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Old 04-15-2024, 07:59 AM   #76  
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178 this morning.

I didn't take a fluid pill yesterday and when we got home from the casino I could feel the build up in my feet and legs. I took a pill late because I had to get that fluid off. I took a full dose, not half and during the night I got a horrible cramp in my right foot and calf. Very painful. I had to go to the bathroom and it was all I could do to walk. I almost woke DH up to help me. I have this lotion that you roll on for cramps called Theraworx ,but i have the Great Value version but it took about 15 minutes to work. It felt so good when I could feel the cramp going away. After that I was able to go back to sleep. The alarm went off to wakeme. DH has to drive step daughter to work. I think this is the last day.

I think you will get a good eating plan together. does DH follow it too? Does he still eat cauliflower? What vegetables do you put in your salad? The bags of assorted greens are nice but I'm afraid of them since there's been so many recalls because of ecoli. DH won't eat bagged salad. DH only likes iceberg and won't eat a variety of greens. When he eats salad in a restaurant he picks stuff out and I eat it. A salad always tastes better when its his. I eat the greens he doesn't like, especially spinach, the onion,cucumbers,red cabbage. Bob Evans has a lot of spinach in their salad.

When he comes back from driving her to work we will go to Walmart. I wanted to go on the way home last night,but I didn't want to go in the dark with all that money in my purse. There is a complete different breed of people in Walmart at night. All the crazies are out. They used to be open all night. One night we couldn't sleep so we got up and went to Walmart at 3 am. It was wild. They stopped being open all night during the pandemic. They could not get employees to work,then they never went back to it. We also had a few all night restaurants because we are near the turnpike. Now when we are driving home from the casino I notice nothing is open after 8:00. Denny's is only open for breakfast and lunch. They close at 4. No dinner. They could not get employees during the pandemic so they gave up. And 2 new restaurants that opened up closed after a year. People don't want to work food service. We have so many restaurants because of the turnpike, anyone who wants to work food service already has a job.


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Old 04-15-2024, 06:22 PM   #77  
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Weight this morning was 157.6 lbs and my FBG was 115 today and my BP was 113/63.

I looked to see what the difference is between keto and dirty keto and Dr. Westman says the low carb woe is the way he does Atkins. If I understand it correctly, keep carbs down to 20 or 30. You pick your favorite foods from the list they give you and you don't have to do a lot of other stuff. A lot of low carb/keto woe is complicated these days which he says is not necessary. I am not going to make my woe complicated. In fact, I am re-reading Collette Heimowitz book titled The New Atkins Made Easy. She shows 2 ways to follow it. One uses Atkins products and the other one uses food with no Atkins products. Dr. Westman says you can eat out at fast food restaurants etc and do Atkins because he has had many patients who have done it. He says if you eat the foods you love then you have a better chance at success. It seems that dirty keto is using regular food no grass fed.

Our local has beautiful big chicken pieces so DH and I halved a breast and I had a salad and a serving of okra and since I usually love crackers with my salad, I had a serving of pork rinds instead. Will take me a while but I will get used to it. I will barely make it to 1000 calories and carbs total 44 g. I'm ready for a nap right now.

Have a nice evening.
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Old 04-15-2024, 07:06 PM   #78  
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Trish,I don't think I ever did low enough carb for anyone's approval except mine and I doubt I ever will. I do what I do,that's all. That might mean my weight will never come down to what I want. But its 40 lbs below what I was at top weight and I think that's pretty good. If I want a,donut I eat a donut. Only a few times a year,but that would be appalling to some. Its just the way I am. I remember one time I mentioned that I ate a bagel and someone asked if it was a low carb bagel. Of course not. It was a full carb bagel and I enjoyed it immensly. The way I eat is not bad and that's good enough for me. I hope you reach a point where your woe is good enough for you, Trish. And it provides you with the point of health that you want.

