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Old 06-08-2009, 03:34 AM   #1  
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Smile Weekly Chat: June 8-14


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Old 06-08-2009, 03:36 AM   #2  
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Good Morning:

I'm awake having hot milk and cinammon toast (whole wheat).

I have to be up in 2 hours to go to spinning but I woke up hungry. Now, back to bed.

After all the eating this weekend I only gained 1/2 pound. I expect to get that off this morning!

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Old 06-08-2009, 08:05 AM   #3  
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Now that's dedication! I'm up this early to exercise and go run a million errands.
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Old 06-08-2009, 08:50 AM   #4  
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Good Morning Ladies

Sorry I was M IA Yesterday as everything was running late and in the after noon I relaxed and watched the golf tournament.

Got on the scale it morning and I lost .5== I'll take it, hopefully the two losses is a row will a new Wave for me to get to the shore.

Maryann, I hope your exercise program works and you become pain free. We went to the club this morning via garage sale routes. I did 50 min on the bike.
SANDRA-I think the exercising is helping me,but I still have to be careful of my sciatic nerve going out on me.

RHONDA-As usual thanks for staring is up, on this gorgeous summer day.Going to see if I can graduate get some at least 30 m of walking done today.Last week I manage to get 20m done.The spinning class such wipe out that 1/2 lb gain.

VICKIE- have a good one,all these early morning exercising people on board, makes me cringe,can't start anything until I have my breakfast.
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Old 06-08-2009, 09:32 AM   #5  
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Just stopping by for a quick "HI"
Hope everyone had a great weekend.
I am dreading weighing in tonight. The scales are not looking good at all.
Guess maybe too many carbs and salt.
So will have to really watch this week.
I will catch up with everyone later.
Got to get a couple of things done.
Then get ready to go to town and run some errands before weigh in.
So will be back tomorrow.
Have a great day everyone.
I am thinking of each of you.
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Old 06-08-2009, 02:51 PM   #6  
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But, Maryann, I have breakfast before I go to exercise! I just eat it at 5:30 AM!

I don't know why I'm doing this all in the early morning, really. But, the class is less crowded, I feel great most of the day when I start this way, and I love the quiet of the early morning. I will NOT be doing it this way in the winter, guaranteed!

I'm at work and my internet connection at home is down, so I don't know when I'll get back on...soon, I hope...

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Old 06-08-2009, 05:50 PM   #7  
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Rhonda, girl, I am impressed. I'm sure you lost that 1/2 lb. We've been getting up earlier than normal, but no where nearly as early as you. How is Doyle doing? Is he losing? Curtis sort of "hits and misses" with weightloss but is now focusing on less ice cream. Guess that's a start.

Maryann, that's good that you're being careful. Congratulations on losing that 1/2 lb. I am happy for you.

Vickie, how is your day? Were you able to dust off? The "Guys" were here today laying forms for our new sidewalk. Our remodeling/rennovating has begun.

Coco, we ran errands this AM, too. I don't know about you, but we are always tired afterwards. Guess we're getting old.
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Old 06-08-2009, 08:03 PM   #8  
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Hi everyone. Things are going OK here. My scale seems to be up a bit from Saturday. So, I'm cutting back on carbs and I'll see how that goes. I made scallops for dinner, haven't made those in ages. They were very good -- also very, very low in points. DH had some with thin steaks. I think I'm going to make more fish for me - dh and dd will eat it maybe once a week. So, I'll do what I did tonight, make a small amount of fish to go with what ever else I'm making. Tomorrow I'll do shrimp - they both will eat that.

Vickie, I'd have skipped as well. Sometimes a gain sets me back too much. good luck getting back on track.

Rhonda, glad you had a nice time. Sounded great.

Coco - Hope wi was OK.

Sandra, when do you need to decide about substitute teaching? Sounds like it would be a nice job.

Maryann, congrats on the loss!!

Well, dd is in bed, I have a few things to do and then I'm going to crochet a bit tonight. See you tomorrow.
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Old 06-08-2009, 10:25 PM   #9  
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Paula, sounds like you are doing well. I don't really have a deadline for deciding to substitute; however, I will probably sign up sometim this summer before school starts.
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Old 06-09-2009, 09:02 AM   #10  
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Good Morning Ladies

Just got my walking[20M] done before the rains come in,and after I get back from playing canasta I going to get my biking done for additional 20 M.

Starting to the calorie shifting now that I'm back to exercising. I can go up to 1600 and worry as I can burn the calories with activity bringing me down to the 1400 count,but it depends on how much of it I do during the day.

COCO-Sodium and over abundance of carbs will bring the scale up ,is a matter of portioning these. buggers.Hope you had a good W-I.

RHONDA-They say the exercising in the morning has a greater effect on losing than later on in the day. I don't know why but it maybe that the body is refreshed from a good night sleep. Oh gee!!! having breakfast at 5:30AM I'm still in dream land by than I get up around 7ish.

SANDRA-Oh I can afford to have a relapse,so a little at a time is OK with me. Thanks for the congrats.

PAULA-Thanks for the congrats. I sure what you gained will be of soon. I came back to fish meal also, after Leo went to remission He didn't like eating fish, I was going to eat it by myself so I had meats & poultry. Fish is so low in calories,and it also healthy for you.

Have to get going we have appointment with the bank.
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Old 06-09-2009, 10:22 AM   #11  
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There are doves in one feeder and a blue jay in another. Life is good. All is peaceful in the backyard, yet all is chaotic in the front. A worker just took off the front door. Life is still good.

Last edited by ontarget; 06-09-2009 at 10:23 AM.
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Old 06-09-2009, 02:01 PM   #12  
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Sandra, I think that anytime someone else is doing the work, life is very good

I'm back on-line at home. Something went wrong with the line connection to the house.

I lost another whole pound, not just the 1/2 I joked about. If it takes getting up at a ridiculous hour and spinning for 45 minutes to get this weight off at a consistent rate, that is what I'm doing, barring any medical problems.

I've almost always checked the salt content of foods. I am now hunting it down and finding ways to reduce it. I take the lazy way and use canned beans, but I rinse them. I think that I will use what I have in the pantry and then start using dried beans only. I also think I'll pass on any deli meat, which I don't eat much of anyway. Then, there is cheese. Again, I don't eat much, but the salt content is very high. That should help weight and BP. Anybody know of other foods to seek it out in...I don't use any dried prepackaged stuff...

I have received an offer to stay at work for another 6 months. It looks like it might meet what I need. I'll know in a few days. I am ready to go, but ....

OK, back to my work from home tasks. I've got to go out to a very fancy reception and dinner tonight. That is going to be rough on the temptations scale!!

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Old 06-09-2009, 04:52 PM   #13  
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Rhonda, congratulations on losing consistently. Your hard work is paying off. If you accept the offer for the additional 6 months, will you go ahead and put your home on the market now?

You're right. We're extremely happy to be having the work done. A friend of ours is the contractor. They're doing an outstanding job. Our front sidewalk is in and is looking good.
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Old 06-09-2009, 07:49 PM   #14  
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Hi Everyone
Just getting on here before it starts to storm again.
So wont write to each of you.
Weigh in wasnt good. Gained 1 1/2 lbs.
So will have to really try and get that off this week.
I hope everyone had a great day.
Am thinking of each of you.
Will try and get on tomorrow. Hopefully it wont be storming.
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Old 06-09-2009, 08:20 PM   #15  
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Coco, just dust yourself off. We're all just plugging along ourselves.
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