Beck Diet Solution A step-by-step program to learn specific techniques to stay on our diet, lose weight, and maintain our weight loss for life.

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Old 11-01-2010, 05:01 AM   #1  
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Default Beck Diet For Life/Solution – November 2010 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach

Welcome to the discussion group, support group, diet coach group, diet buddy group relating to the two books by Dr. Judith S. Beck:and the first bookThe Beck Diet Solution is a psychological program, not a food plan. It provides a step-by-step program to learn specific techniques to stay on our diet, lose weight, and maintain our weight loss for life. The program is based on Dr. Beck's clinical research in Cognitive Therapy (CT).

The Complete Beck Diet for Life expands the earlier work and includes a food plan with suggested menus. From the cover:
With The Complete Beck Diet for Life you'll discover the 5 stages of successful dieting and maintenance. You'll learn how to motivate yourself, give yourself credit for every change you make, create time and energy for dieting, and handle hunger and cravings. Dr. Beck eases you into changing one step at a time. You'll master one task before moving on to the next. And you'll learn techniques to deal with challenging situations, such as sticking with ou plan at celebrations and dealing with "food pushers." With Dr. Beck's skills, you'll achieve a lifetime of healthful eating and lifelong motivation.
This is a place to discuss the Beck strategies and our daily efforts, to receive and provide support, and, for some of us, is where we serve as on-line diet buddy (coach) to each other.

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Old 11-01-2010, 05:03 AM   #2  
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Thumbs up Monday - The day Hallween candy goes on sale

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Halloween is over with not a single piece of candy going down my throat; CREDIT moi. We had the range of goblins, fairies, and unspeakably cute kids at our door. But the strangest of all was, to our surprise, the bachelor next door with a bottle of wine in one hand and a broken cork screw in the other - an emergency plea to open his wine, LOL, so he could sneak back into his darkened house and continue hiding from the trick-or-treater's since he had run out of candy.

Took my walk in the cool afternoon, CREDIT moi, after the physical efforts of taking down our community garden. There were still some die-hard cherry tomatoes on a few un-dead plants, bless their hearts, and the remaining kale looked ready to stand down the oncoming winter. But the time had come. The veggie garden is done for the year.

maryblu - Congrats for good football; Condolences that Brett Favre got some sticthes on his chin and that New England had an up day. Your young man, Tarvaris Jackson, looked sharp out there.

CeeJay - Kudos, Kudos, Kudos, for three days on plan. I continue to think that walking with your DH is a great way to enjoy exercise.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - Yay for "unexpected benefits" of rational choices.

Shepherdess - Waving toward Hawaii! Hope you are body surfing the big ones.

Debbie (Lexxiss) - 350 kids is a lot of kids! Great strategy to identify the emotion and go back to bed to get a second start on the day.

KAM (McKt) - Good grief! If Halloween evolves into bread and cheese night, I am so dead. Just erase that thought from your mind so that it doesn't catch on.

MinniePaul - Yay for new classes so that you can't get in a rut. Kudos for organizing your environment.

BelovedK - My take is that events, like your wedding, are unlikely to produce the food that's on a rigid plan. So it's essential to expand one's plan to have a flexible response to the food that's available - just as you did; Kudos.

Readers -
day 41
Make a New to-Do List

You've now learned the skills you need to continue losing weight and to keep it off. You just have to keep practicing these skills - over and over and over - especially after you've reached your goal weight. In fact, you'll use some of the techniques for your entire life. Doing so is the key to continued success. The reason you regained weight in the past is that you didn't have these strategies. Now, you do.

The Beck Diet Solution, pg 261.

