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Old 06-04-2022, 08:47 AM   #121  
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Good morning!

Thank you, L&L's mom, for the welcome. Congrats on your weight loss and for people noticing! It's always a great feeling when your hard work is noticed. I know what you mean about how people really do not want to hear the "secret." Before I got pregnant with Baby #4, I had lost 40 lbs by following a ketogenic diet. I had lots of people asking me what I was doing, but they did not want to hear about cutting out breads and sugars and would always express how they just could not give that stuff up. Yeah, it's hard giving up those foods we just love, but at some point you have to think about what is best for our bodies... Anyway, now I just need to focus on giving them up again. Ha!

I have struggled getting back on track with my eating habits since having the baby...I have no excuse for waiting now. She just turned 2, and it's time to get back on track. There is no telling how many times I have told myself that since she was born. I have made a few goals for myself to follow this month.
1. Drink plain water with lunch & dinner.
2. Check in on 3FC daily.
3. No sodas.
4. Eat breakfast every day.
5. Lose at least 5 lbs.

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Old 06-04-2022, 09:43 PM   #122  
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1. Drink plain water with lunch & dinner. ☑️
2. Check in on 3FC daily. ☑️
3. No sodas. ☑️
4. Eat breakfast every day. ☑️
Goals made for today!
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Old 06-05-2022, 10:19 AM   #123  
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Hi everyone! I had to check back to see where I was on the scale last time I was here. I'm not really making any progress,still bouncing around in the mid 180s. Last week I was inching up toward 190 so I had to reign it in. I really want to get my weight back down but this is causing problems on the home front. DH loves to eat out. He wants to go out for breakfast a lot but a big part of my weight loss plan is eating in a small window, 6 hours or less. I do this by delaying my first meal to 11-12 o'clock. I have a bad habit that once I eat my first meal I'm off to the races and I end up overeating. When I was gaining, we ate out a lot and I really packed on the pounds. I don't know what the answer is. I don't want him to be deprived but don't want to have to eat every time he does. This is important to me.

Good to see you here, SGregg. Best of luck to you on losing!

Buttercup, I recently discovered hard seltzer and I love it! But I am on a lot of medication and really am not supposed to be drinking. Losing weight would probably get me off some of the meds. I need to keep reminding myself of that.

L&Ls mom, I wish this forum were busier, too. I remember when it was so busy I could be reading posts for hours. It has always helped me stay on plan reading about other peoples journeys .

KStrong, I hope things went well and you are on the mend.

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Old 06-05-2022, 08:30 PM   #124  
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Hey! Nothing to report, just happy to see you two posting!

sgregg God bless you with four kids!! We have four between us. When we got married I had one son and he had two kids (a son and daughtrer). Our daughter Olivia came 18 months later. The kids were 9 and 7 when Olivia was born but I know having four together part of the time is NOTHING like having your four all of the time. Thanks for your congrats! I still can't believe it myself sometimes. It's taken almost two years so it's been S L O W but I know that's really probably the best. I have lost 50 pounds a few times when I was young but it was sort of semi starving and would lose it in 6 months. I'd learn nothing and then feel I looked OK and just ate whatever and gain it all back and then some a year or so later. This same sort of crazy thing several times over! LOL

Good luck with your goals! Don't beat yourself up if you don't do each one every day. My main one is just staying at or a little below the calorie range I need to be in. I don't know if you are doing Keto now or not, but my mom is doing Keto and is doing great. She was an XL and is now a medium. She is sort of like me this time doing it slower. Ironically we started around the same time. Me doing my thing and her doing Keto. I think just consistency seems to be the key.

Wannabehealthy I wish I had a great resolution to your eating out- and eating window issue. Do you count calories as well as IF? Maybe you can just start tracking the calories and not worrying about the window?

I do remember how really active the site was too, it was the best! There were active age groups, countdown groups, etc.. Maybe everyone now is just on some groups on facebook. I had a coworker tell me before she was in a fb weightloss group.
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Old 06-05-2022, 09:38 PM   #125  
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L&Ls mom, I post my food on My Fitness Pal and I try to stay below 1300 calories per day. But if I start eating too early I have my calories used up before dinner. I have tried just counting calories but I lose control easily. It was when I started IF that my weight started to drop. I like having just black coffee until noon. This also helps control my blood sugar as I am type 2 diabetic.

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Old 06-06-2022, 10:34 AM   #126  
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Hey everyone!!!
Thanks Carol & L&L's Mom!

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Old 06-06-2022, 01:34 PM   #127  
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Good Monday, all!

Wannabehealthy, have you tried fasting through dinner time? Just focusing on eating a good filling breakfast and lunch? I know on days that I eat a big lunch, I can usually hold off until the next day. I can see your struggle with not wanting him to feel deprived. I'm kinda in the same boat, but I don't want to hurt my hubby's feelings when he cooks dinner that is not part of my "plan." I feel bad if I don't eat some of it or if I'm nitpicking all of the ingredients. Since he doesn't cook very often and I feel he's a better cook than me, I've started just not saying anything and eating a smaller amount depending on what it is. I can't say that it's working, however, because I can't seem to stick with any sort of diet "plan" for an extended amount of time.

L & L's mom, my four are spread out...not sure if it makes things easier or harder, but it is for sure interesting some days. They are 17, 11, 7, and 2. Needless to say, the last one came along after we were "done" having kids. Ha! Thanks for the encouragement about my goals. I actually forgot about them yesterday. Ugh! Haha! Gotta work on checking in so that I remember them.

