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Old 09-13-2007, 08:22 AM   #181  
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Thanks, Lyn and Aleka! We WERE planning on going out to eat crabs this evening with my son and his girlfriend, but it looks like Humberto may be dumping some rain on us...bah!
I was going to sneak some "fake butter spray" into the restaurant in my purse! But whatever we end up doing it will be ok. I was thinking just a little while ago that I look better at 52 than I did at 51 and I feel younger too without that extra 40 lbs hanging off of me! and 53 will be even better cause I'll be "me" again then.

Last edited by femmecreole; 09-13-2007 at 08:22 AM.
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Old 09-13-2007, 08:41 AM   #182  
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Default Happy Thursday

Hi all my GG friends,

Well, I went a little over board last night. My DH is Jewish and as you may know last night was start of the Jewish New Year. I went to evening services with him and there were traditional refreshments afterwards...apples with honey, home made "Challa" (braided bread), sweet cakes, cookies, wine, etc. I had eaten a light lunch and this was my 31 points day so I had about 8 points to spare after supper....well I probably ate more like 15. Oh well, it was good, a once-a-year treat- and I did walk 3 miles at noon.

So...Cat..great coffee story. I too love the coffee with chickory and your iced coffee routine sounds good.

Theresa, thanks for the great memories...Though not quite 60 I can relate to a lot of them.

Marilyn .
- Hey I just noticed we are the same height (5'10") and you have a goal of about 40# less than me. I may have to re-think mine...but I figure if I can make it to 180 (which I haven't been at for 10 years) it will be enough for now. That dancing probably burns off lots of cals, huh?

Hi Lynn- have a good day-trip today.

All those in Houston, LA and other southern areas - try to stay safe and dry today. Heard about "Umberto" hitting the coastline on my way into work! More rain!! Arggh
Hi to all I missed....
Back to work....

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Old 09-13-2007, 08:50 AM   #183  
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Happy Birthday CAT

Yep, we just keep getting better don't we? Gotta love it!

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Old 09-13-2007, 09:32 AM   #184  
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Hello everyone,

Cat, stay safe with Humberto. Have a great time whatever you do tonight. What a nice story about the coffee pots. That was a great comback to what your BIL said. I'll have to check out the French Market Coffee site, as I love coffee too, especially iced coffee. I drink hot coffee black, no sugar, but I like milk and Splenda in iced coffee, so I'll have to see about getting the flavored Splenda.

Lyn, it's alright to go overboard occasionally. Otherwise, you'd feel deprived and end up having a terrible time.

Theresa, thank you for the trip down memory lane. A lot of those things I had totally forgotten about.

Lynn, enjoy your day at the Jersey Shore.

Marylynn, thank you for the link to the Time Magazine article about the Biggest Loser. I didn't realize they went to such extremes for their last weigh in. Where in MA did you live? I was born and raised in Framingham. DH & I moved to NH in the early 70's where we lived for 30 yrs. before moving to FL.

Zoe, OMG, I can't imagine seeing all those ants. I hate bugs to begin with and they seem to grow big down here. It does get pretty cold down here in the winter. It's a damp cold that goes right to your bones. Last year we did have a hard frost so that we had to cover a few of our plants. Sometimes it can get down into the 30's overnight. But, thankfully we only get a few nights like that.

Trish, good luck with your weigh in. I've read it's better to give into whatever you're craving because you tend to eat less of it.

Phyllis, I do hope you'll be able to get to Sanibel before you move back to Ohio. Have you been over to Sanibel since they started working on the causeway?

Hello to everyone else.
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Old 09-13-2007, 09:48 AM   #185  
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Hi . . .

Hope you have a wonderful, wonderful (and safe and dry) day, CAT.

Went to the kitchen to get a refill and found the freezer door open and Purrecious poking around inside. Not a fluke either, because after I removed her and made sure the door was closed, she simply popped it open again to continue her adventure. She has figured out how to open the folding closet dorrs now, too. Sticks her paw under at the fold and pulls until it pops open. Thre seems to be no end to this girl's talents. Then, when I came up here, I couldn't figure out what the funny little noise was or where it was coming from -- until I found Frack curled up in a little storage box on the top shelf (right up at ceiling level) of the wall unit above my desk. Not even sure how she possibly got there. And having pets is supposed to be lowering my blood pressure.

Fall is definitely in the air -- the birds are flocking -- driving the cats absolutely insane, of course. It is a lovely sunny and coolish day. High of 18 (low 60's) predicted. Love it -- no sign of colour on the trees in my yard yet, but don't imagine that will be long in showing up now.

My friend and I have another lunch and shopping tour planned planned for this afternoon. Hope you all have a great day, too . . . see you soon . . .
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Old 09-13-2007, 09:49 AM   #186  
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Default Happy Birthday Cat!

