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Old 09-15-2007, 06:44 AM   #211  
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Good Morning Everyone,

I'm running late - off to the gym & then headed for my scrapbook store - I'm going to be a judge in a scrapping contest.

Check back later,

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Old 09-15-2007, 09:07 AM   #212  
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Good Morning --

It's raining buckets today . . . That's okay with me since I still don't feel too great anyway. Guess I'll have a stay-at-home-and-do-nothing kind of day. Might do some laundry if I can work up the energy.

Hope everybody else has lots of great plans for having loads of fun . . . see you all later . . .
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Old 09-15-2007, 09:54 AM   #213  
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Good Morning and Happy Saturday

Well we are now listed with a realtor so hope we get some people to at least to come and see our condo....I would really like to hear comments from buyers. The place is so clean my dh is afraid to touch anything!

Lyn, your golf banquet sounds like it was fun and you did so well with your food choices. I forgot to congratulate you on getting to "onederland"!

Linda sorry your not feeling well, take good care of yourself. I know those cats will keep you company.

Marylynn, hope your MIL is ok and good for you speaking up for her. My Mom was like that, wouldn't say anything I had to do all the talking for her also. Amazing your dh perked right up!

Karen I hope your house showing goes well. Like I said I just can't wait to get someone here now. When are you going to start work?

LindaD, what diet are you on? You lost a lot of weight quickly. This Wendie plan is doing nothing for me....I'm thinking 2 wks on So. Beach now. I really want to drop about 5 more lbs. before our reunion in mid Oct. One of my problems is I cannot eat any type of lettuce anymore but I can eat cut up veggies. Try and get some sleep woman!

Zoe, I know you'll have a wonderful day with your friends, has your weather cooled off? Let us know about the Wendie plan, I do my weigh in tomorrow but so far I am up .5 lb. This isn't working for me so I believe I will start So. Beach on Sunday or just regular WW since I have all the weight loss books.

Ali, I can't believe Christmas things out already either. When we owned our furniture & silk flower store we always put craft Christmas items out in Sept. and then we went to Atlanta to buy Christmas in January....I was never ready for that either.

Lynn, sounds like you have a fun day planned too. My daughters do scrapbooking and I love to see the things they make, they go to parties and work on them together & share ideas. How are you feeling at staying mostly under 1000 cal./day? Do you ever feel weak?

Cat, your making me want to try some of that coffee now. I love coffee and am getting bored with Folgers....I found some Folgers Select Caramel Drizzle that I just LOVE! I bought a camping coffee pot so we can have coffee if the power goes out but not a bad thing to have incase our regular coffeepot goes out one day.....I cannot start the day without my COFFEE!

Joanne don't work so hard.....we miss you.

Hey Tee, how are you doing? When does your job start. You probably said and in my "old" mind I have forgotten. Are you seeing that beautiful grandchild this weekend? I'm missing mine.

Hi Margaret, yes we are hoping that the reunion at Disney will be what everyone is wanting. Now we will have a 2 & 4 yr. old in our group so that may add some drama. I need to find some clothes that fit now....I seem to be in between sizes....need to lose that 5 lbs. I guess so things will fit right.

Hi to our new a lot so we can get to know you.

Have a great week-end everyone!

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Old 09-15-2007, 11:14 AM   #214  
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Good morning everyone,

Hope that all of you are having a wonderful Sat. DH had the past couple of days off, but he's working today. It's nice that Lacee & I have the house to ourselves again.

Lyn, it sounds like you had a really good time at your golf banquet. It must have been a lot of fun trying to do the hoola hoop.

LindaD. Sorry you didn't get any sleep the other night. I've been there many times and know how tired you can be. Hope you had a better night's sleep last night.

Zoe, hope you're having a wonderful time with your friends in the White Mountains.

Marylynn, I am so sorry to hear about your MIL. It's good she has you to speak up for her. I hope she'll be better soon.

Linda-Meowee, hope you're feeling better soon.

