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Old 03-31-2024, 06:02 PM   #31  
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HI everyone, and Happy Easter. May everyone enjoy the blessings of spring.
I don't have much energy to read over posts, but I hope neither of you steps on a scale until the end of the week, and enjoy clean eating this week according to whatever plan you have.
I have no plan right now, and am sure my weight is up, although appetite is small.
Surgery went very well, no surprises. They had decided for me to stay over because of the CPAP/sleep apnea with the narcotic pain relief, just a precaution. Turned out to be a good one, as I had trouble voiding and had to be catheterized a couple of times before I was finally able to go during the night. The get you up and walking as the spinal wears off, and I was shuffling with my walker to the bathroom long before I could pee without a catheter, LOL.
I am also (as expected) reacting strongly to the narcotics, so still just taking a half dose at a time, or I am too loopy and nauseous. I was a right mess for the nursing staff cleaning up after me.
SO glad to get home. The ice machine (called a Game Ready) has a wrap around my leg and pumps ice water through it. Keeping the swelling and pain down. I strongly recommend for any joint replacement surgery, has different sleeves for hips and shoulders etc.
So my routine is pain meds, exercises/ walking, ice and rest. Have some food, and repeat. Not doing much more. A little TV, but mostly sports as I can't concentrate that well.
So I am eating three small meals a day, but pretty high carb. Not worrying about any of it until I am more mobile.
Tomorrow is first out of hospital physio.
Wishing you all the best.
Tomorrow is
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Old 03-31-2024, 06:53 PM   #32  
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Fatmad I've been wondering about you because I thought it was around the time for your surgery. I know you are glad it is over. Sounds like they have better after care than they used to have. I pray you have a good recovery.

Carol Sue I am glad you are home, but hope the little girl isn't sick with anything that is catching. I hope your step daughter isn't too disappointed with it ending abruptly. Now you can relax and rest.

I'm through eating for today. Had a little over 1300 calories today. Now I will fast until we get home from shopping after our appointment with our Primary doc. We will see him at 3 pm and the leave there and go to Sam's and the local store accros the street. We may eat Chinese food but I will make that my only meal for the day tomorrow so I can get in the habit of IF.
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Old 04-01-2024, 09:05 AM   #33  
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Mad, I have heard from 2 people who had knee surgery. One, a man, had a horrible recovery, and a woman who said it was a breeze. They were a couple years apart and probably at different hospitals and different surgeons. Hi hope you feel better soon!. Just remember, your knee issues are now a thing of the past. Worry about diet later.

I have a question. Do you turn your clocks ahead when we do in the US? I was talking to some people online from the UK and they just turned their clocks ahead this weekend.

I slept well and the scale says 177.0 which is down a few tenths from yesterday. I ate good food but few carbs, and although I was very full I feel good about it.

I think step daughter was ok with people leaving. She was very busy with all that cooking, and had a lot of leftovers to clean up. I took some, and I'm assuming others did too. They can take leftovers for their lunch today. She uses throwaway plates,so no dishes to wash. I didnt get to help her much but her SIL did. I spent the time in the living room talking to an older woman who was there. I knew her slightly but we have a lot in common. We have had the same medical history! Step son was friends with her son in high school and they live near us. She is having a hard time because her family is having issues. Her sons wife is having an affair with her daughters husband, so no one can be in the same room together. So she would have been home alone otherwise. So she was invited.

You are doing well with calories and fasting, Trish. I hope to get back to it now.

We have to go to Wal-Mart for a script they called about, and today is Senior Discount day at Goodwill so we will go. I hope we can just eat leftovers for dinner. In fact, I don't even want eggs for breakfast! I was surprised that Wal-Mart called about a script on Easter morning.

Trish, the little girl threw up so I think it was something she ate,along with running around playing. Not catchy. She was about 4 years old.

We have so much food in the refrigerator we can't fin another item! We have our half ham, leftover potato salad, leftover mushroom casserole and the rest is food I bought shopping. I keep buying colored peppers but forget to eat them. I also have lettuce and cabbage which take up a lot of room. A rutabaga, A 5 lb bag of carrots, my vegetable drawer is full and overflowing into the big compartment of the fridge. If I ate more of those foods I would be thin.

