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Old 04-11-2022, 07:07 AM   #91  
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Three days later and...back to 184.6. It's roller coaster time I guess. I figure it's better to share not just the drops but the increases as well. If anyone besides us sees this and they need some inspiration they will see this is normal...weight loss isn't just a sliding board going straight down. Happy Monday all!
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Old 04-12-2022, 10:49 AM   #92  
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L&L's Mom - You continue to inspire me! Yay on the scale love!

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Old 04-12-2022, 12:59 PM   #93  
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Kstrong, you are definitely NOT lazy. Look it up in the dictionary and you'll see my picture. . I am the biggest procrastinator when it comes to exercise. I have so much nice exercise equipment and a big screen TV to watch while using them. Do I do it? Nope! Here's the current plan. I'm doing so much for Easter. One more batch of cookies to bake. Easter cheese and Beet Horseradish to make. These are Slovak dishes that my family likes and I'm the last one who makes it. Monday I'm starting back to exercise. I am so out of shape and have so much i want to work on.

My eating has really changed in the past year. My husband lives on crap but I've cleared it mostly from my life. I'm trying to just do meat and vegetables. My guilty pleasure is DQ chocolate ice cream. I have it at least once a week, maybe twice. I have switched from a small cone to a child's cone. You don't have to be a child. And on days I know I'm getting ice cream I skip breakfast and lunch so I'm not adding calories, just replacing them with something less healthy. But ice cream is Dairy, right? Or am I just lying to myself? Everyone has their own way of doing it. I lose very slowly, but it sticks. I don't regain. And nothing is completely off limits.

I remember when people here were doing slow carb. One day a week was cheat day. I think the actual rule was breakfast on plan, but the rest of the day was anything you wanted. I can't follow a diet plan. I have to be able to eat whatever I want and control portions. Thing is, I'm learning to mostly want healthy food.

Remember when I gave up sweets for Lent? (Ice cream was an exception). I did 100% until yesterday when I craved sugar. I ate a couple gum drops DH buys. I told him I thought they were a different company because they were terrible. They had a chemical taste. He said they are the same and taste fine to him. So staying away from them has changed my taste for them. Too bad I can't do that with DQ ice cream! . So, i want all foods included unless i don't like them anymore.
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Old 04-12-2022, 10:12 PM   #94  
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Hello! I'm jumping back on the bandwagon. It's nice to meet all of you!

I always do really well with diets and such, lose about 80lbs and then something in life happens and I go right back to where I was. But, this time I am determined to meet goal and create new habits to keep it all off.

Today was mostly an easy day, until I decided it was time to workout for the first time in 2 years. My health has really declined and I couldn't even do the basics. I did my best, though. 15 minutes, and my body was worn out and hurting. 15. MINUTES. ugh. I am so angry at myself for getting so far out of shape.

I am following a paleo keto-ish diet. The foods I plan on eating after I finish losing weight are a lot of the foods I can have on keto plus more veggies and fruits. So I'm excited. I have always been a milk hog. We go through a gallon of milk a day in this house (3 people). I haven't had milk in 2 days. My body is already thanking me as I am lactose intolerant. (But it's just so goooooood... Nothing tastes like a glass of milk that has been in the back of the fridge and is right on that cusp of forming ice crystals.) *Sigh* Goodbye my dear comfort food. lmbo Already, though... I realize I'm just not as hungry as normal. Yesterday, I was really hungry all day it felt like, and I ate large amounts. Today, I have been sipping on bone broth and have eaten way, way less. I'm not even sure I'm going to eat dinner. I still feel full from lunch today 10 hours ago.

I am down 2.5 pounds from yesterday, but I'm pretty sure that's just a weird... whatever. lol But I'm hopeful.

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Old 04-14-2022, 07:11 AM   #95  
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Once again a few days later and I went up a bit and now down to the same 184.6. Honestly I am fine with it...looking forward to say the big 8-0 is official but still loving looking at the mirror at my smaller self.

GIddy Bang Bang I said hi over on the 100 pound club monthly thread, and hello over here too! You sound similar to many of us. I have lost weight numerous times over the years. For me the most was 50. I would lose, start feeling like I looked OK and started slacking on watching what I ate and it all came back plus some. You can do it as you know, the key is consistency.

Wannabehealthy You are doing great! I do basically the same thing. If I want some ice cream I plan my calories around it so I don't go over. You're right...nothing is off limits. If I want something I just adjust the rest of my days calories around it.

KStrong I don't think I deserve such praise, but thank you! You are our leader here, Miss 100 plus pounds lost! Yes nothing is off limits. If I want my daughter's brownies she's made I may have one of the whole tray. Once I have it, I enjoy it and move on. I don't always even have one. She is a big baker, but the girl works out and takes four dance classes a week. This is why she is 5'6 and a size 4. I hope you faced the scale. The worst might be a few pounds.
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Old 04-15-2022, 10:15 AM   #96  
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I so admire ANYONE that can do the limited "treats". And Carol and L&L's Mom having other folks in the house that eat things that are not part of their personal plan. I will continue to bow to y'all.
I hope everyone has a great Easter!

