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Old 01-18-2015, 12:14 PM   #151  
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Yesterday I did not go grocery shopping when I was hungry.

Today I am having boudior photots done, something I have put off until "I'm thinner"
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Old 01-19-2015, 03:09 PM   #152  
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Ate an orange for dessert.
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Old 01-20-2015, 01:46 AM   #153  
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Weighed in today for the first time in months. Wasn't pretty, but that's life. At least I'm not in denial.
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Old 01-20-2015, 10:33 AM   #154  
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How exciting Abbi!!! Tell us how it went with the photography session!

Susan - oranges are delicious, and remember the scale is only one data point, it isn't a true measure of everything. So just file away the data point, it is always good to have data, and keep on truckin'.

Today's good decision: NOT doing sprints because seriously, what the **** was I thinking? My back is making me pay for that bit of folly. Sprinting needs to be kept at a minimum (or perhaps a ZERO-mum) and I must embrace more gentle stuff. Gentle stuff can be just as effective and won't leave me sleeping on the couch with lots of pain for the foreseeable future.
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Old 01-20-2015, 11:48 AM   #155  
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Posted in the weekly weigh-in thread! Other good (?) decision - wore a pair of indecently, uncomfortably tight jeans all day yesterday to remind myself to stay on track. It worked extremely well.
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Old 01-20-2015, 02:32 PM   #156  
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I started doing that "drink warm water with lemon" thing first thing in the morning. Today was day 2. It's not bad, I'm just not sure if there really is a benefit to it, because I was still hungry for breakfast and I still craved coffee. We shall see......
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Old 01-20-2015, 04:22 PM   #157  
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I stayed out of the popcorn (yesterday was National Popcorn Day apparently) AND the black licorice babies at work today. Go me! I love both, so this is a big thing for me. I also weighed myself after 2 days of pasta for supper...I didn't want to, but I did, and I saw 193.5 flash before it settled on 194 again. I'm okay with that, because it was also my son's birthday on the 18th, and I'd made him a beautiful cake. I will go to Zumba toning after work (I hate Zumba toning, but am trying to force myself into a Positive Mental Attitude)
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Old 01-20-2015, 07:05 PM   #158  
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So yesterday was a really hard day yesterday, emotionally. Plus I was traveling.

I started feeling "hungry" but realized I was most definitely emotionally hungry not physically hungry. I decided to feed the hunger. So I went into a store, and bought some raw almonds, because nuts have B-12 which can help with your mood. And I bought some dark chocolate covered dried cherries. Because it's chocolate. I'm not a fan of dark chocolate, but I like it with fruit. I had a handful of almonds first. And then ate the cherries. And then I put away the bag.
I don't know if anyone else would consider that a good thing. But for me, I felt like I was listening to my body and my emotions. If I had just ignored it, I think I would have obsessed. But by giving my body what it needed, I stopped thinking about it.

And it wasn't mindless eating, in fact it was very mindful eating.
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Old 01-21-2015, 08:28 AM   #159  
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Seana - I wouldn't consider that a good thing, I'd consider it a GREAT, FANTASTIC, WONDROUS, TERRIFIC thing and everything a person could ask for from themselves when it comes to taking care of themselves and listening to their body AND using good sense. My goodness, congratulations! And you did it on a HARD day no less! Wowzer! Very inspiring!

ChrissyBean - embrace that PMA, I hope Zumba toning was more enjoyable that you were expecting. And great job staying out of the popcorn and licorice -- that's MAJOR!

dietcokehead - I've never heard of this approach, is the idea that the warm water and lemon makes you not hungry? Are you trying to give up coffee, or just have it later in the day? Also, good job previously ignoring that dark chocolate bar that was calling your name.

ICU -- ahhhh the motivation of tight pants, I know it well. I have a pair of Guess jeans from college that still give me a major muffin top, really ticks me off and ups my focus when I put those on (briefly, they aren't wearable for any real length of time, it is a REAL big muffin top).

Today's good decision: hot shower and some back-specific stretching and some (too short, but it still counts) meditation.

Also, everyone around me is eating a bagel. I feel a little pull, nothing horrible, but you know... like, gee, I want a bagel, right now, Daddy (please read that line in Veruca Salt's voice).

So. Another good decision: Not having a bagel, because they always do me so wrong.
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Old 01-21-2015, 11:22 AM   #160  
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Mrs. Snark-I love water, and I REALLY love water with lemon. I'm leery of those "detox water" recipes I see on Pinterest though, I figure it's just more work to throw cucumber and mint, etc in cold water, or that dandelion tea like Jilian Michaels recommends. Anyway, I kept coming across this pin touting the benefits of drinking the juice of 1/4 of a lemon in warm (not hot or cold) water first thing in the morning when you wake up. The fiber is supposed to keep you full, the citrus helps your skin, the vitamin c is good for your immunity, etc, etc. I figured I'd give it a go. The first day I did it, I drank it and then worked out in the morning and I wasn't hungry until I got home. Yesterday and this morning I did it and by the time I got to the office (at 7:45am) I was STARVING, so I'm not sure how long it's supposed to last. I'll give it a week.
I'm trying to cut back on coffee, not cut it out completely. I love my coffee. I drink it black with coconut oil and I can't imagine not having at least one cup a day, but lately I've been having way more than a cup.
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Old 01-22-2015, 09:33 AM   #161  
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I woke up to my alarm at 5:30 and got some exercise in even though it was not a Boot-camp morning.
Trying to stay positive and not allow the negative self talk win over the 30lb regain I am facing.
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Old 01-22-2015, 09:38 AM   #162  
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I resisted a fried bacon sandwich and had cereal with no sugar.
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Old 01-22-2015, 09:44 AM   #163  
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This might sound a little weird, but my good choice was to go into work today. I have a job that telecommutes really well and I did stay home yesterday because of weather woes plus that intangible "Am I getting sick?" sort of feeling. And boy, did I really think about staying home today. However, I am just horrible about the things I eat when everything is readily available and is mere steps away, and I did probably set my loss back a few days. Today, that was a good enough reason to get in the car.
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Old 01-22-2015, 12:06 PM   #164  
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fried bacon sandwich

Good job, because I was practically licking my monitor when I read that.

I resisted going to the local taco stand for these HUGE breakfast burritos. OMG, they are so good. And their salsa roja is AMAZEBALLS.
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Old 01-23-2015, 10:18 AM   #165  
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Still not having a bagel, despite people around me making "om nom nom nom" sounds as they eat their stupid bagel. Stupid people. Stupid bagels. Stupid om nom nom nom siren song of bagel eating.
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