up with barely over 1030 calories and 17 g of net carbs. I managed not to eat until around 3 so I will have with 4 eating hours.
Great Keto day. Calories 1141, carbs net 18 g, fat 74 g and protein 100 g. I really loved eating this way today.

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Old 05-19-2024, 09:32 AM   #195  
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Sleep good. Scale at 180. Sauerkraut not a good choice because of the sodium. But its something I only eat about twice a year, And I know what will happen when I eat it. If I was eating it more often I would be concerned. I took a full dose of Lasix yesterday and applied Theraworx to my feet and legs at bedtime and didn't get cramps. What I know I have to do is only eat when hungry and try to keep a small eating window. I don't really need to be concerned with what I eat at this point. I am up about 12-15 lbs from when I had my procedure done and that needs to be addressed. This is how I got to 217 in the first place. I. Don't understand how I've lost my incentive. Seeing your success does help me Trish. It bothers me that you've gotten so far out ahead of me, but I know that it's your determination to fight this cancer. and I want you to succeed at this. I want us to be here together for a long time. We both have health issues but they are very different from each other. Both will be improved with healthy eating. We can do this!!!
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