Beck Diet Solution A step-by-step program to learn specific techniques to stay on our diet, lose weight, and maintain our weight loss for life.

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Old 02-10-2011, 06:49 AM   #121  
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Wow, my head is foggy... that first sentence should obviously say "quick check-in", not "check quick-in"....
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Old 02-10-2011, 11:00 AM   #122  
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Thanks for the welcome!

I've actually had the Beck book for a number of years - don't know why I've not read it before! Maybe I wasn't quite ready. I've always been looking for the 'quick fix' and that's likely why nothing has worked over the long term for me. I haven't dealt with the real issues. This process will involve some hard looks at myself. That's definitely what I need right now - I need to 'get real.' I made my 'usual' New Years resolution to take the weight off this year, and found myself struggling the past few weeks (which is usually what happens to me in February LOL). I was browsing my bookshelf, and there was the book. Read a couple of chapters and it seemed to make such perfect sense to me.

I plugged 'beck diet solution' and 'coach' into google, and the 3FC site was one that popped up. I've browsed the general site before so was familiar with it and thought it would be a good place to be. So, here I am!

Bill: I think you're right about sardines being 'super foods' - just wish I liked them!

- Jan
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Old 02-10-2011, 11:26 AM   #123  
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I had a good OP day, though my plan had to take a couple of turns. We’re getting ready to calve heifers and are getting the house ready where we’ll be staying for the next month. We wound up having lunch in town while we were running errands. I made the best choice I could, but the restaurant has taken off most of the vegetarian options. This is one of those times when it would have been healthier to eat meat. So it wasn’t healthy and wasn’t very good, but it was within my calorie range. I did have the urge later to eat more since lunch didn’t offer a lot of nutrients, but I didn’t.

I couldn’t bring myself to brave the winds yesterday, but jumped rope instead.

Beverlyjoy, sorry about a day that just doesn’t go according to plan. It’s hard to take care of yourself when you’re taking care of someone else. Ouch for sciatic pain. I hope you’re feeling better soon.

Pamatga, yay for finding motivation to get more walking in throughout the day. Sounds like you’re going to bed when BillBE’s is waking up. Laughing at your goal of going to bed by 1 am, since I struggle to stay awake past 9pm. I would love to get to the point where I could shrug my shoulders at tempting food. I know I can resist, but it’s still a struggle.

Onebyone, yay for a good weigh-in. The smile is well deserved! Ouch for feeling lousy, but kudos for calling your Doc.

Welcome Jmaf! It’s great that you’re starting on the Beck plan. You’re not alone in battling those same lbs for years and years. Like many of us, the plan is not the problem; our behavioral patterns get in the way of the plan. Beck is so great for that! Eating slowly is a huge challenge(and continues to be!), but so helpful. I’m so glad you’re here and looking forward to getting to know you.

RubyJan, I used Beck’s plan and continue to use it, with a few modifications. It had too much protein for me so I stuck with the basic calorie outline, but substituted some fruit and whole grains. I still eat more protein than I did pre-Beck, which is helpful. I lost my goal of 15 lbs in about 5 months and kept it off until I got pregnant and am now using Beck to put on pregnancy weight healthfully. Congrats on 16 lengths with good form! That does sound taxing.

Maryann, congrats on 2 lbs down! You’re so right that Beck helps us differentiate between feeling and fact. I still get those irrational feelings, but am better able to talk back to them. I love the image of not letting the little girl drive.

FutureFitChick, yay for a healthy day with lots of salad! Great job checking in while busy.

SilverBirch, I’m so jealous of the idea of tea at the British Library! It sounds like a wonderful break during a full day of travel and meetings.

BillBE, yay for sardines and a man salad. I just read an article in Runner’s World that included sardines as a super food. Lots of healthy omega 3s and calcium. It made me wish I ate the little guys. Yay for wool! I consider it a super fiber.

ChefJoona, ouch for feeling sick and trying to work through it. I hope you are able to take a break and give yourself the rest you need! Great job using that “NO CHOICE!”
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Old 02-10-2011, 11:30 AM   #124  
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Hmmm. Didn't post yesterday.

I've joined a novel critique group to see if I can take my NaNoWriMo novel through a second draft. My next submission is due Monday and I'm nowhere near ready. I'm trying to learn from MaryContrary and not let the looming deadline effect my process too much.

