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Old 09-18-2007, 06:36 PM   #241  
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Time to play catch-up for ole’ Z...Saturday was fun but rained buckets all morning, we drove north for a hundred miles worth of downpour, and by the time we got there, it had started to clear, but was very definitely FALL in New England! Nice time though, with the gang, and we got home at @ 9:30; had a very brief discussion about maybe staying over, but really needed to be home on Sunday morning since we had stuff to do before going to the movie (which was excellent!) in the afternoon. After the movie, we stopped by DD3’s house for a cuppa coffee, and she insisted on feeding us, so I didn’t even have to go home and cook, which was lovely! Then of course, back to work, and since school is back in full swing again, the highway is simply glutted with traffic into Boston. Quite hateful and perverse, really. REALLY full bore at work; trying to put together a juvenile justice grant with very little information and a lot of research required. Anyway, home again, for which I am eternally thankful, but not looking forward to yet another morning battling the traffic tomorrow. My life. <sigh>
Good grief re: Your MIL, Marylynn...I hope she’s doing okay. I think it must be easy to kind of go into denial over something like that - to just figure it’s indigestion or gas or something, I mean. I don’t think my first guess would be myocardial infarction! Glad she finally got to the hospital!
Hi Lily, missed you...gotta LOVE those baggy clothes, eh? That’s what keeps me going, I swear. It certainly isn’t the scale!
Oh, jeeze. I’m sorry the Wendi turned out to be a dud for you, Phyl...I did pretty well with it that first week, and now I haven’t weighed myself since. I just don’t get along well with the scale at all. I’m still counting my points, and eating the right amounts every day, but somehow, I just want to wait a few weeks with the weighing part. I feel pretty good, and my clothes are telling me that SOMETHING’S happening...Oh, I hope your foot is feeling better!
Pretty khats, Meowee-Linda....mine are acting silly these days, especially Queen Daisy, my big gray fluffy girl who is always looking at things that aren’t there....maybe she's a ghost-whisperer, eh? (I have no clue what that show’s about, but I love the name...)
I guess you haven’t started your new job yet, Tee....probably getting everything ready though, considering that you’ll be working longer hours now and have less time to run about. Well, I’m thinking of you, m’dear, and hope all is well.
Karen, it’s probably a good decision, not starting work before you get moved and all. Just getting everything packed and moved once the house sells is a job all by itself!
Hiya Ali - I’m sure glad the tornado didn’t hit your town! Right about now, I’m shivering and would actually enjoy being in Flawridder...but not if there’s a tornado! Can I camp out in your basement?
Jo-annie! WHY are you, or why DID you go to the hospital??????? PLEASE report back!
Congrats, Lyn & LindaD on that nice steady progress you’re making! Feels good, doesn’t it?
Lynn, I thought I read somewhere that Tums, at least, were a good source of calcium???? Good grief, you know every time you think you know what you’re doing, somebody else comes along with a new warning...Remember when we weren’t supposed to eat too many eggs and now it’s okay again? By the time it was okay again, I had developed an allergy to them...sometimes you just can’t win, eh? I used to LOVE my cheese & sausage omelets...
Whoa, Gayle....I guess congrats will be called for pretty soon! Keep us posted!
Hi Trish, nice to see that you landed for a little visit...I usually only see your tail feathers!
And now this ole’ gal needs to see about supper, so I’ll say TTFN,

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Old 09-18-2007, 08:05 PM   #242  
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Fast fly by & back to the grind for me.

Thanks for all of the kind words for my MIL. She remains in the hospital w/ kidney failure which is responding SLOWLY to conservative treatment. God bless her, she's sick of that hospital bed & all of the food up there is Gray. I fail to see how it can be therapudic if it's all the same color and looks like a science experiment. So now DH & I play the game of home/work/hospital/back to do it again. Woohoo!

Gayle! Let us know when the baby is here & all of the relevant stats! New babies are exciting, as long as they're not mine.

Everyone take care & think group hug.... gotta go!

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Old 09-18-2007, 08:07 PM   #243  
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hi, just a fly by tonight. will be on in the a.m. I am taking off 1 day this week extra.
I have never called off at this job. And decided to have a day off, In preperation for next week. And just for a little fun. I might even get my hubby to go to the Flea market for a minute or two.

here is a link I had to share. Its too funny.
check it out.
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Old 09-18-2007, 08:56 PM   #244  
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That was fun . . .
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Old 09-19-2007, 12:13 AM   #245  
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Hi GOLDEN GIRLS -- time to check in and try to catch up - so much going on. I see babies are arriving - and fall is here -- even on the West Coast Zoe LOL.

First -- I took today off. My trip to the hospital was for a biopsy it was a little more painful today than I had anticipated. I am not expecting any dire diagosis - not now at least. I still have to wait results but I am sure it will just be for treatment purposes and get this nasty little problem cleared up. I will admit I have been rather scared the last while and I do tend to internalize and go a bit silent I feel much better now having done what needed to be done. One good thing is that for the last two days I have eaten really well -- instead of allowing my emotions to take over and eat stupid I concentrated on eating right and haven't felt hungry at all -- YAY!!!

