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Old 04-18-2024, 03:25 PM   #91  
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Weight was 153.4 lbs this morning. I was shocked because I ate so much salt and carbs, but it was down. Gives me the incentive I need to get on my diet plan. It's my own personal plan. I think Dr. Westman has the best advice that if you can eat what you love within your carbs allowed, you will have a better chance succeeding. I want this to become my lifestyle woe instead of someone elses plan that never gets off the ground. Breakfast was 2 eggs, a slice of cheese and a slice of lowfat ham along with a cup of coffee with collagen in it. Dinner will be a large bowl of salad, a catfish fillet, a small serving of beans (1/4 c) and I'm going to 2oz serving of cantaloupe to see if my body will tolerate fruit. Total calories will be 1073 and total 66 carbs. Potassium is much higher than sodium. I will fast 20 hrs starting around 4 pm.

Carol Sue I you don't feel better soon, I think I would see the cardiologist. If you aren't getting the info/help you need from the cardiologist you have now, then I would get a new one or get the one you had before. You have to take care of your self. You might need that pacemaker. I heard of a man that had to have one until he got stronger and doesn't need it now. But he had it while he needed it. I wouldn't let it go on too long. My Mama used to say you have to take care of yourself. I believe if I listened to oncology diet plan, I would not have a chance to come out of this. I believe the Lord is helping to these doctor's who use diet and fasting to fight cancer.

I don't know if it kills cancer, but I do know that just the past few days I worked myself into eating less carbs, I'm already feeling better and more alert. My thinking seems to be getting clearer. DH just found another YouTube named doctor named William Li who says you can eat 5 different foods that kill cancer. He said snack on them, but since I am fasting and not eating soI can put them in my salad or just work them into a meal plan.

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Old 04-18-2024, 06:34 PM   #92  
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We are at the casino. I am in the food court reading. I'm ok with this.

i really like this cardiologist but I dont know if he will remain my cardiologist or just for TAVR. I will ask him when I see him in June. I like my previous cardiologist but i didnt see him for a couple years because its very hard to get an appointment with him. Every time i called they said he was booked up. They try to get me to see a PA and i wont. They are saving money by having a PA see patients but my insurance is paying them for a specialist.

I agree with you that eating fewer carbs is beneficial,that it makes you feel better ansd more alert. I have myself in a rut eating too many carbs and that could be part of my problem. It raises my blood sugar and makes me sluggish. I have to face facts.
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Old 04-18-2024, 09:31 PM   #93  
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I changed my plan up and it is a good thing. I didn't realize DH got the Vanilla Almond milk sweetened instead of Unsweetened and the carbs are 15 g and calories 90 instead of 35. I have 2 cartons and it will be difficult when I have to go back to the unsweetened because this is soooo tasty. Ended up with 1039 calories and 64 total g carbs. This is easy so far.

Carol Sue I think you may have to just set aside time for a nap each day until you get all your strength back. Glad you are at the casino where you can read.
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Old 04-19-2024, 10:38 AM   #94  
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Uh oh! Scale up to a firm 180 today. This is absolutely unacceptable! I have to get going back downward! I got off and weighed again and it stuck. Way too many carbs. I will cut back starting today. I weigh 27 lbs more than you Trish! I don't like to feel competitive but we are so much alike,otherwise!

I slept pretty good considering I went to bed very late. I took my fluid pill late, too and this morning I started to feel a,cramp starting in my arch so I put Therguard stuff on it right away.
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Old 04-19-2024, 01:29 PM   #95  
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Weight stayed at 153.4 lbs and FBG was 102 and BP 107/62. I do hope whatever the next treatment oncologist puts me on won't have bad side effects. I am learning so much that should help me and might even help me have better and quicker healing of cancer. DH found a Dr. William Li who explains how cells work and how some foods either feed cancer or kills the cancer. He has a book that explains all this with a food list and I want to get the book. I'm watching his videos. I've always believed that what we eat affects our health, but the problem is that we get so many conflicting info.

Carol Sue I am so sorry you are up to 180. It has helped me to know what I am fighting and the different ways to fight. That is why I like to watch and see how cancer patients have eat and fought and won and are now cancer free. I am working to decide how I can do the same thing. For one thing there isn't much of anything about ovarian cancer so I'm working on creating what works for me.