Last edited by BillBlueEyes; 11-01-2010 at 07:56 AM. Reason: Typo
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Old 11-01-2010, 05:41 AM   #3  
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Billblueeyes, I also got through Halloween without eating one piece of candy *credit* to you (and me)

I did eat off my plan yesterday and gained another pound, but I am not going to let it take me off track. I will eat well today and just forgive myself for yesterday (I was hungry and there was only pizza around, it was kind of hectic and we has friends over for trick or treating.
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Old 11-01-2010, 11:10 AM   #4  
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I didn't meet my exercise goal for October. Oh well. I'm setting my sights a bit lower for November. What's working for me at this moment is walking on the treadmill while watching an episode of Dr. Who or Torchwood. That's about 45 minutes and I seem to be willing to do it everyday. So, I'm going to focus on increasing speed this month.

I stayed up until midnight last night so that I could write the first sentence of my NaNoWriMo novel -- 18 words down, 49,982 to go.

WI: +0.55kg, Exercise: +45 1535/1800 minutes for October, Food: 80%op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes
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Old 11-01-2010, 01:27 PM   #5  
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Hi Beckfolks - glad to be home after a wonderful visit with family. I loved spending time with my GS - singing songs and telling stories.

My weekend had many good choices and healthy meals. But, Halloween was not an on plan day for me. I caved into the huge amount of candy available. Phooey. But, I've started my day healthfully and have my journal out to keep track of planned food. I am glad to be home back in my 'food comfort zone.'

The official start of the eating season has begun. I can't go down that road of nonstop eating - Halloween thru New Years Day. I will aim to use Dr. Beck's techniques to help me get through. I need to work on the willingness to put this in place. I alwasy say - plan for the future, but, take it one day at a time.

This morning I made Dr. Oz's green smoothie drink. It tasted so so...but, it gave me a horrible tummy ache. Maybe too much of a blast of veggies??? I think I'll have to tweek it or forget it.

Have a great day.

Last edited by Beverlyjoy; 11-01-2010 at 01:28 PM.
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Old 11-01-2010, 07:07 PM   #6  
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Hi Coaches,

Congrats for everyone getting through the candy holiday. I didn't have any, but did enjoy some cherry pie. I calculated the calories, so it was just nice change.

I hear you Bill on the garden tear-down tasks. Some of my tomato plants put out some tough roots, so my back is getting a good workout. I also have some turkey compost to shovel around, so I'm getting a lot of extra work. My forearms are tired from lifting the heavy shovel over and over.

Keep going, my fellow Becksters !

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Old 11-01-2010, 08:07 PM   #7  
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'Lo, Beckmates,

Quick shout out, as has been a long and frantic day and it's time for my comic relief aka Dancing With the Stars. Have never watched before this season, but got hooked for a cuppla reasons--*ahem, good motives and bad, so to speak, but am enjoying the drama nonetheless.

Speaking of drama, BillBE, thanks for your commiseration on my team's demise yesterday, but oh, the just get Randy back and have him voted off the team. Interesting, that. Very interesting. I was actually feeling something in the way of compassion for the coaching position..thinking no other profession in the U.S. is as second-guessed as a professional sports coach, absolutely none, but then I realized that if you can just pitch someone out for not agreeing with you on any given Sunday, well, then no empathy for *you, at least not from *me.

And, doncha just *love the irrational exuberance of Kale this time of year? It stays strong and upright into Dec. here. I only plant the purple stuff as ornamental in strategic spots, but note to self, plant more ornamental Kale next year!

Visit to Dr. today official wt. on a scale I visit every 3 to 6 months, 142.9, so scale is following my efforts. Just like a political poll, only a measure of the situation right now, but the best measure we have, so reporting to my Beck coaches/buddies.

Am reviewing my Advantage Cards at night, since I don't have time in the morning. Had never thought of that until suggested by a simple!

Best for a great Nov.
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Old 11-01-2010, 08:57 PM   #8  
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Default Welcome to November

Here we go…. The official holiday eating season has begun. I have decided NOT to participate with the crazy amounts and varieties of seasonal food offered. I managed to not have one piece of Halloween candy and guess what….. I am still alive to tell about it. I am making my lists and making plans of action so I will be one prepared mama this season. There will be baggies of celery and carrots, in my purse as all times. Along with peppermint tea bags and Crystal light togo tubes. I only use the Crystal Light in emergences as I have given up diet soda. I will be adding to my list regularly so when the first party or holiday meal hits I will skate by without picking up some extra poundage.

