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Old 09-19-2007, 10:33 PM   #256  
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Hello everyone!
What a bunch of busy people we are. It's amazing we have any time left in the day to take care of ourselves.
Hi Ann, welcome.
The days are getting shorter and the list of things to do each day gets longer.
I am taking Friday off so we can go to our cabin for the weekend. Last time we were up there the leaves were starting to turn and the nights were down as low as the 30's. It will be warmer than that this weekend and I'm sure the colors will be spectacular. The cabin is about 25 miles south of the Canadian border.
Gotta run and get some laundry done so we are ready to leave when I get home from work tomorrow.

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Old 09-20-2007, 12:05 AM   #257  
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Hello Everyone,
I sure hope everyone is doing good tonight. Lily, our Aspens are turning now too. They turn a very pretty gold. I've put it a couple pictures and the one even has a deer up behind the rock. It almsot looks like she is saying "Can I get a little privacy?"

Hi Ann, Welcome and congratulations on the weight you have lost! That is really good! I know you will like it here so come and post often with us.

LindaD-- Sorry to hear the news about your son getting laid off. People all over the place are getting laid off. These are just tough times for everyone right now. But it has got to get better.

Theresa, the pokemon story was so funny!! Loved it!!

Marylynn, How is your MIL? still sending lots of prayers your way.

Gayle, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MADISON !! How's Mom and Grandma??

Joanne, Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers your way.. Please be sure to keep us updated.

Cat, the new teaching job sounds really nice. Good luck!

Phyllis, How are you doing? Is the foot getting better?

Zoe, How are you? I can remember that traffic when we lived back there! YUCK!!!

Linda, I hope you start feeling better real soon. I know those sleepless nights are hard on a person too. I hope you get your insulin dosage straightened out soon. It must be so hard.

Ali, Sometimes I think it is harder to count points than it is to count calories. I'm thinking about forgetting points for awhile and just staying with counting calories. I find it really hard to get all my points in anyway.

Lynn, I hope you are able to find some "ME" time soon. in the meantime be sure and take care of yourself.

Gary is still around and posting a little bit everywhere. I'll tell him you all said Hi!

Well, I know I've probably missed some. But it is getting "tired out" so think I'll call it a day. HAve a good night everyone.

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Old 09-20-2007, 08:15 AM   #258  
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Good Morning Karen and Lily,
Thanks for the welcome.
Lily, Have fun at your cabin, sounds like a nice weekend.
Karen, I miss Colorado, we used to live there and two of my children were born there, but because of Job trasfers we had to move. Love the Aspens and the Blue Spruce.
I am doing good on tryhng to eat healthy, I am getting some oatmeal for breakfast and eating fruit today and lots of vegies and walking the dog.
Thank you for your nice compliment on my weight loss so far.
It is coooling off here in Kansas and makes walking nice in the mornings and evenings.
Take care gals,
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Old 09-20-2007, 09:06 AM   #259  
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Hello everyone,

We were supposed to get some storms overnight and into this morning, but we didn't get a thing. I brought my umbrella this morning on my walk just in case. But at one point we saw the edge of the clouds, the sun was peeking through and we saw a beautiful rainbow. There are supposed to be more storms coming across FL today and for the rest of the week.

Ann, You have done so well with your weight loss. That's really fantastic. Keep up the good work. You will start losing again.

Linda D, sorry to hear about your son getting laid off. I know things are tough right now in the lending industry. You really have done a lot of things. I was a keypunch operator (remember those machines?) for many years then I became a secretary for a few years. DH & I owned our own business for 20+ years. We had our own machine shop in our garage and I used to help him out sometimes, but mostly did office work. We thought we would do that until we retired, but when they started outsourcing we had to close shop, as did a lot of machine shops. Since we had to start over we decided to do so in a warmer climate.

Marylynn, glad that your MIL is doing better.

Gayle, a big to Madison. What a pretty name. Hope mother & baby are doing fine.

Phyllis, I feel the same as you do on hearing about all the fall weather.

Karen, sometimes it does get tedious figuring out points and those times I think it would be easier counting calories. But, I do know how many points I need to lose weight and don't know how many calories. I too have a difficult time eating all my points.

Zoe, sorry about you being stuck in traffic so long. I remember how bad the traffic was when we lived there. I lived 2 miles from work and it used to take me about 1/2 hr. just to get across town.

Lily, have a wonderful time at your cabin this weekend.

Linda-Meowee, hope you got a better night's sleep last night. I know what it's like to have sleepless nights. They're no fun!

Hi Joann, Bobbi, Gary, Lynn, and Lyn. I hope I didn't forget anyone.

Have a wonderful day!