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Old 04-01-2024, 02:26 PM   #34  
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My weight was the same as yesterday. I'm fasting today until we get back home. Hacking Chemo said when you fast to stay busy so I wrote the few checks I still write and then went on line to pay my car insurance. I always paid it with our credit card, but I can pay it now out of checking account online so it is paid for. Didn't have it on auto but glad I could pay it this way because it is done. I was worried that the credit card bill would be too high next month because I miss calculated when my regular order would come in from Amazon. Thank God it will be fine now plus the busyness helped me with my fasting. Next week will be my first long fast for the infusion so hopefully this and my daily fasts will prepare me for that.

Carol Sue I'm glad your step daughter was okay with everyone leaving and thankful the little girl wasn't sick from anything going around. You don't need to be sick.

I'm bad about buying veggies because it looks so good and is good for me and then forgetting that I have it and letting it go bad. DH makes our salads and doesn't like to put all the foods in it I would so no need to buy it. Now that I have decided to eat what we like counting calories along with IF and the EF once a month, I want to make a food list from the foods we both will eat. There are certain foods he is better at cooking and I can cook the other foods. Then for days we don't want to cook, we will eat frozen foods that are easy to cook.

Hope you have a great day.

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Old 04-01-2024, 07:15 PM   #35  
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I ate leftover ham and mushroom casserole for brunch. I really missed my eggs but we have so many leftovers. For dinner DH didn't want to eat leftovers so we went out. Driving down the highway he decided he wanted Arby's Beef and Cheddar to bring home. He wanted me to get Arby's but I said No, I'm eating leftovers. I love ham sandwiches, so that's what I had, with my SL bread and a bit of potato salad. If I didn't want ham I would have ate Arbys, but I only get ham at Christmas and Easter so I want to eat it. I didn't bake the ham to throw it out. We don't like to give ham to Rusty.. He prefers chicken and its better for him. He is getting older and getting heavy. DH feeds him too much. So I might slice and freeze some ham so I have it for later. I won't make it now until Christmas.

We are starting to argue over me being tired, so I have to find what's causing it. My vitamins I ordered didn't come yet. If they don't help I will depend on the doctor. Maybe I'm anemic. DH keeps telling me I have to exercise. I agree I should exercise but I'm just exhausted all the time. I am not making this up. Even when we go to Wal-Mart I'm ready to drop when we go out to the car. I know I'm sleeping at night but I'm not sleepy. My body is just tired. I don't know how else to explain it to him. I have no energy. I always think I need to eat for energy but then I'm overeating. When we go to the casino its a long hallway to get to the entrance. Then the food court is all the way in the back. One time DH dropped me off while he parked the car. I was. walking down the long hall alone and holding onto the wall. A man came up to me and asked if I was ok. So I probably looked bad, but I was doing my best. I just feel like I can't take the next step. Something is causing this.
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Old 04-01-2024, 09:45 PM   #36  
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Carol Sue I am so sorry you are so tired. You may need to use a walker, but I know he doesn't want you to use one. I hope you don't fall. I still get tired even using the walker, but I couldn't walk in the store etc without it.

We didn't get to the store today. The battery was dead when we got into the car to go to the doctor and DH used the lawn mower to jump the battery so we made it to the doctor's office and when we left the doctor's office we decided to go back to the auto place where he bought the battery. I thought we bought it there while I was having chemo therapy but they showed it was bought in 2022 the year before. Any way the good thing is that it was under warranty so it was replaced with no cost. So that was a blessing.

We still need to go to the stores Sam's and the local HEB. I just hope they have my medicines filled. They got 2 of DH meds ready and I hope they will have mine ready. The doctor upped my prescription of Lasix so I can take 2 a day when needed. He also doubled the Lisinopril to 20 mg as oncologist wants and he told me it also helps my kidneys deal with the protein. He also gave me a prescription for a smaller dose statin to see if I can handle it. This seems to be the time of the year for our yearly Wellcare Wellness appointment. It says my diet is to be increased meat, fruit and vegetables and less high carbohydrate vegetables. I told DH that is a low carb diet, but there is no way they are going to say Low Carb Diet because that would mean they would have to admit they were wrong when they told us Low Carb Diets were bad for us.

