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Old 02-01-2004, 10:41 AM   #1  
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Angry Weekly Chat: Feb. 1-7

Hey, all! I was getting ready to post to the other chat thread and realized it's time for a new week. Time sure flies...

Has everyone had a good weekend? I have. Can't wait to watch the Super Bowl tonight. I've made some treats for DH to enjoy, but I have plenty of OP things for me, so I hope I do OK. It's hard when you're just sitting there for hours watching TV.

It's been cloudy and rainy here all weekend. Kind of gloomy. I guess I can't complain, though. We have sunshine most everyday of the year.

I weigh-in on Monday, and I think I'll see something good (I hope...). I've been completely on track this week. Here's to another good week!

Take care,
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Old 02-01-2004, 02:18 PM   #2  
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happy super bowl! i'm not too worried about eating today cuz i'm still sick. maybe it's laryingitus? i can't talk very well. anyways, it's 11:15 and alll i've eaten so far is a banana. we'll have junk on the table and people coming over but all i really want is orange juice!

i peeked on the scale yesterday and i'm down 2 from the bad number i saw on wednesday. so at least some of it was water weight and such. makes me feel a little better. i mean, i know i still gained but taking of the extra 3 this month plus more is a lot more do-able.

have a good weekend!
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Old 02-01-2004, 02:27 PM   #3  
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Hi Holly and Jina...I have WI tomorrow also but I am debating with myself on whether I should actually do it.Tom is right around the corner and I know I am starting to bloat.
I am not doing anything for the Super Bowl except watching Law & Order if its on tonight.
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Old 02-01-2004, 04:31 PM   #4  
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Hope everyone enjoys the Super Bowl festivities tonight! DH & could care less about the game or the teams, but a friend of DH's from work invited us to their bash, so we're going just for the social fun of it! Plus, they live 5 mins. from here so it's really handy. Should be fun! I made a healthy crab dip to share, so I have at least one healthy choice! I will enjoy a couple other favorite things in small portions--it's going to be fine. (-:
How's everyone's weekend been? Ours has been awesome! DH & I are really learning to live in the moment a lot more--we had become VERY staid & stodgy for our relatively-young age of 25. Yesterday we just kinda did whatever we felt like at the moment & it was so fun! Picked a restaurant on a whim, etc....that may not sound like much, but we were REALLY in a rut. Trust me. (-;
Anyway, everyone have fun tonight!
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Old 02-01-2004, 04:40 PM   #5  
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DH is working hard today (he's a full-time univeristy student, but delivers PIZZA haha so he's getting a workout, I'm sure).

Maybe we'll go out to dinner when he gets home, though.
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Old 02-02-2004, 04:14 PM   #6  
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Hi everyone! Well I got back from my conference in Hawaii on Friday night and been trying to get rid of jet lag. My fiance and I had a superbowl party and ate WAY too much.. but today I am not really hungry so I am eating fruit and other healthy snacks just to keep my metabolism going.

So I finally feel like I can get back into a routine. I plan on trying out my pilates DVD tonight. I think I picked a bad one.. as in its kinda dull (its called Classical Pilates and had great reviews.. but its weird), but I will give it a shot.

Its good to be back though You alll seem to be doing really well. Maybe I can join you.
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Old 02-02-2004, 08:19 PM   #7  
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This weekend got the best of me, but it wasn't because of the Super Bowl. I went to visit my parents. All they do when I'm at home is shove food at me. I guess my mom doesn't think I eat when I'm at school. My mom is blind in one eye, so my parents do a lot of eating out because it is hard for her to cook and my dad doesn't. I made the healthiest decisions I could on Friday and Saturday (with the exception of the chips & salsa - I love Mexican), but Sunday got the best of me. My mom made chicken & dressing for lunch. I caved.

But Sunday night back home was good, and today has been good. Gettin' back on the horse...
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Old 02-02-2004, 08:45 PM   #8  
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Blondiee--you're right, the best thing to do is simply pick yourself back up, and keep going! I'm learning not to DWELL on my errors these days.....tough lesson, but I'm learning it. (-;
Tonic--welcome back! It's good to see you posting on the board again! It will be nice for you to get into a routine again, I'm sure.
I struggled at the Superbowl party we went to last night, too.....ate lots of sweets on impulse. I'm not happy about it, and wish I'd done better, BUT.....again, just moving on. Today has been awesome, by God's grace! DH is working tonight & I'm alone at home, but I'm not letting that derail me. (-; It feels good to be back where I need to be again.
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Old 02-02-2004, 10:02 PM   #9  
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Welcome back, Tonic!

Jen and Blondiee have the right attitudes -- just keep going! That's all you can do.