Last edited by aleka; 09-20-2007 at 09:08 AM.
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Old 09-20-2007, 09:35 AM   #260  
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Linda D maybe the lowering of the interest will help the housing market and I heard last night they will be lowered again next month. Something has to help these people being foreclosed on. Of course we are hoping it will help ours sell but we are in a position that we don't have to move, we can wait this out. Sorry about your son, I hope he can find something sound like your ready for a big adventure...good luck.

Ali, we got tons of rain, almost 3 inches 2 nights storm that night just poured. Streets flooded we got so much so fast. It's suppose to rain here the next couple of days also from that tropical wave but the sun is out right now.

Gayle, Oh, I love her name. Post a picture if you can. Glad everyone is well and you got to see her being born, how great is that.

Marylynn, so happy to hear the good news about your MIL, I remember doing the trips to the hospitals. I actually had my Mom in one here locally and my Dad in one an hour away at the same time.....that was so hard. Hopefully she is on the mend now.

Karen, well I thought my foot was OK then when I walked my dog the other night it started hurting again. I took it easy and lots of ice for a couple days and walked him again a little last night, seems OK now but I won't start up with the WATP dvd quite yet. The pictures of the trees are beautiful. Did those people ever show up?

Hi Lily, have a good week-end, I hope you'll enjoy those beautiful trees turning for me! It actually was only 85 here yesterday!!

Cat, hope you get the teaching position....sending good vibes your way.

Joanne, hope your test comes back just fine. Waiting on test results is the longest wait....hopefully all will turn out fine. Enjoy and relax on your week off.

Zoe, I'm going to do regular WW, I read that each point equals 50 calories so I am lowering my points to 22/1100 per day. I don't think I can do lower than that and hopefully be able to start walking again this week-end to shake some things up and stay away from the dreaded scales for a week. Hope your ride to work wasn't as stressful and long today.

Ann & Linda, believe me I know it's hard when the scales won't move, that's why I belong to "I hate the scales club" Hang in there ladies it will happen.

Hey Lynn, don't work so hard. Totally blew any kind of diet last night with KFC....oh it was so good but I'll pay for it today!!! I need some of your willpower.

Big hi to all those I missed.


Last edited by floridarusty; 09-20-2007 at 09:38 AM.
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Old 09-20-2007, 09:41 AM   #261  
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Good Morning one and all . . .

Looks like we are in for another beautiful day on good old Indian Summer. Nice -- will be doing the lunch and shopping run with my neighbour/friend later today. Another 'no Insulin' night and another high normal BGL this morning -- but I feel much better than when I've had a low. Of course, I also got a better night's sleep last night.

A big welcoming hug for baby MADISON . . . love the name.

Another big welcoming hug for you ANN . . . so glad to have you joining us. Know you are going to love it around here.

Had a lovely afternoon with the relatives. They decided to go on to PEI rather than spend the night here since they were trying to see as much of the area as possible in a week. Oh to be young and have that much energy. Wish I had thought to get a picture of my nephew dressed for going outside in a long-sleeved hoodie, neckband, full beard, etcetera. Looks so weird. Poor guy is allergic to the sun (no, he is not albino). Five minutes of sun on his skin and he's literally covered in blisters. Can't remember what the condition is called, maybe I'll look it up later. As his wife says -- he looks like a nerd, but at least he's outside in the fresh air. He even has a 'disabled parking' permit because of it -- but most of the time won't take advantage of it because he finds it embarrassing to get stared at even more.

Nothing else is new around here. Have a great day doing lots of fun stuff, gang . . . see you later . . .
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Old 09-20-2007, 10:33 AM   #262  
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Default Greetings from lyn

I've been very busy here with safety training. We haven't had to do any more late night sessions, but have had 2 more sessions in the last 2 days. I'm exhausted after each one. The students seem to really like the new format. Instead of lecturing for 2 hours, we have 10 "stations" set up and split them into 10 teams to rotate around the stations. At each station they either do something on the computer, or play a game geared to certain safety subjects, or watch a video and answer questions. it keeps them engaged for the whole time and we've gotten good feedback on it. At my station I help guide them to a new site on the safety home page and have them find certain MSDSs. Anyway after doing it 10 times in a row it's tiring!

We must be having the same weather as you, Meowie. Just beautiful sunny Indian summer every day. I've been walking at lunch and also after work.

Welcome Ann...: I know you'll find the support and inspiration to keep on going with your great weight loss here amoung us 50+ chickies.

Phyllis - stay dry down there in the tropics of FL. yes, i hope the drop in interest rates help you out with your sale. Ali - you stay dry too!

Love love love the photos Thanks for sharing. Our leaves are about 25% changed now.

