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Old 04-05-2024, 07:17 PM   #46  
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Carol Sue I thought of you this morning when I heard about the 4.8 earthquake in the northeast. I wondered if you felt it where you live. DH felt the one in VA when we lived SC, but I slept right through it.

Maybe I should figure out a way to go there when I'm over in that area when I go to oncology for something. They used to have good keto bread. May have to check it out. As far Target. ours is expensive.

I managed to keep my calories around 1000 calories by fudging a little by showing I had enough of the leftover pork roast to get them up to 1000 for today. I did manage to do my exercises for this week. So far all is well.

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Old 04-05-2024, 07:37 PM   #47  
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We get paper products at target. TP, paper towels, tissues. Also, They have my fish oil, Walmart does not.

I did not feel the eaethquake. When we had one here i felt it but DH did not. I was in bed, but people who were up walking around didnt feel it. I thought DH was playing a trick on me.

I had 1200+ calories today but carbs were over 100 again. I'm hungry now.

We are at the old casino. I had the opportunity to say no. I told him this is the last time until i get the taxes done. Im not even started! 9 days away. They dont have lights on in the seating area of the food court but i can see my screen. People are eating in the dark. There are lights in the main area but this is off to the side.Maybe they dont want people to sit here. Too bad.
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Old 04-06-2024, 07:04 AM   #48  
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Hi All
Just dropping in to say hello and see if you have a space for another little T2 diabetic.
I am relatively new to the whole diabetes thing. I was diagnosed last year, had a HBA1C of 69 but managed to get it down to 46 within a few months but have had a rough few months and put off my blood test so I am not quite sure where it is at the minute but I am booked in for one soon. Also have high cholesterol but thats another piece to the fun puzzle.
Was 245lbs but currently at 234lbs and still trying to lose by upping my steps, have a heck of a sweet tooth though that trips me up and carbs are definitely not my friend.
Currently on 3 500g Metformin a day when I remember to take the things! Doh!
Must try harder but hoping to speak with likeminded people and go on the weightloss journey too with you all
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Old 04-06-2024, 12:06 PM   #49  
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Hi LittleLostMe. Welcome to the Diabetes Chat. I have been looking around the internet for a chart to convert UK to US for A1c. It has always,been confusing to me. My doctor is happy if my A1c is below 7.0. It usually runs around 6.2 to 6.8. We have a poster here, Madeliene, who goes by Fatmad, and she is a nurse in Canada. She will understand this and be able to explain the difference. Im always glad to have new posters in our thread. It adds variety to the conversations. Pattygorl63, Fatmad and I have been posting here for many years so our conversations seem to always follow the same subjects. We need some variety to change things up! So jump in whenever you want,to give an opinion on our conversation, or start one of tour own!

Do you exercise? Exercise is a big part of Diabetes control, even just walking. It doesn't have to be intense, but be active in some way for 30 minutes a day or more, and 30 minutes twice a day would be ideal. Exercise at home, walk a dog,join a gym or exercise class. Whatever suits you. It lowers your blood glucose and in turn your A1c, and also helps with cholesterol and triglycerides.

Today my scale still said 176, so I guess I can consider that my current weight, and hope to continue on down. I rarely report my blood glucose numbers here because they are never good. I have a very bad time controlling my diet and right now, exercise is nil. My medical history is heart disease with a wide variety of problems and procedures, and there's been mention of CKD,kidney disease.

The casino trip was ok. We brought home all the money we took, which is good. But no big wins. We didn't get home until after 1am which is very late for us. Sleep would have been good but I got foot/leg cramps that would not stop. I tried all the home remedies that I know of and only got short term relief, and they kept coming back. Oddly, they were in the top of my foot and big toe, and up the front of my lower leg, rather than the calf. It feels better now that I've been up and had coffee. I don't know what I'm going to do tonight to prevent this from happening again. Its really horrible. I think my Lasix plays a big part in this, causing dehydration, but I think I'm on this for life so I better find a solution. It would probably be best if I took it earlier in the day but I hate taking it when I'm going to be out and about. I think its odd that this never happened in the hospital when they had me on IV diuretics and limited fluids. Maybe I will cut my pills in half and take half in the AM when I get up and half later on. I checked online, and it can be cut.


