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Old 03-06-2023, 08:45 AM   #46  
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Good morning again! Had breakfast and did 2 miles Leslie Sansone. Will take a shower in a few minutes. Will be working at my volunteer job today. 😁☘️😷🍀
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Old 03-06-2023, 10:09 AM   #47  
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Thumbs down

Diana, that is good you had fun and got a walk in too
girl, yay on the weight loss
Sina, hope the fast went well
ciecie did the ride stay and eat with you?
Nancy, NEAT is more indicative of your calorie consumption than workouts

speaking of NEAT my legs feel as if I did 100 squats due to cleaning my house and scrubbing and bending. I can't believe how sore. I also worked all day yesterday and got alot done there.

mentally I'm EXHAUSTED. Kids hit me all at once with assignments they had left to do up until midnight. I have to be tougher on them.

my youngest has another dentist appointment today. He has to get a child root canal redone. Its sad and frustrating 😪. I can use prayer. So can he.

my weight is also very disappointing at 192.8. I feel trapped. My mom only loses weight if she cuts carbs. She has lost a lot of weight though.

I didnt even sit still long enough yesterday to gain weight.

anyways, I am very discouraged on ALL FRONTS.

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Old 03-06-2023, 10:59 AM   #48  
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Hello everyone
WI still in 'my range' so grrrr....but my choices
WO it is cold today, snow this am while i look out my window. Nothing to accumulate but still very cold. We did get a short walk in yesterday...last minute thing

Today we plan to tag items in our garage to pack, toss or be in the maybe list

The next few weeks are going to fly by for us. My calendar is full of things to be done before we pack the car and scoot out of this house for our vacation/house hunting trip that could take 3-4 weeks. The hard part is pairing down what will fit in my small car and we may be gone for three seasons. Spring, summer and fall. oh my the clothing decisions alone!

ok going to scoot

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Old 03-06-2023, 01:38 PM   #49  
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Good afternoon! No, the ride didn’t stay to eat with me. They had to get home because of another obligation. It was a quiet day at the thrift shop. There was a lot of donations to go through. Three or four shirts had to be thrown out because of holes in them. Had lunch when I got home. Will go for a power walk and run errands in a few minutes. 😁☘️😷🍀
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Old 03-06-2023, 05:41 PM   #50  
Stay Committed & Believe
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15 minutes stretching
27 minute elliptical
1.5 mile walk on ice

Brunch-2 waffles
Lunch-bean burger, green beans, cauliflower rice

5 March 2023 - 149lbs
6 March 2023 - 145lbs
Looks like the fasting yesterday paid off.
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Old 03-06-2023, 05:46 PM   #51  
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Jendiet-I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Hang in there!
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Old 03-06-2023, 06:24 PM   #52  
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Good evening! Power walked and ran errands this afternoon. My fitness goals for today have been attained. 😁☘️😷🍀
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Old 03-06-2023, 09:57 PM   #53  
Trying to live below 200
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Hi Everyone!

Jen I will also pray for you and your family.

SinaRose Great job!

Nancy So much to do!

Ciecie Great job, as always!

Girl81 Great job.

Total Approx 1390 calories +

Breakfast ( 380 calories & )
protein bar 240 calories
yogurt 140 calories
2 cups of decaf coffee w/cream & sugar

Lunch (500 Calories)
2 protein bars 500 calories

Dinner (510 Calories)
vegetable omelette 400 caloires
pineapple 50 calories
chobani no sugar yogurt 60 calories

50 minute walk

Have a Blessed evening!
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Old 03-06-2023, 10:39 PM   #54  
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Good night all! Thanks Diana! Jendiet, I’m praying for you and your family. Watched a movie I recorded in December on tv tonight. The movie I watched was Disney’s A Christmas Carole. Will be shutting down in a few minutes to go to bed. 😁🍀😷☘️
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Old 03-07-2023, 07:47 AM   #55  
very small boned
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w/o: 10 miles run (treadmill)
weight: 105.8 lbs

Very grateful to be holding steady.
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Old 03-07-2023, 08:43 AM   #56  
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Good morning! Will have breakfast and work out in a few minutes. 😁☘️😷🍀
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Old 03-07-2023, 09:06 AM   #57  
Trying to live below 200
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Good Morning, Everyone!

I maintained from my last weight in. This is good since I saw a 3 pound gain from the wedding shower on Saturday.

Steps from yesterday: 15,014

Have a Blessed day and stay safe and healthy!

Copied from Crosswalk Devotions for Dieters

March 7

Philippians 1:6
Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.

Confidence. There are days when we feel we don't even know the meaning of the word. It is hard to stay confident when we feel so weak. It is important that we realize where confidence comes from. Our confidence comes from the Lord. It comes from no-where else. All we need do is look at the example of our blessed Lord, and we will see that He alone gives the kind of strength necessary to meet every challenge. The things He overcame cause our dieting efforts to pale in comparison. If Christ is truly our Lord and Master, then we will have confidence enough to succeed.

Today's thought: I am sure to lose weight because of Christ in me!
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Old 03-07-2023, 11:51 AM   #58  
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Good morning again! Had breakfast. Got home from power walking and running errands a few minutes ago. Will take a shower in a few minutes. Will power walk to lunch after that. 😁🍀😷☘️
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Old 03-07-2023, 03:07 PM   #59  
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Hello everyone!
WI down today, but still in the 'range'....so I am going to call this period my maintenance phase, until I can actually lose
WO loaded up the back of the truck with 'things to go to the dump' We will most likely have one more load but we will do that later this month.
We are donating most of our furniture which still is in very good shape. I just need a change. I have been looking at the same sofa & love seat for 26 years. We bought a very well made frame and had it upholstered in fabric we liked at the time as it is pretty neutral colors. Our dinning room table and chairs, well we kept the table covered except when we play cards so it is in good/great condition. The chairs .....well had six but one was broken years ago so only 5 right now and they are not the ones that we bought with the table. Some end tables and a credenza will be donated.
It is kinda sad really but buying new will be a nightmare too. DH has been refinishing fine furniture for over 45 years. So he is not going to let me shop at ikea......

Jen how is the family doing? i.e. kiddo's

Was today our weigh in day??? if so I guess I will start today and see what next week brings
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Old 03-07-2023, 04:32 PM   #60  
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Good evening! Power walked to and home from lunch today. Ran errands on the way home. Will power walk to and home from my T.O.P.S. meeting tonight. 😁🍀😷☘️
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