Phyllis, hope you can sell you condo quickly now that you've listed with a RE agent. Over on our side of FL house sales are practically at a standstill. I do hope things turn around soon.

Lynn, hope you have a good time judging today.

Enjoy your Sat. everyone!

Last edited by aleka; 09-15-2007 at 11:16 AM.
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Old 09-15-2007, 02:36 PM   #215  
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Hey Golden Girls!

I've been reading all your posts, but haven't had time to write anything in awhile. The kids are bringing home lots of homework and it seems like that's all I do! And I've already gone through 16 years of school! But I have two in 4th, one in 5th and one in 6th grades and they get SO much more homework than we used to get.

The weather here in southwestern IL is GORGEOUS today! Typical fall weather at 62 degrees! I LOVE it! My two youngest are playing kickball in the street with neighbor kids and it brings back such great memories! I loved kickball! Abbi (11) is at girl scout camp and I'll bet she was COLD last night!

Marylynne: I hope your MIL is doing better.

Lynn: I love scrapbooking. My friend, Deb, and I Started it last year, but it took us months just to get the photos together! I kept saying when the kids got back in school, we would start up again, but so far haven't. We need to do that!

Phyllis: I loved what your friend wrote. That is exactly why I can't get on the scale very much. I want to see results, NOW!

I haven't been on the scale in awhile because I get so depressed if I don't lose fast enough. But when I got on today I found out I lost quite a bit! Check out the ticker!

He to all you other ladies out there and I hope you all have a GREAT weekend!
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Old 09-15-2007, 04:43 PM   #216  
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Well I've been missing a few days. We got a little busy. At weigh in, I lost 0.6 lbs. At least it's going in the right direction. I haven't been very true to the program and haven't been exercising the way that I should, I just haven't felt too good lately--so I've been a little self-indulgent.

Today, we had a clothes give away and food pantry at church. I came home and took a nap.

NSV [Thanks, Lynn]--- I put on my jeans from last year.. They weren't baggy. But they soon will be. They were very easy to button this morning. I'm going to need a belt soon!!!!

Cat---I’ll be the last to wish that your birthday was happy. May you have many, many more. Please forgive me for being sooooo late.

Karen---Congrats on the job at Walmart. I’m continuing to send you good vibes on the selling of your house.

Paula---You and your family are still in my thoughts and prayers.

Ali---I’m with you it seems that the Christmas decorations come earlier and earlier every year. Thanksgiving hasn’t even come as of yet. Today when I was buying birthday cards, I noticed that the Christmas cards were already out.

Meowee---I hope you are feeling better. Those change of weather days makes us all subject to colds and the flu. Take care

LindaD---I’m having problems sleeping, too. Lately, I’ve been very tired. I haven’t excercised like I would have liked to for the past 2 days. It made me feel good to know that I was not alone. :vibe: to you.

Lyn—Happy New Year to you. That 50s party sounded GREAT! In a previous post, I noted that you like to dance. Me, too. I tend to embarrass my kids and dh just shakes his head. But me?? I just dance( the added bonus is that it is exercise!!!]

Marylynn---I hope your MIL is soon feeling better. I had to chuckle when you wrote that your dh miraculously got well….reminds me of my dh!! You take care of yourself, though.

Zoe---Enjoy your time off.!!!

Lori---I thought I had the youngest kids on this group. But you now have the crown!! My youngest is a High school senior. You’re right there is more homework now!!

Well everyone have a good weekend!!! for the next week!!!


Last edited by Piano51; 09-15-2007 at 04:43 PM.
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Old 09-15-2007, 06:12 PM   #217  
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Hello everyone

Haven't posted in a long time and I know I have missed some important events.

Paula - so sorry to hear about the loss of your father. My thoughts are with you and your family.

As we GGs enter these years of our lives we are experiencing similar losses so we know how difficult it can be.

I missed at least two birthdays. Cat and Margaret. Happy belated birthday!

