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Old 10-05-2022, 08:10 AM   #211  
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Good morning!
This morning I had a good scale shock...I went from 165.2 to 163.6 in one day. What happened to 164? LOL I know how this goes like I have said day you can go down a pound or a pound and a fraction, and then it's back up half a pound the next day, but I will enjoy the 100 pounds number while it lasts. It's still sort of hard to believe but I do believe it more and more each day like seeing facebook pictures. I thought at the time that pic was OK but now seeing it I think how full my face was. I do wish I kept the weight loss going in the past when I had started, but I can't (and we ALL can't) beat ourselves up over it.
Wannabehealthy Thanks for the support! I feel like a broken record myself sometimes on here. Coming here does seem to help me. It shows me a record of my weight loss like a diary when I go over previous posts. I now can look at last years thread trying to get to 199. It helps me see how far I've come. (Now it's been ta bit over two years). As time goes on we can tend to forget. I am glad you are going to try to be more active. I honestly don't do actual exercise like a weight lifting routine or walking around the block, but I do purposely do more activities around the house and yard etc...My husband and I walk a lot around stores while our daughter is in her dance classes...things like that.
KStrong I can't imagine how frustrated you must sounds like you are doing everything right..watching the calories and the carbs AND all the exercise!! Ugg Just hang in there!! You calling me your queen really makes me laugh! You are so sweet and still my inspiration. You inspired me with your weight loss when I found this thread of getting to goal weight. I know your breakthrough will come soon!
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Old 10-05-2022, 11:15 AM   #212  
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Both of you are an inspiration to me! It hasn't rubbed off on me yet but I feel the pull. I feel that instead of following this diet or that diet, mimic those who are succeeding. Any diet will work if you stick to it. You girls have lost so much! And I only want to lose 40-50 lbs. Maybe less than that if my skin sags too much. I will know when to stop.

Kstrong , if I ate 1600 calories a day I would definitely gain. Several years ago I lost at 1500 but now I barely lose at 1200. A lot has to do with food choices and age, also activity level. They say exercise has no bearing on weight loss but I disagree. Not so much in calories burned but in changes to your cells that contribute to weight loss.

L&L's mom, daily activity is exercise, just not formal exercise. Out forefathers never went to a gym, but they were active all day, doing things that we don't need to do today. They didn't throw their clothes into a washing machine. They beat them on a rock! They walked everywhere. Even I did that in my youth. I walked 3 blocks to and from the bus stop when I got my first job. Uphill at the end of the day. So the phrase should be "Diet and activity" instead of "Diet and exercise." Moving your body is free. No membership fees,no equipment to purchase. No setting time aside for exercise.

Today I am going to watch my soaps in my exercise room. Then we are going to the casino. Lots of walking there.
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Old 10-05-2022, 01:20 PM   #213  
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I exercised for 30 minutes. Its a start. Right now length of time or intensity aren't important. They will increase over time. What's important now is concistancy. I want to do this at least 5 days a week, at least 30 minutes each day. I admit I don't have a great track record. Things can change.
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Old 10-06-2022, 09:46 AM   #214  
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Wannabehealthy What you said is so true about our forefathers never going to a gym! Activity and movement is what is important. I purposely find reasons to add more steps in my day, going up and down our steps a LOT especially on my days off of work. Also what you said about any diet will work if you stick with it is true! When I was younger I could eat very low calorie for months and lose quite a bit. Once I felt I looked OK I went back to my previous bad eating habits and the weight would bounce back (didn't stick with it).. nobody really can stick with very low calorie for too and learn I guess! Good job on getting your exercise in!
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Old 10-10-2022, 02:43 AM   #215  
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Originally Posted by Wannabehealthy View Post
I'm stopping in to say there is a good possibility that the site will be repaired in the near future. Not that it has slowed you guys down much. Good for you for riding it out.

I feel like a broken record remarking on the unbelievable weight loss you both have had. Knowing how hard it can be puts me in awe of you. It took me tears to go down 30 lbs which I seem to be maintaining with no real gains. 80-100 lbs is quite a feat!

There are so many other things going on in our bodies that contribute to the ups and downs. Our bodies do NOT want to let go of the fat. It hangs on. If we cut back on food it sees that as danger and cuts back on the burn. I know many feel that vegetables stall their weight loss. I could never give up vegetables and unless you can honestly say that veggies are the reason for your obesity I don't think you should. Eventually the fiber is going to work in a positive way. JMO

I had a long talk with myself and have decided to become less sedentary. I have a plan, now to put it to work. I get myself in this recliner and just vegetate. Not good. I don't know how many years I have left on this earth but I want to have a quality of life. I'm not so concerned about the scale although it does matter, but I can't become immobile.

Hi, what type of recliner do you have? Actually, I am searching for it nowadays. We want to buy a new lightweight reclining chair. I want something that I can be comfortable sitting in with my guitar without destroying my back. I am searching over here the one I’m in currently is no Bueno. What works for you ??
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Old 10-10-2022, 09:57 AM   #216  
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Hello and happy Monday!
Well it's been 5 days since I posted the 163.6 and today it's exactly the same. Of course each day it's up and down here and there but officially it seems I am truly at 100 pounds down!! It is sort of surreal for me really from a 24 jeans to a 14, and some of my 14 jeans are loose in the waist! My daughter asked me recently am I still trying to lose and I thought about it. I am still going to try. I have said 164 was the goal and now 160, but we will see as I get to that weight. I can't imagine really being much lower than a 12 since I want to keep it off!!
How are you doing KStrong and Wannabehealthy?
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Old 10-18-2022, 01:32 PM   #217  
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It's been another week, nobody is posting? I hope you are OK KStrong! I have nothing new to report really, just checking in. I am down .2 from last weeks post. I am still swinging up and down a bit daily. It goes up (even up to a pound) one day and then up and down .4 or whatever. I seem to lose a good amount and then basically maintain for a bit and then lose again. I am at the maintain part right now.
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Old 10-20-2022, 11:14 AM   #218  
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L&L's Mom! YOU ARE SO AWESOME!!! I knew when I came in here that you'd be rocking it! I'm beyond happy for you girlfriend!

