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Old 07-29-2008, 07:22 PM   #151  
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Glad to see you back DONNA . . . we need some Chicks in here.

Now, about tongues -- pretty muscular (especially for we girls who talk a lot ) so probably pretty high in protein but relatively low in fat.

Happy belated Anniversary and Happy upcoming Birthday. Busy time of year for you.
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Old 07-31-2008, 10:32 PM   #152  
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Hi Donna. Congratulations on your anniversary. You were quite young when you married. We celebrated our 30th anniversary yesterday.

Tonight I went to a baby shower. It was the first time I ever attended a shower where the mother wasn't there but the father was. Mother-to-be was home feeling sick and having a few contractions so father-to-be showed up and sat in the honored chair and opened the gifts. I did very good with the lunch and didn't overeat on the goodies.

I also finally got in a full exercise routine 2 days in a row. It was so hot earlier this week I couldn't workout at all.
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Old 08-02-2008, 07:35 AM   #153  
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Hi . . .

Long weekend here in NS so, naturally, the forecast is for 3 straight days of rain.

Hope everybody else has a great one.
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Old 08-02-2008, 02:24 PM   #154  
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We have a long weekend here in town but not provincially. There will be fireworks here Monday night. We probably won't attend as we can see them from the house pretty good.

No weight loss this week. That's the first week I haven't lost anything since late March or early April. I've been losing on average about 1 pound a week. Oh, well I'll see what this week brings (or should I say takes away).
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Old 08-04-2008, 10:08 AM   #155  
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Happy Holiday to you gals up North. Hope you can enjoy some of it Meowee
I had a wonderful weekend. Sort of threw caution to the wind, but didn't do too badly with eating just didn't get any "formal" exercise in. We had our 8 year old GS with us and we had a blast. We took him fishing on Saturday morning and he caught the most fish. Then in the afternoon he wanted to run through the sprinkler as the temp was 101. Told him it was fine but he wanted us to come out and watch him, well we fooled him, we came out to run in the sprinkler too. Guess the little men in white coats will be here soon to pick me up . On Sunday we went with his folks to check on their cattle up in the hills then went out for lunch before they headed back to Colorado.
I am exhausted this morning but it is a nice feeling. My weight this morning reflects too many salty snacks, so I am pushing the water today and getting back to the treadmill.
Have a great week ladies. We are finally going to get some cooler weather a little later in the week. Those 100 plus days just take it out of me. I don't have the energy to exercise and seem to lose interest in eating well, easier to snack. Am going to make up some salads tonight and some fruit slushes, hopefully that will help me. GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF YOU. DONNA
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Old 08-05-2008, 09:11 AM   #156  
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I think I'm finally back on track exercise wise. I did exercise during my vacation but it wasn't my "regular" routine. My eating is better now that I'm home and birthdays and anniversaries are behind us.

We didn't get the rain yesterday that most of the Atlantic provinces had. It was overcast though and chilly. Not a great day for a parade and fireworks. The rain did come later on in the evening but it wasn't heavy and the fireworks went off on schedule. We watched them from our bedroom window but DS and his girlfriend took off in the car to watch.

It's raining again today but not heavy-mostly overcast with intermittent showers. I'm going out soon to try and get in my walk between the raindrops.
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Old 08-05-2008, 09:22 AM   #157  
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Just for a change . . . it's raining. At least Nova Scotia got off easy compared to New Brunswick -- but not as easily as Newfoundland apparently.

Hope you have a great day in Nebraska and that the water weight is soon gone again.

Later . . .
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Old 08-05-2008, 12:01 PM   #158  
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Hello Chickies,
Is it okay if I jump in here? I lost three pounds over night and I am wondering if that is normal. I have been off and on diets for a long time but I have never observed my weight loss daily and I am worried about that. I am thinking it is because I worked out hard yesterday, sweated a lot and then pushed a lot of water. Maybe a flushed a lot of salt out of my system and dropped a few pounds water weight? Anway, I'll take it! Let's see what the scale says tomorrow morning!