I had a so so month, but I continue to lose slowly so I am still celebrating. My clothes are so baggy that I will need to go shopping. Even my so-called tight clothes look like they belong to someone else. I seem to be walking more and climbing more stairs. Today we took our granddaughter to the State Capital building and History Center and walked up many flights of stairs. I know a few months ago I would have taken the elevator to the top floors, but today I was able to walk up and talk at the same time!

Congrats to you losers! And Trish, .6 pounds lost is still weight lost. Kiss it goodbye.

I am lovin this cool weather. We even had some snow flurries in the northern part of our state last week. Not ready for that yet, but that means NO MORE MOSQUITOS.

Hope everyone has a good relaxing weekend and good luck on getting those homes sold Karen and Phyllis.

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Old 09-15-2007, 08:04 PM   #218  
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I have some time to check in here before the USC game later tonight. I have been doing really well with my weight loss. On July 23rd I weighed 201 which was a wake up call (like I hadn't heard the alarm going off ) I had never been over 200 that I know of. Anyway I started my "better choices" campaign. I now weigh 180, I have lost 21 pounds in 54 days. I have walked a whole bunch of miles! My food choices are much better and I don't overeat at dinner, which was always a big problem.

My GOLDENS have become my personal trainers! They are getting so used to me walking them that they just about demand it! We have been putting about 3 miles in together, or more, each day, I then do about 3 on the treadmill most days. Angie and I have been doing the 3.5 mile walk to Starbucks with them on Saturday's and Sunday's, if we went to Saturday night service at church. Angie is loving it, gives her a chance to run without them. She'll go run a few miles then come back and we all walk. I love my GIRLS! All 3 of them, they are keeping me FOCUSED!

Our weather has been outstanding here all week! We did get pretty hot a couple of weeks ago for two weeks. Heard a lot of that global warming talk, then people realized it was August and it was supposed to be HOT!

I have been a little slow at work the last couple of weeks, finishing up a couple of projects and getting ready to start a few next week. I burn a lot of calories at work so that isn't helping with the weight loss EXCEPT instead of sitting around, like I might be inclined to do if I get a day off during the week , I have been using that to do the treadmill or weights, which has aided my loss!

My son and daughter in law and daughter and son in law went to see Rascal Flatts last night. They love that group, they have all seen them at least 4 times already. I love it that my son and sister are "friends" and always have been. They love, support and respect each other so much. It also helps that they both are friends with the other's spouse!

Angie and I have been watching a more than her... of baseball, our DODGERS and college football...mostly me on that one. Gives us time to spend time together, we watch the game and she does her crossword puzzles if she doesn't have papers to grade.

We just finished watching MY BOYS last night. I don't know if anyone else watches it here. We enjoy the show...about sports and beer! We DVR'd the season, a short one, then watched it over 3 nights last week. We are looking forward to the new shows coming out. We always have date night with Ghost Whisperer. We like CSI and a few others that we watch together. I was looking forward to that new Caveman show, from the geico commercials, I thought it would be funny. From what I read it's a bust! The reviews are all ready bad and it hasn't even been on yet. Looks like it is going to be a bigger flop than Al Gore's movie! Could beat it if it lasts 2 weeks

Well I have to rush outta here...FIGHT ON USC, but I want to wish you all the best ~ PAULA I am sorry for your loss. KAREN and PHYLISS I hope the homes sell! LILY I am glad there are no more mosquitos! I remember from one summer I spent in Minn. ALI I am glad you have the house to yourself TRISh and LORI your weight loss is in the right direction! LYNN I love the "paycheck" story. MARYLYNN quite the DH healer you are CAT Happy Birthday. LINDA stay dry! LINDAD we sure have had some nice weather here in so cal this week haven't we. LYN trees changing sound pretty. MARGARET how is the kitty? GLYNNE How is the job situation? Hi Jay and Zoe and EVERYONE ELSE!

game time....outta here..............GARY
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Old 09-16-2007, 09:36 AM   #219  
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Check check-in...

