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Old 02-08-2004, 09:42 PM   #1  
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Talking Weekly Chat: Feb 8-14

Well ladies, are ya ready for another week? I don't feel ready to go back to work tomorrow...but then, I never am. The weekends are always so wonderful! It has been a good one.
This week, I have our coming weekend get-away to look forward to. DH & I are going away for 2 nights, I can't wait! Yay for Valentine's weekend get aways!!!!
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Old 02-08-2004, 10:00 PM   #2  
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I can't believe its another week already! Time is flying by so quickly. I think I've finally gotten past my bloating issues and I might, MIGHT, be shrinking a little. Yay I went grocery shopping today and bought lots of yummy stuff to feed myself this week, and help fight off any temptations.

I had a blind date on Friday night. I was so nervous but it went well! He wants to get together this upcoming weekend so it looks like I might actually have plans for V-day for once! What an odd thought! I wonder if I should put that in the non-scale victories thread

Have a great week!
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Old 02-09-2004, 10:11 AM   #3  
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Amy: Wow! Your blind date must have went well! Have fun on the next date! My friends and I always hated Valentine's Day (only when we were single, of course). So, one year in college we decided to go to a party. It was kind of an anti-Valentine's Day party. It was so much fun!! And, we ended up going to other parties, too. It turns out there are a lot of people not too fond of Valentine's Day. Everyone was so bitter, it was hilarious!

Had a great, busy weekend! Went to Kansas to visit my family on Saturday, and then DH and I went to an NBA game on Sunday. We had lots of fun!

Hope everyone has a great week!

Take care,
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Old 02-09-2004, 11:30 AM   #4  
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Didn't have appetite control, but I made myself go to the gym despite my taboo and I actually feel better knowing I did SOMETHING to counteract my eating problem. I truly think I am sinking into some kind of depression mode.... not quite sure why... things are stressful, sure, but they always have been.

A coworker was recently eating a giant luscious looking orange (I thought I was forevered ruined on oranges after my trip to Florida and sampling their divine oranges), but she said that these yummy items were being sold over at the local Costco and she picked up a case for me. Now I am getting in healthy, yet sweet food daily. This is also a pick me up!

Here's to a great start to this new week, friends!

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Old 02-09-2004, 09:37 PM   #5  
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Oranges - yummy! I've been on an orange kick lately too. Today was great, so productive. It's only 6h30 and I've already gone to classes, work, the gym, grocery shopping. I'm planning on cooking dinner (fajitas!), cleaning up the apt. and then getting down to some homework! I love it when you can finish the day feeling accomplished!
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Old 02-10-2004, 05:15 PM   #6  
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Jen - I totally can relate to the feeling when you finish a day and have accomplished stuff. I'm just getting out of a funk I have been. I feel like I am finally moving in the right direction.
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Old 02-10-2004, 07:45 PM   #7  
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Yuck: woke up sick EARLY this morning. Couldn't breathe, couldn't sleep. Just a cold, but still - I HATE being sick! So I decided to tone down the exercise today, a 4.0 mph 45 min. walk at a steep incline - felt fine when I was doing it, but now I just feel awful. Tired, crampy, and sore. Yuck! Hopefully I'll still be up to some kind of workout tomorrow... maybe Wednesday should be a strength training day...

Hope everyone's week is starting off well. I weigh-in tomorrow, so let's hope this cold doesn't slow me down too much!
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Old 02-10-2004, 10:32 PM   #8  
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Hey, ladies!

Steff: I'm sorry to hear you're in a funk. I know what you mean about slipping into one and not being sure why. That definitely happens to me, too. Hope you get to feeling better soon!

Jenicra: Hope you get to feeling better soon. Colds are no fun!

Well, for some reason, I gained 1.5 pounds this week. Argh! Another unexplained gain. I was pretty upset about it. And, I got into that mode of "Why even try?" Here I am trying to eat right and exercise and I'm gaining weight! It just doesn't make sense, and it's frustrating! But, I realized I am making progress overall, even though I gain some weeks. I'm still on a downward trend, and that's what's important. So, I'm going to keep at it.

Also, I wanted to let you guys know that you've inspired me to start jogging. I really appreciate all of your encouragement and tips. I'm a little nervous about it, but I really want to get started and eventually be good at it. I'll let you all know how it goes.

Hope everyone is having a good week!