BBE – Kudos to you too , NO Halloween candy. I too enjoyed all the cute kids, all were so polite this year. I wished I lived in your neighborhood, it would have been a nice treat to have a bachelor in distress show up on my door.

BelovedK - Kudos to you too, NO candy! Yay! Keep up the great attitude, it is important to not let minor bumps take you off track.

Gardnerjoy - I think that is a great exercise plan for November. I thought about what you wrote about watching shows while working out. At our gym we just got some bikes and treadmills with TV screens. You know I did a great 30 minute hilly bike workout while watching Friends. That could get me to the gym more often.

Beverlyjoy – Glad you had a nice visit with your family. Boo for green smoothies that don’t sit well. I am right there with you gearing up to survive this holiday eating frenzy!

Woodland – Kudos for having a measurable piece of cherry pie. I bet it was more filling and healthier. Sounds like a good trade.

Maryblu – I do most of my work at night since my day starts at 5:00AM. It’s difficult for me to get up any earlier so I run though everything one last time just before going to bed.

30 min workout gym
Read Advantage / Response cards
Repeated tasks on Day 17
Ate OP - 90% (got shakey after gym and had a few extra points)
Completed the TO DO list for today

Have a great day!

Last edited by McKt; 11-01-2010 at 09:17 PM. Reason: Add Credits
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Old 11-01-2010, 10:04 PM   #9  
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Happy November Everyone!

My credits - I'm doing great at:
-Eating slowly
-Eating sitting down
-Stopping at normal fullness instead of overfullness
-Preparing food ahead of time
-Exercising (I hit 400 hours for 2010 yesterday - woohoo!)

I've been slacking at reading my advantage/response cards. I tell myself that I don't need them because I'm doing just fine without reading them. But I'd much rather read them when I may not think I need them than ending up overeating/binging and wishing that I had read them first. So my goal this week is to make sure I read them EVERY DAY at least once, if not more.
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Old 11-01-2010, 10:56 PM   #10  
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Hello everyone:

MinniePaul- good news about a sane weekend with sleep.

Lexxiss-so impressed with your return to bed on Sunday that enabled you to start the day again. Hope you have a good trip.

BillBlueEyes-not one single candy. Excellent!! Thank you for the kuddos.

BelovedK- glad you are moving on from yesterday.

gardenerjoy-what the heck is a NaNoWriMo novel?

Beverlyjoy-oh well to the candy. You are back as you say in your "food comfort zone". I am also looking ahead to the Christmas eating season. I am going to have to devise a pretty major plan to avoid last years melt down.

Woodland- waving hello to another candy decliner.

maryblu-reviewing those advantage cards is pretty motivating. One of mine is to white water raft some day and I can see myself doing that. The one and only time we have been to Montana I wanted to go so badly, but guess why I did not- all to do with my weight.

McKt-yay for skipping the candy. Good going!!! Nice list of credits. I'm with you on the determination to not eat crazy during the holdidays.

grouse-great list of credits. I especially admire the eating slowly one, that's a hard one.

For me day 4 on plan. I am headed off for 2 nights in the hotel and tons of work to do. I am determined that when I get home on Thursday night I will be checking in here to say that I stayed on plan.

Credit today for:

weighting myself
walking 30 minutes with DH
reading advantage and response cards
eating healthy and on plan
planning the food for my days on the road and packing lunch and snacks for tomorrow
checking in with my buddies

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Old 11-02-2010, 12:12 AM   #11  
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Is it November already?? Yikes, October went by way too fast.

Today was a pretty productive day. I am caught up with the work that I need to be doing, and it feels pretty good. I'm hoping, no...planning to stay on top of this tide for the rest of the week.

Tomorrow I get done with class at 12:30 and I am going to exercise and go grocery shopping. Without a trip to the grocery store, I will be living off Diet Coke and frozen vegetables. While low in calories, I'm pretty sure without a little more variety, I would resort to heaven only knows what rapidly.

