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Old 06-25-2022, 01:53 PM   #136  
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Hey, hey!
Sorry that I've been MIA for a little while. I just haven't been staying focused on my goals. So glad the forum is still here even when I'm!

L&L's mom, thank you for the encouragement and for continuing to check in. Congrats on reaching the 170s! That is so awesome and inspiring. I have been in the 200s for so long. The last time I was out of them was when I got pregnant back in 2019 and even then it was in high school when I saw the 190s last. If I would just stay focused, I KNOW that I can get back there.
Kstrong, I haven't been following long, so I do not know all of the details about your eyes, but I'm sending you prayers and good vibes for your next surgery!
Wannabe, I haven't seen the issues with the site yet, but I was having issues a few weeks ago when I was trying to post. I would type up my response and then things would reset or whatever and everything would be gone. It was definitely frustrating. Hopefully, they have the kinks worked out.

Well, I got back on the scale yesterday morning. I'm just hanging around the 230s. I have GOT to get focused and on plan so I can get out of the 230s for good. On a positive note, I have not drank any sodas but maybe a sip here and there just to remind myself that they are gross. Haha!! I have been adding sugar-free flavor mixes to my water which I do plan to cut out eventually. I found some better choices that do not contain aspertame or sucralose. It's True Lemon brand from Walmart. It has 1g of sugar and then the rest is sweetened with Stevia. Now, I just need to cut out the sucralose in everything else. 😑
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Old 06-26-2022, 07:31 AM   #137  
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Thanks Carol and Shauna for your thoughts and prayers!

Carol, I'm still having issues getting in to the site, especially on my phone (android) and especially if I use Firefox.

Shauna, it is the small steps that get us where we are going so good for you making wise changes.
I'm with you on getting focused! We can do this!

Let's make this a great week y'all!

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Old 06-26-2022, 07:33 PM   #138  
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KStrong,,congrats,for staying below 200. I have too, but my highest was only 217 so not as big a drop as yours!

I normally use my Kindle tablet to get on the site and its a nightmare. The only browser it has is Silk. I will try my PC because I have Edge on there and can download chrome. Other people are having trouble getting in, too. I really don't want to have to use my PC. It is old and slow, just like me.
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Old 06-27-2022, 06:18 AM   #139  
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Hi everyone!

I have also had issues with the site. The past few times I tried it was an issue. Thanks for the congrats! It is a great feeling to be to basically a new adult low since I haven't seen this weight in almost 30 years. Its still sort of surreal to be in new territory like this!

KStrong So glad to see you checking in! I am sorry you had complications from the surgery and it's with your eyes. A big congrats on four years under 200!! That is so awesome! As you know you are like me basically living your adult life in the mid 200's, it's so major to be able to achieve it and now maintain it!

sgregg I am glad to see you are checking in...some do check in a few times and then they never come back. I think posting here does help keep us focused. Checking in is half the battle! The other half for me is writing down everything I eat so I can't forget how many calories I've had that day.
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Old 06-27-2022, 08:28 AM   #140  
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Carol, thanks!

L&L's Mom! Great to see you!!! Thanks, we are now about the same weight so may I borrow 2 inches of height? LOL I'll probably join you on the monthly thread in July to try to stay more detail focused! If, its there...otherwise, we could revive the "getting out of the 170's thread". OR do you even want to get out of the 170's? I can't remember if you made another goal or you are content where you are?

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Old 06-27-2022, 08:53 AM   #141  
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Unfortunately, I am able to get into the site using Edge on my PC. I say unfortunately, because it means I have to get on here for 3FatChicks all the time or find some way to do it on my tablet. I would switch to Chrome and Delete Firefix but DH also uses this computer and he hates change. I am not techy, so when something doesn't work the way I expect it to, I'm lost. But this will work for now. Thanks for the information, KStrong!
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Old 06-27-2022, 12:14 PM   #142  
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KStrong, to complicate things even more, I got a new IPad but haven't figured out how to use it yet. I tried a couple times but got confused so I set it aside and went back to the Kindle tablet that I'm familiar with. I will keep trying, and that might solve all these problems I'm having. I did Data Entry for a living, so DH thinks I should know all about computers since I worked with them. I know more than he does, but that's not much!
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Old 06-27-2022, 05:42 PM   #143  
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I am on my IPad now. So far so good.
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Old 06-28-2022, 10:43 AM   #144  
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That is great, Carol! I'm sure you will get the hang of it.
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Old 06-29-2022, 09:29 AM   #145  
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It took several tries to get this thread to load...I tried a couple of times last night too...this site is a mess!