And, I'm trying to learn from everyone else and not eat over the anxiety. For the most part, I'm succeeding.

WI: -0.05kg, Exercise: +40 450/1300 minutes for February, Food: 75%op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes

Welcome, jmaf!
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Old 02-10-2011, 12:09 PM   #125  
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Hello Becksters,

I hope everyone is doing well. Thanks again for posting and sharing your knowledge and experiences. I feel so grateful to have a community like this to check in with.

I have been OP since Monday and I feel fabulous. Adding the Beck program to my diet plan is about the smartest thing I have ever done. Along with my current self esteem improvement work, I am so happy and at peace. Everything just seems better somehow.

* Consistent planned exercise. Still trying to figure out how to incorporate unplanned, any suggestions?
* Using my daily log sheet to write down my plan, exercise, water, feelings, and credits.
* Reading my cards
* Made a quadruple batch of banana muffins last night (awesome deal on bananas) and didn't eat one. Stopped myself when I was licking the batter off the spoon. Yay me!
* Weighing myself daily; down 4 lbs since Monday.
* Managing small children, housework, day job, being a good wife, etc. with this program. Not feeling overwhelmed...yet!

Have a good day everyone.
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Old 02-10-2011, 02:50 PM   #126  
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First of all, hello to everyone, I did read most of today's posts but I am going to have to write down all your names on a separate piece of paper so I can include them in my post. Bear with me.

I got my hard copy of the book "Beck Diet Solution" in the mail late yesterday afternoon. My sister wanted to buy me kindle for Christmas and I told her No because I still like to have the book in my hands where I can promptly get out my highlighter and mark in it. I don't think you can do that with kindle, can you? Plus, I like to use stickies and such, really give it that lived in look.

I didn't realize that the author of this book is the daughter of the doctor that invented cogitive therapy. My husband and I both have a long history of depression, both treated and not treated, and we have the book "Mind Over Mood" which also uses the same principles of taking apart our thought processes and breaking them down. We have been a good support for each other since we are living paycheck to paycheck and have been since this recession/slow recovery began. In other words, we don't beat each other up, words or otherwise, for things we have no control over. It makes for a happier house too.

1)I continue to drink plain water and average 80 oz each day.
2)I log my food plan daily on my BLC food log. I stay in my calorie range.
3)I am sharing what I have learned with others so I hope that is "paying it forward". I want all of us to get this monkey off our backs once and for all!
4)I am doing my 3 10 minutes sessions on the treadmill and will do them as long as it is done before 9 pm (I live in an apartment and that is the noise cutoff time)
5)Just do it! Remember that Nike ad? Well, that is as good today as it was back then. I'll add something else. No excuses!
6)Bedtime was 1 am again. I am sleeping a lot better too. I am taking an evening class that gets over at 10 pm so I am too hyper to go to bed before midnight. Hopefully, this will only last another 5-6 weeks and I will be done .

Have a great day!

Last edited by pamatga; 02-10-2011 at 02:54 PM.
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Old 02-10-2011, 05:13 PM   #127  
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Hello from here -- Its 10pm and I spent almost the whole day working again...grrr... but I had a great coffee break with Silverbirch!!! We exchanged diet stories and laughed a lot, and then we each went back to our off-line lives!
I am giving myself credit for not overeating at the BL (Big Library, not Loser)and for not freaking out when I felt like it. I am behind on my Beck reading but still reading my advantages card before breakfast and dinner at home. I did change my pounds today on my signature. But I am feeling so stressed out from work and the total chaos of my flat that I feel I could eat a side of barbequed Elephant.... luckily I am almost in bed for the night.
Hope the day has been good for you all. Ruby
Welcome to Jmaf --I am very new to this thread as well.
congratualtions to masondixonmomma -4 pounds is a lot.
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Old 02-10-2011, 06:40 PM   #128  
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Hi Coaches!

We travelled early this morning. Our drive was uneventful but we arrived to broken pipes. *credit* for heading to the pool for exercise since we couldn't do anything about the pipes anyway. I made some moderately poor choices during the afternoon. I am determined not to let this entirely ruin my day. Dinner is OP and healthy. I'm drinking my soothing ice water now.

Welcome Jmaf!

Great news to hear that Silverbirch and RubyJan met at the British Library. I imagine it to be quite a wonderful spot!

