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Old 09-04-2007, 06:34 PM   #61  
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Old 09-04-2007, 07:44 PM   #62  
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Well, today was kind of a "Yucky" day! The people from Arizona emailed and wanted to give us less money than what we paid for the house 3 years ago PLUS wanted to do an owner carry. And they still haven't even seen it! The other people want to give full price but are interested in us doing an owner carry for 18 months. We told them we really don't want to do that since we need the money from the sale of this house to buy one in MO. So they are still working on trying to get financing. Hopefully they will hear some good news and everything will work out.

Phyllis, that is exciting about the people coming to look at your condo--- Good vibes headed your way! I'll be anxious to hear how it went.

Well, kinda bummed out tonight so I will try to get back later and chat some more. I know I need to keep a positive attitude and keep smiling!! I'm trying!

Last edited by Karen31; 09-04-2007 at 07:44 PM.
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Old 09-04-2007, 08:03 PM   #63  
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Okay. Bak. I put some potatoes in the oven to bake. Today is my 27 point day, and so far I’m behind on points, so I’m going to add potatoes to our dinner menu. Today was a lot of driving, a lot of meetings, and no time to languish over well-timed snacks and/or a leisurely luncheon. Nope. None of that. Had some leftover chicken breast meat wrapped in a piece of Lavash bread with a tiny dab of Lite Miracle Whip on the run, and then came home and ate an ice cream bar. Got a decent supper planned, and another ice cream bar, and that should round things out. It really stunk to have to go back to work today after that teaser third day off! Horrid traffic, too! Whine, whine, kvetch, kvetch.
Glad you liked “Cool Women”, LindaD, I thought it was neat, and thought too, that it was pretty accurate, eh? Your holiday weekend sounds really nice - that’s the sort of day I enjoy, too - being around the house with time to read, listen to music, check in with family, etc.
Turkey roll sounds good, Phyl - I’ll have to check that out.
Karen, you are SO on target with my concerns about Devon! Exactly right! Right now he’s poorly behaved, but ultimately manageable, because of course, he’s relatively small (although he’s pretty darned strong). But yes, I am worried about when he gets older - and a LOT bigger - and how he can be managed then if they don’t do any disciplining now. I really am hoping that this school program helps him - and them - to have higher expectations around what he is capable of understanding. Oh - and I’m sending good vibes like crazy about the house sale! I really do hope the end is in sight...try not to let it get you down, at any rate. Everything always does work out in the end - it's just all that waiting for the end to finally arrive that's stressful. I hope things get tied up soon, sweetie
Oh, Lyn...aren’t the balloon festivals fun? We love the one down in Newport, RI, and always manage to get to at least one balloon weekend every summer!
I hope your condo sells when you want it to, Phyl....then comes the hard part, of course. All that packing and moving stuff <groan>..We’ll probably be doing that ourselves within a few years, too.
Hi Ali - I imagine you do get used to whatever climate you’re living in, so if I was to move down south somewhere, I guess I’d adjust sooner or later. But I can’t see it happening, because I can’t even talk DH into moving to NC, which for a while there, I thought we might actually do. I’ll see you there for the hiking, tho...(I’ll be the one handing you the cold drink at the end of your hike and directing you to one of the guest rooms at sis’s. (Phyl will be the one sipping wine on the patio; I’m sure she’ll give you a friendly wave!)
Gayle, I just know that the right job is going to come along and then you’ll be GLAD that these others didn’t work out. You’ll see. In the meantime, I’m sending lots of positive vibes your way, too!
Yikes, Lynn! What have I started, anyway? I don’t want to have to feel guilty if someone tries the Wendi plan and it doesn’t work so well! <gulp> Well, all I can say is that it seems to have worked for me - beyond that, I have to issue a disclaimer!
Oh, I’m sooooo tired! Love you dearly Jo-annie and Tee, and just can’t type much more, here. Hugs to everyone else - really, really. But my eyes are closing. (I already ate supper in between finishing this post).

G’nighty night, one and all!

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Old 09-05-2007, 03:03 AM   #64  
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A late night hello

Boy this is an active group-can't miss a day too much happening.
Our grand daughter has not arrive and mom and dad are getting pretty tired of waiting-along with mom feel super uncomfortable. By this weekend she should arrive.
tomarrow we play and see some of my husband relatives visiting the area. Plus he will get a hair cut-the closest barber is 1 1/2 hr away and it is sooo time. And we will go to some fancy resturante and I am ready for treat. Not too worried about what to have as we have some great fish places on the North Coast. I actually continue to very slowly lose as I have added between 4-6 hrs a week of swimming. Really notice the loss of some inches. Love the water but does get kind of hard on the skin.