Lexxiss—Glad your drive went well. I’m jealous of the pool dates (even though I am pretty terrified of water). Good use of identifying emotions and then diverting to something else (especially a little extra sleep on the weekend).

BillBE—LOL at the non-trick or treater who had a wine emergency. A broken corkscrew is the worst kind of trick on a Halloween night, especially if he was trying to avoid trick or treaters. Good job not eating any of that candy flying out of your house.

BelovedK—Nice work on not eating any candy. Forgiveness is good and necessary. Those times when there’s not a lot of options in the house are problem areas for me too…especially if pizza was the option. Thankfully, Beck doesn’t require an iron will to work.

Gardenerjoy—I love hearing about the ways people motivate themselves to exercise. Congratulations on writing the first sentence. Too bad 3FC doesn’t have a ticker you can use for NaNoWriMo.

BeverlyJoy—glad you had a good time with the family. What’s in Dr. Oz’s green smoothie? Good job getting back OP after a tough go with the Halloween candy. I’m glad you pointed out the upcoming holiday season…I’ve been so focused on day to day I had almost lost sight of the huge amount of food coming up.

Woodland—I’m glad that you made room for cherry pie in your day. I’ve heard gardening is a lot of work. We kept a garden several years ago, and I remember that we were pretty pathetic at it from a physical standpoint; that and we had a rabbit problem that would not quit.

Maryblu—Ugh to the Vikings loss yesterday. I’m not an official football fan yet, but I take interest in it from afar. DH is working on making me into a football fan. He succeeded with hockey. When I started dating him, I could barely tell you the difference between a touchdown and a homerun, and heaven help us if I needed to tell you the difference between a strike and a foul ball. Nowadays, I’m counting down the months till spring training starts again. It’s nice to hear that the scale is being cooperative. lol at the political poll analogy.

McKt—I appreciate your good ideas in carrying around appropriate snacks like tea bags and carrots. I might have to consider that. It’s amazing that when faced with a temptation for food (like Halloween candy) it sometimes feels like it’s going to be the end of the world if I don’t cave in, and then when it passes, I am amazed at how quickly I can get past it.

Grouse— Congratulations on the 400 hours! That’s awesome! I hear you on the advantage/response cards are like that for me too. I remember an analogy from AA when I was a social worker on a chemical dependency unit. If I stop showering, I will start to stink. If I quit working the steps, I will start to drink. It was something like that, but I thought of it when you talked about telling yourself you don’t need to read the ARC cards because you’re doing fine now. I’ve been doing the same thing, so I need to get back on it.

CeeJay—4 days on plan is great! I hope that your two nights in the hotel go as planned. I look forward to hearing about staying OP both nights.
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Old 11-02-2010, 05:15 AM   #12  
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Thumbs up Tuesday - Vote in the US (Cookie Monster's Birthday)

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Candy was left at the office near the printer where I have to go; NO CHOICE avoided that. Another bowl was on a public desk; NO CHOICE again - no big deal. Then, a bag of foil wrapped thin mints sat in front of me for a two hour meeting - that one was tough, but I stayed the course. CREDIT moi for the day. Today's challenge is a FREE cookie celebrating Cookie Monster's birthday. I seem to be finding more rare or unusual exceptions to my eating plan these days. Haven't decided yet how to respond to this one.

Did gym; CREDIT moi.

maryblu - Great phrase, "irrational exuberance of Kale this time of year" - that stuff just looks better and better as it gets colder. I'm dumbstruck at your Randy Moss situation - it's like Survivor, this getting voted off the team thing. Sounds like he's flirting with the New England Patriots.

CeeJay - May you have a pleasant two nights on the road - with a way for on-plan eating with it.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - Congrats for getting your NaNoWriMo novel started with its first 18 words. Just remembering, "Call me Ishmael" - (3 words). Hermann Melville didn't start out so wordy, LOL. "It was a dark and stormy night" - (7 words). First sentences are kinda important, I guess.