Happy Birthday Cat! May all of your good dreams come true this year!

Have a wonderful day!

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Old 09-13-2007, 10:42 AM   #187  
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Old 09-13-2007, 10:57 AM   #188  
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I have a busy day planned to get ready to show the house this weekend so I'll stop by later this afternoon to chat!!! Later........
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Old 09-13-2007, 12:01 PM   #189  
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OK I have a small chance to pop in -- I can see I am in time to wish Cat a happy birthday -- I am sooooooo sorry but I haven't had a chance to even glance at the site the last several days.

I have to admit I am in a funk -- way too busy at work and doing nothing right when it comes to my eating. I am sure I have put on 8 or so pounds but I refuse to step on the evil scale. I want to just get back on track start feeling better in my clothes and put this horrible month behind me. Having my back go out - then no exercise classes (yes I am 100% dependant on them running) and then the stress of this term start up just added up to a meltdown and being mad at myself. I know better -- I have the tools - I have the support I just need to trust myself.

Hopefully I can get back on track with my GOLDEN GIRLS - this starting later has messed up my personal computer time and not taking a proper lunch makes for a bad combination to get on here and catch up.

I am going to take some time on the weekend and review all the posts from last weekend and this week. I hope everyone is doing well. I missed you all SOOOO MUCH!!!!
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Old 09-13-2007, 12:04 PM   #190  
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OK Golden Girls!! I thought that this was just to funny not to share with everybody!!

A woman visited her plastic surgeon who told her
about a new procedure called "The Knob," where a small knob is placed at the top of the woman's head and could be turned to tighten up her skin and produce the effect of a brand new facelift. Of course, the woman wanted "The Knob."

Over the course of the years, the woman tightened
the knob, and the effects were wonderful, the woman remained young looking and vibrant.

After fifteen years, the woman returned to the
surgeon with two problems. "All these years, everything has been working just fine. I've had to turn the knob many times and I've always loved the results. But now I've developed two annoying problems:
First, I have these terrible bags under my eyes and
knob won't get rid of them." The doctor looked at her closely and said,
"Those aren't bags, those are your breasts."

She said, "Well, I guess there's no point in asking
about the goatee..."
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Old 09-13-2007, 12:08 PM   #191  
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Happy Birthday Cat ~ hope you have a wonderful day!!

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Old 09-13-2007, 12:23 PM   #192  
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Old 09-13-2007, 12:46 PM   #193  
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LYNN....Wanted to let you know I really like the September Challenge. Looks like you are doing a terrific job. (Never let your guard down!!!)

I plan to try two new recipes today....a Salmon recipe and a rice recipe with walnuts and cranberries. (Most of which will end up in the freezer in individual servings for later.....) I get an itch to try out a recipe occasionaly, and then stock up the freezer with the extra servings.

Right now I have a bunch of soups that look the summer time, soups don't look very appealing.

NOPALES: Has anyone ever tried these? Where can you find them? They are supposed to be ultra low on the GI scale. I think they are probably South American in origin? Anyway, any information you may have would be helpful.

Karen: Glad you keep our humor scale supplied, a good daily laugh is mandatory diet food!!

Ali: Giving into a craving does seem to be the only option from time to time. My last such effort led to an amazing culinary discovery......I stumbled upon a delight that with just a little modification will fit very nicely into my diet. I will work on it from time to time until I get what I want......I found it to be so good that I want to save it for special occasions. I am so addicted to sugar, so naturally this will only appeal to those who have a sweet tooth AND who love coconut! (4 Tbsp Grape Nuts, 3 Tbsp coconut, 4 Tbsp vanilla flavored yogurt) The taste was a real wake up call for the taste buds. (That comes to about 200 calories.)

Meowee: My newest addition (baby kitten) is finally making friends with the rest of the house it was touch and go for a while. Looks like they will finally be friends, and Stop complaining to me about the new comer!!

Littlered: They could add a crank telephone was a real call and not a nusicance caller, and who can forget the party line!! They call those the good old days!!

Hello to everyone I missed.
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Old 09-13-2007, 01:56 PM   #194  
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Cat. I hope it is a good one.

Last night was my dad's funeral. I got through it OK. I'm glad it is over. I knew it would be the hardest part. Now the next part I'm not looking forward to is picking up his ashes. At least with a burial it's over in one day.
The costume orders are still coming. I'm still getting an average of 1 a day. I'm going to take today off and then tomorrow my morning is over and I will move on and get back to my life. I still might not be able to do a lot on the boards. I think I'm going to be pretty busy cutting out patterns and sewing, but you will all be in my thoughts as I reach for the unhealthy food.
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Old 09-13-2007, 08:16 PM   #195  
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