Our old dog, a sweet, smart border collie mix, died this last winter. A little female border collie mix showed up at our house yesterday. She has so many of the habits and ways of interacting as our old dog that it is eerie. Of course, I fell in love with her. She follows me around every where, talks with a little "mumph" sound and sits with her nose just inside the back door, just like our old dog did. We don't allow dogs in the house. I have allergies and we live in the dusty, dirty country with a small house. But, we have big wide, covered porches so a dog is always out of the rain with a cosy place to sleep. I took this little dog for a walk around our block trying to find the owner, but everyone said they had never seen the dog before. Could I be the likely softy to adopt a stray? Possibly! My husband is trying to be stern toward her because we had had the coversation about having the freedom of not having pets we have to take care of, but he is such a tender heart, and she is so cute. I heard him outside sweet talking her this morning. So, before we get too attached, I have got to put up flyers and see if I can find her owners. I once lost my dog for a few days (he went on an adventure and didn't know how to get home). I was so grateful that someone advertised having found him.

We are gearing up, getting ready to go on a ten day vacation. MY FIL is turning 80 this month! We are having a big family reunion on Catalina Island, which is off of the coast of Los Angeles. My in-laws live in L.A., so it is easy for them to get to. My husband also turned 50 this year, so it is going to be a big celebration. I am trying to figure out some strategies for not overindulging while I am gone, while still particpating in the festivities. His family is very physically active and so that should be no problem. The food thing is always a challenge during these get togethers...they pull out all the stops food wise. I will just concentrate on the salads a protien and try to leave the rest. I have been making myself a yogurt/wheat germ/brewer's yeast/flax seed/fruit smoothie in the morning as breakfast, so I could just take all my stuff and continue that for breakfast. If we go out for breakfast I could order oatmeal and scrambled eggs. My goal is to lose 5 more pounds by the end of the month and I want to stay on track. Ten days is a long time in the life of a diet and it seems that I need to learn new habits for life and vacations will always create a diet challenge.

Well, I've got to go to the store and get some dog food

Have a great day, ladies!

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Old 08-05-2008, 01:51 PM   #159  
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Hi Sheri. Ten days will be a challenge for sure. When I was on vacation I tried to eat on plan for breakfast and lunch and ate whatever was served for supper/dinner but I tried to have small servings of calorie dense foods and piled up on the salads. I also got in a walk almost every day. I actually lost 2 pounds over the two weeks but the week after I didn't lose anything. The hardest thing for me was not piling up the foods I really like (love) and pigging out. I ate desserts but the servings were minuscule compared to what I wanted. The main thing is to have a great vacation and not spend all your time worrying about food. Make your plan now and that will be half the battle. Oh, and one more thing. If someone offers you something you would rather not eat don't say, "No thanks, I'm on a diet." Instead say something like this, "No thanks, I'm so full already. Save me some for later." More than likely it will be eaten by everyone else and you won't have to worry. If they insist take just a taste and ask for the recipe. That will make everyone happy.

Got in my walk. It was gently raining for about half of the walk and then it stopped and I had to take off the nylon shell I was wearing. Those little jackets can really hold in the body heat!!

Last edited by retiredone; 08-05-2008 at 01:53 PM.
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Old 08-05-2008, 04:44 PM   #160  
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Hi Isabella,
Thanks for the vacation/diet hints. The idea about taking a small taste and then asking for the recipe is a great idea. It sure beats the "I'm on a diet" conversation! It is like the first tri-mester of a don't want to tell anyone until you know everything is working out okay. So far, so good for me, but I have been disappointed so often with diets. Also, I am trying to take the focus off of dieting overall and turn it toward getting healthier and lighter weighted. I love sweets, used to crave sweets and carbs, but I am feeling so good that turning them down has become pretty easy, but doing it graciously, that's a trick, so thanks for the hint!

A walk in a summer shower, that sounds really nice, and refreshing! What is your walking route like and how far do you walk? Walking is my number one exercise of choice. I think when I lose 20 pounds here I will reward myself with an iPOD. Music makes the time fly by, and I tend to up the pace when I execise to music. It doesn't feel like such a struggle.

The weather has turned hot and I spent the cool of the morning putting up flyers, so I think I will do some weight exercises and go out to swim in my friend's pool this afternoon...ah!

Then I have some fall starts that I want to put in before I go on vacation, so that should take up the remainder of the day. I think I will make stuffed bell peppers for dinner. I hadn't had them in years and then a friend made them for lunch one day and now I am on a kick. They are so yummy and good for you.


