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Old 02-11-2009, 12:10 AM   #91  
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hey everyone

i would love to do personals right now, but i have a meeting at 7:30am.

I am in a lull mood about losing weight. I need to get moving in the gym and go to the grocery store tomorrow.

Chat with you all tomorrow (if i can catch up)
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Old 02-11-2009, 12:33 AM   #92  
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hey girls!

i'm sad i only get here in the middle of the night lol

i hope to be all caught up on schoolwork by monday I have made some accomplishments but have a long way to go.

I havent done the greatest with eating today I had food from the cafeteria here at school and needless to say it was greasy but tasted so good. I will be back on track thursday for p90x i just need to focus on school for one more day. then i know i will get it right back.

no personals but i hope everyone is well.

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Old 02-11-2009, 08:49 AM   #93  
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Mornin' Ladies.

Just checkin' in for the morning, I am about to get ready to go to the gym and then job search job search job search. I have started casting my net alot wider because the current net is just not getting it done.
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Old 02-11-2009, 10:23 AM   #94  
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Hey girls. As always, doing well over the week. It's those weekends that really mess me (and I'm sure everyone else) up. Especially because I know this weekend is Valentine's Day and Monday I have off of work for President's Day so I'm hoping that doesn't just spiral into a long binge. My mini goal is 5 pounds and I keep getting to about 2 and then binge (either on food or alcohol) on Saturday night which leads me back to my original starting point on Monday.
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Old 02-11-2009, 11:42 AM   #95  
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UGH! I am seriously going to throw the scale down a flight of stairs. No matter how freaking hard I work and how well I eat, it wants to show me the same damn number!!! When I got all huffy last night, it laughed at me. I could hear it from the living room.
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Old 02-11-2009, 12:06 PM   #96  
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Cali- I know it's not funny, but you have me cracking up girl! I hate the scale with a passion! I had to break down and just change my weight. I have gained, don't know why. Could be water, could be muscle, but it's ok b/c it will not stay there.

I have decided to start eating more whole foods. I can tell a difference already in how I feel. I'm getting mad enough that my body will have no choice but to get in line and start losing weight! Grrr.....

How is everyone? I miss y'all!
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Old 02-11-2009, 12:10 PM   #97  
I will do this.
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HWGA -- I have started to eat more whole foods and I LOVE it. It keeps me full longer which stablizes my moods (I get b!tchy when I am hungry) and really has left lots of room for veggies, fruit, fiber and protein. I am even having an artichoke as part of my breakfast!

I have also started eating 150 calories of almonds, an apple and a piece of light string cheese for a snack and that keeps me so fulll!

VDAY - Thanks for that list! That has helped me.

Last edited by Taylor86; 02-11-2009 at 12:11 PM.
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Old 02-11-2009, 12:25 PM   #98  
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This is going to be a super stupid question, but um, what is a whole food?
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Old 02-11-2009, 12:26 PM   #99  
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Originally Posted by caligirl98 View Post
This is going to be a super stupid question, but um, what is a whole food?
Whole foods are those that are unprocessed and unrefined, or processed and refined as little as possible before being consumed. It's not a stupid question at all.

Taylor- isn't it amazing how it makes you feel? I'm trying to completely get rid of processed food or at least have one a day.
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Old 02-11-2009, 12:29 PM   #100  
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I am sorry I haven't done personals yet. I promise tonight!!!! I love you girls

Warning this is graphic

I am so effin tired of this crap. I gained 2 pounds this week. are you effin kidding me! Okay so TOM will be here in a day or two and I started running last week so it could be muscle. But the who the eff cares.....ya konw? We don't want to here that crap. I got my 10% last week for the second time and this week it is taken away again. It is not fun getting your 10% a 2nd 3rd and 4th. It is not so special. I think I am not weighing in anymore. It sabatoges my spirits and efforts and it is depressing. I was late to work two whole hours because I was too depressed to get out of bed. I hate this shyt.
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Old 02-11-2009, 12:30 PM   #101  
I will do this.
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HWGA -- Yes. It's crazy how much my skin has cleared up! I still eat south beach meal replacement bars for dinner/snack at rehearsal cause I just can't help it but I bring an orange with it. I am not eliminating processed foods all together but limiting my intake. I eat about 4-5 processed things a day and that works for me.

CAKE- Two pounds should not run your life like that, honey. My trainer said a normal female and flex between 1-5 pounds of water in A DAY. Plus - it's more than likely your TOM. I gained two inches in my tummy during TOM and then 3 days later it was gone. I heart you, babe. Hang in there.

Last edited by Taylor86; 02-11-2009 at 12:32 PM.
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Old 02-11-2009, 12:33 PM   #102  
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Oohhhhhh! I get it. Why was thinking that meant whole apples instead of sliced apples? Oy...I'm tired, that's my excuse and i'm sticking to it.
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Old 02-11-2009, 12:36 PM   #103  
I will do this.
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HAHAH You're so funny, Cali.

I am stalking the boards this morning but I....*gulp* skipped my first class today.

Oy, indeed.
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Old 02-11-2009, 12:45 PM   #104  
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Taylor- I love that eating real food helps our bodies in so many different ways!

Cake- Honey, I'm so sorry. keep going. take your frustration out on your body but in a good way!

Cali- lol I thought the same thing!!!!
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Old 02-11-2009, 12:54 PM   #105  
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Whew I feel much more on plan today. I still can’t work out because I am recovering from the flu and feel weak and still a little nauseous. But I feel much more like eating healthy food.

Nicki rose- I am totally yelling at myself today. I will work out even if it is just light elliptical

Leighish- I wish I had your culinary skills. I love to bake and the things I make usually taste good but they usually look like crap……you are so impressive. If you make the box of candy cake PLEASE take pictures and share!

Vday- Some men suck so badly so that you can really appreciate how great the next one will be. Here’s to you finding one that deserves your time!!
Bee20nine- That is so much for you to deal with. I hope that you are taking the time to care for yourself.

Tara- I do need to clean out my fridge! My neighbor who is so sweet gave me a ton of valentines candy. I hate to throw things away because it seems like such a waste (I am an enviro-hippy) usually I just send it to work with my hubby to give away. Thanks for the encouragement, I feel fired up again! Oh and “He’s Not That Into You” is SOOOO great! I drug my husband to it this weekend and he actually liked it, and he doesn’t usually like chick-flicks!

RememberHowToSmile- You are amazing girl! You have come so far and you are still kickin but! Good for you turning down the guy, but it’s nice to be hit on right? Can’t wait to see the photos!

Bjeweled- school and dieting is so hard. You are a rock star for starting p90x. That looks so intense! 30DS has been kickin my butt. I can’t wait to hear about your results, maybe I will need something more intense come spring and I want a six pack

Cookie- Weekends are so hard, and I am worried about v-day too. I wish I had some great advice but I think we all struggle with weekends to some degree.

Cali- I hate my scale too, seriously. Mine is glass so it would be so satisfying to shatter it

HWGA- Whole foods is a great choice! And seriously attack that man or someone else will!!

Cake- when close to TOM avoid the scale, this feeling as well as the WATER weight will pass. TOM always sends me into a tail spin too

Taylor- Get your butt to class (I am a teacher I had to). But in reality I skipped my share of classes as an under-grad and still did fine (don’t tell)

Wow that was long…..have a great day everyone!

Last edited by ella13; 02-11-2009 at 01:11 PM.
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