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Old 09-09-2007, 10:39 PM   #121  
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Good Evening Girls!
I'm finally getting around to putting some of our e-mail addresses in a contact group and having problems. When I tried to send out e-mails I got this message, "An error occurred while attempting to invoke the default e-mail program." I'm thinking maybe I typed someone's address in wrong. Lynn, does yours start with a small l or 1? Is that a 01 or 0l? Maybe this isn't the problem, lets hear from all you computer guru's! Maybe someone can send me the list again, I think I read somewhere in past message that someone else was added while my cp was on the blink.
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Old 09-09-2007, 10:43 PM   #122  
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This is the joke I was going to send you all!
Dear Tide:I am writing to say what an excellent product you have! I've used it all of my married life, as my Mom always told me it was the best. Now that I am in my fifties I find it even better! In fact, about a month ago, I spilled some red wine on my new white blouse. My inconsiderate and uncaring husband started to belittle me about how clumsy I was, and generally started becoming a pain in the neck. One thing led to another and somehow I ended up with his blood on my new white blouse! I grabbed my bottle of Tide with bleach alternative, to my surprise and satisfaction, all of the stains came out! In fact, the stains came out so well the detectives who came by yesterday told me that the DNA tests on my blouse were negative and then my lawyer called and said that I was no longer considered a suspect in the disappearance of my husband. What a relief! Going through menopause is bad enough without being a murder suspect! I thank you, once again, for having a great product. Well, gotta go, have to write to the Hefty bag people.
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Old 09-09-2007, 11:59 PM   #123  
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Hi, I'm new at this sort of thing. I've never posted anything on a message board. I'm hoping that this will help with my weight loss and may be get me exercising. As you can see, I have lost about 20 pounds.

How do you get the little weight loss meter on your posts?

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Old 09-10-2007, 07:06 AM   #124  
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Default Welcome Sho6md

Originally Posted by Sho6md View Post
Hi, I'm new at this sort of thing. I've never posted anything on a message board. I'm hoping that this will help with my weight loss and may be get me exercising. As you can see, I have lost about 20 pounds.

How do you get the little weight loss meter on your posts?

Hi Sho6md, I'm glad you found your way to our thread. This is a great group who are VERY supportive and motivational. You are doing a wonderful job with your weight-loss.

To get a ticker, go to the top of the page - the purple bar - and click on "User CP." Then, click on "Edit Signature." At the top of the page is a sentence - "Add a weight tracker to your signature! Click here to get started. Questions? Click here." Click at the first "click here" Then follow the directions to get your personalized ticker.

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Old 09-10-2007, 07:12 AM   #125  
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Good Morning, Everyone,

Hi Theresa, when I was VERY much younger, my dh used to call rainy days "baby-making days."
It's an alternative to reading a book and watching tv.
I hope the new job works out for you.

Hi Ali, you are a VERY good friend! My friends tell me I am a buyer - not a shopper. I would have been out of that mall 3 hours earlier.

Hi Linda (Meowee), at the scottish festival yesterday, there were MANY, MANY dogs. Our cats would NOT have been happy there. They had 20 different rescue organizations with different types of dogs, they had the presentations of the dogs, AND LOTS of folks had dogs on a leash. There were hundreds of dogs there - AMAZINGLY, I did not see one dog bark at another dog or person. These were VERY laid-back dogs.

Hi Trish, I'm off to update my Challenge post also.

Yesterday, the Scottish/Irish festival was REALLY nice. Two highlights were the dancers and the border collie presentations. All that exercise in 90 degree heat! Those girls (and the dogs and sheep) must have been tired last night!

When I used to go to WW, they talked about NSV's - Non-scale Victories. Yesterday, I had 3 NSV's -
1) I bought a "bridie" - a kind of meat inside flaky pastry and ate 1/3 of it and gave the rest to my sil. I just wanted to taste it - didn't need to eat all of it.
2) I resisted the temptation to buy a "frozen cheesecake on a stick" and had a decaf coffee instead. (Cheesecake was my FAVORITE dessert)
3) I had packed a tuna sandwich in my pocketbook & ate that during the festival.

Today is a gym day for me. Start with the wt. machines, then 20 min. on the Eliptical. Come home & have lunch with my friend. Back to the gym for water aerobics class.

Check back later,


Last edited by ladyinweighting; 09-10-2007 at 07:14 AM.
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Old 09-10-2007, 09:01 AM   #126  
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Wow Lynn, great self are being soooooo good.

