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Old 02-13-2009, 12:23 PM   #196  
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*grumble* ok, I have this abnormal fear of ants…when I was little, my mom would always tell me not to eat in bed. But I used to sneak cookies in and hide them under my pillow. One night, I woke up covered in ants. Ever since then, I see one ant and I go insane! I keep every thing that is open in the refrigerator. Except the cereal and I’m still a little iffy about that. Every thing has to be rinsed before it goes into the garbage. When I finish the juice or milk, it goes straight to the dumpster out back. The dishes have to be washed every night and the counter has to be disinfected every night. All so that I don’t get ants.

So, it’s that time of year, I understand that, and I’ve been seeing ants here and there in the bathroom, so I spray around the windows and the floor boards and that usually does it. A couple of weeks ago, I saw an ant right out side my closet. My shares a wall with the bathroom. I let it pass, because there isn’t much you can do with one ant. However last night, as I was getting my laundry ready to wash this morning, I saw another ant by the closet, and as I picked up the jeans from the floor of the closet, I saw another and another and I about lost my mind. So I had pull EVERYTHING out which is a ton apparently. My house looks sooooo messy right now. So I had to spray the closet and I had to sleep on the living room floor. This morning, still ants, so I had to clean the top of the closet too which is where all the big stuff is (text books, type writers, binders, VCR) and I can barely reach up there and I have yet to invest in a step ladder. So now I’m trying to figure out how to function because I know that I won’t feel comfortable putting anything in my closet until I can stare at the closet for 30 minutes without seeing one ant.

But other than that…last night, before all of this mess, went out to Kincaids because I was craving one of those open face king crab thingies. Ok, so my friend orders the crab dip (which is kind of a table appetizer, but she wanted it as an entrée) and a side of fries and a sprite. I get my open face sandwich and I’m like, can I have a side salad. And the waitress goes, “Sure, and to go with your sandwich, we have fries, union rings, and gourmet chips.” And I’m like, “Yes instead of that, can I have a side salad with the dressing on the side?” and she say, “Oh, um, I think so. I’m not sure.” WTF? So when bus girl comes, the soda is set in front of me instead of my skinny friend. Of course…But I’m like, hey, it’s honest mistake, right? So the waitress and the bus girl come back and put the fries, the side salad and the open face sandwich in front of me and the crab dip in the middle of the table, like we’re going to share. Because apparently, I can eat that much. :eye roll: so my friend deliberately and slowly pulls the fries and dip over to herself and the waitress apologizes and walks away. That so annoys me, not to mention my salad was DROWNED in dressing so I couldn’t even eat it.

Brie: I can’t embrace the booty. It just so noticeable. E cups…ahhh I wish I was that small. LOL!

RHTS: I hope you feel better.

Tara: Thanks! Sometimes it feels good to take a good picture. I cry when I take bad pics because if I look horrible, I assume I look horrible all the time. Don’t you just hate the way the scale can make or break your day? Once I get my clothes out of the dryer and jump on the treadmill (no shred today because I can’t breath in my room), I’m going to try one of those egg ideas. Please everyone, keep your fingers, toes and eyes crossed for me.

Lisa: nice to meet you. I have some sporadic attendance on the board, especially when I have a hard class. Currently, statistics is kicking my behind. My emphasis is in marketing. I’ll be done next May and I can’t wait! Hopefully the job market will be better…if not, I won’t take a break and just keep on going with my MBA.

*sigh* I hate ants…
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Old 02-13-2009, 01:02 PM   #197  
I will do this.
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Hi girls! I saw my trainer yesterday and she kicked my @ss! And I got a workout in today (40 minutes, 500 cals) and I am hoping to workout saturday and sunday too.

Rehearsals are going well..very long 4-9 and we only get a 10 minutes break so I am so behind on homework, house work...seeing my poor boyfriend! We open in a little more than a week!

I love you guys!

Cali - you are VERY pretty. Amazing eyes!