I didn't take a fluid pill again today because we were out running around. I took half at 6:30 and won't take more. I looked at the product I used for my leg cramps and it is brand Theroworx,not Great Value brand. I keep it on the table beside the bed and apply it as soon as the pain wakes me up. I hope it won't happen with the half pill. It was horrible. I don't feel swollen today like I did yesterday. I might go back to taking salt at bedtime like I used to. I never got cramps when I did that.

We went to the post office to mail our tax return and the woman there told DH that 800 people mailed theirs today. That surprised me that that many people wait til the last day, but they might be people who owe. I will never wait this long again. I told DH if I did it wrong I will hear from them. Maybe next year I will be able to get an appointment with AARP.

Several years ago the big thing with diet was Dr Westmans Page 4. I don't know where the page 4 was from but it was a list of foods you can eat. I have it Do you have it? .

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Old 04-15-2024, 10:16 PM   #79  
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I had 1072 calories and net 70 carbs. I will start whatever plan I decide by Thursday. Dr. Westman's page 4 is still online on his website. I didn't print it out because Dr. Berg also has a plan to print out and I haven't decided which one I want to follow yet. When I decide, I will print out the one I want.

I'm sorry you are having problems with your fluid pill and leg pain. I hope you figure it out. Are you drinking enough water?
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Old 04-16-2024, 09:05 AM   #80  
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Scale still at 178. I expected it to be lower today. Whatever. I slept so well last night and I feel great! I got up twice for the bathroom but went right back to sleep. No leg cramps. I started to feel like I was getting a sore throat so I took a Tylenol and that fixed me up. I may have a tough of a cold because my nose has been very runny lately,but I don't feel sick. It's probably because of all the rain we've had lately. It was sunny yesterday and sunny so far today. I guess its time to get my summer clothes ready and see if they still fit. Weight hasn't changed a lot the past year,just bouncing up and down.

I bought Biotin in Walmart yesterday and will start taking it with the chromium picolinate to see if it helps. I know my A1c is going to be terrible in June unless I make some drastic changes now. I've had a few very high blood sugar spikes. I'm way off track and I know the fluid pills spike my blood sugar but Lasix Is not as bad as Bumex.

So Trish,both of us have some decisions to make regarding our nourishment. Best of luck to both of us.


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Old 04-16-2024, 12:46 PM   #81  
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Getting ready to go to beauty shop.

Weight this morning was 154.6; FBG 105 and BP 129/66. I'm not even actually on LC yet but am keeping them fairly low. I seem to be losing quickly which is water, but that is good because oncologist says I don't need fluid to build up around my organs. I told him I had always done low carb to keep the fluid down. I like seeing this because I don't want to take 2 Lasix a day and maybe I will be able to get the fluid down without any fluid pills at all.

Carol Sue I'm glad you were able to sleep last night.

We are going to Sam's and Walmart after I get my hair done. Then we will get KFC for dinner. This could end up being a OMAD not sure.

Have a good day.
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Old 04-16-2024, 02:26 PM   #82  
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Trish, I'm glad you are getting all your numbers in line so quickly. I know low carb does drop fluid. You are more than 20 lbs lower than I am! Thats wonderful for you and incentive for me.

I rarely feel that I'm retaining fluid. Only occasionally are my feet puffy like they felt at the casino. I use my ring to check for swollen hands. But they are concerned about fluid around my heart and lungs which I can't tell. If I can't breathe and go to the ER then I've let it go too far. I don't want to get to that point. I think I drink plenty of water. They said to limit my fluid intake to 2L and that includes water in food. I also think my sodium is low. I would love to stop the fluid pill but I don't think they will ever allow that. I haven't taken any yet today.

Tomorrow we have an appointment to get our SUV inspected. I like that because they have free WIFI in the waiting room. However,it is halfway to the old casino and its a good possibility that he will want to go. I don't care really because I can also read there and we never eat dinner when we go there. I don't know if we are eating dinner today. I have a coupon for Texas Roadhouse that expires in a few days. I would like to use it. It's for a free onion blossom. We love those but rarely get one if we don't have a coupon. I could eat that for my meal!

