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Old 05-01-2008, 06:33 AM   #1  
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Default "Getting Lighter" - 2008 #2

Hi there everybody . . . to our newest home. Our previous thread was getting a little long so I figured it was time for a fresh new start.

Don't forget to "subscribe" to this thread so you can find us easily.

Nothing too exciting in my 'neck of the woods' -- but any of those cute little May Flowers that dare to raise their heads had best be carrying umbrellas. Other than that, I have a lot of places to go and things to do this morning, both here in cyber-land and out there, in the so-called 'real' world, so guess I'd better get my rear in gear.

Have a great day . . .
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Old 05-01-2008, 08:31 AM   #2  
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Hello everyone. I see the May Accountability thread is active today and lots of us Chickies have visited already this morning or last night to set things up. I'm on my way out the door in a couple of minutes to do my jogging. Happy May to everyone.

OK, back at the ranch, as they say...I'm finished my jog. I've decided next week instead of increasing 1/2 kilometre jogging, I'm going to increase it to walking and continue the 3.5K jogging for another week to build up more endurance. I'll be up to 5K but I'll walk the last 1.5K until the week after when I'll jog 4K, walk 1K. I should be up to jogging 5K by the Memorial Weekend 5K. And if any of you would like to join up here's the link:
You can run, jog, walk, bike, crawl, etc. And you only have to compete against yourself!

Last edited by retiredone; 05-01-2008 at 12:30 PM.
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Old 05-02-2008, 07:02 AM   #3  
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Hi . . .

I'm feeling a little 'grey' today . . . it's still raining . . . wish it would stop. Oh well . . . lots of other stuff to do, so I'd better get at it. See you later.
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Old 05-02-2008, 12:48 PM   #4  
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Did my 45 minute circuit workout after making a mac and cheese casserole and a chocolate cake (all for tomorrow BTW). I weigh in tomorrow and I hope all goes well. It seems like a long time since last week's weigh in. Funny how some weeks seem longer than others. It's sunny and cold here, no rain. Sorry Meowee about the grey weather.
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Old 05-03-2008, 06:59 AM   #5  
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Looks like today is going to be bright and beautiful -- at least as soon as the heavy fog layer completely burns off -- Guess I'll go out to play for a little while, but nothing actually very exciting in my plans -- got to get ready to go away next week, after all.

See you all later . . . make it a good one . . .
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Old 05-03-2008, 08:06 AM   #6  
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I just weighed in and lost 1/2 pound this week. Somehow, I just knew this would not be a big loss week. Not that I haven't stayed on plan but I figured I'd start to plateau some after losing 5.5 pounds last month. All I can say is that I'm sticking to my plan.

Last edited by retiredone; 05-03-2008 at 08:08 AM.
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Old 05-04-2008, 10:09 AM   #7  
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Any loss is a good loss, Isabella . . . think of how much you could have gained if you let yourself.

Anyway . . . looks like another mild and day in Northern Nova Scotia.
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Old 05-04-2008, 11:43 AM   #8  
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Good morning,

Good for you Isabella. You're going in the right direction.

This weather is getting a bit boring. I woke up to flurries this morning. I shouldn't complain though what with all the flooding in the New Brunswick.

Nothing much new around here. I'm sure I'll find something to keep me busy.

Talk soon,
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Old 05-04-2008, 01:56 PM   #9  
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I went for a jog this morning and did 4K and walked 1K for a grand total of 5K. I should be able to jog the whole 5K by May 24. I gotta keep it up to work off that mac and cheese and cake I ate yesterday, although, I don't think I ate more than my allotment for the day. I certainly didn't feel hungry last night, at least not until 11:30 pm and I was way too sleepy to get out of bed.

I really feel hungry on the days I jog. I scarfed down my dinner in no time today -all left-overs but still good.

Hope everyone else has a great day (sunny or not)!
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Old 05-05-2008, 08:41 AM   #10  
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Good Monday Morning to All . . .

Both the Sun and I appear to have slept in a bit this morning. I'm up now and hopefully he will not be far behind.

Many things to get done today as I leave for my little 4-day trip to Ottawa tomorrow -- hopefully I will get to check in tomorrow before I leave, but if not, hope you will undetstand.

Have a great day everybody . . . try to keep things moving and shaking . . .
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Old 05-05-2008, 06:07 PM   #11  
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Did my 45 minute circuit workout earlier than usual this morning because I wanted to go shopping all by myself. I bought 2 more new night gowns today and I'm quite pleased with them. No too long to get tangled up in my short legs and just a little lace to make them look a bit feminine but not sexy enough to keep me awake half the night fending off DH. I walked quite a bit when shopping as I parked my car farthest away from the stores. That worked quite well until I bought a stack of plates and came out of the store and realized how far away the car was. Boy, were they heavy. I had a great day all by myself--no friends, no kids (all adult btw), no mom, just me and the stores.

Meowee, have a nice trip. We'll miss you but will await the details of the trip when you get back.
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Old 05-06-2008, 06:13 AM   #12  
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Hi there . . .

Had hoped to sleep in a little, but no such luck. Oh well.

Today is shaping up for more cloud than sun and that's okay because I'd rather do the 90 minute drive to the airport in duller weather anyway and once I'm plane-bound for Ontario, I'll be above the clouds.

Don't know if I'll find a computer I can use for the next few days, but I'll be back on the weekend, anyway.

Hope everybody has a great week.
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Old 05-06-2008, 11:56 AM   #13  
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I jogged 4K and walked 1K again today. A pattern is developing. I'm beginning to notice a difference in the size of my stomach. It doesn't seem so round as it was around Christmas time.
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Old 05-07-2008, 09:13 AM   #14  
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Nice sunny day here. This would have been a great day for a jog but today's my circuit workout in the house.

It's funny how we perceive ourselves. My face is so much smaller than it used to be and I feel thinner (until I get a full view in the mirror ). I just wish my body would match my mind. I have a closet full of "skinny" clothes that I've bought or have at one time fit into and I'm dying to wear some of them this summer but I don't think that'll happen. For instance, I have a gorgeous capri suit with black pants and a sleeveless lime green top. It looks so tailored and I'd love to wear that this summer but I know it'll be too small yet. With my luck it will fit sometime next February in the middle of a blizzard. On the other hand a few pieces of clothing are noticeably loose and will be too big by this summer. And of course, I don't want to buy too many pieces of clothing while I'm shrinking in size. I guess I'll have to nip and tuck the larger ones to wear around the house and buy a couple of new tops to get me through summer. What a great predicament to be in.
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Old 05-07-2008, 05:47 PM   #15  
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Hi all,

I went for my walk/run today. I just love being able to be outside again. It was my weigh in this morning. Another 1.5 gone.

I know what you mean Isabella, it seems cloths don't always 'fit' the season. Oh well, I'd rather that then taking all the way until next summer. I too try to get by with only a few new items. It feels so good having to go down a size.

I'm off to a computer course this evening. I'm taking Photoshop. What an amazing program.

Talk soon,
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