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Old 05-13-2008, 10:27 AM   #106  
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Good morning, everyone.

Today should be beautiful - in the 70's, tomorrow will be in the 80's, Thursday it should get into the 90's and on Friday, they are predicting 100's. Yuck. But today is beautiful so I will enjoy it while I can.

My friend in the high desert asked me to go on a bus turn-around to Stateline yesterday with her insurance group. I was up at 4:30 and drove up there, but no bus ever showed up and we didn't see anyone else who seemed to be waiting for one. So, she and I drove to Stateline by ourselves - took about 2-1/2 hours. We played the slots at one casino and I lost most of the money I brought. So we went to the other side of the freeway to another casino. I sat down at a slot machine and ended up winning all my money back, so I broke even. That was nice. Didn't expect to win much as I only play penny and nickle machines. We had such a good time. Had lunch at their buffet, and they had a lovely salad bar, so other than eating too much, I pretty much stayed OP. My friend's husband has Alzheimers and is still at home and she was craving to get away for a day, so this was perfect. Two friends stayed with him while we were gone. Her birthday is next month and I am hoping to take her back there. We were there for about 6 hours and that was plenty.

Today is a kickback day as I drove and am still kind of tired. Good day to get some stuff done before the heat kicks in the next few days.

There is a new fire up in the mountains - it isn't too big so far, but it is way up in the mountains so they will have to do waterdrops on it. At the rate fires break out lately, our forests will be all burned out some day.

My weight is still hovering at the 300 point - not much movement either up or down. I need to get back to the book to see how I can kick the weight loss back in.

Hope everyone has a lovely day.
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Old 05-13-2008, 07:53 PM   #107  
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Evening Y'all....It's been a pretty day here. Decided that I would fill up on vegies today. Made a hugh pot of everything in the refrig and pantry. Had 2 big bowls and know for sure that had the required 5 portions plus for the day...Gesh had enough for 2 days! Blurp!!!

Finally got the bedroom dressers organized, closet redone and my reading nook set up. Took 2 big bags of fat clothes to Sheriff's Ranch....Don't know why but packed up my too big droopy drawers and stored with my too big bras?? Should have tossed. Must be some hidden psychological reason for saving my underwear!

Time for my fresh glass of ice water and sit out on the lania. Take care of yourself, eat healthy and hugs...Karen3
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Old 05-14-2008, 05:47 AM   #108  
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Morning all!
Haven't posted in a few's been crazy here. End of the school year stuff etc.

My oldest son is moving back home for the summer to save a few bucks. He has an internship with a construction company and will be doing field engineering work. He is a construction management major and will graduate in Dec. He hasn't lived with us for about 5 years, so it will be great to have him home again.

Had a very nice Mother's day and enjoyed my son's confirmation other than the fact I ended up sitting next to my ex mother in law. It was weird...ex husband wasn't there because he is working across the country for a couple of months, so my "new" husband (of 16 years) was there...just me and my husband and ex's family. it was a strange situation. I've attached a picture of us at the event. I promise I had really nice high heels on, but took them off before I killed myself with them. They are my daughter's and I don't know how she walks with them on.

My new camera came in on Monday and I have hardly put it or the manual down. The pictures are so clear and sharp and the zoom on it is unreal. Should have a great time on my next trip out to the swamp zooming in on birds etc.

Have to take off work tomorrow for a funeral. My sister in law's mom passed away on Sunday. She buried her husband on Saturday, then she died the next day. The funeral for the husband was in Houston, so we did not go (they have been there since Katrina) but hers will be in New Orleans, so we have to go. I feel so bad for my sister in law losing her mom and stepfathter in the same week. They were both elderly and in bad shape, so it was expected but not so close together!

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Old 05-14-2008, 06:23 AM   #109  
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Good Morning . . . wow, it's getting a bit too quiet in here . . . where are the rest of you hiding?

Hi CAT . . . glad to see you and glad you are so thrilled with the new camera.

Oh boy K3 . . . try to drink ice water on my 'lanai' and you'll match the ice cubes.