We had Taco Bell on the way home and he will probably cause want Chinese tomorrow. I'm tired. Hope we both feel better tomorrow.
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Old 04-02-2024, 12:02 AM   #37  
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Mad- Glad you are through your surgery. On a quick note about the ice machine, when my husband was using one to recover from his shoulder surgery, we used frozen water bottles to keep the water reservoir cold. It was a lot easier than dealing with ice cubes. We had two set of bottles that we just kept rotating. I hope you heal quickly.

Carol- Ham-yum! We had ham too! On Wednesdays, I will make Ham a la King with the leftovers. I hope you figure out why you are so tired and start to fell better.

Trish- So happy to hear your managing your treatments so well! Sending healthy wishes your way!
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Old 04-02-2024, 06:00 AM   #38  
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Good to see you Pipsicle. I haven't been keeping up with you as much lately, I hope you're doing well. How do you make Ham ala king? Same as Chicken ala King?

Trish, my problem with staying low carb is mostly bread and bread products. Thats where the SL bread helps. I know root vegetables are not considered low carb but I love cooked carrots. I always remember this one doctor, Dr Furhman, said the nutrients and fiber in carrots far outweighs the carbs they contain. So I always consider them a healthy choice. He was mostly promoting a plant based diet and said that meat should be beaten in small portions as a side to your meal. I don't agree with him on that,but I like that he says carrots are good. Funny,but he also said that raw mushrooms are toxic but cooked are healthy. I love cooked mushrooms. When I was growing up my mother stretched a small piece of meat between 5 people and we each got a very small portion. It was mostly casserole type meals with meat in it.

Trish I remember when you got the battery in your car and it seemed too soon to need a new one. Im glad it was covered under warranty. DH gets our batteries at Walmart Auto.

I would love to use a walker at the casino! Im ok at the store. I hold DHs arm going in,then I'm good with a cart. One time DH was checking out and I went across the store for 1 more item and I was fine without a cart. We use 2 carts now because he gets his stuff, car supplies, candy and salty snacks. I get all others. We meet up front and combine our carts. DH says once I start using a walker I will need it all the time.

I bought some Skinny Popcorn. Wal-Mart is always out of it but they have a big display now. DH doesn't like it because its not salty but thats why I do like it. He usually buys cheese popcorn and I don't like that. So this Skinny Pop is all mine!!

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Old 04-02-2024, 01:27 PM   #39  
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I'm still eating ham. I don't notice any excessive swelling. DH said it's not real salty. Today I ate some Easter cheese and beet horseradish. I like them together.

I didn't get on the scale this morning. I forgot and now I ate so I won't. I didn't sleep well. Forgot to take Benadryl until it was too late.


DH went out to play the lottery. He mentioned McDonalds so he might be picking up dinner. I told him I don't want anything so we will see what he brings. Im hungry but not for McDonalds. He wanted to go to the casino but our weather is going to be terrible all week. Storms with hail, flooding, snow by Friday. I don't want to be on the interstate with bad weather.

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Old 04-02-2024, 10:06 PM   #40  
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My goodness today and yesterday has been so busy. DH cell rang and woke us up or I would have slept much longer. I dressed because I wanted to go to the store with DH. As soon as I was dressed, I came into the living room to check my vitals and then I was going to call the pharmacy to ask them how much DH meds were going to cost and I wanted to see what meds they had for me and I wanted to see if I could get the other bp meds could be gotten on a 90 day prescription. I also wanted to get my Lasix and be sure they noticed it changed to 2 a day instead of 1 a day. Before I could do any of that they called me from the Mammogram office to set up an appointment for me to get my bone density test done. I set it up for after my infusion because I want to find out from my oncologist if I even need that test. If he decides to take care of it there, I may not need the test. I have a time set up to have that checked on the 17th of this month if he approves of it. We can't get DH Farxiga and my Lasix until tomorrow so DH will get all our meds tomorrow. He can still get his Eliquis samples from Primary Care doc, we will continue to get them from doc since a 90 day supply is $375. Primary has a difficult time getting the Farxiga so we will pay the $2?? for it in order for him to keep using them. Turns out that our insurance isn't as good when Wellcare took it over. We have a deductible now that we didn't have before. However, we will see. The pharmacy said that once the deductible is met that the prescription costs will go down.