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Old 04-06-2024, 02:18 PM   #50  
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Welcome LittleLostMe. We would love to have you join our group. As Carol Sue said we've been on here for many years. I actually got my A1c down in the 4s with just diet and exercise. I started out with Metformin and Glimepiride but was able to get off Glimepiride with diet and exercise and Metformin until one day my body rejected it so I've been pretty much on my own with diet and exercise but it worked. I was so thrilled when I started losing weight until I landed in the hospital a year ago and learned I had ovarian cancer and that was why I lost a lot of weight. My doctor told me Monday that my A1c is in the 5s. I am now in maintenance care and have been told for a year that I need to eat. I am back on a low carb but not to low. In my case, I want to lose weight, but do it slowly. I'm not a keto person because I do like carbs so just try to keep them low. I got back to eating carbs (sweet ones) when in the hospital because they wanted me to eat. All my hospital trips got me back to eating carbs. They push carbs on cancer diets, but one thing they have changed is that they do push protein and wanted me to drink protein shakes.

Today my weight is back down to 161.2. Carol Sue like you, I guess 161 is my normal weight right now. I am going to try to keep my calories below or around 1200. They will be 1180 today. I'm going to try to get back to drinking a protein shake each day. I will keep doing my exercises. I will try doing the Extended Fasts leading up to my infusion on Friday. I'm not real sure that I will do a full 60 hr fast. I think when we were getting into fasting before I got on the cancer road, autophagy needed to be 36 hrs so I'm thinking I could fast up to the treatment and then eat after I am finished with the treatment.

Fatmad if you check in today, maybe you could tell me why some thing you should fast 36 hrs before infusion + an added 24 hrs after the infusion. Of course that is just the week of my infusion, The rest of the month some do keto and some just diet. I know you did EF for weight loss but can't remember what your longest fast was. I know that 36 hrs is probably an opinion, but it is much better than eating all the carbs they give us for snacks while having our treatment.

Grandson wrote and asked if we were going to be home tomorrow but never said if he was going to come get the chairs we are giving him. I don't want to tell him not to come, so I pray something else comes up for him to do. I have to do the 24 hr urine test so I can take it in when I go for Labs Monday. We talked the doctor into letting me do the test this way so that we will know by sometime Wednesday if it is still safe for me to have the infusion medicine or if I have to do something else. I would rather not be doing this test with a little toddler seeing the tools and asking questions like "what is that?" He is one of those little boys, but that is how they learn. We will deal with whatever comes our way.

Have a blessed day Everyone.
Found this article on Autophagy Fasting

Autophagy Fasting: How to Do It + Why You Should - Zero Longevity

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Old 04-06-2024, 05:08 PM   #51  
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Trish,I am going to read that article about fasting. I have trouble doing more than IF because of DH insisting on eating. My fasting has been poor lately.

I've spent the day reading about my foot/leg cramps and its not typical as its in the shin rather than the calf. It could be something called extensor tendonitis. There are a couple home remedies that they suggest that I haven't tried yet. Many said their doctor dismissed their complaints and were no help. There were some who said the painful cramps stopped when they stopped taKing their statins. ,One thing I realized is I recently decided to cut back on my gout meds and have cut back to 3 times a week. That might be the problem, so now I will go back to taking it daily. I hate that I take sooo many meds and would love to be able to get off some of them.

I laid down to take a nap this afternoon and had to get up because I could feel the cramps coming on again. I dread going to bed tonight.

Trish, I don't recall anyone at the hospital caring if I ate or not. I know they put me on a heart healthy diet with attention to carbs, but I don't consider what they gave me low carb. Now they also include low sodium so its pretty tasteless. I realized they no longer give me bread or a roll. But I usually ate most of it. I remember when I was in for pneumonia they would look at my food tray and chart what % of my food I had eaten. When DH was in the rehab facility after his broken hip his room mate used to flush his food down the toilet so they wouldn't know he wasn't eating it all. I'm a good eater. They rarely have to worry about that with me.