Last edited by Quixotica; 08-05-2008 at 09:18 PM.
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Old 08-05-2008, 07:06 PM   #161  
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I walk up and down my road. My mom lives with us and she needs quite a bit of care so I try and stay close by if possible. I worked out the route on If I leave my driveway and walk to one end of the street around a church parking lot, back down the street to the other end and back to the driveway I have half a kilometre. So I walk that loop 10 times and I have 5k. The scenery is always the same. I do that 3x a week along with 5k on my exercise bike. The other 3 days I do a circuit workout using step bands and aerobic exercise. I rest one day a week. I try to get in at least 5 days of exercise but I aim for the 6 days. I usually have my mp3 player plugged into my ears while I'm walking.

I'd love to have a swim but alas no one I know well, close to my house has a pool.
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Old 08-06-2008, 09:54 AM   #162  
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I had a great workout this morning. I think it had something to do with getting a full night's rest. For some reason or other (and I'd like to find out what) mom slept through the night and didn't wake up until almost 7 am!!!! Unheard of phenomenon!!! I did my circuit workout and ran for the aerobic parts. I sped up until my heart was thumping heartily and sweat was running freely. Now to plan a good dinner (lunch) with lots of bulky, low calorie, tasty food. I'll let you know what I came up with.
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Old 08-06-2008, 03:39 PM   #163  
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Hi Chickies!

I did go swimming yesterday and it was glorious. Mostly I did water aerobics resistence type exercises. I was a little tired yesterday. Today I actually went with a friend to a water aerobics class and that was lots of fun. I sense sore muscles in my future, though! We are going to go again on Friday. I actually worked my heart rate up to about 160, which is a little high. I love it when I get out of the water and can actually see a little more muscle definition in one session! I have that lactic acid burn in my legs and they don't want to go out to work in the garden...

Isabella, it sounds like you have a well-planned out route for your walk. Do you ever encounter other walkers as you walk? Sometimes, I see a young man and a couple of other ladies walking. My route is a popular one because it is relatively car free and all of the dogs are fenced. There's a good long, gentle uphill that makes it a good workout on the days when my legs don't feel like lead pipes. Although, I have been getting a little lighter on my feet and that feels good.

It is commendable that you care for your mom! She is lucky to have you. In the past I have worked as a volunteer with old folks and there are many sad, forgotten elders who deserve better. It is heartening to see the full circle of love in families.

Donna~your run in the sprinkler was great. That spontaneity keeps us young and keeps our families on their toes! The summer heat here in California does me in, too. I do a lot of grilling during the summer. I also cook crock pot meals on the back porch so it doesn't heat up the kitchen. I am so silly about air conditioning. I would rather spend my money on other things. It is 200-300 dollars a month to run an air conditioner here! So, I open up the house in the early morning, cool it way down, close it up and turn on fans. The house stays cool until about 6:00 PM and then it's just a little while of warmth in the evening before the breeze kicks in. We live in a mountain valley, so we get a nice breeze every night. We can't afford a swimming pool, but we bought a big stock tank that we take dips in when it gets really hot! It beats roasting!

Well ladies, I gotta drag my hinie out into the garden. I got lots to do before I go on vacation. Have a great day!

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Old 08-06-2008, 03:51 PM   #164  
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We are having a mostly sunny day and you'd think I'd be totally thrilled -- but, for some strange reason I have a headache, my blood sugar and my weight hve taken an upward bounce and I feel just generally draggy -- guess my body had become used to the rotten rain.
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Old 08-06-2008, 04:12 PM   #165  
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Poor Meowee, you need a hug. I hope you feel a bit more bouncy by this evening.

Sheri, I see lots of people walking but not on my road-it's a dead end so not many people venture up here on their workouts. Most of the people are going down the road that is running past mine. When I used to walk to work before I retired I'd meet the same people every day and we'd nod and and say "hi" and keep going.

BTW, I had a huge pan of vegetables slow roasted in the oven for my lunch. I had carrot, turnip, potato, eggplant, green beans and onions. I just used what I had, chunked them up and added a little oil, balsamic vinegar, salt and seasonings. We had them with veggie burgers on whole wheat buns. Mom and I shared a burger as they were really big.

Last edited by retiredone; 08-06-2008 at 04:14 PM.
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