Lynn Hope the class gets better. Take care.
Lily Have fun this weekend at your cabin up north. Stay warm.
All you other GGs have a great end -of-the-week!!


Last edited by lynard21; 09-20-2007 at 10:35 AM.
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Old 09-20-2007, 12:15 PM   #263  
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Good Morning:

Well, it happened. My son was laid off yesterday. He's actually looking forward to taking a couple months off and relax before he starts the tedious job hunt. I've learned to just put it in God's hands and move on.

It actually rained a little again this morning. I'm loving this. The weather is in the low 80's in the day and low 70's at night. Nice after the heat we've been having.

I tried the new Lean Quisine Asian Chicken Stir Fry 280 calories and it is soooo good. Give it a try...very tasty.

Lily: Have a great time at your cabin. I bet the colors will be spectacular. Enjoy!

Karen: What beautiful pictures! Love the deer playing peek-a-boo. The only thing I miss about living in CA instead of back east are the seasons. I love walking through leaves and hearing the crunch and feasting my eyes on the beautiful picture the trees paint. Yes, please tell Gary his CA sister says hello.

Ali: You said in your last post: "I do know how many points I need to lose weight and don't know how many calories." I believe when I went to WW last year the leader told me each point is 50 calories. Anyone, please correct me if I'm wrong.

Phyllis: The lower interest rate will help some. The problem right now is the default rate from bad loans, a lot of lending to people that really didn't qualify, fradulent loans, etc. The lenders can't make up the loss and are closing down. My company (7,500 employees) was neck and neck with Countrywide and we had to file BK. Countrywide is having some very shaky times right now and trying to hang on by their fingernails. Everyone in the industry says it will be early 2009 before the market returns. I hope it isn't that long but judging by the last two mortgage crashes in the 80's and again 10 years later in the early 90's it lasted a little better than a year then. I hope your foot begins to feel better soon.

Joanne: Any word on the test results?

Linda: Glad you're feeling better today. Have a fun day.

Lyn: You have a crazy schedule. What is the safety training for? Is the training for children?

Hope everyone has a pleasant day. I'm at work and got to run.

Last edited by LindaD; 09-20-2007 at 12:19 PM.
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Old 09-20-2007, 12:41 PM   #264  
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LindaD asked....You have a crazy schedule. What is the safety training for? Is the training for children?

No, these are all adults who work here. Once a year we give refresher training in Safety and Health. Sometimes they act like kids, however
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Old 09-20-2007, 01:08 PM   #265  
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Dole recalls bagged salads due to E. coli

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A division of Dole Food Co said on Monday it was recalling some bagged salads sold in the United States and Canada because a sample at a Canadian grocery store was found to contain E. coli.

Dole Fresh Vegetables said it has not received any reports that anyone has become sick from eating the products. The recall covers "Dole Hearts Delight" salads sold with a "best if used by" date of September 19.

In recent months, Dole has stepped up its testing and tracking of produce to prevent outbreaks of E. coli such as the one linked to bagged spinach last year that sickened hundreds and killed three.

Several other high-profile food safety scares in the last year have aggravated concerns among consumers and federal health regulators, including an E. coli outbreak linked to Yum! Brands Inc's Taco Bell restaurants in the U.S. Northeast and a salmonella contamination of Peter Pan peanut butter made by ConAgra Foods Inc that sickened 425 people.

Just last month, California produce grower Metz Fresh LLC said it recalled fresh spinach in grocery stores and food service packages after a sample tested positive for salmonella.