Take care,
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Old 02-11-2004, 07:55 AM   #9  
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Happy Wednesday all! We're about to get over the midweek "hump"--isn't that nice to know? (-; I'm pretty focused on the weekend (try not to do that normally) because we're going away this weekend & all.
Jenicra--sorry about your cold! I know how you're feeling, I developed one a few days ago. Mine hasn't been too bad, though.
Jina--sorry to hear about your unexplained gain. That must be SO frustrating! Good job for not throwing in the towel on all your plans. I admire you for determining to just keep at it! The results WILL come with time, I know it!
The closer I get to my goal weight (it's 28 lbs. away right now), the more I realize I need to be concerned with subtleties in my daily food intake. As in, I've never really thought about the calorie content of my breakfast cereal, but perhaps now would be a good time to look at that. The weight just doesn't come off as quickly at this point (which is to be expected), so I need to just examine more closely what I'm doing, and what my usual daily eating habits are. I've discovered that I may need to (gasp!) find a new fave breakfast cereal. )-; I LOOOOOOOve Smart Start, but noticed the other day that it has 180 calories per cup! That's pretty steep, I'm thinkin', when I could have Wheaties or Special K for around 100 cal/cup.
Anyway....better get my stuff together & get out the door for work! Have a great day ladies!!!
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Old 02-11-2004, 07:51 PM   #10  
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Yay! It's Wednesday. I'm proud of myself...I went to work out tonight and I really didn't want to. My belly has been so bloated again the last few days. I wish I knew what was going on The exercise actually made me feel a little better though!

Jenicra -- sorry about your cold I know how you feel. I've had the sniffles and it does take some pep out of your step!

Jina -- maybe the weight gain is muscle? Or just random weird unexplainable bloating like me??? I think our bodies do it purposely just to confuse us!

Have a great week everyone!
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Old 02-13-2004, 05:34 PM   #11  
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Wow, it looks like it has been a rough week for everyone...or really busy at least...
Usually we are just chatty chatty, but last post is from wed...well, thank you God it's Friday!

It's snowing here in Dallas...not like a lot, but there are snow flurries in the sky. Pretty neat, we never, never get snow it's pretty cool. I know lots of you deal with inches and inches of no big deal, but pretty cool to

I'll be taking an exam on Valentines Day....that sux, but this is my life right now.

Everyone have a great weekend!
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Old 02-13-2004, 06:35 PM   #12  
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Hurrah! It's Friday, and a long weekend... well for most people! I still have school Monday, but at least I don't have to work. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
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Old 02-13-2004, 09:12 PM   #13  
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Yay....long weekend for me too! (Much deserved, I feel). (-; DH & I are leaving for our weekend away tomorrow morning--cannot WAIT for a little get-away! So I will not be around at all the next few days....will catch up either Mon. evening or sometime Tues. next week. Right now I've got to go pack up our stuff & finish the laundry. Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day to everyone--enjoy the holiday AND your weekend! (-;
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Old 02-14-2004, 11:28 AM   #14  
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Morning everyone.

Yesterday turned out to be pretty crappy for me. I got home feeling pretty good about working hard all day and my priest called me back. (Priest from back home who is performing our wedding ceremony). He said that there was no way he could do the wedding time I wanted and that I should fire my photographer (since she can't do the later time) and just do 7pm. So I am crushed. I have to give up my photographer if I want a 7pm wedding or stay with her and not be able to have the wedding any later then 1pm. So I don't know if I can get out of my contract with my photographer, plus if I do then this little issue of it being 6 months til our wedding and not having a photographer.. which is bad! *sigh* I guess we shall see.

And today is Valentines day. Or SAD day as my single friends like to say. I can't help but feel a bit bummed because I sorta know how today will turn out. Even us girls with significant others can be sad on valentines day.
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Old 02-14-2004, 12:09 PM   #15  
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Tonic - I'm sorry you're having trouble with your wedding plans. That's a really hard decision that you're stuck with.

I hope everyone has a great Valentine's Day! It's always been one of my favorite holidays, how can any day that involves so much pink and red stuff (two of my favorite colors) and so much candy be bad? I like to buy the silly grade school valentines and give them out to all of my friends and family. I've only had a boyfriend on Valentine's Day for 3 of my 26 years (I've got a gift for bad timing) so I just use this day to celebrate all the people that I love.

I'm off to the gym to try to run 5 miles. I'm eating as well as possible and getting in lots of exercise today so I can enjoy my dinner tonight. My boyfriend and I are suckers for going out to dinner on Valentine's Day since all the restaurants jack up the prices, but we're doing it anyway. We're going to a yummy French bistro and he's making me some cds of cheesy 80's music to listen to when I run. All I've been told is that one of them has the song "Eye of the Tiger" on it.
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