Really wrestled with "why" critical family can get so under my skin. I just go back to my ancient childhood approach of trying to please the unpleaseable. Working on learning how to let unhappy people be and let their negative energy pass thur me and not hook me. I am starting to study buddhism and enjoy many of the concepts-working on learn to meditate, becoming more compassionate, calming my mind about those thinge I can not change or control and being much more in the moment. Alot of good things and I need alot of practice.

good luck to those are working on selling and moving to new places. May you all have quick success and full price. We love this isolated area but I know a move will be in our future-nearest hospital is over 1 1/2hr, no public transportation if not driving, pretty limited services.

I count cals and record on Fitday, but all of you fans of WW is getting me interested in that program-again nothing locally but I guess I can sign up on line and must check out this Wendie Program.

glynne-good wishes for finding a job. Sound like you so active on looking-hopefully something soon will click. Our pensions are pathetic and we both need to work some .-I do some on call work which does help.

To everyone else-so enjoy all the posting and Hi to everyone I didn't mention in this posting. I have limited computer skills and found the the notebook but did not sucessfully use it to post here.
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Old 09-05-2007, 03:42 AM   #65  
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Hi . . .

Clock says it's morning . . . is badly needed. Actually more sleep is badly needed, but the will have to do, for now.

Hope the day is good for everybody . . . see you later . . .
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Old 09-05-2007, 09:40 AM   #66  
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Good morning everyone,

I started the Wendie plan yesterday because I want Fri. to be my high point day. I am having a hard time just getting to my target point. I have no idea how I am going to be able to eat more points, but I'll try.

Sue, I hope that little baby is born soon. Have a great time with your DH's relatives. That's great you're swimming, it's wonderful exercise. Congratulations on the inches lost.

Zoe, sorry about your DH not wanting to move to NC. It's really beautiful there. My best friend and her DH want to move there and I'm trying to talk DH into moving there if she does. I was reading in the paper recently that NC, TN, and a few other states are becoming the new FL. A lot of people who moved to FL from up north are now moving to NC and they're being called "half backs", moving half-way home. Along with a friendly wave from Phyllis with one hand she can offer me a glass of wine in the other, after I scoff down that iced tea, of course.

Karen, I'm so sorry what happened with the people who want to buy your house. I hope they can get the financing and that everything will work out the way you want it to.

Gayle, I'm sorry about the job. The right one is out there waiting for you.

Hello Lynn, Lyn, Joann, Cat, Marylynn, Gary, Phyllis, and anyone else I may have missed.

Have a good day!

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Old 09-05-2007, 12:15 PM   #67  
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Hi GG's:

I'm at work and only have a few minutes. Hope everyone is doing well on the September challenge. I am really paying attention to what goes in my mouth now. Just 4 days into the challenge and a couple of my co-workers told me that I look like I'm losing weight. I don't weigh but twice a month so I will know next week if I've lost. I do exercise and lift weights so maybe it's finally paying off. I keep trying on a pair of jeans one size smaller and notice the it won't be too long before I can button and zip them. Yoo-Hoo!!!

Karen: Sorry about the house. Hopefully, they will change their mind.
Zoe: Thanks for the zimbio site.
Gayle: That's too bad about the job. I really hope you find something soon.
Meowee: Thanks for the Wendie plan site.
Ali: Good luck with the Wendie plan!

Take Care....

Last edited by LindaD; 09-05-2007 at 12:15 PM.
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Old 09-05-2007, 12:35 PM   #68  
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Hi GGs,

I am "out in the field" today...meaning I'm off-site from my office doing some noise testing in one of our packaging areas. I have my lap top with me and found a place to plug in to the net. My first day on Wendie Plan went well...was not hungry after I met my goal. Today I get a few more points...horray. I just recalculated the focaccia roast beef sandwich that they serve here at work and realized I had counted it as 8 points when it is more like 11 or 12. Woops. That may be why I haven't lost too much...I may be underestimating points on some things.

Karen - hope the financing works out for you potential buyers.

LindaD - Great news on the nice comments and almost fitting into those jeans...keep going.

Allie - will be ccurious to see how you do on the Wendie plan too. believe me - I don't have a problem with eating too little!

Sue - Have fun with your GD...enjoy your family time and restaraunt celebrations

Meowee - Did you get those eyes open this am? Thanks for the websites

Ella (Zoe) - Hope the traffic gets better for you today. Yes this is turning into along week for me too, after my 4 days of freedom.