I completely forgot to get on yesterday and post about my goals.
1. Drink plain water with lunch & dinner. - I don't even remember what I drank for lunch & dinner yesterday...pretty sure it was not PLAIN water though.
2. Check in on 3FC daily. - this did not happen yesterday.
3. No sodas. - I had a coke icee which i NEVER buy...don't know why I thought I needed one after making these goals. LOL!
4. Eat breakfast every day. - I did have breakfast, but it was not decent and it was not filling.

So...all in all...yesterday was a bust when talking about my goals. HA!
1. Drink plain water with lunch & dinner.
2. Check in on 3FC daily. ☑️
3. No sodas. ☑️
4. Eat breakfast every day.

I didn't eat breakfast this morning. I ran out of time. My arrival time at work changed this past week and I'm having to adjust. I need to wake up about 15 minutes earlier than I did today so I have time to fix myself something before I leave. Also, I added some flavoring to my water at lunch before remembering about my goals. I do plan on drinking PLAIN water/coffee for the rest of the day though.

I hope you all are having a great Monday so far.
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Old 06-07-2022, 07:11 AM   #128  
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SGregg, for years I cooked dinner for the family but didn't eat it. Once the kids moved out DH wanted to eat out so I started eating dinner and gained 80 lbs! His main meal is dinner and wants me to eat with him. So I try to work around that. I used to eat breakfast before going off to wofk. Now that I'm retired I'm holding it off til noonish. This is working as long as he doesn't want to go out for breakfast. My plan includes all foods. Carbs must be limited due to my diabetes but I watch portions. If we eat out I will order my entree with 2 vegetables instead of having a starch. I do that when I cook at home too, extra,veggies for me and a starch for him. Its up to me to control portions and stop before I'm stuffed. I struggle to throw food out instead of finishing everything, but I'm learning. DH won't eat leftovers. He wants freshly cooked food. His mother spoiled him. We eat dinner around 4 pm and I rarely eat after that. Nothing til 11-12 the next day. I really need to get back to exercising. I love the way I feel when I exercise, but procrastinate getting moving.

I love your family. I would have loved to have a big family like that. But its a lot of work, too!

So good to hear from you KStrong! Looking forward to regular posts again. Healing.
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Old 06-07-2022, 09:18 AM   #129  
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Good morning!

Carol, it sounds like you know what you need to do. Maybe you can incorporate some exercise on days he wants to go eat breakfast?

I'm ready to complete my goals today. . I had my breakfast before I left home, so one is done! I brought my big cup of water for it should be easier to remember to drink my water during lunch.

I hope you all have a productive Tuesday!
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Old 06-08-2022, 07:40 AM   #130  
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Hi everyone!!
So glad to see this thread active! I have a drop in weight to report...officially at 82.8, just a hair away from 83 pounds. It's still hard for me to believe this weight. I haven't been this weight in close to 30 years. I wish I had done this all those years ago and stuck with it, but we can't change the past can we?
KStrong Thanks for checking in, I am happy to hear all went well and you are on the mend! Yes, as you know any pounds gained will mostly be water weight and this will sort itself out once you are back to normal again.
Wannabehealthy Trying to stay below 1300 calories got my attention, wow that is truly a challenge! I would be living on cucumbers. Sometimes I do when I am hungry and have had enough calories already that day I eat a cucumber with some everything bagel seasoning just to fill me up. I forgot about your type 2 diabetes as well, that makes it more of a challenge. Are you allowed to have popcorn or is that too many carbs-sugars? That is another one of my go to's when I feel the need to really eat I chow down on lots of air popped popcorn.
sgregg Wow, ages 2 to certainly don't have time to be bored! My mind goes to one day the baby that wasn't planned will be your greatest blessing when you are older. She could be the one that helps you the most, you never know. Keep plugging away at your goals, just being mindful of them will help keep you focused.

Have a great day everyone, it's my day off, I want to make it a productive one.
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Old 06-17-2022, 07:10 AM   #131  
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Hey! Where is everyone?

Just thought I would check in again. I have officially made it to the 170's, it's truly surreal! I haven't seen the 170's in almost 30 years. At that time I started at 225 and had lost 50 to get to 175, but it was short lived weight loss when I didn't learn anything and started gaining it back right away. Truly the vast majority of my adult years I have been in the mid 200's so this is why I can't hardly believe this weight. Today I am 178.2, officially 85.8 pounds down!

Have a good weekend!
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Old 06-20-2022, 07:06 AM   #132  
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I couldn't help but see L&L's last post and I'm so happy for you!
and L&L's Mom into the 170's!
Awesome news!!!

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Old 06-22-2022, 09:06 AM   #133  
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The site is acting wonky. Anyone else having problems?
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Old 06-23-2022, 08:16 AM   #134  
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Carol, I've been having issues getting in for days.
I hope everyone is well and fighting the good fight. .

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Old 06-23-2022, 09:55 PM   #135  
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I'm having a lot of trouble with the forum. I don't even know for sure that the powers that be are aware and working on it, but I think they are. I am not able to access some of the tools for moderating and its difficult to get into the threads to let people know that they are not the only ones having issues. Hang in there and hopefully we will be up and running soon.

Kstrong, prayers going up for your surgery issues.
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