Well Kathleen . . . if I have only my 40 or your 100 from which to choose . . . I'll have to stick with my cold.

And . . . it looks like another but realtively cold day again today . . . although the forecast is calling for a high in the mid-fifties.

Try to keep busy with good things . . . See you later . . .
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Old 05-14-2008, 09:57 AM   #110  
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Good morning Y'all....Being home yesterday makes today Friday in my weak mind. Really doesn't take much to confuse me. DD called this morning laughing that she meet a guy who knew me way back in 1958 and told her I was "hot". To be honest I don't remember him. He said we worked together??? Unless he was the dishwasher at the restaurant where I worked that summer. No bells going off.
But even 50 years later I kinda like "hot".

Cat...Pretty dress. Glad you told us about having had on pretty shoes. Isn't having a new toy such fun. I love spending time playing with a new gadget. So sorry about your DF lossing both in one day....but how often that happens!

Linda...You are going go from Winter to Summer over night.

We are having another blue bird day, but still windy. Watching the news it looks like the whole state is burning, but so far the fires are on the East Coast. We are at high risk and this wind is really drying everything out. 3 weeks until the rainy season starts.

Now have 12lbs of coffee for tournament. Hopefully that is enough. Can always get more just not as cheap.

Take care of yourself, eat healthy and hugs, Karen3

ps...Cat...just went thru your album and have to say the dog pic is fanastic. You even have the life light in her eyes! Excellent picture!! Plus I adore the redhead with freckles. thanks k

Last edited by Karen3; 05-14-2008 at 05:10 PM.
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Old 05-14-2008, 11:19 AM   #111  
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Good morning, everyone.

Today is very nice, but will start getting really warm. Yesterday was so nice - in the 70's.

Yesterday was a kickback day for me. Didn't do much but play around on the computer.

Today, I take the dog to the groomer for his monthly bath and do some watering around here.

Cat, love the picture. Such a good looking couple. That is too bad about your sister-in-law's parents.

I wish the weight would budge but it is stalled right at the 300 mark - up half a pound, then down half a pound. Today is up. I have been OP, even when we went to Stateline, but I guess it's the volume, not the food. Oh well.

Have a lovely day.
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Old 05-14-2008, 12:16 PM   #112  
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Hello Everyone, I thought that I would take a few minutes here this morning to post and say HELLO! Things are going along here about the same. We still haven't had any firm offers on the house but there is a couple that is very interested but can't do anything for another month or two. We've decided to just go ahead and take off the end of the month and take the whole month of June to visit family. Mine in MO. and Tim's in PA. Then we will go to the family reunion in Enid, Oklahoma the end of June on our way back home. We still haven't sold the 5th wheel RV so we will just bring our little one bedroom apartment with us!
I talked to our realtor and she was saying that if we should get an offer while we are gone most everything can be handled on line and we would have at least 2 weeks to get back home before we would need to be here. So I'm looking forward to getting away from the stress of trying to keep it all ready to show and just kind of kick back for a bit.
I have got down to 157 now and I'm going to try to lost some more before we go but then who knows--- I'm going to bring the WATP's videos with me and I should be able to do those in the RV. Also bringing the stroller for Ginger & Sissy so am hoping to get some good walking in with them. I imagine the pavement will be too hot for their little feet!
Well, just wanted to pop in and let you know how things are going so far. I will have my laptop with me so when I'm able to get a connection I will check in and see how everyone is doing. I'll probably check back in before we go. Have a great day everyone.
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Old 05-14-2008, 01:04 PM   #113  
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hi ladies

Sorry I've been such an absentee! But you're not missing much. Still same-old, same-old. Honestly, things are going along so well with the eating, exercising and scale moving in the right direction I feel a little guilty coming here to crow about it silly huh?