I took 2 Lasix yesterday and weight was back down to 161.6 lbs. FBG was 104. BP was higher than yesterdays, but it was checked later than usual and I was irritated because of all the interruptions. No one ever comes to the front door, but someone even rang the doorbell.

Since we couldn't get prescriptions until tomorrow, I told DH we could go to Sam's and go to the store across from Sam's because I wanted to get things at that store I can't get in the smaller store where we get our meds from. So we ended up getting the Chinese food. Not sure how many calories I've had today. Just estimated by MFP.

I am tired again tonight. It appears that April is going to be a busy month for me, but I guess it is good to be busy. Bedtime can't come soon enough. Carol Sue, hope we both have a good nights sleep.

Pipsicle It is good to hear from you. As far as treatment is concerned, I have an excellent team of doctors and nurses. I feel blessed to have them.

Mad I pray your recovery is going well.

Good night.

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Old 04-03-2024, 09:58 AM   #41  
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I slept ok but I slept 4.5 hours then was awake for a couple hours, then after DH got up I fell back to sleep. Scale was 177.2. On Monday it was 177.4. So down .2. Not much,but I will take it.

DH went to McDonalds to get breakfast sandwiches. After the eggs I used for Easter cheese and. Potato salad there are only 2 eggs left. We were in 2 stores but their eggs were very expensive. So I will have to go to Wal-Mart for more. I never let the eggs go that low. I buy 3 dozen at a time. You know I never want to run out of eggs! DH told me I have to lay some more! Ha ha. Funny funny.

I was checking online for the cost of Farixia and Jardiance. They are both very expensive. I will have to check to see how much they are with my insurance. I might have to switch to something else if I have to continue with the fluid pills. My blood sugar is still very high. You take a medicine that you need and it causes another problem.

My insurance covers Jardiance at a reasonable price but says Farixia is unavailable and to use Jardiance instead. It is also effective for Heart Failure instead of a fluid pill. But I don't like the possible side effects. I will discuss this with my doctor when I see him.

DH wants to go to the casino but I won't go on the highway so we are going to the local casino. Im not happy but too bad for me.

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Old 04-03-2024, 02:13 PM   #42  
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Carol Sue DH told our primary doctor that he did really well on Jardiance before he put him on Farxiga,. He never bothered to discussed switching back to Jardiance because he took him off of it when they black boxed it because they think it causes amputation issues down the road. So I don't think he will ever give it to him again. That is like the we took fenofibrate for years in SC because they thought it would keep us from having heart attacks and strokes. Then one day we went to our doc in SC and he said, "I want you to stop taking fenofibrate because they now think it causes heart attacks and strokes. That is when they started pushing statins. You never know if what you take really does what they think it does or not. I do like DH taking Farxiga because it is supposed to protect the kidneys. I can't take it because it can cause yeast infections and a yeast infection was what sent me to the doctor and he told me that my infection was because I had a yeast infection. I was dumb when it came to medical stuff and I had tried to fight it on my own because I thought it was a sexual thing and I was embarrassed. The doc said, "This is not that kind of yeast infection". I've never asked if I could take it or not; I just assumed I can't. Besides I couldn't afford if we both were taking it any way.

Are you only taking Lasix now or are you on the fluid pills they gave you when you had the procedures?

Weight this morning was 161.2; down .4 lbs but down is down and I over ate even with sodium when eating Chinese food. DH decided we will only eat Chinese around 3 weeks apart. I'm glad he decided that because I don't need to eat it that often. My BP was a little high but consistent. I hope that will eventually come down. FBG was 106 which was only us 2 pts so that was good considering the Chinese and high carbs. So that was good.

I had my low calorie egg Mcmuffin for breakfast with my coffee. I've got a pork roast cooking now in cream of mushroom soup. I will have a protein shake for a snack this evening. Calories for today should be about 1407 calories and a carbs minus fiber just over 100 mg. So I'm OP. Now I've got to get some exercises done. DH has gone to get our meds and I will have just enough time to cook the potatoes and carrots before we eat around 3ish.

Hope everyone has a good day.

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Old 04-04-2024, 08:31 AM   #43  
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The casino was ok.. Thats not my favorite because they don't have anywhere for me to sit and nowhere to get water. But we played for hours but brought all our money home. Win,lose, up and down. Just like my scale!