Take care everyone!
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Old 02-10-2011, 06:56 PM   #129  
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Default Feed a cold . . .

Well, just when I'm feeling better about "looming deadlines affecting my process," I go and contract a head-cold! (Thanks, gardenerjoy, for paraphrasing me to myself. It actually helps me to see this situation more clearly.)

Yesterday, I allowed myself the luxury of a day off, as I had to run into the city and USC, raiding the library and taking care of some other business. I felt the beginnings of icky-ucky sickness coming on, so I took meds, ate healthy-ish, even exercised in the morning, allowed myself the luxury of sleeping in today, and still awoke feeling crappy. ::sigh:: Each time I decide to set up the migrant office, the energy drains away . . . so it's another day of rest.

It's funny, maryann, but my scale was also down this morning, by two pounds. I have no idea why there might be fluctuations, as I didn't eat particularly OP yesterday, though I was watching portions. I too wrestle with the feelings of the little girl, and let her out only when she's going to bring joy.

pamatga, I really appreciate your words of wisdom on dealing with the stress of living paycheck to paycheck. My DP and I are in the same situation, and my constant challenge has been not to take it out on her. So I will repeat to myself your words, "don't beat each other up, words or otherwise, for things we have no control over. It makes for a happier house".

RubyJan and Silverbirch, what a lovely interlude you were able to grasp at the BL. Enjoy!

masondixonmama, there is nothing like the first weeks and months of success on the Beck Plan. However, I can sense that seeing these skills work in the long-term is a deeper and more lasting fulfillment. Still, enjoy!

Welcome, jmaf! I came across this forum and thread in the same way, and have felt blessed ever since.

For better or for worse, I'm off to do some comfort cooking. Better than eating out. But I have a plan to measure my portions!

Today's goals:

-- REST, and don't feel guilty about it.
-- Comfort cook, but watch my portions.
-- Straighten the room and clean up the kitchen.

Tomorrow's goals:

-- Up early working on my chapter plan
-- FINISH chapter plan
-- Make a schedule for next week

Thanks for being here.
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Old 02-10-2011, 07:28 PM   #130  
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All packed - we leave for the airport at 5:15 am. I've got my healthy/soft snacks, journal, arc, rc for the trip.

I hope you all have a great week.

Thanks for being here, always. I'll try to check in when I can.

Last edited by Beverlyjoy; 02-10-2011 at 07:29 PM.
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Old 02-10-2011, 07:33 PM   #131  
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Smile a jolly good day.

Hello Coaches:

Well it's time to clean/sort/pack the living room. I've lost the con (remote control) that plays the 2 external hard drives on the big tv. Alas I can see nothing until I find it
I have a bad habit of just carrying things around from room to room when I am distracted, or sick like yesterday, but I've checked all over and no luck. I was really looking forward to an old Love Boat episode too. Nothing like one of those to relax by.

I had a great day today with my two fellow artists. Our 3 person collaborative drawing group met for the first time in 3 months. We did 3 large drawings together. One I love. Never in a million years would I have done any of the 3 on my own; a real reinforcement of the value of this group to me.

So no housework was done by me today.

Tomorrow's another story as I'd better find that con before DH gets home!!!!

credits:weighing in 278; lots of unplanned exercise; eating light ie. not until full; drinking my water.

Last edited by onebyone; 02-10-2011 at 07:35 PM.
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Old 02-10-2011, 07:37 PM   #132  
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Originally Posted by Beverlyjoy View Post
All packed - we leave for the airport at 5:15 am. I've got my healthy/soft snacks, journal, arc, rc for the trip.

I hope you all have a great week.

Thanks for being here, always. I'll try to check in when I can.
Beverlyjoy you go and ENJOY yourself! You have so earned a little fun in the sun

Can't wait to hear how great it was...
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Old 02-10-2011, 08:56 PM   #133  
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Not a great day... feeling really sick, also with a head cold . I left work early and gave myself the permission to sleep for the afternoon.
Being sick is often when I get off track with an exercise or healty diet plan. I've very determined not to have that happen this time.
I'm really craving simple carbs... An office mate brought in a bunch of baked treats this morning. I chose a small piece of the one I most wanted and wrapped it up for my afternoon snack. Credit. I'm struggling right now though, as I am in the middle of the difficult evening time, with the additional cravings from being sick. I'm saying NO CHOICE though, as I realize how extra vulnerable I am. Going off plan right now will just make me feel worse.