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Old 09-20-2007, 01:39 PM   #266  
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Lynn: Thanks for the info....
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Old 09-20-2007, 03:22 PM   #267  
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Hello dear GOLDEN GIRLIES – hope all is well wherever you are. Very nice Indian Summer weather up here in the nawtheast; actually supposed to hit 80 today, but there’s no humidity, so it feels pretty near perfect. I’m beginning to wonder if this sniffling and sneezing that I can’t seem to shake might be allergies….it’s driving me near crazy. I sniffle, sneeze, snort and cough for a good five minutes or more every morning when I first get into the office, and then have little “fits” of snorfling and sneezing every couple of hours. I’ve been taking Tylenol multi-symptom for colds (daytime) which seems to be keeping it manageable, at least, but I am most decidedly NOT having fun, thank you very much! Went to another awards ceremony for DD2 last night, which made Momma proud but interfered with my daily drive-the-‘pike-get-home-and-collapse-make-supper-and-go-to-bed schedule and so I am tired today. After all, I was out until 8:30 last night!!!! I guess I’m officially old, because I can remember times in my ill-spent college days when I got home in the morning just in time to jump in the shower and head to class…and THEN hung out somewhere after classes and didn’t get any real sleep for two or three days at a time, and STILL had more energy than I have now. I’m still following the Wendi plan as far as my eating is concerned, but have to admit that my exercise has about gone down the tubes. I’ve really got to do better.
Oh, Marylynn, it’s really rough when you’ve got someone in the hospital – all that running back & forth. Make sure you eat enough, and get a decent night’s rest if possible!
Hey, Tee…did you get anything good at the flea market? There’s a great big one down there in NC not far from where my sister lives, and we like to go pick around whenever we’re down for a visit. They’re a lot of fun, aren’t they? That woman who had the Pokemon cards up for sale on Ebay really should write a book, shouldn’t she?
I’m still waiting on hearing what’s up with your tests, Jo-annie. Please report in soon.
That course must be a killer, Lynn. Hope you can opt out of teaching it again if you want to. In the meantime, I’m glad to see you checking in when you have the chance.
Hi Ali – some of the leaves are turning, even here in central Mass. Not a lot, but enough to be noticeable, and enough to remind us that winter’s on it’s way. Ack! They’ll really be beautiful in another two or three weeks, though.
Congrats to you, Gayle, on the new grandbaby. I like the name Madison, too. One of the women I work with has a granddaughter named Madison and she’s a little doll.
Welcome, Ann…the more the merrier! Post often so we can get to know you!
Well, LindaD, you know that success is 90% attitude, so you should do great once you decide on what it is you want to do. Maybe you and your son could go into business together since he’s ready to start over, too? Wouldn’t that be fun?
Hi Lily – always nice hearing from you. Hope you enjoy your weekend in the woods..
My gosh, Karen, the sky in those pictures of yours is the most gorgeous blue, isn’t it? So clear and clean looking! It certainly is some beautiful country, isn’t it? My son & his GF just got back from a 3-day hiking trip in Yosemite, and he said they took some amazing pictures. I guess I’ll wait to see them until I get out there, since he’s always going to e-mail pictures and always forgets.
Hey Phyl, I know what you mean about not being able to go below 22 Pts or 1100 calories. I couldn’t, either. I’d be starving to death, and that’s the truth! I have no trouble whatsoever getting all my points in, although I know that some do seem to. I’m just one of those people who likes to eat, I guess.
I’m glad you had a nice time with your visitors, Meowee-Linda. I know I’m really looking forward to my sister’s visit the first week in Oct.
Lyn, you’re doing so well! It’s nice seeing your ticker in “onederland”! Sounds like work is a bit “too much like work” lately, eh? Mine, too.
And, to all the rest of you GOLDEN GIRLIES, wherever you may be, keep up the good work, and keep checking in so we can give you lots of “You go, girls” when you lose and lots of “There, theres” when you don’t!


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Old 09-20-2007, 03:39 PM   #268  
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Zoe . . . try an OTC anti-histamine instead of the cold med (preferably in the envening, in case it makes you sleepy) . . . if it relieves the symptoms, you may have your answer. Colds last a week -- allergies last all season.
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Old 09-21-2007, 07:51 AM   #269  
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Hi there girls,
Lynn I have been getting Fresh Express instead of Dole, you know they have had problems before I think.

Ella, thanks for the welcome, hope I got your name right. Hope your cold is much better this morning. I am posting on yesterdays thread.

Linda D Hope your Son finds the perfect Job for him, will be praying he does.

Linda, I always have morning highs on my bs readings. I agree better than lows.

Karen and Lily, Hi there, and want to thank all of you for the nice welcome.

I am hanging in there with the eating right, hope the scales start moving soon. I think I rely on the scales to much.

Better go, have to take Sammy Dog to the groomers this morning early.

Take care all and Blessings,


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Old 09-21-2007, 07:53 AM   #270  
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wanted to let you know... I am still here too! My modem started acting up again. Got it fixed this time. It not my modem. Its the specific wire it was attached to. I moved the whole thing, desk and all. Now, I can see the tv and set at my desk. Not to bad.
We will have to put in another new wire. That wire was like 1-2 months old. At least I can get on again.

Well today is my last day at this job. I almost started to cry last night. Saying goodbye to one of the ladies. And the ladies living there are planning something. I hope I don't cry tonight. such a cry baby. I am really getting excited and nervous about the new job. Don't ya just love starting a new job?!

I am finally starting to loose a little again. I am so glad. It seemed like I had stopped. And I was thinking what can I do?

I seem to bounce between the 1400- 1600 calories. High fiber, and I am getting an average of 90 grams of protein per day. With close to 180 grams of carbs. I have also added a little more fat to my diet. I get about 30 % now. up about 5%.
anyway...I am down about 4 pounds since the end of last month. Hoping for at least one more.

well I will play catch up later, Its time to go work out.
have a nice sunny day
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