Im surprised that I feel this good today. I wish I knew why so I could do it agsin. I ate scrambled eggs at bedtime and that used to help my sleep in the past. But I haven't been doing that or eating anything after dinner for a while. I want to do IF,but I want to sleep well and get my energy back. I feel that when I feel strong enough to exercise again many things will turn around for me. I need a turn around. Summer coming is also getting me in a good mood. Mood is a big motivator for me! I CAN DO THIS.
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Old 04-16-2024, 09:08 PM   #83  
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For the past couple hours I've been having a pain in the back of my right calf where I had the cramp on Sunday night. Its not a,cramp,just a sore muscle but now I'm afraid of getting a cramp tonight. I will put the Therapies on my calf before I go to bed tonight and hope that works. I probably won't sleep good worrying about it.

DH got McDonalds and pressured me Into eating half of a quarter pounder. It has given me CV indigestion.
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Old 04-16-2024, 10:24 PM   #84  
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My #s weren't as good today as they have been. I had to really work just to get my calories up to just over 1000 but I couldn't get the potassium up far enough and the carbs were higher than I have been eating the past few days. We were going to get KFC and DH got mad at the lady taking orders and drove off. So we ended up at Taco Bell. So I didn't get enough protein today. However, I did eat 2 meals and had low calories of less than 1100. We will get takeout tomorrow too but I will start low carb Thursday. I am how healthy I was when I did Atkins back in SC and I am actually ready to get into doing it again. I chose to let DH do the shopping today at Walmart because it was much later than we thought it would be and we had not eaten all day. I want to shop at our local store tomorrow because I like their salad choices. They have better choices.

I had a really good visit with my beautician today. She did a beautiful job with my hair and it is going to be a wonderfully easy to take care of. She said my hair is in perfect shape so I want to keep it that way. Her new shop is very nice. We talked about her mother who was a dear friend of mine. Funny thing is her Mom was my friend and teacher at church. She had been my beautician since DH#2 I moved back to central TX. She talked me into joining the class her Mom had started for us singles about the time DH#2 passed away. I told the beautician about it one day when she Friday when she did my hair and she talked me into going. Months maybe even years later, I was washing dishes at one of our meetings and the teacher was talking about her daughter. She sounded so like my beautician and I asked her what her daughters name was and low and behold they were one and the same.

I knew her Mom had cancer but today I asked her if her Mom lost her hair. I didn't know she didn't live long enough to have more than 1 or 2 chemo treatments. They found it around her gallbladder when she went in to have it removed and because of the cancer they couldn't remove it. I did learn that when she was in pills she was able to do things she couldn't do when she was on the few infusions she did have. I think I'm at the place to have the pill now and if so, I hope I will be able to have teeth cleaned etc. We will have to see.

I pray your leg pain will let up and you can sleep.

Good night.

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Old 04-17-2024, 08:42 AM   #85  
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Scale up to 179. I didn't pee a lot during the night. I'm not happy with this. I'm not taking the fluid pill before we go to the car inspection. I don't want to pee my pants. I put the Therogram one my leg before bed and no pain, but the muscle hurts if I flex my leg a certain way as if I'm exercising.

I'm so glad you got your hair done and you are pleased with it. That will give you more confidence in how you look. That's very important to healing,to feel good about yourself.

I hope you can continue your Keto woe and that it is beneficial for you.
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Old 04-17-2024, 01:40 PM   #86  
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Weight was the same today as yesterday. I won't count calorie/carbs today because we are getting Arby's today and I want the French Dip sandwich and by itself it is way over my carbs and sodium. I need to make it a OMAD but I don't think I will.

I've seen 20 to 30 g carbs, 50 g and even up to 100 g. I think I'm going to see how I do with a net 50 to 70 grams. FBG was 108 and BP 111/61.