Hoping to feel better by Saturday, to enjoy our Valentine's Day dinner plans, at one of our favorite restaurants!

BeverlyJoy Wishing you the best for a very enjoyable vacation! You've put some great work and planning into being prepared!

Rubyjan and SilverBirch Imagining the two of you gathering in what sounds like a wonderful library brings a smile to my face!

BillBE I LOVE sardines and have been trying to fit them into my meals lately. I recently found an excellent recipe for spinach pesto crustinis with sardines... yum!

Putting myself to bed now, and hoping to feel better when I wake up tomorrow. Its not in my plan to take a sick day tomorrow!
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Old 02-10-2011, 09:45 PM   #134  
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Just a quick check in. I served myself extra food and then stopped leaving plenty on my plate... then ate it! (Dumb!!) I really need to sit at the table to eat, but my husband finds our couch much more comfortable to sit at for dinner. Need to find a different solution to this.

Hope you are all doing well.
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Old 02-11-2011, 05:33 AM   #135  
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Thumbs up Friday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Eating OP; CREDIT moi. Couldn't bring myself to go for a walk in the bitter cold with so much ice on the sidewalks now; it's hardly aerobic to penguin waddle down the street and the opportunity exists to break a wrist to stop a fall. Ouch. Today is, however, the day of the month to increment my journey counters in my signature; CREDIT moi.

onebyone - Collaborative drawing sounds like a kick - do you work on the same drawing at the same time? Hope you find the con, although a lot can get done when it's not available.

FutureFitChick - Ooops ... I have that same problem - I can declare myself done, but unless I physically separate myself from the food, my hands feed more into my mouth. (I know, I know, the Beck quote today says that I have a thought before I do that, but I suspect the thought is my hand is putting food in my mouth, LOL.)

Joy (gardenerjoy) - So neat that you're advancing your NaNoWriMo novel; I can't wait to buy it on Amazon.

Shepherdess - I remember the month of midwifery last year - exciting and busy, busy, busy. Kudos for jumping rope away from the winds. Naturally, I have a vision of your dog jumping with you - as circus dogs do.

Beverlyjoy - Waving toward Disney World, hopefully with potentially-not-feeling-well DGS along.

Debbie (Lexxiss) - Ouch for frozen pipes but Kudos for "I am determined not to let this entirely ruin my day." Before my journey, frozen pipes would be worth a whole bag of cookies for sure.

MaryContrary - Yay for sleeping in when that's the cure that's needed for "icky-ucky sickness." Hope you're feeling better today.

ChefJoona - Hope you're feeling better. Using those NO CHOICE's when you weren't up to snuff deserves Super Kudos. [Gotta hear more about "spinach pesto crustinis with sardines."]

Ruby (RubyJan) - Just gobsmacked that you actually met up with silverbirch at the British Library ("...holding over 150 million items in all known languages and formats" in a massive, striking building), and jealous; now I really, really, want to visit there. LOL at the image of "eat a side of barbequed Elephant."

Andrea (masondixonmama) - Now that's a great endorsement for the Beck strategies, "I have been OP since Monday and I feel fabulous," as well as "Not feeling overwhelmed...yet!" which is a challenge for anyone with small children. Kudos for staying the course.

pamatga - Yay for the real-book-in-my-hands club; I'm a member myself. I work on a computer all day and just don't want to do my leisure reading on a computer screen. And Yay also for, "sleeping a lot better" - that just helps to spiral everything else upward.

Jan (jmaf) - Sometimes a book has to ripen in our own library for its time to come, LOL. You're definitely ahead of the New Year's Resolution crowd by being here in February; Kudos for that.

Readers -
chapter 1
Beginning a New Way of Life

The Role of Thinking

Before you eat, you always have a thought, even if you're not fully conscious of it. The thought may be as simple as, I'm going to eat this. The Beck Diet for Life Program teaches you how to recognize these kinds of thoughts, especially the sabotaging thoughts that encourage you to eat unplanned food. They often start with:
  • It's okay to eat [this unplanned food] because ....
  • It won't matter if I eat [this unplanned food] because ....

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D, The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), pg 20.
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