DH brought home gyros from Arbys for dinner. Not my preference but acceptable. I want to go to Texas Roadhouse soon as I am craving their grilled pork chips but we rarely go there on a weekend. Too crowded. We usually go M-Th and try to get there by 3pm when they open. DH likes to get a booth in the bar area so he can watch TV. Probably some night next week.
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Old 04-07-2024, 09:19 AM   #52  
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I didn't take my fluid pill yesterday because I was afraid I would have the foot/leg pain and I needed sleep. I slept for 9+ hours and feel good. No pain at all and the scale is only up 1 lb to 177. So I'm happy overall. I think I am going to try cutting the pill in half and taking it twice a day.
Im coughing a lot today so I think I definitely have to take a fluid pill today. Too much mucus builds up and that's what puts me in CHF.

Its only 41 degrees here this morning. I don't know what the high will be today. Just checked. The high will only be in the 50s. I'm ready for warmer weather. I'm ready to get my summer clothes out. I see a lot of people in shorts but I need warmer weather even for my capris. I only wear shorts on my porch or in the house. We usually have air condition on so we don't need shorts. DH used to wear them but not any more. I don't know why.
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Old 04-07-2024, 10:44 PM   #53  
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Grandson never called or came over. I am really glad as I have spent all day going to the potty to collect pee for the protein in urine 24 hr test. We ended up eating soup and salad in case they came by and my sodium was too high today although I did take one Lasix this morning. I wasn't going to take that one but DH thought I should so I took one. I will take 2 tomorrow. I've decided that I am going to do a low carb woe. I might try to keep carbs between 50 to 70 total carbs. I think I am eating too many. The fat will be what it is because I don't my protein to be too high so once I reach my goal of carbs and protein the fat will be what they are.

I've got to go to bed early tonight because I have to get up at 6 am so we can leave around 8 am to get there by 8:30 for my 8:45 lab appt. It takes me at least an hour just to dress and fix my hair. I should get myself a wig near the color I am now but I need to learn how to do it as it is.

Carol Sue I'm glad you got a good nights rest. I'm sorry you are having problems with leg pain. I hope it gets better soon. I hope it gets better. I don't want to get them either. That is one reason why I don't want to go too low with my carbs. That may why Dr. Atkins taught us not to take diuretics when doing Atkins Diet. Some times we have to learn what to do for ourselves.

Read up on my chemo medicine that I am on and the side effects. I learned that my tastes which often changes so that some time don't want to eat anything and the next day I feel like I could eat everything in the house and at other times my hunger is normal. Having days with energy and then a sudden day of being lethargic is normal. I wonder if some of your feelings is just a part of your recovery.

Have a good nights rest. I may want to sleep all day tomorrow because I will be waking up often and on most of the night to fill the jug I have to turn into lab tomorrow.


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Old 04-08-2024, 08:41 AM   #54  
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Scale is up to 179 today. Not sure why. I took my fluid pull but cut in half, so 20mg twice a day instead of 40mgat once. I did it again today so well see how this goes. I didn't get cramps last night. I slept good,but I feel very tired and would like to just stay in bed all day. But we have to go to Wal-Mart and to Goodwill. Today is senior day at Goodwill. Its funny,but there's a new young guy at Goodwill, and I always have to remind him to give us the senior discount. He said we don't look old enough. The age is 55 and up. We definitely look older than 55 but maybe not to him. His name is Riley. I like that name.

I want to be careful to stay inside during the eclipse. Its cloudy, so I might not have to worry about it.
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Old 04-08-2024, 01:12 PM   #55  
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DH is getting me so upset about his meds. One he takes once a day and the other,twice a day. Today I picked up his refills. When he gets a refill,he wants to throw the old ones away because they are old,and start taking the new ones because they are fresh. I told him he will eventually run out. He has to finish taking them. Also,because he takes generic, sometimes they look different. The pharmacy puts a sticker on the bottle saying that they are the same,but may look different. He gets upset, and says they are wrong. If something ever happens to me he will be totally confused. And he only takes 2 meds. What if he had a lot, like me? I take 11, and used to take more but when I was in the hospital they took me off a couple of them. Some of mine are twice a day and Metformin is 3 times a day. I have a pill box with 7 days,and Morning, Noon Evening, and bedtime. Plus I have a small round pill box for my Glimiperide. I keep the supplements separate. Im so afraid he's going to get messed up with his pills.

I watched the eclipse on tv. DH went outside and watched with glasses he bought. I went out and watched for a couple minutes then came back in.