The game changer for me is that I'm not in competition with anyone. That was always my downfall. I'm just trying to be healthier and hopefully cancer free for good. Although I am thankful for the weight loss, I am not focused on it right now. I believe if I learn how to work with my body to help my body heal itself the weight will take care of itself. The way I end up eating will become the way I eat the rest of my life because I've heard of so many people get cancer free only to get it again. I don't want to be one of those.

What I like about Dr. Li is that he is looking for ways for cancer patients to be cancer and never have cancer again. He tells of foods that fight cancer and explains what it is about that food that fights it. His goal is the same as mine. I'm not sure if I will end up low carbing or not because there are good carb foods that fight cancer. Example, he says pumpkin, citrus fruit fight cancer just to name a few. Right now I'm working them within my carbs but I've had to raise the carb limit to 100 g to do it and of course I will continue to do it along with IF. It seems that you can eat and starve cancer. Also as you learn to eat this way you are repairing the body so you are reversing diabetes and a lot of other diseases.

My great grandmother (my Mama's Mama's Daddy) was an old country doctor and as I read all these things, I think how he would love all the things we are learning today.

Better get busy. I'm the cook today. Cooking liver and onions for dinner and depending on how accurate MFP is my calories will barely be over 1000 and total carbs under 1000. I'm adding back in a very minimum amount of fruit. I had just under 2 oz cantaloupe for breakfast and will have about 2 oz of blueberries and strawberries. It is fun trying to plan meals where I can have the foods that I like and eat just enough that I get the taste and be satisfied. A lot like IE.

Have a great day.

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Old 04-19-2024, 05:54 PM   #96  
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Trish,im so glad you are finding so much good information about fighting cancer and nourishing ways to eat. I agree that what you eat affects tour health. I think part of my problem with weight is I'm not eating lots of veggies like I used to.II don't know how and why I got away from it.

Today we got fish from a place we used to go to years back. We stopped going because coming by home traffic was terrible because of rush hour. Today we went early and picked it up with no traffic coming home. It comes with French fries and Cole slaw, he eats the fries and I eat the Cole slaw. So we finished eating early today.

We went to Wal-Mart for a few things and Aldi's for a few things. I watched a lady on tv make baked breaded cauliflower. I'm going to try to make it. I tried it once long ago and the cauliflower didn't get soft. If it doesn't work this time I won't try again. I hardly ever buy fresh cauliflower. I always buy frozen. I will cook that tomorrow.
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Old 04-20-2024, 08:41 AM   #97  
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Scale is back down to 178 this morning so the 180 was temporary. Thank God. I don't want to end up in the 200s again. I want those days gone. If I gain weight,my clothes won't fit, and I donated all my fat clothes. Its funny, but my dog is getting fat, too. DH is the one who feeds him and he feeds him too much. Too many treats. When he goes outside DH rewards him with a treat, so the dog goes out even when he doesn't have to,just to get a trear! So I'm not the only one that DH overfeeds. He also feeds the birds, and the birds come to the door and chirp real loud if he forgets. And he feeds leftovers to the critters on the hill. I have a lot of leftovers to clean out of the refrigerator and they will go on the hill for the critters. Yesterday we saw a cat, so if its a stray,he will get fed, too!

I guess I slept good. My Fitbit app is malfunctioning so I can't get my sleep details.
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Old 04-20-2024, 01:29 PM   #98  
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Caeol Sue, I'm glad the 180 was temporary. I agree that I don't want to ever see 200 on my scale when I step on it again. Maybe your DH thinks he is doing something good when he feeds you, the dog and critters. I remember old people doing that when I was growing up. I've started doing something different with DH. I treat him like I would child by thanking him and praising him for all the good things he does to help me. Plus I am always telling people in from of him how much he does and has done to help me through all this I've gone through. Example, when I went to get my perm, I told my beautician, "Remember when I married, we all wondered why God had led me to marry this man from FL?" She said, "Yes, God knew you were going to need him to take care of you now.I remind him we are supposed to be partners in this situation. I remember how I felt when he had heart trouble and cancer try to remember that now we have switched places and take that into consideration. We both have lost mates to heart problems plus his 1st wife had diabetes. While we both know one of us will have to go through it again neither one of us want to. So I try to see things from his perspective however, I do wish I was better at it than I am. I think like everything else, it takes practice.