Well, the Wendie plan did NOT work for me. I am up 1/2 lb. Now I probably know the reasons....we ate out or had fast food almost every night last week and several nights I had a glass or two of wine with dinner. I thought I did the points OK, I end up with the total of 190 (or at least very close to it). I might give it a try this week and do it exactly right and eat in and see if there is any difference.

My left foot is (heel) is a little better after laying off the walking a couple days but I really miss walking. I am now giving it until Weds. before I call a Dr.

Bobbi, I can't get the address of the group in my address book either.....ok, I guess Lynn you'll have to tell me how to do that.

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Old 09-10-2007, 09:39 AM   #127  
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Hi everyone!

I wasn't very good over the weekend with my eating. So, I don't know what the damage will be. I vowed not to weigh myself again until after the challenge, but I'm interested to see if the Wendie plan worked or not. I'm sure the weekend undid everything. I will know tomorrow.

We had a terrible thunderstorm right after dinner last night. The lightning was so close. I swear one flash of lightning was right outside our livingroom windows. I was talking with the friend I walk with, and who also lives across the street from me, about the storm. She was telling me that she saw a blue flash out one of her back windows. It was rather scary.

Phyllis, glad that your heel is feeling better. It's no fun having a foot problem. I had plantar fasciiatis (sp?) which was very painful walking.

Lynn, Glad you had a good time at the Scottish/Irish festival. Those types of festivals are fun to see. It sounds like you had some good NSVs. Things like that really make you feel good with yourself. I am definitely not a shopper either. I go to a store, see what I want, buy it, and I'm out of there. But, I'm used to shopping with my best friend and she's a marathon shopper. This shopping expedition was a piece of cake compared to shopping with my best friend.

A big HI to everyone!
Hope you all have a wonderful day.

Last edited by aleka; 09-10-2007 at 09:41 AM.
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Old 09-10-2007, 10:46 AM   #128  
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Default Monday Mondy

Hi everyone,

Just catching up on the weekend posts. My DH and I rode his new bike (Honda 750) to Canandaigua (about an hour from home) on Saturday. It's a lot more comfortable for me - new seat and backrest...but my butt was pretty numb after that hour. We met some friends who were out on the Lake with their boat - they picked us up from the shore and then we swam and then had dinner out with them. Then my DD called and said she was able to get some free tickets to the local professional theater (GEVA) in Rochester...we decdided to go (Rochester was on the way back from Canandagua). The funny part was this turned out to be the Gala opening of GEVA's 35th year and most of the people there were dressed to the hilt in tuxedos, long gowns etc. We show up on the bike in our raingear and shorts, carrying our helmets into the theater. MY DH wasn't phased at all, but I felt very self conscious! We enjoyed the play and then even stayed for refreshments afterwards. We didn't hit the rain until about 3 miles from home at midnight sopping wet. What a day.

Zoe - your post about the Peace Corps really rang true with me. I am ready to do something, anything completely different from what I am doing now. My DH and I have considered doing something along those lines. Maybe I'm still partly that idealistic 60's generation gal who wants to make a difference. I have faith that something good will come along.

Lynn - congrats on your NSVs. Glad you're feeling better too

Meowwee - I love blueberries too. Have to have some everyday on my cereal.

Well, have a meeting to get to...HI to everyone else.