We went to the library to get Income Tax forms. I think I'm a little late! I held his arm going in but he let go coming out and I wavered a bit. He got mad. I told him this is why I need my walker and he said I'm to young to need a walker. He said I shouldn't need it til I'm 80. What does age have to do with it? In a store I have a cart. At home I hold onto things,like tables or the wall in the hallway. At the casino I hold onto chairs etc. He compares me to him and he does not have balance issues. I don't know what to do with him anymore!

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Old 04-08-2024, 05:49 PM   #56  
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Carol Sue People have strange ideas. Most pharmacies won't refill meds untill the med is gone. I remember when I had my child care business in my home. This little boy I kept was sick. His Daddy was a pharmacist and he sent me a prescription to give his son. I noticed the medicine was out dated so I called him and asked him if he knew it was out dated. He told me that it was fine for up to 2 weeks past the date past that date on the bottle. I remember my BIL who worked in military pharmacy when in Korea. He gave me an OTC medicine to take suggesting I take a larger dose than the medicine said. He said they did that quite often. Later I found that the doctor would recommend the same as my BIL did. However, I would not even try that without a doctor saying that.

Weight this morning was 159.4 lbs. My FBG was 103 and my BP 131/65. I am going to try to keep doing a daily fast of at least 16 to 20 hr. Not sure I want to do an EF of 24 to 60 hrs. I will take this one day at a time at least for now. Calories will stay be between 1000 to 1300 calories. Todays is planned to be around 1186 keeping carbs below 100 mg total with sodium being in a good range. Yesterdays calories were 1154 but the sodium was way to high, but the Lasix evidently took care of that.

I've still got to do my exercises so I can get at least 4 days done this week. Have a good day. I might have totake a nap because getting up at 6 am was way too early. I would have taken a nap when I got home but DH wanted me to watch the eclipse with him. Awesome experience, but I have to say that I was really nervous about getting on and off the patio as it was a big step for me.

Have a good evening.
I blew it today because I was so tired so will start back OP in the morning.

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Old 04-09-2024, 07:41 AM   #57  
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Scale back down to 177. The 179 didnt seem right yesterday because I didn't "feel" it. I can usually tell if I'm going to be up or down.

I mostly watched the eclipse on TV. They had a 1 hour show that showed it in different states,including Texas. I went outside once with DH and used the glasses he bought. It was cloudy here and we didn't get to see the total,but we saw it on TV. That was good enough for me.

I got a text from DIL that DGS made Highest Honors again on his report card. Im glad that he is doing well in school. Soon he will have to decide if he's going to go to college and what he wants to major in. With his grades he could be anything he wants. So far his favorite things are sports and video games. He's on the golf team and DH wants him to be a professional golfer. We won't live long enough to see that!

You are doing great with your eating plan, Trish. Back into the 150s. Thats wonderful! Your calorie range is similar to what I aim for. I've been around 1200 or so lately but I can't seem to get my carbs back down. I want them below 70, but they've been over 100.

Yesterday we got Wendys and I had a crispy chicken sandwich which I love and a frosty which I can't resist. The sandwich is small but the bun is carby. It used to be $1 but the price went up like everything else. DH likes McDonalds but I don't like their burgers. I will someday try their chicken sandwich.

When I worked at the pharmacy we filled a prescription when you had used 75% of the one before. I think they do the same at Walmart. A couple times they have filled my G a few days early if I am there and ask. I think it depends on what the drug is. I have some of my meds from mail order and I always get them in plenty of time. I like mail order,but I also like to be able to walk into Wal-Mart and get a some meds the same day. Thats why I keep some at Walmart, so I'm an established customer with them. They know me.

I know that Tylenol can be taken at a higher dose. The Tylenol Arthritis that I sometimes take is the strongest and you can take it 3 times in 24 hours which is the Max Dose allowed for Tylenol. I was taking that before I got the gout meds and I had a lot of pain. I don't need that much now, but I still keep it on hand just in case. Otherwise, Extra Strength Tylenol works for me. I keep Motrin on hand but I'm not supposed to take it with my heart, but can take it occasionally. One doctor told me not to take it but the one at the hospital said don't take it every day.

I've been feeling better lately and I'm ready to get back to exercising regularly. The Vit B12 I ordered will come tomorrow. I can't wait to start taking it to see if it helps with energy.