I slept good without taking anything. The scale is down to 173.4 so down almost 4 lbs overnight. I find that hard to believe! But we didn't have dinner. I was very hungry at the casino. I wanted to leave and go to Texas Roadhouse which is nearby. DH would not leave. They have a restaurant but its very expensive and not a lot of things I like. I could go out to the Food Court in the mall but its far. I also could go outside the casino into the mall and sit on a bench to read. I did that once but I don't like it. Its not the same as the other casino,but I was glad not to go on the highway.

I read about Jardiance and the risk of amputation. That would also stop me from taking it. I don't know why I can't get Farixia. I would stay with what I'm on as long as I can get my glucose under control. All my meds are free,no copay. I used to take fenofibrate but I don't know why I don't take it anymore. One day I just realized I didn't have it. I don't remember the doctor telling me to stop. I think maybe it was recalled so the pharmacy stopped it. I've taken a statin for years. 25 years. I don't take the full dose or every day. My doctor is satisfied with the numbers. He wants me to change to a newer statin but I wont. I have no problems with the very old statin I take. If its not broke, dont fix it. I need to hear a good reason to switch.

Trish,I take Lasix 40mg once a day. In the hospital, they started me on Lasix injectable. After I had the kidney issue that switched me to Bumex injectible. When I came home they had me in 1 Bumex once a day. After I was in the hospital for shortness of breath the second time they increased Bumex to twice a day. Recently they switched me to Lasix 40 mg Once a day. I take it late afternoon, after I know I'm home for the day.?

Trish, I was reading about Jardiance, and found 2 different articles that said this risk of amputation extends to Farixia too because they are both SlGt2 inhibitors but the risk is reduced if you are active and don't smoke.

Also,I was reading about blood tests for Kidney function and it said that a 24 HR urine test is for creatinine which indicates the amount of albumin in your urine,or protein.

I went to Aldis after Wal-Mart today and got meatballs, so DH said he will eat Spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. He also charged my scale and it charged really fast,so I don't think that's why it weighed me so low this morning. I hate the thought of seeing it back up tomorrow. I will keep my fingers crossed.

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Old 04-04-2024, 08:56 PM   #44  
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Weight was 161.8 this morning. Hope it will come down to 150s again soon. My FBG 107 and bp 151/64. I have decided to drink 2 protein shakes a day and eat one meal and a Greek yogurt once a day and stop eating around 6 or 6:30 pm. Doing 7 hr eating window.

I'm getting busier again. I did 50 minutes of exercises today and also swept and mopped the kitchen and vacuumed around my recliner. I love it when I have energy. I hope I have the energy to dust my furniture tomorrow.

Carol Sue I used to love going to Aldi's but don't go there any more because I'm always too tired to go there when I'm on that side of town for doctor's appointments or treatments.

I'm going to be tired and ready to go to bed early tonight.

Have a nice evening.
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Old 04-05-2024, 12:04 PM   #45  
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You are doing great with weight loss Trish. You will be in the 150s again before you know it. Your eating plan is good and the 7 hour eating window, too.

Well, I have to assume the scale was wrong yesterday showing 173. I did not drop 4 lbs overnight. Today it was 176. More believable. I am ok with this because I thought it was wrong, even though it was nice to see.

I did not sleep good. Very restless, until after DH got up then I fell into a deep sleep.I got up at 9 to watch Kelly and Mark Live.

Im glad you are doing more and having more energy to do more. That is a good sign. Your life is turning around. I am ready for that, too and hope it comes soon.

Trish,there are some things I like from Aldi's . The frozen meatballs and frozen green beans are good. They usually have the best price on whole chickens for roasting. I needed plastic wrap but forgot it when I was in Aldi's. Theirs is good,or I buy Walmart Brand. I only have a tiny bit left. This is what happens when I shop without a list. We have Aldi's across the street from Walmart. Goodwill is behind Aldi's and Target across the street. All this is 5-6 miles from our home, and Bob Evans is there, too. There is another Aldi's at the other end of town but DH doesn't like to go there. But he will go to Home Depot which is next door. That Aldi's is cheaper by a few cents per item because it is in a poor area,low income.

I had a good breakfast, eggs, SL toast, tomato slices, sauteed mushrooms, . Then I split a banana with DH. We each eat half.
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