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Old 09-10-2007, 10:57 AM   #129  
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Hello, hello and happy Monday (except I wasn’t very happy this morning about having to get up for work; slept poorly and was really, really tired). Hopefully, I will do better today than yesterday. I’ve been doing SO well with my eating, sticking right to my point totals each day, and feeling very virtuous (especially after losing those two pounds last week!) and I did very well over the weekend until LAST FREAKING NIGHT when I couldn’t sleep….. well, earlier, DH and I drove out into the country looking for farm stands (and yummy fresh-picked tomatoes!) again, only this time southwest of Worcester instead of northwest (just to interject a little variety) and not only found a great farm stand and loaded up on tomatoes, zucchini and summer squash, cucumbers, and two (count ‘em – just two) ears of corn for DH, but also drove out to the apple orchards and got some nice early Macintoshes plus some Macintosh apple sauce (0 grams of fat, high in fiber and very little sugar) and THEN kept on driving until we got to the Quabbin Reservoir where we got out and did some walking, but not so much as last week (and I didn’t do any bike riding this weekend; I’ve been in an exercise slump). Dropped some tomatoes off to my girls, and then went home and baked two apple pies (one for DH and one for dinner tonight at DD3’s for her DH’s birthday). We had a pork tenderloin roast for supper with a small (for me) baked sweet potato, Brussels sprouts and apple sauce. Yummy. DH had apple pie for dessert and I had one of my WW ice cream bars (More yummy). Took a bath, went to bed, and woke up at @ midnight STARVING to death. Weirdest thing! Came out to the kitchen and ate another ice cream bar (Now I’m two points over for the day – or since it’s midnight, is that technically two points into today’s eating? Anyway, that didn’t do it for me, so I ended up eating a Fiber One bar, which brought me up FOUR points over, and THEN I just couldn’t help it – I ate a sliver of that danged pie! Just a sliver, but boy, was that crust good…and it was just tart enough to be REALLY GOOD as opposed to too sweet…oh what a GREAT pie!!!!! (Hey, I made it with Splenda instead of sugar! That’s something, right?) Anyway, I haven’t even attempted to figure out those points – I’m just writing it off as a “blown” day and starting fresh today. I swear, I don’t know what came over me! I was ravenous! Needless to say, I won’t be weighing myself today. I’m one of those people who just plain doesn’t WANT to know the bad stuff.
Well, Lynn, if joining the Peace Corps would give me “Private Benjamin’s” shape, I’d be down there signing on right now! Considering how lousy I’ve been about exercising lately too, I probably couldn’t get through the most basic of basic trainings – not the way I’ve been feeling – more like a wet wrung out dishrag than a human bean! AND we’ve had some unreal swings in weather – from the 60’s and damp to the 90’s and sunny & humid for a couple of days and now chilly and damp again today. One of the reasons I kept waking up, too, was that I kept coughing. It seems to come and go since I had that bout of bronchitis a few weeks or a month ago. Good job resisting temptation, Lynn. Wish I’d been as successful myself!

Hey, Tee…yup…paying bills sure is what we live for, or it feels that way, anyway. And you’re right – “change is in the air”. I’m just not sure what I want to (or can) change into, you know?
Ali? I HATE shopping! I HATE schlepping around malls like that, and yet end up doing it – usually with one of my daughters. I consider it one of those necessary sacrifices of motherhood (but I don’t LIKE it).
You really made me giggle, Meowee-Linda, with that offer to wrap and send a cat to Tee. There are definitely times when I’d gladly send our Yoko off to whoever would take her (usually when I’m petting her and she turns around and bites my hand. SO cat-like, eh?) But mostly, I love her, brat that she undoubtedly is!
Gee, Trish, aren’t your arms tired from all that *flying by*??????
Hmmm, Bobbi, gotta wonder why I wasn’t using Tide when I was married to my ex.
Welcome Sho6…..nice to meet you!
Glad your foot’s doing a little better, Phyl. Probably the eating out gave you higher points than you realized, don’t you think? For some reason, when restaurants prepare your food, I think they add a cup of points as well. I bet you’ll do a lot better if you’re making it yourself.
Some of us haven’t done too well this past weekend. Oh well, Today’s a new day, right?
Karen? Everything okay?
Have a great day, Golden Girlies, wherever you may be!


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Old 09-10-2007, 11:46 AM   #130  
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Hello all,

Hope you all had a nice weekend. I got to spend some time with Corbin, and helped Sara do some cleaning. She is counting down the days until the baby gets here. (16 days left now) Days off are over ~ back to work tonight.

When I went to go to bed last night, there was a little lizard on my bed. I don't know how they get in. This is the third one I've found in the house. I'm not scared of them, but I don't want them on me. My poor husband when he gets here will freak out. (I am the creature catcher in our house ~ )

Off to bed now for a nap before work.

Take care
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Old 09-10-2007, 12:18 PM   #131  
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Hi there, everybody . . .

Wow . . . it's Monday . . . and it's a gorgeous day around here. Sunny and relatively cool -- just the way I like it. Once again, the day is zipping right along and I do not know what I've got to show for it. Spent quite a bit of the time reading Suzanne's review of ******* on the 3FC homepage (along with all the backup data). Have a look . . . . . . Quite an eye-opener -- scarey stuff. Amazing what people seem to get away with these days.

Cats (or Khats for Zoe) are so silly sometimes it's amazing. The guy who cuts my lawn usually comes mid-afternoon and none of the feline menagerie even bats an eye. Today he came mid-morning and they almost tore the sunroom to shreds running madly frome window to window watching him. At least they got lots of exercise. Yes indeed, Lynn, I bet a few cats would have stirred up a little more activity for those dogs.

