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Old 09-09-2022, 06:52 AM   #196  
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Good morning!

I am happy to report that my scale saw a new low today...168.8! The thing is like i said earlier, I can go up a pound or so in one day and then even go up more the next day and then boom! down 1.6? It is crazy how it works sometimes...we just have to keep plugging away. I figure it must be our bodies haven't processed all the waste when we have lots of fiber, water weight when we eat more carbs, etc...I started thinking today in the 160's means I am close to what I said my goal is...164 (100 pounds!!)

I see I am not the only inquisitive one! Wannabehealthy I will have my laptop with me when the TV is on as well. We can be talking about something or I hear something on the TV and I start typing my daughter will say "you're looking that up aren't you?" LOL She is the same way now.

I also have had several abdominal surgeries, as in 2 C sections and a hysterectomy. It's amazing what our bodies can go through.

Have a good weekend everyone...onward and downward!
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Old 09-09-2022, 08:38 AM   #197  
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L&Ls Mom! I'm so happy for you!!! Outstanding and so inspirational.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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Old 09-11-2022, 05:18 PM   #198  
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Thank you so much KStrong!! I'm sorry you are still having eye issues. I will pray for you and keep you in my prayers Hang in there, you have done all this hard work getting your 100 plus pounds off and you can lose the last little bit you have left.
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Old 09-12-2022, 05:45 AM   #199  
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Thanks so much L&L's Mom!
Let's do this!

Have a great week everyone!

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Old 09-17-2022, 01:19 PM   #200  
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Hey fam!
My scale report is an even 168 today so officially at 96 pounds! This is still surreal for me sorry for saying this each time that I can't believe it but sometimes I can't!
KStrong Looking to see a great report from you soon! I bet the cooler weather and more walking will do wonders for your outlook. I think also if we feel better mentally we do better with our weight loss. Not as much comfort eating and eating our emotions. I can only speak for myself, but I bet others are that way as well. We aren't just a body there definitely is a mind body spirit connection.
Have a good weekend everyone and hang in there!
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Old 09-17-2022, 03:54 PM   #201  
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Great job, L&L's Mom!
Happy weekend and have a great week!

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Old 09-20-2022, 10:40 AM   #202  
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KStrong Sorry you are struggling with the water weight issue! At least you are still plugging away, tracking your calories and getting exercise when you can. I have read that when most people lose they end up regaining it plus more. I think it's because they quit watching everything they eat. I can understand it gets tiresome, but we have to do it. No pep talk there huh? LOL That won't be us though!!
How is your fiber? I notice when I have reallly high fiber days I seem to do better on the scale. I have read besides the obvious filling you up and helping with bowel movements, some of the calories aren't absorbed when you have really high fiber. I think it's true, it seems to be for me.
OK still holding out for that good report!!
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Old 09-20-2022, 12:05 PM   #203  
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Thanks L&L's Mom! I don't really do that much fiber other than what I get from veggies, but my morning ritual is daily so I'm never backed up.

I've read recently that the percentage of people that gain big losses back (plus more) is super high. I want to say over 90%? I think we are just special that we've kept the bulk off for this long.

Have a great rest-of-the week all!

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Old 09-26-2022, 07:30 AM   #204  
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As an update, I have been on a roll lately! I weighed in this morning at 165.4. Yesterday it was 166.6...once again how does it go down over a whole pound in one day? I almost don't trust that thinking it could bounce back up again the next day, but overall I have been on the downward trend. I put the stats of my current as a happy middle of 166. So basically 98 pounds!

KStrong "we are just special that we've kept the bulk off for this long. " Love this! I think this time I have had a different mindset. I am not undereating and losing super fast and then gain it all back just as fast. How defeating that was! I agree about you needing to quit procrastinating about the doctors. We are the only one who can take care of our own health. I hope your weight loss is moving along now!
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Old 09-26-2022, 10:26 AM   #205  
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L&L's Mom - on finding your Sweet Spot! Awesome job!!! You may have been holding on to some water and the scale rewarded you with a nice little whoosh.

Have a great week everyone!

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Old 09-27-2022, 04:42 PM   #206  
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Yesterday I said I almost didn't trust the pound loss and guess what? It came back! Oh well...I still have my theory of days when I have HIGH fiber like 25 grams plus fiber a day it really shows up well on the scale the next day or so. I have read that eating super high fiber helps us because your body still has to work to digest the food but most of it's just passed through and it lowers how many calories are absorbed. Yesterday wasn't one of those days, it was more carby vs high fiber. LOL Trying to keep it real that weight loss isn't just straight down, there are lots of ups and downs along the way.

KStrong We have to keep telling ourselves "at least 170 is better than 270." We will keep on plugging away! At my very highest ever I did weigh at 310. By the time I separated from my first husband I was 300. I got down to my basically normal range of 250 after that and pretty much stayed in that range until two years ago. I never want to go back to those days!

How is everyone else? Check in with us!
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Old 09-29-2022, 11:25 AM   #207  
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L&L's Mom - Sorry that you got that rebound, but it could have been the carbs?
If I don't see y'all again before...Have a great weekend!

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Old 09-30-2022, 10:01 AM   #208  
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I'm stopping in to say there is a good possibility that the site will be repaired in the near future. Not that it has slowed you guys down much. Good for you for riding it out.

I feel like a broken record remarking on the unbelievable weight loss you both have had. Knowing how hard it can be puts me in awe of you. It took me tears to go down 30 lbs which I seem to be maintaining with no real gains. 80-100 lbs is quite a feat!

There are so many other things going on in our bodies that contribute to the ups and downs. Our bodies do NOT want to let go of the fat. It hangs on. If we cut back on food it sees that as danger and cuts back on the burn. I know many feel that vegetables stall their weight loss. I could never give up vegetables and unless you can honestly say that veggies are the reason for your obesity I don't think you should. Eventually the fiber is going to work in a positive way. JMO

I had a long talk with myself and have decided to become less sedentary. I have a plan, now to put it to work. I get myself in this recliner and just vegetate. Not good. I don't know how many years I have left on this earth but I want to have a quality of life. I'm not so concerned about the scale although it does matter, but I can't become immobile.
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Old 10-04-2022, 09:49 AM   #209  
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Carol - Great to see you! Many wise words there and thanks for your kudos!!! I think it is great that you are going to be out of the vegetation state more. If you are able, I highly recommend it!

Have a great week everyone!

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Old 10-04-2022, 05:09 PM   #210  
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I'm afraid to get too excited,but I clicked on 3FatChicks and was in instantly!!

KStrong, I got a chuckle because you described my day to a T. I sit in my recliner from 12:30 to 3:00 watching my soaps, surfing on my tablet during commercials. At one time in the past I was in my exercise room exercising while watching my soaps. I have a big screen tv with a Dvd/Vcr combo so I can also use exercise tapes. I stopped this when I had my bowel surgery and never got back to it. Now is the time. This past week we had a death in the family and that put a damper on my exercise plans. I hope I don't continue to make excuses. I need to do this. Once something derails you, its so hard to get back.

In my own defense, I exercise while sitting in my chair. I do leg lifts. I have an old thigh master. And I have a generic Wonder Arms. I also do some leg exercises that Physical Therapy had my husband doing after his hip surgery. Its not much but its better than nothing. I really do need more activity.

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