Beverlyjoy - Yay for starting the "eating season" with "Dr. Oz's green smoothie drink" - you have set the course.

Woodland - Kudos for another candyless Halloween. Where did you ever get "turkey compost?"

KAM (McKt) - Kudos for your clear decision "NOT to participate" - like the kids innocent question, "What if they through a holiday eating season and nobody came?"

MinniePaul - LOL at "Diet Coke and frozen vegetables" - Yep, you need a trip to the store. Yay for a productive day.

grouse - 400 hours of exercising is more than an hour a day average even if you stopped for the remainder of the year; Kudos for a good year.

BelovedK - Kudos for a candyless Halloween. And Kudos again for not letting off-plan eating one day through you off-track.

Readers -
day 41
Make a New to-Do List

Here are lists of techniques that you've learned, along with a guide for how often you should use them. I hope you've already found that you're doing some of these things automatically and that they've made dieting easier.

Do these activities daily:
  • Eat a healthful diet with limited calories.
  • Think about what you're eating before you actually put it in your mouth.
  • Sit down whenever you eat and then eat slowly and mindfully.
  • Eat only to mild fullness.
  • Monitor your eating throughout the day.
  • Give yourself credit.
  • Do spontaneous exercise.
  • Respond to sabotaging thoughts.

The Beck Diet Solution, pg 261.

Last edited by BillBlueEyes; 11-02-2010 at 07:59 AM. Reason: Typo
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Old 11-02-2010, 07:09 AM   #13  
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Good morning

grouse, I could have written your post, I have been slacking off on my response and advantage cards. Today I make a pact with myself to read them. I can see I am more likely to binge if I don;t remember why I am doing what I am doing.

BBE, thanks for the NO CHOICE reminder. It is simple, *no choice*

I just got back from a 45 minute walk, and before that I worked out with an interval training DVD (no choice) I feel good

I plan to read my advantage cards before I leave this morning.

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Old 11-02-2010, 09:42 AM   #14  
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Hi Becksters - yesterday I stayed within my plan. I am always grateful for that. I kept track or my food and brought in lots of healthy foods for the week.

Today I need to concentrate of my daily list of Beck tasks. I got out my journal and will keep track.

Yesterday our little neighbor brought DH all her Butterfingers Halloween Candy because she doesn’t like them and he does. I told him to take them with him or else! - into the trash they go. They are now blobbed with dish soap and out of temptation. Credit.

A friend told me that some churches are collecting Halloween Candy to send to the troops. One dentist is ‘buying’ candy from kids to donate to the church candy project. Really, how much candy do they children and parents need to have??

gardenerjoy - your workout on the treadmill sounds like a great plan!

Belovedk - good job on the walk the rc!

Billbe - good job on the NO CHOICE when faced with candy at work! What/who is celebrating cookie day?? As if the candy isn’t hard enough to NOT eat. Hang in there.

Minnie Paul - sounds like you are putting your Beck tasks into the forefront. Credit! This is a link to Dr. Oz’s Green Drink. I tried it again today and decided I would eat all those things individually! I just didn't like the taste. Oprah says it tastes like a glass of 'fresh'.

Ceejay - well done on your four days on plan. Good attitude as you plan for your hotel stay. Yes -Plan, plan and plan some more.

Grouse - many credit…wonderful! I go through the same ‘scenario’ with the arc/rc too. I too need to need to make reading them a priority.

Mckt - credit for all the planning to deal with this foody season coming up!

Woodland - well done getting by with no Halloween candy and counting in your pie.

Maryblu - good idea reading your response cards at night when you know you’ll be rushed in the morning!

Have a great day!

Last edited by Beverlyjoy; 11-02-2010 at 10:49 AM.
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Old 11-02-2010, 11:51 AM   #15  
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Quick check-in. Busy day -- including voting!

WI: +0.15kg, Exercise: +45 45/1350 minutes for November, Food: 60%op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes
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