KStrong I will be nice and give you one inch! Then we can each be 5'7. I have skipped the monthly thread this month, nobody has been on it. I can do the getting out of the 170's thread. Yes I would like to get out of the 170's. I honestly never thought I'd ever even be that close to that when I started. Recently I put my goal as 164 to make it an even 100 pounds. When I look up BMI calculators that weight is still technically overweight. I would have to be more like 160 to not be overweight. I guess I am not putting too much pressure on myself for a final number. I am amazed that my mom who basically has been a size L or XL most of her adult life is now medium and small. I know it can happen, she is 77 and has been losing weight at the same time I have (about two years now). I am enjoying all her free hand me down clothes too. LOL
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Old 06-30-2022, 08:09 AM   #146  
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L&L: I appreciate the extra inch.

Have a great day everyone!

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Old 07-04-2022, 07:31 AM   #147  
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Hello! It seems like the site is doing better? Fingers crossed!

I would try to check in here and there and just give up. Not too much to report anyway. It's going to be the same now, I day you have more sodium and or less fiber and bam up two pounds. If you have the opposite you can be down a pound or two. I hate to admit when I was a teen and I saw the scale go up I'd give up and just eat whatever.

KStrong You know after I posted last I saw you had been posting on the monthly thread, it seems like nobody else is. It's a shame. it makes me wonder sometimes how others who used to post are doing? Oh well. Checking in does help me get my thoughts out and keep me focused on the goal. I can't believe I am almost one of those "last ten pounds" people I used to hate. LOL (That was such a foreign concept at 264 and I was even higher at 310 pre my separation from my ex husband). I really do think 160 is going to be my goal. I have a vague memory of weighing this at 16 and I felt great at that weight. I am so glad the scale is going down for you! You sure have been through it lately with your medical issues. It's great you didn't use it as an excuse to eat. People are good at justifying whatever they want to do.

I have to work today on July 4th, but it's holiday pay (double time) so I will take it. If you all are off, enjoy! I will have my (veggie) burger tonight.
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Old 07-04-2022, 10:20 AM   #148  
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I don’t notice the site getting better. But I’m hoping. I remember when this forum was hoppin’. I couldn’t keep up and it was so fun! I would love it if all the old posters came back. I would love to hear how they’re doing. I want to get out of the 180s. I would love to get down to 135 but I think I would have too much loose skin and I don’t want surgery. I don’t think I could get that low. I will just keep trying to lose until I’m satisfied with how I look and feel.

The steak I had for yesterday did not defrost so we had our hot dogs and corn instead. I will cook the steaks today. I had 121 carbs yesterday and the scale went DOWN .2 lb. How’s that? Maybe it will bump up tomorrow.

Kstrong I’m glad you are off meds.

L&Ls Mom I think you have done great. If you feel and look good, being a few lbs into overweight category means nothing. Everyone’s body is different. Those charts are just for an estimate. I would be thrilled to lose what you have lost. You girls are very inspiring.
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Old 07-04-2022, 11:03 PM   #149  
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Hey, hey, y'all! Happy July 4th!

We went out of town a few days last week. I did a ton of walking and walking up and down steps and hills. We stayed in the Ozark Mountains. It was a very boring trip, but at least we were able to get away for a little while.

I have been off work for vacation since June 18. I go back tomorrow...bleh!... I wish I could have another week off, but I need to go back so that I'll get back into my routine. I plan on waking up early tomorrow and going walking before getting ready for work. I am motivated right now, but I have a feeling my tune will change when that 5:45am alarm goes off.

The forum pages are taking longer to load than usual. I also use Chrome and I'm on a Macbook.

Wannabe, we were planning to have steaks today also, but DH came down with some sinus stuff and just isn't feeling well. Maybe we can cook them tomorrow.

Kstrong, no AC sounds terrible! I know that little temp drop made a huge difference. It's crazy how our bodies can tell a tiny difference like that.

L&Ls mom, I hope you had a good day at work. I am thankful for those that went in today. I had to visit several stores today because our lawn mower needed to be fixed and I needed some groceries before going back to work tomorrow. Glad I get all that done today instead of waiting later in the week.

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Old 07-05-2022, 08:37 AM   #150  
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L&L's Mom - You have a great attitude about our bodies and their crazy fluctuations. We thought it would be smooth sailing once we quit the monthly stuff. Hah. That is great about the 160 goal. I know you can do it!!!

Carol - I hope your steak was delish!

Shauna - That is great that you've had a nice long vacation and gotten in lots of exercise.

Have a great rest-of-the week everyone!

Last edited by KStrong; 09-05-2022 at 12:56 PM.
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