Have a good day.
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Old 04-17-2024, 05:18 PM   #87  
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The car passed inspection but it usually does. DH takes care of things before they get bad. DH stopped and got hot dogs on the way home and I ate half of one. Why didn't he only get one if he didn't want 2? So he could coerce me into eating one! There is a little hot dog stand nearby.

So I don't think we are eating dinner.

Im very tired again. I keep telling DH that I need 2 weeks of only doing what I want to rest up. He says that won't help and I should go to the hospital. Go to the ER and tell them I'm tired. Ok. I don't think him pushing me to do this and that is helping either, or criticizing me. I just want to be left alone for a while. Before I had the heart procedure I fell asleep every afternoon,but I never do that now. I think that makes a difference.
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Old 04-17-2024, 10:25 PM   #88  
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Calories today was less than 1300 and carbs 108. Sodium was way too high. I probably will have fluid weight gain tomorrow. I had my Arby's French Dip sandwich and the carbs alone for the one sandwich was more than my daily carbs. So I decided since I had planned to start my diet tomorrow that I would just enjoy the food I really want and then go with the real deal tomorrow.

My plan is to eat 2MAD Breakfast and Dinner. I will fast 20 to 21 hrs each day and be sure to get at minimum of 30 to 45 minutes of exercise at least 4 to 5 days a week. I don't want to eat anything after 4 pm. I'm actually looking forward to doing it.

Carol Sue I might be wrong, because I don't know a lot about what you are going through, but I think you are pushing yourself too hard. I wish you could talk to other people who are going through what you are so you would know what to expect. Have you tried to look online to see if you could find other people who have gone through this. I mean I am just beginning to come alive so to speak and it was 9 months ago that I had surgery. You had your procedure about 6 months ago. You need to be busy but you also need rest. I just don't think you know enough about what to expect. I have read a lot about other cancer survivors. With all the info online, surely there are survivors info out there to encourage you too. I hope you have a good nights rest.

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Old 04-18-2024, 07:29 AM   #89  
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Scale still at 179. I took half of a fluid pill in the evening.

Last night I was tired and went to bed at 8pm. They kept saying we were going to get a storm and there were tornado warnings. It was already in Ohio, next door to us, and I wanted no parts of it so I went to bed. DH said the storm came at 10 pm and was very loud. Lots of loud thunder and high wind. I didn't hear a thing. In fact I had to ask him this morning if it stormed. He doesn't understand how I can sleep thru that. The bad thing is,if someone was breaking in I would probably sleep thru it. Hopefully that will never happen.

Trish, I have read a lot about my procedure and everything says a couple months. I don't think I should be feeling this tired. Both CHF and PH say that they cause fatigue. If I had this done when I was still working I don't think I would be able to go to work. I've read a lot of articles about quality of life after TAVR and none say anything about fatigue. My blood was trickling thru the old valve and now its rushing thru the new one. I think that should help me. I felt way better before. In fact,I was exercising,but I was afraid was over doing it because I had no symptoms. I felt fine. I was walking good,much better than now. This just doesn't seem right. When I go to my PCP in June I will ask him if I'm anemic. He loves to schedule tests and write prescriptions. I slept for 8 hours last night,deep enough that I never heard that storm. I should feel rested. My Fitbit says my readiness score is 100% today. I sure don't feel ready!

Yesterday at the car dealership DH was sitting in the waiting room watching tv. I was on the other side sitting at a table reading. I had to call him to come help me get out of the chair. I couldn't get up. I have no strength.

I have never had a French Dip sandwich. I like most everything on Arbys menu. but never tried that one.
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Old 04-18-2024, 09:14 AM   #90  
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One of my heart conditions is left bundle branch block. In the list of symptoms it says
  • Fatigue: Feeling excessively tired or low on energy.
It is a problem with the electrical system of the heart. It can also cause fainting, which I never have. It can require a pacemaker.

This is something that my cardiologist has never discussed,but he is the doctor for my valve problem and I think that's all he addresses. I saw this mentioned twice in my portal. I think at some point I will go back to my original cardiologist.

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