I changed my goal #s of carbs, fats and protein so I can add whatever I may find I need to in order to fight cancer and improve my immune system. I am looking forward to reading Dr. Li's book. He says it is not a diet to follow. but it is to be used to learn what foods you can add to your existing diet your own that will work with the treatment your doctor has you own. I will need the carbs to do that. It kind of reminds me of the book you and I read that t old us why we should eat some foods and how they counteract other foods. He said the reason he went into this kind of research was that his patients were veterans and he had to give them bad diagnosed. His patients asked what they could eat to feel better and he had no answers. This book comes from what he has learned. The name of the book is Eat to Beat Disease... The Science of How your Body Can Heal Itself. Funny thing is I got notification the other day from the Cancer group I'm on on FB and they are recommending his book now. There is also new oncology keto book coming out soon too. I might get it next month. I want to see what Dr. Li has to say first. I can get them on kindle.

Today is a play with #s because this is chipped beef day. But eating 2 meals and keeping them around 1200 calories seems to be very helpful.

Have a nice day.

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Old 04-20-2024, 03:52 PM   #99  
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Trissh, that Eat To Beat Disease sounds familiar, like I read it. It is not on my kindle, but I have deleted some books after I read them. So maybe not. Or maybe I read a similar book.

I always thank DH for all he does for me,but I still remind him of things he does that are not in my best interest. I tell him I want to decide what and when to eat. I would have never had a weight problem if I had not married him. His,daughter is exactly like him. Dinner is the big deal of the day. I never liked dinner food that much and never made dinner when I lived alone. The only time I ate dinner was if I was going out and did not want to drink on an empty stomach. I had a few things in the house that I could eat if I got hungry but I rarely ate. I did IF before it was a thing. He wanted to go to Texas Roadhouse so I got us on the wait list then he changed his mind so I took us off. Now he went to get a pizza. Maybe I should go back to cooking dinner, but he never wants what I'm making. If I ask him what he wants I rarely get an answer. He will say "the casino" and I say "thats not something to eat." If we go to the casino I don't have to eat dinner which usually makes me happy. Or maybe I should just cook something and he will eat it or not. Thats what I used to do. Once the kids moved out he didn't want me to cook at home. I think he ate whatever I cooked because he wanted the kids to eat. I never had a problem with them eating. Now step son tells me there are things he will never eat again. He ate it because there was no other choice and he was hungry. I never knew that. He sat down and ate everything. I knew he did not like peas, and if I cooked them I always cooked another vegetable so he had a choice. There were never any leftovers back then. When step daughter started dating her hubby she often gave him anything if it was left. That was ok by me.

I took a whole Lasix today instead of a half because I was pretty sure I was staying home. I will be curious to see if it reflects on the scale tomorrow. Last night when I went to bed I put the Theraworx on my foot and leg and I will do the same tonight. My pain in the calf muscle is going away.

DH is home.


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Old 04-21-2024, 07:59 AM   #100  
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Scale down 1 lb to 177. Haven't seen that number for A while. Good sleep,but I woke up with a headache and stuffy nose. I hope coffee will fix me up.

I went in and laid down to try to take a nap but I v could not fall asleep. DH wants to go to the local casino and I thought a nap would make me feel better later on,but it was not to be. When I napped before I just fell asleep in KY recliner. It was natural, not planned. I don't know why it doesn't happen any more. Maybe I got up earlier back thdn.if we go to the casino we won't eat dinner. That is to my benefit.

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Old 04-21-2024, 02:27 PM   #101  
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Carol Sue I hope you will feel better as the day goes on. I didn't want to get up this morning because it was so cold, but I got up and dressed any way because I call DS on Sunday morning around 10sih and I am the cook today and needed to get my beef roast cooking. Felt the same way when I woke up yesterday but once I got up, dressed and got my cup of coffee, I theb began to feel better. Hopefully the weather will warm up tomorrow.

I'm feeling so much better today and do so hope it is because I haven't had the infusion in 4 weeks. Also I'm finding I already eat some of the foods Dr. Li recommends. I kind of hope they have a pill that my body will tolerate and will work with the new way I am eating. I am not following a diet per se since he doesn't give one so far in this book. I can see that he leans more towards a Mediterranean woe. So as I read this book, I am finding that there are times that I crave some of these foods that he says could help stop blood flow that feeds cancer or some other disease when eaten because they build up the body's immune system and blood. This isn't much different from how DH and I ate in SC. I will continue to eat my main meal with DH but I won't actually plan the other foods. I will wait till I get hungry and give myself time to see if I am really hungry and see what I really want. (IE woe) and I'm finding that some of these healthy foods he recommends comes to mind and choose whatever I have on hand that fits.

