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Old 02-13-2022, 08:27 AM   #61  
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Hi everyone! I am happy to report I am now at 76 pounds down! Yay!! I had a great experience yesterday. My in laws stopped by last night and my father in law said "hey skinny." How sweet is that? H

e said you aren't trying to keep losing are you? I said yes I officially need to lose 20 more to not be overweight. He said that was too much. I don't think I have EVER been told something like that. I am not kidding myself...I know I still need to lose weight but what a mental boost to hear something like that.

KStrong A HUGE conrats on avoiding all the junk at the store!! . I am looking forward to the "Sunday Once a Year Commercial Watching" myself. We have turned it into a tradition since Olivia was little. She used to love the Kitten Bowl too and Hallmark canceled that. She is bummed about that.

Wannabehealthy Congrats on the scale drop!!!
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Old 02-13-2022, 10:28 AM   #62  
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Loganandlivsmom, I agree its great to have someone notice your weight loss. I haven't experienced that for a long time but I'm looking forward to it. I think people are used to seeing you much bigger so they think you lost too much. You know what is a healthy weight is for you.
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Old 02-17-2022, 04:56 AM   #63  
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Wannabehealthy I think you are right, my father in law has never seen me at this weight. When we got married almost 19 years ago I was 230. Seriously I haven't been this weight since I was in my early 20's. ((Most of my adult life has been in the mid 200's so this is new territory for me.)) My sister came by Sunday and she gave me compliments as well--it's still sort of surreal.
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Old 02-21-2022, 10:13 AM   #64  
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Hi all! I hope everyone is still doing well!

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Old 02-22-2022, 10:43 AM   #65  
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I didn't check in on Friday and I feel guilty because I intend to check in, good or bad. I was up 2 lbs. DH is a big carb eater and I tend to eat what he eats. Adult step son has been hospitalized going on 2 weeks due to complications from what should have been a simple surgery. Only his wife is allowed in to see him due to covid. Sensible eating went out the window. Too much scrap food and over eating. But I'm getting back on track and had a low carb healthy breakfast. Hopefully I can keep carbs low and get the 2 lbs back off along with a few others.

SW. 192
CW. 189
GW. 142

47 lbs to go.

I can do this if I stop letting life get in the way. Overeating is not a good way to handle stress. It just causes more stress.

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Old 02-23-2022, 07:54 AM   #66  
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Carol - I hope your step-son gets well soon!

Originally Posted by Wannabehealthy View Post
I can do this if I stop letting life get in the way. Overeating is not a good way to handle stress. It just causes more stress.
This is the story of my life! And so true!!!

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Old 02-24-2022, 07:32 PM   #67  
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KStrong Chugging along in the mid 160's sounds great to me! Good luck on your plan of behaving all week. Maybe on the weekend you giving yourself permission to go over on calories or carbs means you won't go too much overboard. Do you still track your food? I think I will even when I get to 164. Trying to be positive and say WHEN not IF. LOL

Wannabehealthy Two weeks in the hospital after surgery due to complications from the simple surgery? Wow! I am so sorry to hear that. Eating on the run has to be hard since you are less in control. Keep on tracking your food, that does help tremendously.

I have nothing to report. I had gotten to 188 making it 76 pounds and then I gained about a pound and now it's back off. I know this is the normal ups and downs of too many carbs, sodium whatever. I may have to start watching the carbs more now or the water weight comes with a vengeance.
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Old 02-25-2022, 06:07 AM   #68  
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L&Ls Mom - I admire that you don't have the large upticks like I do. Your chart would look much better than mine. :}

Have a great weekend!

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Old 02-26-2022, 08:41 PM   #69  
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Kstrong, I'm glad you mentioned Lent and Fat Tuesday. They are early and snuck up on me. My thing is I have to have my pancakes on Fat Tuesday. But have a few days to decide if I'm going to do anything weight/diet related for Lent. I don't want to choose something I know I can't stick with. One year I gave up carbs, bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, and actually stuck to it and lost 11 lbs. I was single and had control over what foods came into the house.

I haven't been on the scale all week and today weight is exactly what it was last week. No loss, no gain.
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Old 02-27-2022, 10:21 AM   #70  
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Carol - Enjoy your pancakes! I have never given up anything for Lent before so this will be a first for me. I have people in my life that give up alcohol every year, but they drink EVERY day for the other 325 days.

Have a great week everyone!

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Old 02-27-2022, 11:53 AM   #71  
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I have been doing the pancakes ever since I heard of the custom 30+ years ago. I love pancakes but rarely eat them. I think its usually Roman Catholics who give something up for lent and it is meant as a sacrifice. For me it is something to help me. I would like to make it exercise every day during Lent but I don't think I could stick to that. Not every day. Giving up chocolate would be good. That's the only sweet I like.
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Old 03-04-2022, 06:16 PM   #72  
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Hello! Once again it's time to report that there is nothing to report. LMAO I was 188.2 this morning. My recent high was 189.8. I know it's water weight, etc..since my calories have basically been at or around 1800 each day. I am trying to spin in a positive way...I am not hurting my metabolism by eating to few calories.

KStrong A big CONGRATS on your 2022 low! I realized that it's been right at a year that I joined your thread last year. I saw I said I was 225.8 and made a goal for 2021 of 199. It's crazy how fast time seems to fly by! Thanks for being a great cheerleader and role model.
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Old 03-06-2022, 09:55 PM   #73  
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Hi all - it looks like everyone is doing well. I checked in a month ago and will probably only check in once or twice a month going forward while I'm working on maintaining my weight loss. I lost almost 50 lbs and definitely don't want to gain it back so I think checking in once or twice a months will be helpful. I've been doing fairly well on maintenance. Since Jan 1 this year, I am down about a half a pound (-.4) overall so I'm maintaining. I did a bit better in February with my exercise but not at the level I would like. Spring is around the corner so I'm hoping I will be a bit more inspired to get a few more longer walks in. Next week we put our clocks forward one hour for daylight savings time which means it will be light longer into the evenings - yahoo.

KStrong - congrats on your new low for 2022! You are doing amazing! Like you, I would like to get some longer walks in.

L&Ls Mom - a huge congrats on your 76 lb weight loss! You are doing fantastic!

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Old 03-08-2022, 08:58 AM   #74  
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SW: 285.2
CW: 267.4(-17.8)

In spite of slipping off track for a week or so I've thankfully still lost overall since the beginning of the year! Everyone keep up the good work!
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Old 03-08-2022, 06:32 PM   #75  
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The last time I weighed in here I was 189. My most recent weigh in was 3/4, still 189. I have not been on the scale for 4 days.

I made my decision about Lent, and decided to give up sweets and eating between meals. This is not necessarily for religious reasons, but hoping to form better eating. habits. I had a religious upbringing so I seem to do better with these changes during Lent. I feel guilty if I waiver. Day 3 of this is over and I've done well. I never realized just how much I graze or eat between meals until now. It's really hard! I am feeling hungrier now at meal time and therefore my food tastes much better. I am eating about the same total calories and carbs as before but in a more controlled manner. I hope to reach Easter with better eating habits and a few less pounds.
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