Last edited by Taylor86; 02-13-2009 at 01:02 PM.
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Old 02-13-2009, 01:47 PM   #198  
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cali - omg! i never got ants but i had candy that my granny used to get from this corner store that i wasnt allowed to eat unless i asked and i snuck some generic twizzlers under my pillow and was eating them everynight and missed like 3 days of school from having "stomach flu" the candy had an expiration date like a year prior ugh!

statistics is my pimp as well currently i'm getting my bs in sports management in MAYYYYY!!!!!!! 5-16-09 lol

lisa - yay for the mom compliment! those are the most important

taylor - i understand i really dont have time to be on here today but i am nonetheless. i have a huge sorority commitment this semester, 18 credit hours, leaving for a job fair on thurs.,trying to exercise etc. my room is a trainwreck but it will be clean before i leave town i guarantee!

carter - i am allergic to most antibiotics. pay attention to yr skin and yr breathing and if u keep getting itchy go to the doc immediately they can be very bad.

tara - u still have that self confidence! flaunt it girl!

rhts - i'm glad u are doing well at your internship! i cant wait to see pictures! the suspense is killing me! i hope you start feeling better in general. i know its been a rough couple of weeks

so i gotta make a powerpoint, do p90x, and go run a workshop today while continuing to wash clothes and clean my room! AIYIYI!

i need a personal assistant. i am so exhausted.
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Old 02-13-2009, 04:33 PM   #199  
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Cali i HATE ants as well my daughter did the cookie thing too and now shes scared of them as well so before i moved into a new apartment i made sure it wasnt first floor. And i haven't seen not one since.
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Old 02-13-2009, 04:33 PM   #200  
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Oh and i bought a Odyssey TODAY!! woohoo!!
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Old 02-13-2009, 04:45 PM   #201  
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Aww shucks Taylor.

Brie: That's the kind of situation that my mom would say, "Yep, that will learn you." Sneaking that candy like that...taught you a lesson, huh?

Jah: I don't even eat in my room and if I do, I vacuum immediately, just in case. That's why it so funny that they're my closet, I never eat in there!

I'm going out tonight...going to see yet another Jason movie...they never stop do they? I miss when slasher flicks were good. Like the original Nightmare on Elm street when Johnny Depp exploded from the water bed...Classic!
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Old 02-13-2009, 05:00 PM   #202  
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I'm aliiiiiiiiive!!

Okay, so my gone time has not even been of the kind of kosher quality to post out here in the open. Brie and Ashlan, i'm PMing you because the level of this nonsense is magnanimous. Even my former-high price escort BFF had to have a drink while I told her about this insanity and that is serious business.

So DH came home for a whopping 3 days from jump school early this week, then left today to Ft Bragg for training until NEXT MARCH. wtF!???!?!?!? They wouldn't authorize a family PCS move, so now I'm stuck here 3.5 hours away fighting to keep myself under control while the new smoking hot UPS man traipses around the neighborhood! He doesn't even KNOW the kind of danger he's in. I'm setting up bear traps to catch that man as we speak. And yes, I know I need Jesus and a lobotomy.

Cali -- Try 50/50 clorox bleach and water in a spray bottle and be sure to only mist the moulding and dry wall where the ants are. They hate the smell. Out here in VA we get ants BAD and there is no bug spray on earth with the strength to combat them. A native out here gave me the bleach tip and I haven't seen an ant indoors since.

Taylor -- Oooo, I bet you're so excited! Break a leg, I know you'll be awesome!

HWGA -- Hey love! FYI, he should be gently squeezing your thigh to test firmness not punching it.

Tara -- I don't have any tips but I hope you can figure out a way to alleviate those debilitating symptoms. It sounds awful.

Jah -- What is an Odyssey? And I LOVE your new pic, you look great!
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Old 02-13-2009, 05:46 PM   #203  
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Cali: i hope my hubby takes me to see that tommorow night i LOVE gore and its so weird that my 2 year old was born on a Friday the 13th in October!