I wasn't hungry for breakfast earlier but when I did get hungry I cut up a Granny Smith apple (not my favorite), DH fave and a hunk of cheddar cheese and added about a hand full of blueberries and had that with a c of collagen coffee. Amazing thing is that it not only satisfied me, but I feel really energetic. I am having fun cooking today. It's like I am suddenly getting all this energy again. I am still counting calories because I want to keep track of what I'm eating.

Better get busy, I need to get my pills done for next week and I want to read another chapter before we eat dinner.

Have a blessed day.

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Old 04-21-2024, 02:50 PM   #102  
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I've only had 528 calories today and 22 carbs. I had 2 eggs on a waffle and 1 sausage link. I will probably eat something before we go. This casino is near Texas Roadhouse but I don't want to eat a full meal. Im not that hungry but don't want to get hungry while we are there. I have to sneak my water bottle in because last time they stopped me and made me throw it away. They do that at the other casino too. Its stupid. Its only water,but I guess they want you to buy water inside. My water is from the freezer and is icy. I like it ice cold. So I will put it in my purse going thru the door.


Terrible day at the casino. We had 2 good trips in a row and I guess you can't win every time, although it would be nice.

It was nice getting home in 20-25 minutes instead of an hour on the interstate.

I'm so glad you are getting energy, Trish. I think some day that will happen for me. I am not feeling quite so tired lately but not completely energized either. It seems to be coming slowly. Some day this week I want to get downstairs and sort out my clothes. Get my summer clothes out and washed,ready for warm weather..while I'm down there I can sneak into my exercise room while the washer and dryer are running. I think I'm ready.

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Old 04-21-2024, 11:15 PM   #103  
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Carol Sue. Sorry your day at the casino wasn't so good. It is a crazy rule about the water.

Had a good day. Total calories were 1262 and total carbs 120 g. Hoping for a good nights sleep tonight.
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Old 04-22-2024, 11:04 AM   #104  
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Didn't weigh this morning. Its been a terrible day. We went to Bob Evans for breakfast and I had oatmeal and part of DHs egg. Then we went to Wal-Mart and I picked up a refill of Lasix. I did the rest of my shopping and when I got up to the check out my rx was missing. It was in a bag and I put it in the child seat in the cart. It must have fallen out. I retraced my steps and didn't see it,and I asked at customer service and back at the pharmacy. No one had turned it in. Its possible that someone just kept it since it was in a bag but its not something they could take and it has no value to them. I still have some of the Bumex so I will use them. We went to Goodwill but I was so upset I couldn't even look at anything.

My calories for yesterday ended up at 1100 and carbs at 100. Still higher than I like. Sodium was 1000 but protein very low at 36.

Hope your day is better than mine!


Wal-Mart just called. Someone found and turned in my Lasix pills,so I will pick them up later. Im happy!

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Old 04-22-2024, 01:04 PM   #105  
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Carol Sue I am so sorry you lost the Lasix. It would take a miracle for someone to find it and return it to the pharmacy but I pray they will.

Not much happening here. Pretty much same old same old as they say. Weight back down to 153.8, FBG 98 and BP 122/61. So I am happy with the way things are going because I like when things bounce between a few numbers because I've learned that it means that what I'm doing is working. I also think the fact that the weight is bouncing shows me the cancer isn't growing any more. I base that on the fact that my Primary told me the reason they didn't catch the cancer sooner because I was always dieting so when I lost of that weight they just though it was the diet. Otherwise he would have have known to check for cancer.

Breakfast was my homemade healthy 1 egg McMuffin sandwich. We will have leftover roast for dinner. I still lean toward the moderately low carb woe and IF is a big part of what I choose to do. I've decided to continue my Moderately Low Carb/IF woe and add some of the foods that Dr. Li suggests that will fit into the LC food plan. We have a lot of leftovers from yesterday so that will be dinner today.

Time to finish my exercises for today. Hope your day will get better.

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