For a minute there Karen3 I was reading your post as you packed up your too big bras and undies for the charity - imagine their surprise

Once again, I'm way behind on the reading so sorry I don't have more personals but big to everyone.
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Old 05-14-2008, 02:37 PM   #114  
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Hi Everyone. I'm busy, busy making cookies, cakes and other stuff for mom's birthday party on Saturday. I have been pretty good not eating the cookies. I had a small taste of one or two yesterday and had a very small chocolate chip oatmeal raisin cookie today with my dinner. The big test comes on Saturday when everything will be on display and free for the taking. I hope my sister and her daughter and boyfriend will be here so there won't be too many left-overs. I've got the cookies and cake in the freezer and I think I'll only take out as many cookies as I need for the party and leave the rest in the freezer for another time. The cake of course will have to come out-can't serve half a birthday cake. My birthday is next week and I'm sure there'll be enough goodies left-over so I won't have to bake again. Last year I didn't even have my own cake because there was so much left from mom's.

Nice pictures, Cat. Are some of them of your classroom? I'm envious of the big bright room-I never had one with such large windows (or one with as many computers!).
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Old 05-14-2008, 05:32 PM   #115  
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Default Sorry I've been absent!

Sorry I've not posted for a while, but we were out of town and away from the computer this Mother's Day weekend, and then, on Monday, I had a new granddaughter born 3 1/2 weeks early! She was released from the hospital on Tuesday though, because she is 7 lbs. 6 oz. and very healthy! She lives in WA though, and I'm here in CA. I'm heading there for 5 weeks on June 1st (she wasn't supposed to arrive until the 4th of June), but have decided that I can't wait that long to see her, so I'm heading up the on Saturday. I'll take 2 days off and fly home on Tuesday. I probably won't have an opportunity to spend any time on the computer, so I may be MIA again, come Friday night.

Meanwhile, I'll try to stay on my diet and get some exercise. Of course, I'll be chasing my 2 year old granddaughter....yipee!

Hope you are all doing well!
Betsy in CA
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Old 05-14-2008, 07:16 PM   #116  
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Originally Posted by Betsy56 View Post
on Monday, I had a new granddaughter born 3 1/2 weeks early! She was released from the hospital on Tuesday though, because she is 7 lbs. 6 oz. and very healthy!
Congratulations on your newest granddaughter. I only have a grandcat!
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Old 05-14-2008, 09:54 PM   #117  
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Wow Betsy That's a wonderful size baby. Happy Gramma days! hugs Karen3
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Old 05-15-2008, 12:34 AM   #118  
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I am new to this website. I was hoping to get some info about how menopause affects weight loss. I have noticed that what I used to do for weight control does not work anymore.

Any info any of you wish to share? It would be really appreciated.

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Old 05-15-2008, 06:38 AM   #119  
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Default Back Home Again

Hi Everyone,

Got back last night. We had a GREAT trip. Gained 3 pounds - deserved to gain more. Amazingly, my blood sugar was 96 this morning. I was expecting around 300!

We did a LOT of eating & a LOT of walking. England is not particularly friendly to our way of eating. Hard to get artificial sweetner, protein bars, fresh veggies. Easy to get fried fish and "chips" (french fries), scones and clotted cream.

Took around 200 photos, but most are just famous sites. Below are some of me & DD & SIL. Photo on left - DD, SIL, and I at fountain in Trafalgar Square in London; Photo in middle - DD, SIL, and I horsebackriding in the Cotswolds; Photo on right - DD & I at high tea in Bath.

Haven't had a chance to read everything. Anything important I should know?

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Last edited by ladyinweighting; 05-15-2008 at 06:39 AM.
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Old 05-15-2008, 06:43 AM   #120  
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Originally Posted by ariela72 View Post

I am new to this website. I was hoping to get some info about how menopause affects weight loss. I have noticed that what I used to do for weight control does not work anymore.

Any info any of you wish to share? It would be really appreciated.

Hi Ariella,

WELCOME! This is a GREAT group of supportive ladies.

I'm 63 and I've been tracking my calories and exercise pretty carefully. Bottom line is when you eat 3,500 calories more than you exercise, you gain a pound - regardless of your age. What is it that you're doing that is not working?

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