I weigh in tomorrow but I am off the Wendie Plan as it has not worked for me and part of that could be that I haven't been able to do my walking because of my foot, which is by the way better and I will start back walking slowly tomorrow.

Hey Trish, congrats on the loss....I'll take any amount I can get! Hope your feeling better soon too.

Lori, I'm so jealous of your beautiful fall weather. Fall is the season I miss the most living in Florida. Maybe next year I'll get to see the leaves turn. Love that crisp cool air.....enjoy it for me.

Gary, your weather sounds great too. Your a sports fan like my dh. He will watch any kind of game but football and baseball are his favorites, of course the Bengals (hope they have a better year) and the Cinn Reds....his hometown teams. I am a Steelers fan and we have some good bets going when they play each other. Great job on the weight loss and self control.

Hey Lily, good to hear from you....still losing weight and clothes too big way to go girl. Cool weather, oh I love hearing that word, still hot here in Flordia naturally. Isn't that great to be able to walk up those steps and TALK at the same time....look how much better your doing.

Hi to everyone else, hope you all have a great Sunday....we are heading for the pool.

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Old 09-16-2007, 09:49 AM   #220  
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Good Morning . . .

Cool and overcast today and my trees are definitely starting to change . . . no way around it now . . . another Summer bites the dust. I'm still not feeling up to par -- sore throat, ear ache and just a general malaise. Hopefully it will be gone soon.

The terrible trio is six months old now (and finally seem to have figured out the kitty litter thing ) . . . thought I'd share a few new pictures. In the group shot, reading from bottom to top, we have Frick, Frack, Freckle.

Not much else to talk about for me . . . hope everybody is having a great weekend . . . see you soon . . .
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Old 09-16-2007, 11:25 AM   #221  
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Morning Everyone!

I had such a nice surprise this morning when I got up..FALL!! It is finally cool enough to open the windows and turn off the AC..well for today anyway. It's bright and sunny and I am heading out to do a little weeding before I go take a bath.

We went out to eat with 4 couples last night. My best friend's husband's birthday was yesterday. He is 65 but looks around 50. We went to a really great restaurant that has the best breakfasts ever..but one little problem for's a Bavarian restaurant. It's the first time since I started SB that there was not one single entree I could eat. Usually if they have something on the plate I'm not supposed to have, I'll just have them leave it off, and I go with grilled fish or chicken or a huge salad. Everything was covered in gravy and fried and full of potatoes and noodles etc. (actully when everyone else got their food, it looked pretty revolting to me although I'm sure it was really good) Everything looked like heaps of starch with mushroom soup on top. The only thing I could have was a dinner salad. When it got there, it was about the size of my fist....puny little thing. It was delicious and I was mad that I didn't order two of them and have them put it in a big bowl. And it was only 3.95..and when our 260.00 bill arrived that was split 4 ways, I figured I paid over 30 dollars for a fistfull of lettuce, cucumbers, feta and black olives. But the company was great, we had a lot of fun and I ordered a cute little pot of coffee while everyone else had cake and 2 of the husbands told my husband outside how good I looked, so I guess that was well worth the 30 bucks for entertainment value.

My husband was a little afraid we would not make it home in time for the LSU game, but we got home just as it was starting, so he listened to it on the patio along with some heinekins and I watched " A beautiful life" in our room..nice quiet evening for me...not so much for the neighbors when my husband started yelling and whoooping.

I picked up a WATP dvd at walmart the other day and tried it out this morning. I really like it and I hate exercising...hate it. My work schedule has been so much lately that it is hard to get to the gym...get dressed for it, drive there and this should really be a time saver.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

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Old 09-16-2007, 03:07 PM   #222  
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Hi girls
just another busy weekend.
Saturday, I cooked for my sons 28th birthday! How did I get That old? NO really that is a rhetorical question .
His in-laws came… so we had a full house.

That movie sounds like it might be a little bit of a comedy…
here’s the example…
(Question: What do a group of Stone-age Aborigine men talk about when they’re in the bush, hacking away at tree bark?
Answer: Farting and women. Hey, they’re guys.)