Here's a little FFFF for you . . .

The Romans called salmon "salmo" which means "leaper". But salmon was a staple food well before Roman times . . . about 10,000 years ago, a caveman carved a picture of a leaping salmon on a reindeer bone.

Salmon is actually leaps and bounds above other sources of protein, It contains all the essential amino acids, it's high in calcium and omega-3 fatty acids; it's low in saturated fat and calories.

It's a great idea to get 'hooked on salmon' . . .

Hope everybody has a great day doing nothing by fun stuff (even if you are at work) . . . See you all later . . .

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Old 09-10-2007, 01:48 PM   #132  
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Happy Monday!

I stayed on program all weekend except for last night. Yesterday was my son's birthday and he wanted me to fix chicken and dumplings. So I did and about 8 pm I wanted a taste of them so bad. So, I broke down and had about 2 cups. eeeek! I'll work out extra hard today to take care of the calories.

I'm so motivated and I don't know why. Motivation has always been something that I lose after a week or two. Some days are better than others but overall I have maintained a sense of motivation. I know I will reach my goal and after getting there I will do some cosmetic things that I've been putting off to make me look a little younger. Unfortunately, I've got to stay younger looking so I will be able to find a job in the mortgage industry when it picks up again.

I've plastered my refrigerator with my 'skinny' pictures and wish I looked like that now but I'm learning to be patient. After taking a real good look at the pictures, I noticed that I wasn't a bad looking woman......something I didn't realize at the time. Isn't it strange? Has anyone else found that to be true? I would think my tummy wasn't flat enough or my hips were too wide when I really looked pretty good. What causes us to look at ourselves in a negative way? Why don't we see the good instead of pointing out the bad?

My plan today is to do 'Sexy Arms' CD, upper body weights, walk/jog 3 miles.

Phyllis: Beautiful condo. Is that the one for sale?

Zoe: I feel the same way as you. There's something I need to be doing but I just don't know what. I hope we find what we're looking for. I think you would count the points you had last night, after midnight, for today (Monday). Try to exercise and use the exercise points to bring your points in check. Good luck, you're doing great!

Theresa: Congrats on the new job!

Lynn: You haven't had a good week at all. I think the saying goes...'it comes in 3's'. Hopefully, this week will be much better. It's so great that you have so much self control. My friend once told me when I'm hungry and I'm out and about to always ask for a salad and not look at the menu even when I don't want a salad. She's very thin so I guess it works. I like the 'Sexy Arms' CD and can really feel it working. I have hams for arms too. I just want them smaller and some definition.

Cat: Missed you and glad you're back. Sounds like you have a hectic job.

Ali: Lots of walking! At least you got your exercise in for the day and it doesn't hurt when you get to shop and exercise at the same time.

Shoe6md: Welcome!

Lyn: Your weekend sounds like a lot of fun.

Have a great day!

Last edited by LindaD; 09-10-2007 at 02:04 PM.
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Old 09-10-2007, 09:51 PM   #133  
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Where the devil IS everybody lately? Did y'all lose all that weight and graduate from 3FC or something? Should we be sending out congrats cards and ordering the plaques or what?

Wet & Rainy night here...just got back from son-in-law's birthday party....
Time for this old chick to get some sleep.


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Old 09-10-2007, 10:39 PM   #134  
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Thanks for all the welcomes! I've been on 3FC off and on for awhile but I love your group since I'm a GOLDEN GIRL!!

I have a weird question for all of you!

I started counting calories a couple of weeks ago and for the most part have been doing extremely well. I find it a good fit for my lifestyle. I am 300 or so pounds so I have a LOT of weight to lose, but in those 2 weeks my stomach/abdomen was actually going down! Today my dh and I celebrated 30 years of marriage! We went to Macaroni Grill for lunch and I indulged - not terrible, but over the calorie limit for sure. Then they gave us a free dessert which I shared with dh. Anyway, tonight my stomach is all bloated! It seems so weird to me that ONE meal would do that!

Has anyone had this happen? I mean it's been 10 hours since I've eaten a thing! What is that? I was getting used to the bloat being gone and here it is after one anniversary lunch!!

Congrats on all the weight losses!

Have a GREAT Tuesday!
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Old 09-11-2007, 07:20 AM   #135  
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Default Happy Birthday, Margaret

Good Morning, Margaret,

I hope you have a Star-Studded Birthday!

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