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Old 07-05-2022, 11:18 PM   #151  
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KStrong, yay for staying on plan! That is a really great NSV!

Today was a good day. I stayed under my calorie goal because I got 2 sessions of exercise in...I woke up this morning and went walking before it got hot and then I walked again this evening after dinner with my 3 girls. Pushed one in the stroller and the other 2 walked with me. Pushing a 30lb 2-year-old up and down little hills is a good workout...haha!
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Old 07-06-2022, 07:36 AM   #152  
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My steak was good. I was up 2.8 lb from 2 days of high carb eating but 2 lbs of it is gone already. I released a lot of fluid yesterday.

Kstrong, IMO the worst thing you can do is leave the forum once you reach goal. Maintenance is harder than losing. Regain happens so easily. I think you have to maintain your new weight for about a year for your body to accept it as your new weight.

SGregg, walking uphill is hard WITHOUT pushing the 30 lb toddler,,
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Old 07-06-2022, 08:59 AM   #153  
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Thanks Shauna! Great job on all that exercise!!!

Carol - That is wonderful that you got rid of the water gain so quickly!

Have a great day everyone!

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Old 07-08-2022, 09:14 AM   #154  
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Good morning! I hope everyone is having a lovely week!
Have a fantastic weekend!

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Old 07-10-2022, 10:08 AM   #155  
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Hey everyone!

Still not too much to report, which is good. I am basically .2 above what I was last week. I know it's going to be SLOW going since I will have to either step up the activity or cut back a bit more on calories to lose much more, but honestly I am still pretty thrilled seeing a 1 in the first digit and now being 20 pounds less than I was at the end of 2021. Ultimately, yes 164 would be amazing, but I am enjoying the ride.

Wannabehealthy Thank you so much! I am really thrilled honestly. My adult life has been mostly in the mid 200's and above so I don't hardly believe this myself when I look in a full length mirror, especially when wearing a shirt that tapers in some and shows your shape? Mind blowing. LOL

I agree the site does seem to keep having issues. I can go to the forums and then it freezes sort of? After trying a few times I just leave and forget about it. I also remember how great and active the site used to be. It was a lot of fun!

sgregg It's funny, but now I work at home, since COVID, so now over two years. I didn't have to "go in" as in go into a building to work, it's funny how I've gotten used to doing the same job at home (customer service) but at home vs a call center. Strange times we live in! I am glad you got a chance to get away and a change of scenery. That can do wonders for us mentally!

kstrong So glad you have your AC back! That is almost inhuman not to have it when it's been so hot!!

I am impressed you have been doing all this exercise! I am sorry you are still dealing with the medical issues as well.Congrats on the weight loss, I know you'd like more, but I know you will keep on plugging away!
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Old 07-11-2022, 09:10 AM   #156  
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Happy New Week!

I'm with you L&L's Mom - Still thrilled to see that 1xx on the scale each morning. Whenever I get frustrated, I have to realize just how wonderful this truly is. We've fought the good fight for so long and we've finally done it so we should be totally proud!!! YOU ARE DOING SO WELL keeping the weight off and I bow to you that you don't have the crazy fluctuations like I do. That, in itself, makes you the QUEEN!!!

Have a great week everyone!

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Old 07-12-2022, 09:15 PM   #157  
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KStrong You are the best cheerleader ever!!
Thank you so much! I probably don't post enough to show all my fluctuations, but it would be boring. Like I posted two days ago I was .2 from the previous weight. Today it was up .6. However I am better at telling myself it was the sodium and water weight and it will be down again in a day or so. I have had it up as much as two pounds in one day, but again it will be down again a few days later. I wish I had been like this as a teen and was less "all or nothing" like I was. I am SUPER impressed with your dedication to exercise. I don't really exercise as much as I try to be busy doing things around the house and the yard. etc...
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Old 07-14-2022, 06:37 AM   #158  
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L&L's Mom - What a sweet thing to say!!! Anyway, you are still my queen. I bow.

Have a great one!

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Old 07-18-2022, 06:57 AM   #159  
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Hi everyone, I have tried a few times to check in and get the spinning blue circle at the top of the page and give up. Today it was fine? Here's hoping the site issues are fixed now. OK here goes...