Lyn - as you can see no reason (I hope LOL) to be concerned. The late shift sounded horrid hopefully you don't have to do that too often.

Lynn - as always you have the neatest info for us - not much of an antacid person so that must be a good thing

Phyllis -- hope your poor dog survived the thunderstorms -- it was storming here today and all I could think was how much my dog would have hated it. Its hard to slow down this time of year and usually my summers are less hectic but this summer was the busiest ever -- two more weeks and I get a week off

Zoe -- you take it easy on that commute -- its a horror here and we only do 45 minutes each way --- LOL "we" I get to sit back and yell at the drivers while my sweetie does battle -- and he gets an extra 15 - 30 minutes depending on the darn bridge traffic (I HATE BRIDGES!!!!)

Crap I hit submit and now lost all the past I was working off of --- darn darn. Lets see how well I do.
Gayle you are running off for new grandbaby, Theresa you might be dragging hubby to the flea market and Marylynn I am so sorry about the hospital commute -- I had to do that for several months back in 2001 -- my trip to the hospital the other day after work brought back all those memories. Take care of yourself its not easy. Linda -- you watch yourself too many of these bad nights lately for you.

Last edited by Jayjay55; 09-19-2007 at 12:21 AM.
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Old 09-19-2007, 06:10 AM   #246  
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Hi Everyone,

Sorry about being MIA. This class I'm teaching is horrid. Only good thing about it is that it will be over in 3 more weeks. In the meantime, I'll be scarce - it is taking WAY too much of my time.

Hope everyone is doing well,

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Old 09-19-2007, 06:26 AM   #247  
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Good morning everyone,

I haven't done very well with counting points these last few days, I do have to get on the ball and start counting again. I have done well in the exercise dept. I can't wait for cooler weather so we can start walking farther.

Joanne, I'm sorry that you had to go through all that and now wait around for results. It's good to get something like that cleared up. I am sending good thoughts your way.

Marylynn, hope that your MIL will be well soon. I know what it's like to commute to the hospital. When my Dad was in the hospital I went to visit him everyday and it was a 45 min. drive one way. So, I know it's not easy.

Lyn, contratulations an another lb. lost. You're heading in the right direction.

Gayle, are congratulations in order yet? Keep us posted!

LindaD, that's great you're being so successful in the challenge. Keep it up.

Zoe, if we had a basement you could surely camp out in it and I would fix up real purty too. Have the leaves started to turn up in the White Mountains yet?

Phyllis, are you still getting rain? It's supposed to be coming to our coast sometime today and I heard last night that we're supposed to get some beneficial rain. How are things going with the condo?

Gotta get a move on it's almost time for my walk.

Have a great day everyone.

Last edited by aleka; 09-19-2007 at 06:27 AM.
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Old 09-19-2007, 06:40 AM   #248  
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Zooming past to say hi and apologize for not coming here more. So unbelievably busy and bogged down since school started. It may get busier..or not. I MAY be taking over a regular teaching job since one of our teachers is leaving for a new job within the system. I thought I would never go back to a regular classroom and give up my dream computer lab job, but this may be something I can't pass up. If I get it, it will start in 6 weeks. The principal is pushing for me to get it since I have been at the school since the school opened (took a 6 year "time off" since 1985 when I opened a store). The school board is pushing to have someone transferred from another school where they hired too many new teachers. The salary for teachers has doubled since I was last teaching a regular class...I could also buy back my retirement and then teach for 10 more years with a good retirement program. If it doesn't happen this year, then maybe next if there is another opening. Keep fingers crossed for me. I would give up my design business, but would give clients time to find another designer. I haven't taken on any new clients in about a year because I'm just too overworked. I can't imagine actually having weekends/holidays off again...but I can sure get used to it. Now that my kids are all grown (youngest turned 20 yesterday) I don't have to worry about coming home tired and dealing with kids, homework etc. Will let you know when I hear something.

Oh, my BD present composter came in last is really fun...ok, I'm sure not many people would consider a "hot" garbage can to be fun, but it is to me. I had also ordered some of those big wide rimmed pasta/salad bowls like they have in restaurants and those came in we can have big old pretty salads and put the "peelings" in the new takes so little to entertain me.

Last edited by femmecreole; 09-19-2007 at 06:41 AM.
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Old 09-19-2007, 07:03 AM   #249  
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Good morning all ~

Woke up early ~ couldn't sleep ~ but that is ok. Kind of peaceful in the morning. Sara had her baby yesterday afternoon. It was really neat. Sara invited me to stay in, so I got to see her be born. The whole day was neat. She called in the morning about 9:30, so I got ready and went over. Spent the day there with them ~ waiting. Then left in the afternoon to go pick Corbin after school. He had left for school and didn't know that mommy had gone to the hospital. I met him at home, and told him we needed to go to mommy ~ that his sister was trying to have a birthday. It was so cool to get to share that moment with him. And then when family could come in after, I got to help him hold his new sister. Later we went to the gift shop to get a snack, and he picked out a baby card and wrote a note for mommy ~ it was so sweet. The baby's name is Madison (Maddie) Elle. She came at 4:07 ~ 7 lbs 13 oz. Corbin stayed the night with me last night, so I've got to get him ready for school. Better go now ~ that alarm is ringing.