Trish,I've decided I might try Berberine. Although I have no problem with Metformin and its free to me with insurance, I've read some things about Berberine. When you took it, what brand did you tzke,how many mg, and how many times per day.

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Old 04-09-2024, 09:44 PM   #58  
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Carol Sue This is the kind of Berberine I get from Amazon... Sunergetic Premium Berberine Supplement - 1200mg of Berberine Per Serving - Berberine HCL Supplement Non-GMO - Immune Support- 60 Berberine Capsules. I take 2 a day 1 before breakfast and 1 with dinner.

Well, I took the jug of urine in yesterday when I went in for lab work. Then I got a call from oncology telling me that the jug had a crack or hole whatever and now I'm doing the 24 hr urine test again which means I won't get the results in time for my infusion to be done Friday. I know the jug was not leaking when I turned it in and the nurse set it on a table to settle and it was not leaking then. So something must have happened in transit from oncology to wherever the test is done. So it turns out that I will get the infusion next Thursday morning the 18th the day after I have the bone density test. Oncologist was hoping to get the results of that by the time I see him but he won't have time to see it before I have my infusion. However, I did call the office to confirm that I would be there Wednesday 17th for the Bone Density test and that I want the results sent to my Oncologist as he will be treating me if I have osteoporosis since the chemo can cause it.

Weight this morning was 160.0 lbs which is amazing since I fully expected it to be higher since I binged yesterday. Today I had only 1080 calories, However, the FBG was 115 and BP 132/65. I have a problem with keeping my carbs below 100 too. I don't want protein to be over 90 and so that only leaves fat and I don't want it too high either. So this makes me feel that I just need to keep my calories low and not worry to much about the carbs being too low, but just try to not let them get to high so that my A1c stays in the 5s.

It is amazing how young people can know long before they graduate what they want their jobs to be. We always thought DH DGS would do something with computers because he could play pc games and figure out everything about them. We were surprised when he went for a degree in chemical science and now works for a company testing perfumes etc to see if the ingredients are according to specification. My niece here in TX and DH DGD in FL had most of their college courses taken when they graduated from high school because they were in special classes all through high school. My niece started out working as sociologist with children then progressed to working for cancer association etc. Now she is a RN. Our DGD has worked EMT while in high school and while going to college to be a RN she has worked with EMTs. doctor's offices and works in a pharmacy. Our DGS in FL is in special classes and he told us one day when we talked to him when he was younger "I'm a math genius. My teacher told me that I am". I think that is so amazing these kids can do that.

I will probably be up all night tonight trying to work toward filling up this jug again.


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Old 04-10-2024, 08:56 AM   #59  
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Scale up 1 lb to 178.

Yesterday we went to TX Roadhouse and I had pork chops. They are the best!

Second day in a row Step daughter needed a ride to work. Her car is in the shop. I got up early with DH. He's back now but I'm tired and going back to bed.


I fell back to sleep for 2 more hours, so 9 hours total sleep last night, according to Fitbit.

I'm expecting DH to want to go to the casino and I'm prepared to say No. We will see how that goes.

My B12 came but its a capsule, not sublingual. I thought I ordered sublingual. I will take it and see what happens. I want it to increase energy so I'm not so tired. I have a sub lingual in my cart but don't want to order more until I try these. I hate to waste them. They might work.

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Old 04-10-2024, 08:25 PM   #60  
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Trish, I read the article about fasting for autophagy. I think the only time I did a successful long extended fast was the 2 times I was in the hospital for bowel surgery. I had nothing at all for 5 days, except for IV fluid. When they finally fed me it was broth and jello,then the next day, pudding. On the day I came home they gave me a sandwich for lunch but DH wanted me to leave without eating it. They did bloodwork every day and discovered my potassium was low and gave me an IV. If I had been doing it on my own I would not know my potassium was low.Thats why I don't want to do a long fast. Even that article said to not do it without medical supervision. Back when NV I was doing my best IF I was eating from. 11-4 each day so that was 16-17 hours of fasting. Sometimes 20. But now DH cooks breakfast earlier. I could ask him to cook later but I don't know if he will.

Tomorrow I'm going to try to do our taxes. I'm really cutting it close. I'm not sure I know how to do the state but I can look it up online.
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