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Old 10-23-2022, 02:34 PM   #219  
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I am doing well, but not weight wise. I am being too lax, and my exercise only lasted that one day. I am embarrassed to say that, but want to be honest. I want to exercise 5 days a week, but I don't do it. Wanting is not doing. Its not going to do itself!

KStrong, I hope your eyes improve.
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Old 10-23-2022, 09:11 PM   #220  
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I am so glad to see you both check in!! I am currently up to 164 so up a bit, but I'm not sweating it. It seriously does go up and down .6 ((or a pound even)) up and down each day. My goal for the end of the year is going to be 160..size 12 here I come!

KStrong Ugg, I am so sorry you are dealing with these ongoing eye issues! I am going to keep praying for you. Make sure you pray for yourself as well! Thanks as always for being the best cheerleader ever!

Wannabehealthy It really is best to be honest! Others who may read this need to see reality. Most of us don't actually exercise 5 days a week! The only thing I can think of to suggest now would be to set a timer and do just 15 minutes vs 30. Tell yourself I am only doing 15 and then once you get going you may want to do more anyway. Even 15 is better than nothing! This is from someone who doesn't work out though. LOL I do stay super busy and do lots of activities and again your comment that our ancestors didn't go to a gym has stuck with me! I do try to get lots of chores done each day and get some walking in but that's it. It's mostly just calorie counting for me.
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Old 10-25-2022, 11:44 AM   #221  
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Thanks y'all! I agree how important exercise is, not just for health but for our mental state. Just do more than you think you can!

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Old 10-26-2022, 12:03 AM   #222  
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Here's my explanation about exercising 5 times a week. I watch my soaps M-F sitting in my recliner. I have a big screen tv in my exercise room and I could (should) be exercising while watching my soaps. In fact, I used to do that. Then I went into the hospital for surgery and I never got back to it after that, except sporatically. I actually had a rule that I had to be exercising or I couldn't watch my soaps. I was much more enthusiastic about it back then. So as you have to agree, I HAVE NO EXCUSE!

Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I'll do it tomorrow! Its midnight. I'm not doing it now.
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Old 10-26-2022, 06:54 AM   #223  
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Hi! I am up earlier than normal and it's my day off so I thought I'd check in before my normal busy "day off" gets going! Today I weighed in at 163.8 so I am still below 164 (100 pounds down).

Wannabehealthy I get it, you're saying you've got to get yourself back into the exercise habit! It seems that we make time for what is important to us. Even if you just exercise a bit and build your endurance back up you will feel good about yourself. Do a small amount of time and then come back and post how many minutes you did each day. Get that positive reinforcement and see that scale move! Maybe I will start doing this myself. I used to do those walk aerobic type videos where you are basically marching in place...side to side, little kicks, arm movements, kept you moving for 30 minutes and it was supposed to be equivalent to two miles of walking. Hmm that is something for me to consider. That might help me get these last few pounds off to get to my current 160 goal!

KStrong So glad you checked in again! I think you are right that exercise helps mentally as well. They say it's a great stress reliever...I think I may do like I said to Wannabehealthy and start posting here how many minutes of exercise I get each day. It may make it more of a habit then. I pretty much realize to maintain this weight range I can have 1600-1800 calories. If I was consistently exercising I'd be burning more calories and can have a bit more calories.

All this exercise talk reminded me of a Weight Watchers meeting I went to years ago...The leader said "Did ya'll know that Wal Mart now has Weight Watchers parking?" We were so surprised to hear this!1 She said "Yes its in the BACK of the parking lot." I think of that often when I go there..park in the WW parking section.
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Old 10-26-2022, 11:44 AM   #224  
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L&L's mom, that is so funny about the WW parking. My DH always wants me to get a handicap tag but my doctor would never approve it. He's always telling me to walk as much as possible. One time I told him my dog ran away and I had to chase him all over the neighborhood. He told me we have to get my dog to run away more often.

You have done so great losing 100 lbs and maintaining it. Same with Kstrong. Hang out with people who are succeeding and it might rub off!! Hopefully. I know I have cut back on my overeating. I am back down to 184 today.

By the way, I have a couple of those videos. Walk Away The Pounds. They are good if you don't have a lot of room to jump around. I have used them on weekends when my soaps aren't on.
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Old 10-27-2022, 07:16 AM   #225  
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Wannabehealthy I am glad you liked the Weight Watcher parking joke, it has stuck with me for years! Also it was pretty funny that your doc said your dog should get out more often! Thanks for your support! 100 pounds is sort of hard to believe sometime. I though the other day that there are women who only weigh 100 pounds and I have lost their whole body weight! No more carrying a small woman around with me all day. LOL

I had to get back on here and report I did do some exercise yesterday. I told my daughter I would try to do the walk aerobics type video and she recommended Team Body Project on youtube. She did it with me. It wasn't hard at all. I think this had more arm movements than the walk aerobics videos had. I am just proud I did it. The mental thing of actually just starting is more challenging than actually doing it if that makes sense? Here is the video we followed. We have a youtube app on our smart tv so we did it in my livingroom.
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