KStrong You calling me the queen and bowing was so cute! Sorry about your friend, that's really rough! I know I should actually exercise more than just being really active. I need to get that into gear. Congrats on being soo close to the 160's! How did your planned day off go? I am sure it won't be that bad, even if you go up a few pounds in a day it will gone again in another week or so.

Today my weigh in was 176, so 88 pounds down!! My mind is going already to reaching 90. It's funny how 90 seems much more impressive than 88. LOL Some more positive things to hips are another inch smaller and I have made it into some size 14 jeans (starting as size 24). Luckily with my mom losing weight and getting her hand me downs it hasn't cost me anything really needing new clothes.

I hope everyone has a great week and try to stay cool!

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Old 07-19-2022, 08:55 AM   #160  
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L&L's Mom - Woohoo on 88 pounds down, smaller hips and size 14's!!! Outstanding job!!!
Don't count out you "just being really active" vs. official exercise. I think the trick is to JUST move. I know there are all kinds of debate about cardio, strength, etc, but the new thing is to primarily not sit for long periods (if you are able).

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Old 07-26-2022, 03:21 PM   #161  
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Hi everyone!

I have some news...the scale is soo close to 90 pounds! I am a hair away with .2 to go. I am basically in new territory. I have never been this weight since I was 17 basically. It's totally crazy!! I graduated HS weighing 180. When I was 25 (or so) I weighed 225 and got to 175 very temporarily. I gained it back probably as fast as I lost it. Since then my weight has creeped mostly up losing some here and there, but never like I have now. It's taken almost two years but it's so worth it!

KStrong Thanks so much for the encouragement!! You are so sweet and still the best cheerleader ever! I hope all does go well with your procedure! Here is a virtual hug from us all.

How's it going Wannabehealthy and sgregg? Hope all is well.

Last edited by loganandlivsmom; 07-26-2022 at 03:28 PM.
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Old 08-08-2022, 06:46 AM   #162  
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Hey everyone, it's been two weeks since I last posted, I am at 172.6, so officially I am at 91.4 pounds down!! It's still surreal being in this new adult low weight for myself. I weighed 180 when I graduated HS and I am now in my 50's. I know I keep saying this but for those who didn't know basically the vast majority of my adult life I was in the mid 250's. I had gotten as high as 310 before my separation from my ex husband, but I had never had been below 175 as an adult. I still think my true goal is 160 to 164. I know 164 is the top of the healthy weight range so maybe 160 to be a bit below would be ideal for me.

KStrong I hope you are doing great during your down time!

Wannabehealthy and sgregg I hope all is well with you two as well! Please check in, it helps us if we use this site.

I do wish this site was more active, it would be great to encourage others who are trying to lose and / or maintain their weight.
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Old 08-08-2022, 07:56 AM   #163  
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That's great news loganandlivsmom! And its especially encouraging for those of us above 50 who are on your journey. Most of my adult life I have been around 160, but I saw the weight creep up to above 190 about 8 or 9 years ago as a result of working (sitting at a computer) too much. I joined this forum then and lost a fair bit (back then my username was Tuscany). I lost about 45 lbs. Since that time, I have faced health issues and, as a result, my weight has skyrocketed. I am now trying to get back down to where I was...but it's difficult at my age (64). Great to hear your story and continued good luck to you!
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Old 08-10-2022, 01:55 PM   #164  
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Muffs Thanks so much!! I guess I keep saying how this is new for me since I have always been overweight from a little overweight to morbidly obese to be technical about it. It's a whole new world being this "small." When you said you are in your 60's I wanted to let you know my mom has lost weight and started around the same time I did (two years ago). She is taller than me at 5'9 but has always been a Large or XL but now is in smalls and mediums. She was doing Keto-low carb where I am vegan and just counting my calories. It is possible even in our 70's and beyond. It's amazing how our bodies will respond if we treat it right! I am sorry about your health issues, maybe losing weight will help that? It depends on what it is of course like diabetes, etc... Good luck to you, I hope you keep checking in!
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Old 08-11-2022, 01:08 PM   #165  
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L&L's Mom - I'm so happy for you! I needed to get back in here to get re-motivated and seeing how well you are doing is just what I needed. More on that later, but just wanted to tell you that and thank you for your hugs and kind words!

Last edited by KStrong; 09-05-2022 at 01:00 PM.
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