I made it through the Super Bowl with no eating mishaps. It's so tempting when you're just sitting there watching TV for so long to snack the whole time. But, I just ate dinner and called it good. Yay!

My body is doing strange things lately. I lost 7.5 pounds this week, which is great! It sure is a lot, though. But, the two weeks before that I gained 10.5 pounds. Seems like huge gains and losses for not really doing that much to gain or lose it. Maybe it's that pesky TOM causing it?? So, the good part is the big loss this week, but the bad news is I'm still up three pounds from my lowest weight. Hope to get those off soon!

Hope everyone has a great week!

Take care,
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Old 02-02-2004, 11:29 PM   #10  
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Jina - Congratulations on such a huge loss! I notice large fluctuations in my weight on occasion, but it's usually when I've had a lot of salty foods (which make me a lot heavier) or alcohol (which makes me dehydrated and super light) the day before.

I'm trying to get back on track with my exercising. I've been so lazy lately, only making it to yoga because I LOVE that class. I ran 4.6 miles on Saturday, 3.6 miles yesterday and now my body is asking my why I felt the need to jump back on the wagon so enthusiastically. Oh well, between my rest day today and my yoga class tomorrow, I should be ready to hit the treadmill again on Wednesday.

No super bowl fun for me, I was studying to try to catch up after spending a couple days in bed with the flu. Yuck. I did get to go out to dinner and drinks with my boy on Saturday night at this brazilian/japanese place. It sounds odd, but it was pretty good. Very trendy decorations, interesting sushi, but the seviche was to die for. I also tried a caipirinha, thinking that it would be similar to a mojito...sort of, but without the mint and 1000 times stronger. It was just rum mixed with a little lime juice and sugar.

Anyway, it's about my bedtime, so have a great day tomorrow ladies!
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Old 02-03-2004, 01:18 AM   #11  
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Originally Posted by katia
or alcohol (which makes me dehydrated and super light) the day before.
Hmmm... I'm going to write a book on that, "The Alcohol Diet"

Glad you're feeling better Katia! I got a touch of the flu yesterday and today, but I'm starting to feel much better.

Last edited by Formia; 02-03-2004 at 01:23 AM.
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Old 02-03-2004, 10:19 AM   #12  
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Hello ladies,

My computer was going crazy on me so I couldn't post for 2 days!! I missed you girls!!

I went for supper last night to a friend's house. I haven't seen her in a while and the first thing she said to me was: Where's the other half of you girl? It was really funny...I did eat too much but today will be better! That lazagna was awesome though!

I've decided to try a 5k in September. My friend is running a marathon in Montreal and she told me that i should go for the 5k. I am a little nervous about it but I think it would be a great challenge for me. We'll see!

I see that everybody is losing and that Jina is losing for everybody! That is so great! We are success divas, that's all I have to say!

Have a good Tuesday everyone!

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Old 02-03-2004, 12:13 PM   #13  
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Monika - Sorry to hear that you've had the flu, too. It's pretty miserable. I'm glad you are starting to feel better.

I'm still a little sore from my over zealous exercising this weekend, I can't wait to go to my yoga class tonight. I am so hooked on yoga, I feel so good when class is over and my flexibility has noticeably improved in the month that I've been going regularly.

Sacha - you must be looking fabulous! Doesn't it feel good when people notice all of your hard work? I saw some people over the holidays that haven't seen me in a few years, pretty much since I start losing weight, so their memories of me were 50 - 60 pounds heavier than I currently am. It was very funny seeing their reactions!
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Old 02-03-2004, 01:24 PM   #14  
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Default Why oh why!

I simply can't understand my latest problem with overeating late at night. I do so well during the day at work... small healthy portions, then at night I lose control and eat through everything in the cupboards/fridge.... with the way I'm going I haven't wanted to step into the gym because I know people can see the extra weight I have put on and my pride is hurting me terribly. I realize that I might be depressed or just stressed from work/school, but this is ridiculous! WHY OH WHY!

On another note... Jen, Sacha, Jina, Katia... and all you other lovelies... Way to go!!! You are all truly inspirations to me! (if only I could get my butt in gear)

Jen - Q: During this whole weight loss adventure for you, especially your jogging/running, did you ever slip up? And if you did, how did you cope with getting back to running? I ask because before the holidays I was also running at about the same rate as yourself for about 30 min and it felt so good. Now that I've packed on some extra poundage.... it doesn't seem even close to possible anymore?!?

Here's to hoping for strength today!
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Old 02-03-2004, 04:31 PM   #15  
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I didn't go to WW meeting but I did weigh in on my scale. We didn't have the money for me to go this week. But ladies you sound like yall are in high spirits.Thats great... I have actually started exercising every other day and I notice when I don't do it I feel like crap.
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