Hope you enjoy your movie. Sounds like you need this week end off. To just unwind.

Congrats on the job. that would be my next choice if this mine does not work. Hope it’s a very short visit at that walmart. Hope the house sells This week! Then You can start at the new one, soon.

I like the story about Weight loss vs. a pay check. It makes a lot of sense.
Right now, I am not loosing. But, I am not gaining either. I am sure when I start working from noon to 8 p.m. Running my hinny off…It should start to come off again. It will happen eventually. So I am not really worried to much.

hope your MIL. is feeling better. And I am sure glad she has family like you. To look after her.

I am not on any real plan, Healthy eating, counting calories, and moving. I am slowing down with my losses also.
Think maybe we are just taking time for our body to adjust. Just try to be patient. It will happen, If you are doing the right things.

My job starts approx the 24th. of this month. I have to get schedule still.
And yup. I was with Jessie on Saturday. She starts a special preschool this week. 2 days a week, 2 hrs at a time. And she still has physical therapy every week also. Along with speech. ( she will NOT talk to them at all.)

you sound like a VERY busy lady. 4 kids, all young teens!!
God Bless you. I hardly made it through 2.-- 6yrs. apart.

well its time to go to work. Back later. hope you ALL have a great Sunday.
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Old 09-16-2007, 05:59 PM   #223  
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Hi Everyone,

I guess I won't be posting as much until this class is over. I miss you all. Will try to get online tomorrow morning to read everything.

I hope everyone is doing well.

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Old 09-16-2007, 09:16 PM   #224  
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Hello.....It has been a busy weekend, and the following week will be so busy I won't have time to I am posting just a short note.
Nice to see you back lilli.
Hugs to all.
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Old 09-16-2007, 11:45 PM   #225  
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Hello All!
I have decided not to work right now.. After I went to bed on Friday night I laid awake until 4:00am and thought of all the pros and cons and decided I just don't want to add any more stress right now. When I first talked to them about the job "months ago" I had said I wanted regular hours... then they hire me and have me on a schedule that is anywhere from 8 to 5 all the way to 10 to 7 I didn't want something that the hours are always changing and they knew that ahead of time.. And I just thought it is best now to just hang at home and keep everything ready to show and be ready to leave to go back at anytime.
My sister who had been taking care of my Dad just isn't doing well at all and has now gone to Mayo's clinic. She will be there for 30 days. So the care of my Dad now falls on my two brothers. I told them that I would come back now if they need me too but they are so far doing OK. So after weighing everything I just decided that adding a job right now was just too much!

Theresa, I went to the site where you will be working--- Sure looks like a nice place. I hope you will be just as happy there.

Marylynn, I sure hope you don't catch that flu bug that everybody seems to be passing around. I guess it is pretty nasty. Hope your MIL is feeling better.. Will send prayers your way!

Lynn, good to see you pop in--- sounds like things are really busy for you! Pop in when you have a minute

Phyliis, have you had any bites since you listed with a realtor?? The people from Arizona sent me an email last night and she was still waiting for her sister to get there... said she would be there today and they would need a couple more days before they get here. So guess we'll wait a bit more before we go with a realtor.
Yesterday I cleaned the house from top to bottom for 6 hours. Then today I started shampooing carpets and did that for 6 hours and only got about half done! At least everything should be nice and clean when the people from Arizona get here if they ever do!

Lori, my hats off to you on helping out with homework! My 12 year old granddaughter was up here a couple weeks ago and asked me something about what she was doing---- totally lost me!!

Gary--- You are doing great! I need to get more exercise in and get on the treadmill--- but guess I will wait until I finish shampooing the carpet! Got to get that done!

Linda (meowee) Loved the pictures of your babies!! They are so cute!! Which one was opening the freezer??? Too Funny!

Trish, Lily, Cat, Margaret A great Big to all of you!

Well, guess I'd better call it a night. Catch you all tomorrow.
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