I'm hoping to be able to catch up this weekend.

Take care all
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Old 09-19-2007, 07:35 AM   #250  
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Hi Gang . . .

I had a terribly restless night last night . . . my second without a shot of insulin. Up and down all night with terrible leg cramps (often a sign of high BGL). This morning, it is definitely at the higher end of normal. Guess the 'no insulin regimen' isn't working either. To go along with it, since it is my 'official' weigh-in day -- my weight is up too -- think I'm destined to look at 228 on my ticker for ever. Sigh

Hey, now for the good stuff -- Another beautiful Indian Summer day and I got a call late last night that my SIL's oldest son and his wife are in NS (from Ontario) and will be dropping in for a short little visit today. Will be good to see them.

Nothing else exciting for me . . . hope everybody else has a great day . . . see you later.
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Old 09-19-2007, 09:32 AM   #251  
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Hi everyone,
I am new here and I hope to lose about 40 lbs or so on ww. I am kind of stalled, I went from 200 to 179 and Just seem to stay there. I am a grandma, married and I am from KS.
Have a great day
It is nice here in KS cooling down to some fall weather if it don't heat up again.
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Old 09-19-2007, 09:45 AM   #252  
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Welcome Ann, glad to have you with us. Just jump in and join the posts, this is a busy place.

Living in Florida I love hearing about eveyones Fall's still 90 here.

Catch up later on today....Phyllis
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Old 09-19-2007, 11:09 AM   #253  
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Happy Original Birthday & Welcome to Madison! Bout time you got here, now the party can get started! Gayle take care of yourself, this gmom stuff can wear you out if you're not careful.

Welcome Ann! Phyllis is right, just hop in & start talking. I've found this to be the nicest thread of ladies on the internet. What's your plan for dropping the pounds? There's an assortment of plans in progress, we'd love to hear yours as well.

Happy Wednesday to everyone! MIL coming home, doing better. DH & I are still running in circles & planning to spend some nights at her house later this week. Think hugs & all take care!

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Old 09-19-2007, 12:19 PM   #254  
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Hi Golden Girls:

It was actually sprinkling and overcast when I left for work this morning. Very, very little sprinkling but I haven't seen rain in a long, long time. Nice for a change. I'm looking forward to Fall or what's considered Fall in CA.

I'm having a problem finding the challenge thread. For some reason I looked for it yesterday but didn't find it.

Well, it had to happen. My son is getting laid off from his job, which is with the title company. The mortgage crash is effecting just about everyone in some way or another. My girlfriends are interior designers and their sales are very low right now. Looks like it will be early 2009 before it picks up again. That's okay because I've decided it will give me a break for a while to explore other fields. Who knows I may go back to school. I don't think 57 is too old to begin another career.....a young 57 who feels 37. Tee-Hee

I always had a problem deciding what I wanted to be when I grew up. So, I ended up doing many things. Property Manager, Legal Secretary, Administrative Assistant, Mortgage Company Owner, interior designer, Pet Store Owner, and various other jobs in my lifetime. I get bored very easily. I wish I would have stuck with one carrer and become a success at that instead of switching so many times. Oh well, hang on, here I go again.....

Marylynn: So sorry to hear about your MIL. I hope she gets better soon.

Theresa: Love the Pokemon story. There were 10 children in my family. My mother and father learned very fast never to take us to the grocery store. Mother told me her gray hair in her 30's was a result of this type of outing. They ended up hiring a babysitter and we all stayed home and received a roll of Life Savers when they returned. I would hide my Life Savers under my mattress and make them last all week until I got a brand new roll. Funny story. Thanks for sharing.

Joanne: Hope the biopsy comes back clean. I hate having biopsys. It seems they take so long to heal for some reason. Good luck.

Lynn: Sorry about the class. Hang in there...only 3 more weeks.

Ali: Sometimes it's hard to remember to get the points down but at least you are exercising. I keep track of calories so sometimes I forget to write them down and have to try to remember what I ate for the day. Thankfully, I usually eat about the same things so the total calories are about the same. Keep up the good work.

Cat: I hope you get the teaching job. It looks like the benefits are terrific. Good luck!

Gayle: Congratulations on the new addition to the family!

Linda: Sorry about not sleeping well. Please take care of yourself. Have a nice visit with your company.

Ann: I'm glad you joined us. That's a lot of weight to lose. Congratulations. Sometimes we hit a plateau and just have to wait it out. You may want to try changing some of the things you eat, etc. Your body may be used to the same routine.

I haven't seen Gary around. Has anyone heard from him?

Nice Motivation video link:

Group hug to those I missed.

Last edited by LindaD; 09-19-2007 at 12:35 PM.
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Old 09-19-2007, 12:23 PM   #255  
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My plan is WW at home. I was WW online but have since quit it. I plan to start eating healthy and try to stay on points and walk everyday.
Thank you everyone for the Welcome.
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