Nish: thank you so much im still a bit shy about posting what my body looks like because i feel heavy still :-( ... And the odyssey is a Honda minivan! I'm officially a soccer mom.
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Old 02-13-2009, 05:57 PM   #204  
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cali - i check expiration dates like crazy and im not big on generic candy lol.

jahjah - u look gorgeous and u are not big at all! be proud of you girl! yay for a new car!

nish - i cant wait! does it top my drama with my boo? lol

off to shower and eat i havent made time for these things ugh i still didnt start p90x i think i will just workout on my own this week and begin the program next week when life is easier!
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Old 02-13-2009, 06:26 PM   #205  
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Default Bwaha!

Originally Posted by bjeweled View Post
nish - i cant wait! does it top my drama with my boo? lol

off to shower and eat i havent made time for these things ugh i still didnt start p90x i think i will just workout on my own this week and begin the program next week when life is easier!

Yeah. Uhm... so when you all see me on a Maury episode with the title, "Crazy Skanks With Shocking Confessions" make sure you tivo it so you can say you know me. LoL!

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Old 02-13-2009, 07:09 PM   #206  
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Evening Ya'll!!!

I have great splendid spectacular news. I ACCEPTED a verbal offer today for the job that I have been interviewing for and at that salary I requested! Things are going to start changing in my life!!!

Oh and I got a fabulous new hair cut!! Ill post pictures later.

Target: your welcome for the recipe, it was so fantastic when I made it people were also like "this is diet?!?!?!"

Sorry I dont have more time for personals. I am at my boyfriends house for the weekend though he is sleeping (he has been up for about 30 hours now) I feel guilty not being social with the parents. Toodles!!

Last edited by Bee20nine; 02-13-2009 at 07:12 PM.
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Old 02-13-2009, 11:10 PM   #207  
Its Alana Time
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hey everyone

rant start

Why do people always feel like they have to comment on my weight even when ......I am so angry I don't even know what I am writing now. My dad is the type of person that just because he played sports in hs and college he knows everything about weight loss. I'm sorry, but saying that "pound cake is healthy because it has eggs in it" is not my idea of sound advice in that department. So tonight I was supposed to go out and ended up not going. My parents bought chinese food and I had some. Then dear ole dad turns the tv to the show "Bulging Bride" and tells me to come watch. Its was the part where they show all of the food they used to eat. At the commercial, my dad turns to me and says "why did you quit your diet?" WTF!?!?! I didnt. I am just not killing myself to lose 5lbs in a week anymore. I could have punched him right in the face. Well he is a 3rd degree black belt, so I could have tried. But really. That just plain pissed me off. I say I dont want butter and he has a problem because I am not eating what the rest of the family is eating. I indulge in a few bites of something and suddenly, I am being watched like a hawk. Its so bad I am cursing in spanish.

Rant over

Hope everyone is having a good night

Nish - hope everything is okay.

Brie - i hate it when the expiration dates have passed, yet the products are still on the shelf. I swear i am going to have to sue one day from my death bed

Cali - I second the part bleach part water. It works wonders. I am not a fan of ants. they make me itch.

Taylor - you are going to do great. Way to do school, rehearsals, and have time to workout. you are superwoman

jah - you do not look heavy at all. you look fabulous

HWGA - how is MJM treating you?
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Old 02-14-2009, 11:00 AM   #208  
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I hope you all have a great day and I am sending you all giant calorie-free hugs!!

My eating is not going to be the best day! Oh well. Sometimes you just gotta. I suppose the key is getting a good workout tomorrow and portion control today!
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Old 02-14-2009, 11:11 AM   #209  
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good morning all you wonderful people!! just wanted to say hi and see how everybody is doing... happy valentine's day!
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Old 02-14-2009, 11:12 AM   #210  
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My husband said that to me as soon as he opened his eyes it was so cute!!
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