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Old 05-10-2008, 10:20 AM   #91  
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Good morning from gray So. Calif.

We are supposed to see some sun this afternoon maybe. It was chilly yesterday and even though I was wearing a sweatshirt, I was still chilled.

Went to lunch with a couple friends from my old office yesterday to a barbeque place. I had two chicken legs, a nice cabbage dish and some collard greens. No cornbread or garlic bread. Went back to see my old office - it was cut in half and a wall has been put across the office as my company had to sub-let half their floor due to the lousy real estate market. Everything is cluttered and jammed together and other than the collections department, not much else is going on. I'm so glad to be out of there. And coming home was a mess - bumper to bumper traffic all the way across L.A. No thanks.

Today, I am driving to Woodland Hills in the western San Fernando Valley to watch my DGD play 2 soccer games. I'll have lunch with her and my son. My DGS has a game near his house in Orange County so his mom with be with him.

Tomorrow, my kids and grandkids will come up, pick me up and we'll go for a little lunch. Then they'll drop me off and go to my DIL's parents' house which is in a town about 10 miles away. At least, I'll be with them for a couple hours.

Anyway, stepped on the scale and am up another pound. I am so sensitive - down 2,up 2, and eventually this will drop back off.

Meowee, welcome back. So glad you had a nice time on your little trip. We all need to get away from home for a few days. Three days is about my limit any more, especially now that I have my pup.

Phillygirl, thanks for the suggestion. We have had strawberries here in So. Calif for the past month or so. Got some really big ones at the market but they don't have much flavor. Unfortuately, I don't drink milk or even soy milk. Cheese is the only dairy I can tolerate.

Have a lovely day.

Last edited by krosmon; 05-10-2008 at 10:24 AM.
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Old 05-10-2008, 07:05 PM   #92  
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Good evening y'all...DH took me to Outback's for dinner. Had 2 spiny lobster tails and steamed vegies and a bourbon old fashion. Did real good until you get to the bourbon! But am still a happy camper tonight. Actually stayed Op so should not have done any damage. And it was fun.

Had planned on resting quietly today because have a second cooking session coming again Thurs and then running madly Fri. BUT have been moving furniture and packing tubs. Even did pool exercises. Admit to thighs burning and back is in spasma. Have tubs stacked 4 high and too pooped to move another thing. TOMORROW TOMORROW she sings way off key!

I snuck a peek at the scales before dinner and was down 3lbs. Have to see what happens on my offical weigh in day.(Mon)

No pretty sunset tonight. The clouds have had dark bellys off and on all day, but no rain. We needed it badly. Especially since DH and buddy pulled the pipe out of the canal and broke it off inside the pump. So no strinklers running. Anyone know quick acting rain dance? Take care of yourself, eat healthy and hugs, Karen3
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Old 05-11-2008, 12:28 AM   #93  
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Just checking in. Happy Mother's Day to the other mothers in the group. Hope you all are having a good weekend.

Take care
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Old 05-11-2008, 01:09 AM   #94  
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Yes, Happy Mother's Day! I was planning on spendng tomorrow with my youngest dd is now a mother but turns out we wont get to her place until Monday as we decided to fly rather than drive. So it will be my dh and I as usual...planning to go out for lunch (for us it's dinner on Sundays). Then come home and get packed for our trip. Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday!
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Old 05-11-2008, 07:38 AM   #95  
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Good Morning and HAPPY MOTHERS' DAY . . .

Just finished giggling over the accumulation of e:cards in my in-box and decided I was almost glad my kids were far away today -- the weather is cold, rainy and very windy and I think a lazy day of doing very little will do me good.

The silly old scale gave me the 2 extra pounds this morning that I had expected to see yesterday and the blood-sugar fairy was not exactly saying nice things either. Oh well, just like the weather, this too will pass.

Have a great day today, whatever is in your plans -- see you later --
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Old 05-11-2008, 07:57 AM   #96  
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Morning all and Happy Mommy's Day!!

We are going to Baton Rouge later on for my youngest son's confirmation at the Cathedral, then out to eat...should be a nice day.

Did a great big no no last night and paid for it. Son had been working on a paper all day long, so we were being quiet in our room, fell asleep and decided just to order something when Beau was finished the paper. He wanted a pizza and husband did also, so we ordered 2 pizzas for them and a Greek salad for me. I ate the salad and then decided I hadn't had any pizza for over a year, so decided to try a slice of a shrimp and artichoke pizza (no red sauce..more of a cream type of sauce on it) Big mistake. I was violently ill a little while later. Should have known better. No more pizza for this girl unless I make it myself. yuck.

I ran over to the mall yesterday (well, what's left of our mall..which is just two stores..the rest has been torn down as it is being redone) and found a really cute black and white polka dot halter dress to wear today. I have a nice black linen jacket to wear over it at church.

Last edited by femmecreole; 05-11-2008 at 08:05 AM.
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Old 05-11-2008, 09:44 AM   #97  
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Happy Mothers Day.....

This is sort of a sad one for me...first time in 41 yrs. I haven't been around at least one of my three children. It's storming here right now so not adding to my mood.

Weight has stayed the same, upping my water and watching portion sizes now.

Karen31, good going on the 2 seem to have found what works for you. Any nibbles on the house? We haven't had any at all on our Florida condo so I guess we will look into renting it to my son or at least for season down there......Good Luck

Hey Gayle, good to see you again too.

Linda, sounds like you and I both have a day that it's better to stay inside. I will do some of my walking dvd today.

