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Old 11-10-2021, 10:44 PM   #91  
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Good night all! Went for two power walks this afternoon. Didn’t go to Jamestown this afternoon. Too much of do here. 😁❤️😷🍀
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Old 11-11-2021, 05:38 AM   #92  
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Default Good morning

Nancy, I just had to smile. Your time with your sister shopping and working out; what a treasure!! Will you go back today for that sweater?

I took in 1285 calories yesterday but did not meet the rest of my goals, except for getting veggies in. I need to be more diligent in getting my calcium and vit/min supplements taken. Also some exercise. Today is a new day.

Today's Plan: 1200-1500 calories, 2 liters water, veggies, vit/mim/calcium supp., situps, walk or recumbent bike.
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Old 11-11-2021, 05:45 AM   #93  
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Good morning! Will have breakfast and work out in a few minutes. 😷❤️😁🍀
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Old 11-11-2021, 06:01 AM   #94  
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Default November 2021

Good Morning!

I biked/swam, water walked last night. I did some other exercises last night and this am. I feel all relaxed this am. Diet okay. I ate a little more at lunch: burger, some chicken and grains, part of a big cookie. At dinner, I had tabouli and some chicken/veggie/grain soup.
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Old 11-11-2021, 07:24 AM   #95  
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Good morning again! Had breakfast and did 2 miles Leslie Sansone. Will finish getting ready to go to work in a few minutes. 😷❤️😁🍀
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Old 11-11-2021, 09:07 AM   #96  
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Good Morning, Everyone!

Steps from yesterday: 14,350

Have a Blessed day and stay safe and healthy.

Copied from Crosswalk Devotions for Dieters

November 11

Matthew 13:44
'Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.'

Kris would give anything to be thin again. She was willing to diet, she was willing to exercise, she was willing to try anything. Following a number of traumatic experiences in her life, she had let herself go, but now she regretted it with all her heart. Earnestly she began to pray to God. Within a few weeks, her dieting was beginning to pay off. Delighted with the results, she doubled her efforts, with her doctor's permission, and devoted herself to her diet, body, mind, and soul. For the first time in years, she found herself happy and content. The joy she found was a blessed gift from God.

Today's thought: I'm looking for little victories to keep me dieting!
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Old 11-11-2021, 04:49 PM   #97  
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Good evening! Power walked and ran errands during my lunch break. Will go for another power walk and run errands in a few minutes. 😁❤️😷🍀
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Old 11-11-2021, 08:29 PM   #98  
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Default November 2021


Rachel: I watched this YouTube video called "Bohemian Catsody". It is very amusing. There are the heads of 4 cats who sing Queen's "Bohemian Rapsody" with feline lyrics. There are other videos with the same title that are not as good. It kind of reminds me of karyokie only using your own lyrics...

I worked in the yard today. I have 1 more day and then the weather gets cold. I hope that there will be some more warm days. I am so far behind... I also did some exercises, biked and swam.

Diet has been okay. I had some leftover couscous, so I made some more tabouli. I think maybe in the future, I should only cook up a half a box... I had some peanut butter pretzels and some chocolate covered almonds.
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Old 11-11-2021, 08:42 PM   #99  
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Good night all! Power walked and ran errands before supper tonight. My fitness goals for today have been attained. 😁🍀😷❤️
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Old 11-11-2021, 10:50 PM   #100  
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Hi Everyone!

My friend had the day off so I went shopping with her and another friend from church. No workout to report, only walking. My breakfast was my usual coffee, frittata, and coconut water, lunch was a bit higher calorie, and dinner was grilled chicken tenderloins, sauteed squash, mushrooms, and carrots, butterscotch pudding cup, For lunch we were out and the place had a new seasonal sandwich. There were no calories listed but it didn't look too bad. I looked it up when I got home and it was a bit higher than I thought. I guesstimate that my calories for the day are around 2000 calories

Have a Blessed evening!
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Old 11-11-2021, 11:14 PM   #101  
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Good night all! Have to go back to the lab on Monday. Doctor thinks I might have a urinary tract infection. Will be shutting down in a few minutes to go to bed. 😁❤️😷🍀
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Old 11-12-2021, 06:11 AM   #102  
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Default Good morning

Ciecie, bummer on the possible UTI. If you have one, hopefully an antibiotic will clear it right up.

Teri, funny on the cat show with the Bohemian Rhapsody.

I took in 1575 calories yesterday. Met my other goals, except for exercise. Some snow here this morning. Cold. Windy. Ugh.

Today's Plan: 1200-1500 calories, 2 liters water, veggies, vit/min/cal supp.
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Old 11-12-2021, 06:25 AM   #103  
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Good morning! Rachel, I know an antibiotic will work if I have a UTI. I’ve had them before. Just did 2 miles Leslie Sansone. Will have breakfast in a few minutes. 😁❤️😷🍀
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Old 11-12-2021, 09:08 AM   #104  
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Good Morning, Everyone! Happy Friday!

Steps from yesterday: 7,796

Have a Blessed day and stay safe and healthy.

Copied from Crosswalk Devotions for Dieters

November 12

Philemon 1:4-6
I thank my God, making mention of thee always in my prayers, That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.

Thomas was a great help with members of the group. He had lost so much weight, on more than one occasion, so he knew what it was like to triumph as well as to fall back into failure. He had rallied, though, and beaten his weight problem again. He was living proof that it could be done, and that it wasn't hopeless when temptation got the better of a person. He shared his story with many people, and he helped them through some hard struggles. He was a faithful man, and his faith shone through. God had called Thomas to a very special ministry, and he answered that call in a very special way.

Today's thought: I may fall back time and again, but I'm heading in the right direction!
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Old 11-12-2021, 04:43 PM   #105  
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Good evening! Power walked and ran errands before I punched in at work. Will power walk to supper in a few minutes. 😁❤️😷🍀
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