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Old 04-15-2022, 07:10 PM   #97  
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Today was a good day. I have officially lost the first 5 pounds. My biggest win, though, was with my girls. This week, they have been watching me and even they have changed their behaviors. I have noticed both girls putting healthier options on their plates that they normally wouldn't have eaten. My youngest is so excited about working with me and won't let me out of it. She is drinking bone broth and setting her own water goals. Tonight for dinner, she measured her food out according to portion sizes (without me knowing) and when done, she told me, "I really am full. I didn't expect that. I guess I HAVE been overeating."

I have been trying to make the weight loss seem like not a big deal, but she has really been watching. I am really excited to have our family start living a healthier lifestyle together.

Thanks for the warm welcome, ladies!

KStrong I'm divorced as well. I have 2 kiddos, and it's amazing how much I have used them as an excuse to buy snacks I don't need. Lol

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Old 04-15-2022, 08:04 PM   #98  
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Hi Giddy! That's good that your daughters are working toward eating healthier but don't let them start obsessing over their weight. They need to still grow for awhile.

Kstrong,,when I lived alone it was way easier, that's for sure!
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Old 04-19-2022, 11:22 AM   #99  
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Happy Tuesday!

Giddy - Congrats on the huge loss! I hear you on the choices we make "because" of our children. I was thinking about that the other day and how many times we would get fast food. Yes, they wanted it and Yes, I didn't want to disappoint, but who was I kidding. I could have not indulged.

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Old 04-19-2022, 12:36 PM   #100  
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Kstrong, I am so proud of you for not eating fast food in years or eat in or take out since the pandemic. That is the benefit of living alone and not having to compromise on someone else's wants. We started back to restaurants as soon as they reopened after closure. It was scary at first but we have been lucky and never got exposed. DH loves to sit down and be served. We never get take out except pizza. I laugh at him and ask him why he doesn't go into the kitchen and watch them prepare his food like he does when I'm cooking. He said he would if he could! He watches me like a hawk. Maybe he's afraid I will poison him!

I have eaten so much the past few days of food I don't usually eat. I have not been on the scale and don't plan on it until next week, hoping to drop back down.
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Old 04-20-2022, 08:57 AM   #101  
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Hello! Nothing to report other than over Easter (even though I counted calories as best I could) I was eating more carby, lower fiber items and I went up two pounds. Now already one of those is gone. Officially I am 185.6, so 1.6 from 80.

KStrong I hope my mindset really has changed...I do see Olivia's treats but figure out how many calories they are and if I want to "waste" my calories on this or not. I have been doing better with a taste of things. I get what you are saying though, we could use the kids and or husband as excuses if we wanted to. After reading what you wrote I realized I have never lived "on my own." My first marriage was when I was 22. I went from my parents to his apartment. When we separated I lived with my parents and then married my second husband. I bow to you doing it all on your own!

GIddy Bang Bang Congrats on the 5 pounds! I agree with Wannabehealthy, don't let your daughters obsess. This is a great time to teach them those healthy eating habits.

Wannabehealthy I had the same issue. I have been eating the holiday food which is not my normal everyday food. My scale did jump up two pounds and one of those is already gone. Your weight may not be as high as you think it could be.
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Old 04-20-2022, 10:28 AM   #102  
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Almost 30 pounds down again! started keto in feb, cut back on drinking hard seltzers recently and started exercising! 291.8! This time next year I'll be so glad I did this!

Keep it up y'all!
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Old 04-20-2022, 11:40 AM   #103  
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I made myself get on the scale today and am happy to see I only gained 2.4. It felt like 10 lbs and still does but it shouldn't take me long to get it down. It might be water weight because I ate and am still eating ham. . I don't worry about water weight because it fluctuates continuously. Its not fat gain. I love. baked ham. Mine is very lean, moist and tasty. I know the sodium is the problem. After another day or so I will freeze whatever is left.

Kudos to those of you who are keeping up on exercise.
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Old 04-24-2022, 07:37 AM   #104  
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Hey everyone!

It's four days later and back to my recent low of 184.6. The elusive 184.0 may happen eventually.

I posted on another thread that I will try to get some exercise in now to get the scale to move along. I am not going to go crazy with it and become some exercise fanatic thinking it will make me lose weight, but I realize extra activity and exercise will burn some more calories and help me lose a little faster (and maybe make me healthier too).

Butter Cup85 30 pounds down is awesome! Congrats!!

Wannabehealthy So proud of you for facing the scale. It hardly is as terrible as we think it will be. Hopefully you will be posting soon that those two pounds are gone.
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Old 04-26-2022, 10:48 AM   #105  
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Buttercup - Great job on the 30 pounds down!

Thanks, Carol! Now, if I could stay out of the adult beverages on the weekends, I'd be in much better shape. That's funny about hubby. I might be more apt to eat out if I could watch them prepare the food also. Even then, I'd want to see labels. I spend way too much time reading ingredients in stuff trying to get the smaller "paragraph" of un pronounceable stuffs.

I found the 10 that you thought you gained... Thankfully, the ham is gone now and I didn't buy more bread so it could be worse!

L&L's Mom - WTG on getting back to your recent low and gtting in the extra exercise!
I got married the first time in my teens and like you went straight from my parents to living with the husband. I was basically married from then on and was almost 50 before I got rid of the last one.

Last edited by KStrong; 09-05-2022 at 12:45 PM.
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