Big hugs and hellos to all you other GGs.


Last edited by lynard21; 09-05-2007 at 12:36 PM.
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Old 09-05-2007, 03:07 PM   #69  
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Good afternoon ladies,

Lyn, I know what your talking about with hidden calories in foods. When I look some up it is amazing what is in them. Hope you didn't have to miss your walk.

Karen, I'm so sorry things don't look so good on the house but you never
know what will happen. Hopefully the one couple can get the money. We are almost done cleaning, about as good as this place can look now. As you know, now the trick is to keep it looking this good.

Linda D, how nice compliments already, doesn't that make you feel great and we have only just started the challenge.

Ali, OK.....I love ice tea too....I can forgo the wine if we are still counting calories and maybe a short walk but no mountain climbing!!! We have friends that moved to So. Carolina and that is where my son will be transferred to after the first of the year.....we thought about living there but that is still about 9/10 hrs. from those grandbabies.

Linda, hope you get caught up on your sleep. I cannot function if I don't get 8 hrs. in. Kittens being good I hope.

Zoe today is my high point day and I don't know how I'll get up there. That is a lot of points. I am going to aim for the total pts. for the week, right now I am right on target total point wise. Thanks for the pts. site, I'll check out my boca burgers on it as soon as I get a new package. Maybe your dh will change his mind about N.C.

Joanne, I am glad everything worked out well at the wedding. I bet you looked great. Don't work too hard.

Lynn, I'll let you know how I do on the Wendie plan.....right now my scales are up and today is my high pt. day.....we shall see. Are you walking again on Sunday? Hope everything is going well at your DD inn.

A big hello to everyone. Theresa, Sue, Cat, Marylynn and Gayle....hope I didn't forget anyone.

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Old 09-05-2007, 03:57 PM   #70  
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Hello again . . .

I had a nap and it was wonderful. Too bad the weather is not being wonderful -- it's darn cold. We only hit a high of 16C/61F. Wow . . . Fall is in the air.

Here's a little gem from my inbox today . . . very timely (for me, anyway) . . . . . .

Hope you all are having a great afternoon. See you later . . .
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Old 09-05-2007, 05:13 PM   #71  
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Hi All,

I've been feeling tired & weak both yesterday & today. Not sure what's wrong. I went to the gym, but had to REALLY push myself.

I had a friend over for lunch, so I cooked & ate, but then, I took a nap. I woke up still tired!

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Old 09-05-2007, 05:52 PM   #72  
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Lynn, what's up with your blood sugar levels? Are they okay? This fatique isn't like you, so it concerns me. If it goes past today and into tomorrow, you should probably check in with your doctor, don't you think?

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Old 09-05-2007, 06:37 PM   #73  
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Hi Lynn,

I don't know about PA but here in IL there are lots of things going around. Sore throats, body aches and really really tired and fatigued. I have all of the above - ugh - the kids bring all this home from school. Friends from other states said this is going around there too.
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Old 09-05-2007, 08:38 PM   #74  
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Lynn is there the chance that you've been overtraining? Try taking one more day of extra rest before you head back to the gym. If you're fatigued, for health or fitness reasons, it's better to listen to the body & take a break.
Blood sugar ok?

Let us know how you're doing & focus on more sleep!
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Old 09-05-2007, 08:56 PM   #75  
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Hello Everyone,

Lynn, I sure hope you are feeling better but if things aren't a lot better in the next day or two be sure and see your Dr. You don't need to take any chances with your health. Sending your way!

Linda (meowee) we've had rain here most of the day and just kind of gray! I just looked at our thermometer and we have 50 degrees!! They said on our weather report tonight that we have probably seen the last of the 80's and 90's for this year. I love the new picture! Which baby is that?

Phyllis, I'm hoping that the people that come to look at your condo tomorrow buy it right off the bat!! I am getting so tired of living in limbo already and we have only been at this a couple months now! I'll be anxious to hear how things went for you. I did call the people back in San Diego today and asked if they were still interested. They are but still trying to make up their minds between our house and another one now. I told them that if something doesn't happen here in the next few days that we would end up raising the price and list it with a realtor next week. So he said he would talk with his wife and get back with us in a couple days. In the meantime I reposted again on criagslist again today. I am so ready to get moved!

Linda D-- Great news about the jeans! Hopefully you will be in them in no time!

I'll try to get back to everyone else in a bit.. I need to go and finish up a few things now and then come back. Back Later........

Last edited by Karen31; 09-05-2007 at 08:58 PM.
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