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Old 05-11-2008, 09:47 AM   #98  
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Happy Mother's Day. Another gray day for So. Calif. But I should enjoy it while it lasts because the heat is coming back the middle of the week.

My kids are coming to pick me up about 11:30 and take me to lunch and to a movie. Then they go to my DDIL's parents' house and her whole family goes out to a nice Chinese restaurant for dinner. So, I get them for part of the day, and then the evening is spent elsewhere. Apparently we are going to see Made of Honor, should be fun.

My neighbor came by last night and planted my two rose bushes for me which was very nice of him. It is still hard to do much digging for me. I do have to get out and do a little weeding later.

Hope everyone has a lovely day.
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Old 05-11-2008, 10:18 AM   #99  
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Good Morning and Happy Mother's Day. The 100th Mother's Day.

Apparently we lost power last night. Everything was blinking this morning. Don't think it rained and didn't hear any thunder. Must have been that darn troll again. Have so many surge surpressers that when it is dark you can walk thru the house following the red and green dots. Count your dots's not just me!

Have to stop at Publix's today not only for weekly groceries, but need to order 30 packages of potato hamburger rolls for 1st week in June. That will make 240 ham and cheese sandwiches. Plus have special were I can get pound of coffee and 2nd pound free. Starting to stockpile for tournament.

Gesh...My DH is a man who does not like anything changed or moved. When we moved into a house and the furniture was placed that is where it is always supposed to stay forever. I call it his German genes! Well moved furniture yesterday to put a Queen Anne chair with lamp as reading nook in my bedroom. Everytime I look he is in the chair....with his book! Dash who also has the German gene just sits and stares at the chair.

Again have a lovely Mother's Day....hugs, Karen3
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Old 05-11-2008, 07:36 PM   #100  
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Evening y'll...Had to send all that gloomy weather down here, huh! Just had to drop a quick note after posting my daily accounting. I have been under 1300cal every day since April 1st and if the scale does NOT slide way down that sucker is gonna be shot. As I load up my peashooter and storm away! Karen3

Last edited by Karen3; 05-11-2008 at 07:37 PM.
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Old 05-12-2008, 07:20 AM   #101  
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Good Morning . . .

Still cold and overcast here in Northern Nova Scotia, but it has finally stopped raining -- and some of yesterday's rain seemed to be a bit 'thicker' and 'whiter' than you would expect in May.

Both the weight and the blood sugar levels have 'blipped' back down to better levels and now the only leftover from my little 4 day trip is a bit of a yeast infection Diabetics should not eat that many desserts in such a short period of time. Hopefully it will be gone again soon, too.

Nothing more exciting than household chores on my agenda for today -- such an exciting life, I lead. Hope everybody else has a fund and active day on the go . . . see you all later.
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Old 05-12-2008, 08:57 AM   #102  
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Mornin' Sweetie......hugs Karen3

PS.....Checked weight and down 2.5lbs.....put away my pea gun!

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Old 05-12-2008, 10:42 PM   #103  
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Hi to all! We had rain over the weekend too. We needed it though.

Karen, congrats on your weight loss.

I'm in a stalling pattern. This weekend did me in. Too much celebrating Mothers Day. I'm getting back on track. I weigh in tomorrow. I hope I stay even. Lori
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Old 05-13-2008, 07:10 AM   #104  
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Good Morning . . .

Well . . . we have sunshine in Northern Nova Scotia this morning, but it is way too cold for being almost mid-May. Guess I'll try to be happy with the small mercies, though. At least the weight did another little downward 'blip' this am, but the blood sugar did an upward one -- the fact that I forgot to take my evening meds might have had something to do with it of course.

Nothing too exciting in my plans for today -- have to take my friend to the hospital for an intervenous bone-density treatment -- so we will probably do a bit of shopping while we are in the next-town-over anyway.

Cut out the main sections for a new quilt yesterday between sessions of tearing my house apart trying to find details of my second marriage and divorce dates (selective amnesia at work here ). I need the information so I can get my passport. I'm kind of planning another little visit to some friends in September -- in North Carolina, this time. Guess I'll turn my approximate dates over to the local Services Canada office and hope they can track down the details for me. Give them an exciting few days (maybe) since I'll be asking for Ontario information instead of the Nova Scotia stuff they usually get asked about -- that's me -- always thinking of others.

Other than that . . . SSDD . . . hope everybody else has some fun stuff on the go . . . see you all soon . . .
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Old 05-13-2008, 08:25 AM   #105  
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Good morning Linda...Glad you at least have some cold sunshine.

What's happen to everybody?

I think I have bitten off more than I can chew. Friday is another direct and bring snack day. Turns out that a friend who's husband just broke his shoulder and who just brought her 90yr DM to live with them needs a breast biopsy Friday. I got some one to direct, but had to promise to make the snacks. All of this is 40 miles from home. Will be in better control when I find out what time her appointment is.....Couldn't bear to hear her trying to go it alone! She has a full plate as is.

Finally figured out a day trip for July with DGDs. WildWaters and Silver Springs. I'll get them all day passes. But not me....don't do rides and slides. Didn't do them young and sure am not doing them at my age!! Oh NO!

Gotta go to Home Depot...something ate an entire tomato plant....gone. Not chew....gone.

Planned on it but paying for it today. Local tomatoes are in. So we had BLT's for dinner. Stayed OP, but so much carbs yesterday and not enough protein has left me feeling hungry today. Boy will I have to be careful this is when I can really mess me up.

Take care of yourself, eat haelthy and hugs, Karen3
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